My top 2 time saving tools…

Time Saving Menu Planning Tool Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

If you caught my blog last week about taking a self-care sabbatical, then you know I’m in a time crunch of sorts with so much on my plate this month.

One of the major adjustments I’ve made throughout my health journey is making sure that no matter how much is going on in life and around me, my health has to come first.

To me, that means making sure my body gets nutritious food at every meal, being asleep by 10pm at least 5 nights a week, getting outside and moving my body for at least 30 minutes a day and doing at least 5 minutes of meditation daily to stay sane.

But all of that takes time, right?

It’s not always easy making sure my health comes first.  I can get caught up with work, distracted by life and make up a million excuses as to why I can’t do something just as easily as the next person.

And I only have 24 hours in a day, just like everyone else.

In the grand scheme of things, food shopping and prepping are huge time sucks for me.  Hours can be lost between writing a menu plan for the week, driving to the grocery store and back, actually doing the grocery shopping (especially if it’s busy) AND then the cooking!

I ain’t got time for that!

So this week’s video and blog I’m sharing with you two of my favorite tools that help me maximize my time AND maintain the healthy eating habits that support my body when I’m super busy.


Having the right resources and support makes putting me first easier.

The first time saving tool I discovered on my health journey that was the ultimate game changer in regards to menu planning, Real Plans.

Real Plans literally takes the thinking out of menu planning for me each week.  

This is a 100% customizable tool to fit all of your menu planning needs.  When you set up your account you personalize your dietary needs (such as Paleo, AIP, Whole30, etc.), how many recipes you want per week, how much time you want to spend cooking each day and how many servings you want to make.

Then, each week Real Plans sends you recipes according to your specs and where you live for seasonal availability of ingredients!

Not only does it send you recipes, but it also provides you with a grocery list based on the exact amount of each ingredient you need, organized by sections of the grocery store and available on your phone to making shopping quick and easy.

Some of my all-time favorite recipes from Real Plans include carnitas with carrot-lime slaw, mint lamb burgers and faux-mato bolognese sauce with spaghetti squash.

Just when I thought food shopping and menu planning couldn’t get any easier, I discovered time saving tool #2 – Instacart

Instacart may not be available in your area, but if it is it’s SO worth it!

This is a specialty grocery store delivery service for places such as Whole Foods, Costco, Ralphs, Gelson’s and a bunch of other places with delivery fees starting as low as $5.99.

So now I maximize my time by taking my Real Plans grocery list and plugging it straight into Instacart for delivery!  

Using these two tools saves me a ton of time every week so I can focus on work, sleep, exercise, meditation or anything else that pops up in life.

Time is something I can’t make more of, so my time is worth money.  The more I free up my time to take care of myself, the better work I do and the more available I can be for my loved ones.

It’s easy to get stuck in your routine, living on autopilot and, as a result, feeling cornered when it comes to your health.

When you feel stuck, ask yourself “what resources or support do I need?” in order to make your health a priority.

The answer could be as simple as implementing one of the tools I’ve shared today, hiring a house cleaner or a babysitter once a week, or having a simple conversation with a loved one to get the resources and support you need to make your health a priority.

If you need any 1:1 support in finding the missing pieces to your health puzzle along with the resources and support you need so you can get back to feeling like yourself again, please feel free to schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me here today!

Self Care Sabbatical…

Self-care Sabbatical Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

I can’t believe it’s April already!

I don’t know about you, but the first few months of 2018 have been a whirlwind for me so far.  Between coaching clients, traveling, mentoring functional health practitioners, launching a new program and last minute releasing the Seasonal Cleanse Challenge I’m feeling pooped!

One of the biggest lessons I learned from having Hashimoto’s (an autoimmune thyroid disorder) was to slooowww dooowwnnn, way more than I ever thought I needed to.

As a typical type-A success junkie, the art of slowing down wasn’t easy for me at first. The thought of doing nothing sometimes makes me want to crawl out of my skin.

But in order to heal my body, I had to learn how to be different.

Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity, after all.

I had to learn how to not care as much about what others thought, how it would look if I didn’t meet my own expectations, how to slow down and let go a LOT more.

As soon as I started putting this into practice, I had more time to take care of me, my body responded generously and I was in remission with Hashimoto’s in less than 6 months.

Sometimes we think we are taking good care of ourselves because we are “the healthiest person we know” or because “we do more for ourselves” than others do.  

But the word “healthy” is relative by definition.

On a physiological and biological level, we are all unique.  As a result, we all have different adaptability and various levels of vitality available to us at any given moment.

Because of this, what one person needs to create better health can look completely different than what someone else might need.  

When I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, a friend asked me, “are you mad this happened to you? Because you’re the healthiest person I know.”

Sure, I could have been upset, but instead I chose to recognize that although I was practicing a healthier lifestyle than most people, my body needed more from me.

As a result of having Hashimoto’s, I now have a different perspective of how much self-care I need in order to maintain my health, and what self-care means to me.  

In today’s world, it can be way too easy to get swept up in stress, to weigh ourselves down with responsibility, and to forget to take time for ourselves.  I have struggled in my own life to master my self-care, and I know that you struggle too, which is why I think it’s so important to pass on what I’ve learned from my experiences whenever I can.

As I look forward into April, my plate is piled high with two conferences, more travel and the launch of two new programs.

So needless to say, I’ve evaluated where I can slow down and where I can’t, so I’ll be taking little blogging sabbatical for self-care!

And the timing couldn’t be better.

I’ll be participating in my own Seasonal Cleanse Challenge that I just rolled out so I can stay focused on my self-care, and there are some great resources coming down the pipeline to help you continue your health journey while I take a little time for myself.

