3 client program pitfalls to avoid…

I’ll admit that it took me a while to figure out how to find ideal clients, confidently enroll them, and build financial stability in my business.

In the beginning, I thought I was doing the right thing by billing per appointment and creating custom packages to address a person’s specific symptoms and budget.

However, this led to a lot of disorganization and overwhelm that took up a ton of my time. It distracted me from not only doing things to help me get more clients but also from being fully present with the clients I had.

Instead of presenting myself as the expert, I essentially was an order-taker.

And ultimately, I wasn’t getting the best results in my business or with clients.

So I decided to give packages a try by adopting the 90-day and 6-month program approach taught in just about every business training out there.

However, confidence in my new programs was quickly crushed every time I enrolled the wrong client who wasn’t compliant and when I realized my packages weren’t meeting my ideal client’s needs.

The wrong clients I enrolled either ghosted me or exhausted me.

The ideal clients I enrolled in these timeframe-specific programs ended up needing more than 90 days or even 6 months sometimes.

As a Functional Health Practitioner or Coach running lab tests, you know you can’t always predict exactly what will come back on lab test results or how long it will take a person to feel better.

For example, if a stool test comes back with a variety of pathogens, the protocol to address them could be anywhere from 2-6 months or longer.

I felt terrible selling clients into a timeframe-specific program that wasn’t getting them to the end of their protocol and the transformation I had promised during the consultation.

This is when I decided to break free from the typical approach to niching and packages to fit my client’s needs, increase my confidence, work more efficiently, and elevate my income.

Learning from my mistakes helped me create a step-by-step solution to work more efficiently and build a multiple 6-figure health business that helps heal thousands of people while working less and taking better care of myself.

In this week’s video and blog, I’m sharing the 3 BIG client program pitfalls that I fell into, learned from, and now have helped thousands of other Functional Health Practitioners and Coaches break free of too, so they can save time, have a greater impact on the world, and make more money.

Pay close attention as I talk about these pitfalls to see if you’ve fallen into one, and at the end, I’ll tell you how to solve them so you can build a more profitable and purposeful business.

Pitfall #1 – Helping Everyone
As the marketing saying goes, “When you try to help everyone, you’re helping no one.”

I get it. You’re a heart-centered health practitioner or coach who has the knowledge and tools to help heal all types of people and health problems, so the idea of niching down brings up a lot of resistance.

I also resisted the idea of niching down when I first started my health business. I thought…“But I can help everyone”

What most Functional Health Practitioners and Coaches don’t realize is that nailing a niche is critical to developing every other aspect of your business, including your website, packages, programs, social media content, and so much more!

Similar to how test results guide health improvement recommendations, your niche does the same thing for all components of your business.

The truth is, without a niche, your marketing efforts will miss the mark, you’ll attract clients who don’t show up or aren’t invested in the work, it’s impossible to work efficiently and you’ll quickly find yourself in burnout.

Pitfall #2 – Custom Packages
This is a no-brainer, given the part of my story that I shared with you already. Creating custom packages for every client that walks through your practice door only leads to disorganization and overwhelm.

It’s like reinventing the wheel every time you enroll a client, making it impossible to establish a workflow process that you and your client can easily follow.

It eats up your time with measly administrative tasks and distracts you from doing the more important things in your business and with your clients.

Instead, establish yourself as the expert and create niche-specific packages aligned with who your ideal client is and the transformation they are looking for. Don’t just be an order-taker, because clients are coming to you looking for someone who can confidently give them a plan.

When you embrace your niche, you will attract a common person with common problems who needs similar solutions, giving you the foundation to work more efficiently (aka free up time, help more people, and make more money!)

Pitfall #3 – Timeframe Specific 1:1 Programs
Your work as a Functional Health Practitioner or Coach is unique and your client cases are too. Your clients have already been shoved in various healthcare and alternative therapy boxes that didn’t meet their needs.

Your clients need someone who can meet them where they are at, guide them along the healing journey, and see them to the end. Trying to predict and fit all of that into a 90-day or 6-month window isn’t always going to work.

Creating 1:1 programs based on a total number of sessions allows you to meet with the client more frequently in the beginning when they need it, and less towards the end as they become more comfortable and compliant doing the work.

This also gives you the flexibility to see them through whatever the lab test results might throw at you, and it creates space in your calendar to always be able to handle a steady flow of clients rolling in without burning out, so you can make a healthy income doing what you love!

When you move past these pitfalls, your business will really get going and growing just like mine did!

That’s why, over the next few weeks I’m going to share detailed solutions to breaking free of these pitfalls so you can execute profitable packages that get clients incredible results to increase your impact and income.

For now, stay tuned for my next email with solution details.

And mark your calendar for Feb. 7th at 5pm PT / 8pm ET to attend my special live training about profitably packaging yourself to get transformational client results to increase your impact and income.

More details coming soon!

You can also, click here to get my Package Creation Worksheet that will guide you step-by-step through the solution details I’ll be sharing more about.