Exclusive Access: Profitable Practice Strategies HIX Live Talk

On May 12, 2018, a friend of a friend, Kylie, reached out to me about her mom, Jene…

“Hey Jenn,

Here’s the current situation. Mom’s neurologist convinced her to go on a new drug about 6 months ago for her MS.  

Although she was hesitant, he insisted her quality of life would improve. It is similar to chemo and was administered via infusion. Since then, she has only felt worse. She recently had to go on IV steroids – and this also has only seemed to make her feel worse. She reacts to absolutely everything – including lemon water. I think her system is overburdened with all the toxic stress it’s been put through over the years. She is experiencing extreme pain and fatigue, amongst other things.

Please let me know what we should start with and how to proceed. Thanks so much in advance!”

Jene scheduled and attended a Discovery Call with her daughter Kylie’s assistance because her brain fog and pain were so bad she had a hard time tracking details in a conversation.

On May 15th, we had the call.

Within 5 minutes, it was clear she had a severe case of Metabolic Chaos® but none of the numerous traditional or functional health practitioners she had previously seen were addressing the whole picture. 

Fifteen days later, she enrolled in my mid-tier package for 4K, which would be equivalent to 5K today.

Eight sessions and 7 months later, just after she turned 65, Jene reported that she had just been recognized as the top real estate agent at her company, she was running around the backyard playing with her grandson and stopped almost all of her medications.

What do you think I did differently than all of the previous health professionals she had seen over the years?

The solution to solving Jene’s health issues was actually quite simple. Here’s exactly what I did:

  1. Considered her whole picture of health from the point of birth to connect the dots.
  2. Clearly communicated what it would take to regain her health.
  3. Enrolled her in a 12-session package to facilitate the process of transformation.

In 1990, Dr. Jeffrey Bland created the concept of functional medicine to revolutionize the clinical application of medicine and address the growing rates of chronic disease.

However, the advancements in clinical applications are only ONE part of the solution.

To truly create a shift and transform people’s lives, we also have to take a look at how we are being of service to people.

And ask ourselves, are we truly BEING of SERVICE?

According to industry key performance indicators, even with cutting-edge lab tests and supplements, there is still a gap in care.

  • 75% of patients/clients don’t return after 1-2 appointments
  • 67% leave due to bad experiences 

You may not even realize this is happening in your practice because you’re caught in the weeds of day-to-day business needs and so focused on marketing.

But here’s the catch… it costs up to 7X more to acquire a client than retain one, and $243 is the average cost of a lost client/patient (multiply that by 75% leaving after 1-2 appt!).

Your impact and income are directly related to your ability to engage and retain clients.

This is why I’m giving you EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to the Profitable Practice Strategies talk I just presented at HIX Live!

I also observed something really cool emerge at HIX Live. A new practitioner category…

The Health Intelligence Practitioner™

Health Intelligence Practitioners are not attached to any paradigm of medicine but work with the body’s innate intelligence to help individuals achieve the highest state of health using a variety of personalized metabolic and energetic modalities driven by the constant evolution of science and consciousness. 

These Practitioners lead with a service-first approach to transform a person’s health as I discussed on stage. (Because no one gets better after one test, one appointment, a handful of supplements or list of recommendations if they don’t have support to implement them.)

To support this emergence, I’m building a professional network of purpose-driven Elite Health Intelligence Practitioners committed to changing the global state of health by providing services that engage the population in health transformation.

If you want to be a part of this movement, complete these 2 steps:
(If you already have done my Masterclass or Practitioners’ Business Essentials, skip step 2)

  1. Watch my HIX Live Talk ASAP
  2. Complete my Business Accelerator Masterclass 

And stay tuned for more information to come about the Health Intelligence Business Association™ coming soon!