One of the first resources I have for you this month is the Live Your Layered Life: Discover the secrets to self-care in your Mind, Body, and Home!

I was recently invited to participate in an interview for this series that runs April 6th-26th. I’m so excited to be a part of this, and I think you will love it!

This online interview series is hosted by my long-time friend Suzanne Choplin, the founder of CAKE Lifestyle. Suzanne and I worked as personal trainers way back in the day together.  I helped Suzanne train for her first fitness competition, and we both laugh now at how irresponsible we were with our health and bodies in order to cut fat and gain muscle.

Like me, Suzanne struggled for years with her health and happiness. Through her own personal challenges and experiences, she has discovered that adopting a positive mindset, taking care of one’s body, and creating a healthy, supportive environment are the stepping stones to a vibrant and meaningful life! This revelation has made such an impact on her own life that she has made it her mission to share the importance of self-care with the world!

In the Live Your Layered Life: Discover the secrets to self-care in your Mind, Body, and Home! series, you will be hearing from me and many other experts as we discuss:

  • Loving who you are in this very moment, not just who you want to be.
  • How complete health goes beyond your gym routine.
  • How to nourish your body to flourish in life.
  • Altering your outlook to occupy a more positive mindset.
  • How organizing your space can improve other areas of your life.
  • Creating habits to support your large-scale goals.
  • How to stay on track and stay motivated.

In this week’s video and blog I talk more about why I’m taking a self-care sabbatical, plus I share a sneak peak of my Live Your Layered Life interview.

My mission is to support busy, health-mind professionals like you in taking back control of your health by giving you access to the right lab tests and resources to find the missing pieces of your health puzzle so you can actually fix what is wrong and get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the very first time!).

So, I hope you take advantage of Live Your Layered Life interview series for insights from myself and other experts about resources that might help you improve your health relative to where you are today.

And don’t worry, I’m not leaving you completely hanging while I take a little blog sabbatical this month for my self-care.  

My weekly emails will just be a bit shorter than usual.  I’ve got plenty of resources lined up with tips, tools, resources and motivational content from credible sources to help you continue on your health journey over the next few weeks, so expect to still get an email from me that will just be slightly shorter and different than usual.

In the meantime, if you need any 1:1 support to find the missing pieces to your health puzzle so you can get back to feeling like yourself again, please feel free to schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me here today!

Back By Popular Demand – Cleanse Challenge!

Seasonal Cleanse Challenge Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

Spring has sprung!  It’s time to say “buh bye” to winter and prepare your body for summer!

My Seasonal Cleanse Challenge is back by popular demand to help you get back on track, trim down and restore your body just in time for those long summer days that are just around the corner.

Enrollment closes March 29th.  The Challenge starts April 5th.

Use code ‘challengeme’ to jump in for just $39.

I wasn’t planning to offer this BUT the requests just kept rolling in!  See what past participants have had to say here.

Spring is the perfect time to cleanse the body after spending most of the winter months indoors exposed to a higher volume of toxins and eating heavier foods that can leave us feeling sluggish, tired and a bit fluffy.

If you want to learn more about how toxins impact your health, how to detox them properly and why you should cleanse this time of year, then check out the webinar I did last year before the last Cleanse Challenge – The Truth About Toxins And How To Detox.

My Seasonal Cleanse Challenge is designed to help you:

  • Get back on the clean eating train
  • Ramp up your workout routine
  • Rest and restore your body nightly
  • Flush out any built up toxins
  • And make meditation or any other healthy habit a routine again

All so you can…

  • Have more energy to enjoy life and keep up with its daily demands
  • Lose those last few pounds, get trim and stay that way
  • Blast away the belly bloat for good!
  • Improve your memory, learning ability and mood
  • Sleep better so that you can wake up feeling rested
  • Be more productive at work and in life
  • Have higher quality workouts because you’ll have the energy to do so
  • Improved the conversion of thyroid hormone Free T4 to Free T3
  • Boost your immunity and digestion to heal leaky gut
  • Increase your ability to handle stress, have less anxiety and depression
  • Look younger and have clear skin!

Here’s how the Cleanse Challenge works. Over the course of 28 days you will…

  • Learn what ratio of proteins, carbs and fats are best for your body to boost your energy, weight loss, balance hormones, and reduce belly bloat and inflammation
  • Incorporate the highest naturally detoxifying foods (beets, grapefruit, dandelion greens) into your daily routine to promote the body’s natural cleansing systems
  • Focus on minimizing your intake of the top inflammatory and hormone disrupting foods: gluten, dairy, sugar, soy and alcohol
  • Try simple DIY proven liver flushing techniques to push out those built-up toxins!
  • Receive weekly workout routine video tip to sweat out those toxins!
  • Get accountability to work out regularly, to drink plenty of water and to get quality sleep in order to support the body’s cleansing and healing process
  • Receive 30-minute recorded weekly educational webinars and be part of a special Facebook group for support
  • Get recipes and a checklist to guide you along your journey

AND I’m including a special BONUS ASK THE EXPERT SESSION with yours truly!

The great thing about this program is that you get to make it work for you (this one of the aspects past participants liked about it the most!).

Each program defined “cleansing activity” is worth points daily or weekly, so you get to pick and choose what works best for you in any moment to get the results that you desire! At the end of each week, and the challenge, you will qualify for prizes based on the number of points that you have earned.

There’s no time to waste if you want in on this.  I’m not sure if or when I’ll be offering it again.

Enrollment closes March 29th.  The Challenge starts April 5th

Use code ‘challengeme’ to jump in for just $39.

Why I stopped working out…

Why I Stopped Working Out Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

I stopped working out because my body told me to.

As a former fitness competitor, personal trainer and someone who genuinely likes to be active, to sweat it out and use exercise as an escape, this wasn’t easy to do.

I resisted it BIG time.  I talked myself out of it many times before I actually embraced what my body needed from me the most.

The signs weren’t very clear at first.

Over the course of 2 years I had slowly gained 15 pounds as a result of working from home full time and being exposed to toxic mold that then triggered a slew of health issues such as estrogen dominance, severe leaky gut and Hashimoto’s.

I was excited to see a few pounds drop on the scale initially within the first few weeks of remediating the toxic mold in our home, starting WP Thyroid medication for my Hashimoto’s and transitioning to an Autoiummune Paleo (AIP) diet.

But then the weight stopped coming off and I was stuck again.

The needle on the scale only moved slightly, despite all of my efforts with diet, sleep, exercise, supplements, toxin removal and meditation.

All of my old beliefs around calories in versus calories out resurfaced, and I started to question whether my diet, supplements, exercise and meditation where working…

Maybe I’m eating too much
Maybe I need to work out more or harder
Maybe I need to take more supplements  

I continued to push along as I had been hoping this was just maybe a plateau of sorts and if I just got over the hump, I would see results on the other side.

I turned up the volume on my workouts, put my head down and pushed onward.

And 30 days later, the scale still hadn’t moved.

I racked my brain, did more research and re-confirmed I was doing all of the right things.  I was eating the right types of food for my body, getting to bed before 10pm, meditating once if not twice a day and religiously taking supplements to support my hormones, immune, digestive, detoxification, energy and nervous system.

My workout routine was the one constant in the equation that hadn’t changed.

I was still hitting the gym to lift weights 3-4 times a week, doing hill sprints on Fridays, running 2-4 miles a few times per week and hitting a yoga class on Sundays.

Most people would consider this a normal, healthy exercise routine, loaded with all kinds of health benefits.  And yes, under the right circumstances it certainly is. However, it wasn’t what my body needed at the time, and that’s what it was trying to tell me.

Exercise is typically a good stress, unless the body is already under a lot of stress.

In this week’s video and blog I share more about how exercise got in the way of healing my body and getting the results I wanted, and how to assess if it’s standing in your way, too.

When we exercise, our body responds by building stronger bones and muscles.  We also get the added benefits of eliminating toxins through the lymphatic system and sweat among other things.  All of this is obviously good.

However, when the body is already under a tremendous amount of stress from external or internal factors and existing health issues, exercise can deplete it even more.

Exercise demands a lot from our bodies in terms of nutrients to rebuild muscle tissue, to build bone density, and for oxygen and blood delivery.  

Exercise also elicits a sympathetic “fight or flight” response, also known as a stress response that signals the production and utilization of the stress hormone known as cortisol.  When we are in fight or flight mode, the body sends all of its resources outwards for quick moving and thinking, leaving little to no resources available for healing.

You have to get healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to get healthy.

Due to the amount of stress my body had endured from being exposed to toxic mold and the domino effect it had on my hormones, by body was nowhere near healthy.  It needed time and space to heal in order to support weight loss.

By forcing myself to work out in my same old ways, I was creating a higher demand of resources and stress that my body simply couldn’t accommodate.

I had to take a step back, evaluate the burden of stress that my body was already dealing with, and take action empowered on reducing the stress even more. By doing this, I created space for my body to heal so I could receive the results I desired.

I stopped working out when I realized I could lose more weight that way.

As soon as I stopped working out in my old ways, but body instantly responded.  My energy went up and my weight slowly but steadily started to come off. I overall just felt better about myself and in my body.

I’m not the only one who has experienced weight loss without working out.  One of my clients recently lost 40 pounds without having a workout routine by simply focusing on improving his health and reducing the burden of stress on his body…

“The most dramatic change for me has been my weight, down 40 lbs since working with Jenn. The next biggest change has been with the quality of my sleep. I sleep through the night much more often than before.” – David

Often times we think more is better.  This belief is something that has been ingrained in our modern day culture.  But more is not always better. In fact, I find that less tends to be better in a lot of cases.

The moral of this story is NOT to necessarily stop working out. It’s to listen to what your body needs.

There are many ways to move your body and receive the health benefits of movement without placing too much of a demand on your body.

For a few months, I shifted my focus to include more restorative type of movement and exercise such as yoga, long walks with my dog and by simply getting up from desk and moving about more during the day.  

As soon as my body had healed and it was ready to take on more intense exercise, it let me know.  

Now that my weight is back to my normal, my hormones are balanced and my energy is strong, I’m working out with a trainer twice a week, running and sprinting again.

If you suspect that exercise might be getting in the way of having better health or you want to assess the possible burden of stress on your body,  then schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me here today!

#TBT – Prevent, Reverse & Heal Autoimmunity

Preventing and Healing Autoimmunity Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

In honor of Autoimmunity Awareness Month, it’s Throwback Thursday time!

As a Hashimoto’s autoimmune thriver and someone who works with a LOT of autoimmune clients, this month’s awareness topic is very near and dear to my heart.

Autoimmunity rates are on the rise, but with the right lab tests and resources you can be empowered to prevent, reverse and heal autoimmunity.

I’m bringing back this blog so you can increase your awareness and take empowered action against autoimmunity.


According to the American Autoimmune Related Disease Association, “Approximately 50 million Americans, 20% of the population or one in five people, suffer from autoimmune diseases. Women are more likely than men to be affected; some estimates say that 75 percent of those affected, 30 million people, are women.”

An autoimmune condition develops when your immune system (which defends your body against disease) starts to recognize healthy cells as foreign. As a result, your immune system begins attacking healthy cells of various tissues, depending on what type of autoimmunity you have.

Along with autoimmunity, either as a result of it or trigger for it, there are also a number of inflammatory conditions that correlate with being on an autoimmune spectrum such as:

  • Acne
  • Obesity
  • Excess Weight
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Eczema
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Meaning, if you have any of these inflammatory conditions listed above and don’t have autoimmunity, then these conditions increase your risk for it.  Or if you have autoimmunity, then these conditions can aggravate your autoimmune symptoms even more.

How does one wind up with an autoimmune condition?

Three factors have to be in place in order for autoimmunity to show up in the body:

  1. The gene for it =  hereditary component
  2. Leaky gut = a suppressed immune system
  3. Environmental trigger(s) = things that inflict chronic inflammation

As Dr. Amy Myers points out in her book, The Autoimmune Solution, twin studies have shown that only 25% of autoimmune disease is inheritable, meaning that 75% of it is related to environment and leaky gut.

Researchers estimate that about 80% of your immune system is in your gut.

Autoimmune issues are directly related to the health of your immune system, which is located in your gut.  Therefore, the the health of your gut is the key to preventing, reversing and healing autoimmunity.

In this week’s video and blog, I dive into more detail about how improving gut health can help you prevent, reverse and heal autoimmune conditions.

As a person with an autoimmune condition (Hashimoto’s), maintaining my gut health has been a huge focal point of my health regimen.  In fact, supporting the health of my gut to boost my immune system and to reduce inflammation is part of what allowed me to ween off of my thyroid medication after just 4 months.

When I work with autoimmune clients, gut and digestive health are two of the very first things we address.  The health of your gut greatly impacts your risk for autoimmunity and your ability to reverse or heal it for three main reasons.

Three reasons why gut health can prevent, reverse and heal autoimmune conditions:

#1 – Nutrient Absorption

When gut health is impaired, that means digestion and absorption of nutrients are also impaired.  Without adequate nutrient absorption, the body is not receiving all of the valuable resources and support it needs to boost immunity, fight off inflammation, or to heal and repair.  You could be eating the most healthy foods in the world and taking the best high quality supplements, but if your gut is leaky or damaged then you are not getting all of the preventative or healing benefits that you think you are.  When gut health is improved, nutrient absorption goes up allowing for prevention and healing to happen.

#2 – Gut Invaders

It’s actually normal to have some amount of bacteria, yeast and even parasites living in your intestines, in fact it’s part of what keeps your gut flora balanced.  However, when certain species of gut invaders grow too much, they pose a problem. They disrupt the normal balance and function of the gut, causing increases in inflammation and toxic waste.  Additionally, some species, such as Klebsiella and H. Pylori bacteria, are known triggers for autoimmune disease, putting you at higher risk for developing one OR aggravating autoimmune systems if you already have a condition. Checking for gut invaders and eradicating them can prevent a potential trigger or reduce factors contributing to autoimmune issues.

#3 – Inflammation

Chronic stress and inflammation are the root of all disease, and also the catalyst for autoimmunity (as mentioned earlier).  A leaky or damaged gut results in chronic inflammation and a depressed immune system. The more damaged your gut is, the more inflamed it becomes, and the more sensitive it will be to other inflammatory variables such as food and environmental toxins.  By improving the health of the gut, inflammation is reduced and proper immune function can be restored.


If you suspect you have an autoimmune condition OR you’ve been struggling to reverse and heal one,  then schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me here today!

Is fasting right for you?

Is Fasting Right For You Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

Intermittent fasting is an age-old dietary philosophy that is getting some national recognition from a recent episode of Megyn Kelly.

With the Keto diet craze on the rise, there definitely has been a lot of talk about fasting.  It seems as though every person who has come through my functional health coaching practice has either dabbled in some fasting or thought about it.

But is fasting right for you?

My simple answer to this question is… you are unique and, therefore, your diet should be too.

What works for one person will not necessarily work for you.  This is why you’ll often see people say eating Paleo, Whole30, gluten free or (insert diet of your choice) didn’t work for them, yet someone they knew saw amazing results from it.

In general, intermittent fasting or dietary approaches using fasting techniques, have a wide range of health benefits such as:

  • Balancing blood sugar
  • Promoting weight loss
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Regulating hormones that signal for hunger
  • Healing the intestinal lining (leaky gut)
  • And decomposing damaged cells and generating new ones (this is absolutely fascinating biology, geek out more on it here)

Fasting has been used for ages in eastern philosophies of medicine to help reverse or prevent health conditions such as cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

If we think about fasting from a primal or ancestral standpoint, it has been around basically since the beginning of mankind.  As hunter-gatherers, our primitive ancestors frequently went without food for periods of time in between successful hunting trips and during times of famine when food sources were low or hard to come by.  They didn’t have the luxuries of fast food drive-thrus on almost every corner or food at their fingertips like we do today.

However, fasting is not right for everyone and in some cases it can produce more negative health side effects than good.

Fasting may not be right for you if:

  • You have an existing hormone imbalance (thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, etc.)
  • You currently suffer with sleep issues
  • You have underlying vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Your liver is already sluggish or overloaded
  • You have metals or other toxins built up in your body
  • You avoid salt or don’t eat enough of it

However, even with some of these reasons as to why fasting may not be right for you, you can still give fasting a try if you approach it the right way.  In order to set yourself up for successful fasting, you should first investigate and address any of the contributing factors to these pre-existing health issues I just mentioned.

In this week’s video and blog, I share more about how to assess if intermittent fasting is right for you and how to properly use it as a tool for optimal health.

Let’s break down what fasting is first…

When it comes to intermittent fasting (especially as it relates to the Keto diet) there are basically two schools of thought:

#1- Fasting means not eating anything containing calories for a period of time

#2- Fasting means not eating any sources of immediate energy such as carbs or proteins

Both approaches focus on training the body to primarily utilize fat stores for energy to become “fat adapted”.  The standard american diet, and even most other whole food or primal diets, such as Paleo and Whole30, constantly supply the body with readily available fuel sources in the forms of carbohydrates (veggies, fruits, nuts, etc.) and proteins (meat, beans, etc.).

Training the body to become fat adapted requires cutting off sources to these readily available types of fuel and forcing the body to tap into its own fuel storage- fat.

Where fasting goes wrong…

Sometimes people who fast go to the opposite extreme when they allow themselves to eat between fasting periods.  They load up on fast, convenient, junk foods or binge on their favorite foods as a result of feeling deprived or of having a false sense that fasting fixes everything.  

This does the body zero favors and completely cancels out the benefits of fasting.  After a fast, the first foods that hit your lips should be high in nutrients, cleanliness and health benefits.

Then there are the people with pre-existing imbalances in the body, in which case the body is not well equipped to handle a successful transition of fuel sources and to become fat adapted.  Pre-existing hormone imbalances and nutrient deficiencies (either known or unknown) are the most common and overlooked obstacles when it comes to reaping the benefits of fasting.

Food avoidance also equals vitamin and mineral avoidance.

Our hormones thrive off the delivery and accessibility of certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients such as selenium, zinc, B vitamins and cholesterol.  A reduction in available nutrients results in a reduction of function.

Most often this is why people feel worse when they fast or experience what is called the “keto flu.”  Initially, their thyroid, cortisol, testosterone, estrogen and a number of other hormones take a hit from fasting.  

Without proper preparation, the impact of fasting can have some drastic side effects to one’s overall hormonal well being.  It can make existing imbalances in thyroid, cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, melatonin and other hormones worse, or it can create an imbalance where one didn’t already exist.

Ideally, once someone has become fat adapted through successful fasting, the body is able to source a lot of the nutrients it needs from its own resources, but getting to that point can be a process.

Assess if fasting is right for you and properly prep for it…

Test, don’t guess.
It’s better to know about any underlying hormone or nutrient imbalances before you dive into fasting.  At a minimum, check your thyroid, cortisol, estrogen, testosterone and melatonin levels along with your vitamin and mineral balance before starting a fasting routine.  If any imbalances exist, lay the foundation to reverse them with a therapeutic diet, adequate sleep, appropriate exercise, stress reduction and nourishing supplements before jumping into fasting.

Ease into it.
Slowly ease your body into the transition by fasting with fat as your only fuel source.  Fat is not readily available as fuel when ingested so it still requires your body to tap into its own fat fuel sources.  Allow yourself to have a fat only meal in the morning such as a coffee or matcha tea with butter or ghee, and/or full fat coconut milk.  This will deliver some of the essential nutrients to your body needs so it can still function at its potential while staying away from carbs or proteins that can hijack fat adaptation.

Start in small chunks.
Don’t go for the gold right from the get-go.  Start by making dinner your last meal, fasting overnight, and gradually extending out the time you eat breakfast in the morning a few days a week.  I typically stop eating by 8pm and don’t have my first meal until 9:30 or 10am the next morning resulting in a 14 hour fasting period. As your body adapts, your energy will improve, letting you know when you can extend the length of your fast..  

(NOTE: Women’s hormones are particularly sensitive to food deprivation so it’s best to fast every other day instead of every day)

Move and restore.
Some studies have shown that low-grade duration exercise compliments fasting for better results.  During a fast, the body is actually hard at work breaking down fat and damaged cells to reuse their parts for fuel and nutrients.  We don’t need to push it to work harder.  Engaging in intense workouts on fasting days can tap the body’s resources, making recovering too hard and can lead to hormonal imbalances.  On fasting days, focus on moving your body in a more restorative way by taking long walks, doing yoga, tai chi or something restorative to reap all the benefits of fasting.

Salt and supplement.
When you’re avoiding food, you’re also avoiding access to nutrients so it’s essential to supplement what you’re missing.  Taking a high quality multivitamin and mineral complex supplement on a daily basis is a good idea in general because food these days is just less nutrient dense than before (even the organic stuff).  If you’re avoiding food all together for the purpose of fasting, supplementing with vitamins and minerals will help to keep your hormones happy, your energy balanced and will support the process of fat adaptation.  Our ancestors salted meat to cure them for food storage and ate every part of the animal (organs, cartilage, etc.) so the nutrient values in their bodies were much higher than ours, even when they were forced to fast.

Think of fasting like training for a marathon: you need the right shoes, gradual training runs that lead to longer ones over time, proper hydration and food to refuel, and recovery time to make it to the finish line.

We want to think of the body as a well-oiled machine that is ready to adapt to anything we throw at it, but that’s generally not the case, considering all the variables that impact our health in this modern day world.  

With most diet trends, people have a tendency to dive all-in without considering if their body is ready for it, and when it “doesn’t work,” they give up.  

Often it’s not the diet that didn’t work, but something else under the hood that got in the way.  This is why it’s always better to test, not guess, in order to figure out exactly what is right for your body so you don’t go spinning your wheels, wasting money or time on failed attempts or health improvement strategies that aren’t right for you.

If you want to assess your readiness for intermittent fasting or to figure out what foods are right for your body so it can function at its potential,  then schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me here today!

What to do when sh*t happens…

What to do when sh*t happens Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

Let’s face it, sh*t happens and you can’t always avoid it.  There will always be traffic, an angry boss, deadlines that won’t get met no matter how hard you try, the loss of loved ones, stumbles and falls.

Last week I was stuck in a sh*t storm…

I was on my way home from Peru and everything was smooth sailing on my flight from Lima to Miami. So good, in fact, that we actually landed 45 minutes early.  After being away from home for 11 days, I was giddy to get home, so I decided to jump my flight.  

I paid $250 to catch an earlier flight at 3:45pm instead of waiting around until 7:45pm so I could could get home 2 hours early and slide into bed before my 10pm bedtime.

Sounded like a great idea, right?  I thought so, until things went all wrong.

My new flight connected through Dallas.  The plane boarded on time. “So far so good” is what I texted my husband about 5 minutes too early.  Just after I hit “send,” the pilot announced there was a hold up on the runway and we would be taking off as soon as possible… 40 minute later we finally took flight.

This is when the sh*t started to hit the fan.

I nervously watched the time go by, hoping, praying, wishing and thinking all the positive thoughts possible that we would make up time in the air and I would make my tight connection in Dallas.

Just as we landed in Dallas, there was a glimmer of hope!  A women next to me said her husband had just messaged her that all flights in Dallas had been grounded until 7:30pm for some reason, meaning my connection was still on the ground.

I grabbed my bag and ran across the airport with about 20 other people trying to catch the connection to San Diego.  We got to the gate to see the flight had been delayed and a representative was still at the counter – I felt relieved!

To our disappointment, the plane had already closed up boarding and no one else was getting on.

In that moment I had two choices. I could…

#1- Raise hell, scream, yell and demand for the plane to let us on as most of my passenger peers did around me.

#2- Evaluate what was in my control, what wasn’t, and make sure my wellbeing was the priority.

I opted for option number two.  

Having been in a similar situation a few years ago, I knew I had no control over opening up the plane again.  The old me, back then, argued with the airline representative which did nothing for me except raise my stress levels, drain my energy and leave me feeling fatigued and hopeless.

This time I chose differently. I chose my health.

In this week’s video, I share more about how to navigate life when sh*t happens to better support your health.

Just because I’m a health-minded person doesn’t mean I’m immune to sh*t happening in my life.  I’ve had my fair share and I still get dished some from time-to-time.

How we choose to navigate the sh*t is what makes all the difference in the world to our health.

The choices we make around food, lifestyle and behavior all influence our genetic makeup and therefore our health.  We might have been given a set of genes, but we have the ability to turn them on or off based on how we choose to live our life. We know this based on the study of epigenetics.

As shown in this study, mice raised by stressed mothers are more likely to be stressed themselves.  Stress causes changes in DNA that affect the receptors for cortisol, our major stress hormone.  The way we handle stress not only impacts our genes but also the genes of our offspring.

It’s funny sometimes how we actually create more stress in our lives than necessary.  We wait until the last minute to do something (procrastination!) like filling up our gas tank as my friend Molly Hamill just posted about.  We take on more than we can handle (too much on our plate).  We think we can save everyone or change them for the better (martyr or healer mentality).  We argue our point of view to death just to prove ourselves right even if we might be wrong.

And all for what exactly?  To feel exhausted, fat, tired and sick more than we would like to.  

It’s time to put all of that into perspective and realize that each action you take can either help or hinder your health.  Which do you choose?

This became so clear to me after the first time my mom had a near death experience over 7 years ago.  I ran myself ragged trying to save her, arguing with the doctors, trying to control everything and putting too much responsibility for work, home and her on my plate.

She lived, but I barely did.  I was a shadow of health that I used to know, and it took quite some time for me to recover from all of that.  And not one thing that I did changed the outcome of what happened. It was all fate.

Through all of that, I realized the only control I had was over myself and my health.

Since then, part of improving and maintaining my health has been learning how to let go of the things I can’t control and controlling the things I can.  This can be tough when it means making myself a priority over even my loved ones, but I know it’s necessary for my own survival.

Being able to identify the burden of stress on the body at any point in time and knowing how to take action to reduce it, is the main message I teach all of my health coaching clients and one that I practice personally.

Whether that’s by taking action to:

  • Eat in alignment with what your body needs
  • Get adequate sleep and rest over all else
  • Turn down the exercise intensity, even when your ego says “no”
  • Support the body with proper supplements until it can support itself
  • Notice when a situation is causing emotional or mental stress and changing course
  • Reduce toxic exposures as much as possible and enhance the body’s natural detox capacity

Back to that moment when I missed my flight connection…

There was nothing I could do about that, but I was able to assess my situation and recognize the possible burdens of stress my body was about to face: not being home on time for a healthy meal, not being in bed at a reasonable hour plus the mental/emotional aspects of being stuck waiting for another plane.

And that wasn’t even the end of it.  My rescheduled flight for 10:30pm was cancelled, the airport hotel was sold out so I had to stay somewhere 10 miles away, I woke up at 5:10am to a voicemail about my rescheduled 6:55am flight being cancelled to finally make it on a 7:10am flight home through LAX to San Diego.

And I didn’t lose my sh*t. Not even once.

So after 36+ hours traveling, one missed connection, two cancelled flights and 5 hours of sleep in a last-minute hotel, how did I stay sane and healthy this time?  My priorities were:

  1. Sleep
  2. Clean food
  3. Meditation

Those were the 3 things I could control and that would have the greatest positive impact on my well-being.

I knew eating clean food would keep my mind clear and my body nourished.  Sure, it would have been easy to eat anything in my immediate sight but the downside would have been brain fog, bloating and inflammation.

When I’m sleep deprived I become irritable and susceptible to getting sick, so getting sleep was a must. Not standing around arguing about a missed or cancelled flight.

And to keep myself grounded, emotionally stable (minus the few tired tears I shed on the phone telling my husband I wouldn’t be home), and rational to make quick decisions about my next move, I knew I needed to decompress with some deep breathing in the moment and some meditation before bed.

All-in-all I made it home in one piece without an ounce of jet lag or regret.

Good health is the relationship that we have with our mind and body, and the actions that we take based upon that.

As a Functional Health Practitioner and coach, I not only use lab testing, diet, rest, exercise, supplements and stress reduction techniques to help my clients achieve their results, but I also infuse transformational coaching methods to change their behaviors and help them embrace healthy as a way of being.

If you’re looking for guidance on how to improve your health and you’re ready to invest in your health and yourself, then schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session here today!.

How much are you worth?

How Much Are You Worth Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

If you had to put a price on your head, how much would you be worth?  Hundreds, thousands, millions or billions of dollars?

What are all of the things that you bring to the table in your relationships, family and work?

What do you value spending your money on?  Your daily coffee to get you going in the morning, a weekly or monthly housekeeper to keep you sane, travel, quality clothing that is comfortable and doesn’t fall apart in the washer, organic food, massages for relaxation, phone apps to make your life more efficient?

What about your health?  How much is that worth?

For the longest time I thought I valued my health because I was “doing all of the right things.”  I was “eating healthy”, meaning I was mainly choosing veggies, meat and occasionally indulging in a treat.  I was lifting weights, doing yoga and/or cardio daily.  I was taking high quality supplements to give my body extra nutritional support.  And I was seeing a chiropractor, acupuncturist or massage therapist at least once every 2 months to tune up my body.

It wasn’t until I faced mold illness, estrogen dominance and was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s that I realized how much I hadn’t been valuing myself and my body.

Looking back now I can see the signs my body was giving me for over two years- how it was trying to tell me that something wasn’t right, and how I chose to ignore them because I had “more important” things to do or because I “didn’t have time.”

Not valuing ourselves is at the core of almost every health issue I see.

With every client I’ve worked with or person I’ve spoken to about their health issues, there is always one common characteristic or behavior…a tendency to put others or everything else before self.

Here are some of the common ways this shows up…

  • Don’t have time to cook = making everything else a priority over cooking
  • Not exercising = not making time/not willing to invest in accountability (i.e. personal trainer)
  • Going to bed late = not setting healthy boundaries to support an early bedtime
  • Working long hours = won’t delegate, fear of asking for help and being seen as less than
  • Feeling really stressed out = not making time to de-stress and resisting spending money to relax

We make time and we find the money for what is important to us.  If your car broke down and you needed to get somewhere, you would find the money to fix it.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but how we choose to use those hours is what can make all the difference in your health.

A few years ago when I started reiki training my teacher told me I had to meditate for 30 minutes 21 days in a row.  My initial reaction was, “I don’t have time to meditate for 30 minutes every day!  I barely have time to relax and watch TV at night with my husband.”  But I never turn down a challenge, and if I wanted to learn reiki, making time to meditate was part of the deal.

I carved out 30 minutes to meditate one day at a time, and before I knew it 21 days had passed.  Over time I fell in love with the positive impacts meditation had on my body so much that now I meditate for 30 minutes twice a day at least 5 days a week!  

How did I find time to do this when I originally felt like there wasn’t enough time in my day?  I decided I was worth it, that my post meditation bliss and my health was more rewarding and more important than some of the other things I was spending my time on.  I let go of having to tidy up the house at night, decided to get up a little bit earlier and let my husband know how important meditation was to me so we could find other time to spend with each other.

It’s not our fault that we have evolved to not prioritize ourselves or see our self worth.  Somewhere along the line taking time for ourselves, voicing our needs, standing up for what we wanted or needed, and making ourselves a priority became shamed upon or seen as selfish.

But embracing your self worth, making your health and self a priority is far from selfish, it’s essential to your survival.

If you don’t take care of yourself, who will?

Your kids or your family?  Is that a fair burden to leave them with when you have all the power right now to ensure a better quality of life as you age?

In this week’s video and blog I share more about how I wasn’t valuing myself, how Hashimoto’s humbled me and 3 ways you can start owning your self worth now to better support your health.

When I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s I was faced with having to re-evaluate my lifestyle to see how it was or wasn’t supporting my health in order to try and figure out 1) how I landed here and 2) how could I recover from this.  

Although I was “doing all of the right things”, or at least I thought I was, it wasn’t enough or exactly what my body needed.  I couldn’t just keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome for my health.

It was a humbling experience, to say the least.  It forced me to look deep within and see where I was still not putting myself first, not valuing what I was worth.

A recent passage I read in one of my spiritual books describes to a tee what I was faced with and what most of my clients are faced with in regards to making health a priority…

“Awakening begins with noticing more of what you normally ignore.  The process of denial happens so quickly that it is difficult to interrupt it at first.  It is that imperceptible flash of feeling you override with a more acceptable thought, the burst of inspiration you judge to be foolish, the presence of greatness your unworthiness will not allow you to receive and the true feeling of dislike that guilt shames you to nullify.  The mind would have you believe that awakening comes from what you know, but this is not a journey through the mind.”

There were plenty of moments leading up to my diagnosis when I could sense that something wasn’t right in my body: I started putting on weight, I wasn’t recovering from my workouts well, I didn’t have the same energy or endurance, I started grinding my teeth, had occasional ear ringing and I had acne for the first time in my life, just to name a few of the signs.

But I kept pushing it off telling myself I would do something about it “soon” (ignoring it), judging myself for not exercising hard enough and thinking I must just be out of shape, and resisting spending the money to seek help or to actually run some tests to take a look at what was going on.

Before I knew it, two years had flown by.  I had gained 15 pounds, had some severe hormonal issues going on and I didn’t feel anything like myself in my body.

Over time, if we keep giving ourselves the short end of the stick, it will eventually catch up to us until one day you look in the mirror and wonder “how the heck did I get here.”

Luckily for me, it wasn’t too late and my health issue wasn’t critical.  I caught my Hashimoto’s early and was able to reverse it quickly. I honored that I needed to modify my diet, even though it meant eating different than everyone else.  I made even more time to meditate to allow my body to heal.  I set my ego aside and turned down the intensity of my exercise.  I embraced the fact that I had to take even more supplements for a period of time to support my body’s healing process.  And I accepted I need to spend money on me to get me back to where I wanted to be.

Had I owned my self worth sooner, made time for myself, and paid attention to what my body was trying to tell me, maybe I would have never landed myself in such a pickle in the first place.

Don’t wait until you’re faced with a health crisis to value yourself.

It’s the little things we do each day that either add or subtract value to our self worth.  Think of it like your bank account.  If you’re constantly withdrawing money for very time you give to others or your work, for every instance you eat something that isn’t right for you because you didn’t make time to cook or plan ahead, for every night you stayed up burning the midnight oil or for every workout you forced yourself to do even when you were tired, you would find yourself quickly in debt.

We have to deposit money into our body bank account just as much, if not more than we withdraw it.

So how can you start depositing more than you’re withdrawing to build your value and self worth?

Any time you give back to yourself, communicate your needs and take action to make yourself more of a priority, you build your value.  It might be uncomfortable at first, but with each value-building action you take your confidence to keep taking action will grow.

Here are 3 simple ways you can start to reclaim and build value in your self worth to support your health…

#1- Do 1 Thing A Day
Doing just one thing a day for yourself, and no one else, is one of the simplest and easiest steps you can take towards embracing your self worth.  This can be as simple as taking a bubble bath, stepping outside for a break at work or making 5 minutes to meditate.  You’ll find that you’ll gravitate to it more often when you consistently do it through the power of positive reinforcement and reward.

#2- Hire help
You can’t do it all alone. Everyone needs help.  Often times when my clients run up against excuses about not having time or knowledge to achieve what they want I ask them, “what resources or support do you need to make it happen?”  Do you need to hire a housekeeper to free up some time, a personal trainer or health coach for accountability and guidance or a food delivery service to take the work out of it.  I have come to know that my time is worth money. If I have to pay someone to do a job I can do myself just to get a moment of peace and relaxation, it’s totally worth it!

#3- Schedule An Escape
Your work vacation benefits are meant to be used. That’s why you have them.  And if you work for yourself, there’s no excuse to not use them.  This is such a common area where people downplay the value of themselves while making work more of a priority.  Whether it’s a half day, a long weekend or several weeks, this is one of the best ways that you can invest in yourself by immersing in nature and/or by simply disconnecting from the monotony of your typical day.  When you schedule an escape, you will emerge more energize and rejuvenated.  You deserve a damn vacation.  

We tend to lean on so much science when it comes to our health: eat this not that, exercise this way, take these supplements etc.  But the way we are acting, the way we are being and how we are treating ourselves play just as much a role in the outcomes of our health as what we put in and on our body.  Valuing yourself creates a positive impact on a cellular level that boosts your health.

Don’t wait until it’s too late, until you’re faced with a fork in the road or a health crisis.  Start depositing money in your body bank today and building your health 401K for the future.

As a Functional Health Practitioner and coach, I not only use lab testing, diet, rest, exercise, supplements and stress reduction techniques to help my clients achieve their results, but I also infuse transformational coaching methods to help them embrace healthy as a way of being.

If you’re looking for guidance on how to improve your health and you’re ready to invest in your health and yourself, then schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session here today!.

#TBT Are you aware of your thyroid?

Thyroid Awareness Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

As a person who has been thriving with a thyroid disorder (Hashimoto’s) for over a year now, I couldn’t help but bring this one back today in honor of Thyroid Awareness Month.  

Thyroid dysfunction is one of the number one health issues I see overlooked with the clients I work with and in my Health Boss tribe.  The symptoms are sneaky and often appear to be something else, which is why most health professionals miss it.  

However, thyroid conditions are also some of the most easily reversible if you heal your gut, support liver function, eat the right food, get good sleep, minimize toxic exposures and overall adopt a more holistic lifestyle approach.

Check out this week’s #TBT blog post below to get clued in on your thyroid health and how to best support it.  Or jump on over to my Facebook Page to check out my recent live video on thyroid health.


January is Thyroid Awareness Month!  I wonder, how aware of your thyroid are you?

Do you know how hard your thyroid works for you on a daily basis and what it needs to function at its best?  My guess is that you might be somewhat aware of what the thyroid does, but knowing more about this hard working gland could completely change your life and your health.

Your thyroid gland is kind of a big deal.  Just look at all the important things it does for you:

  • Plays a role in all functions in the body including all organs and systems
  • Regulates energy availability, body temperature and hair growth
  • Assists with wound healing and recovery from exercise
  • Controls the metabolic rate of the of the systems in control of your health

According to the American Thyroid Association an estimated 20 million Americans have some sort of thyroid disorder, up to 60% of those people are unaware of it, and women are 5 to 8 times more likely to develop a thyroid disorder than men.

Some of the most common signs of less than optimal thyroid function include:

  • Bouts of constipation
  • Dry skin and/or eyes
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Prone to infections
  • Fatigue not relieved by sleep
  • Hair loss or an increase in facial hair
  • Cold all the time when others are not
  • Thinning eyebrows, especially the outer 3rd portion
  • Unexplained weight gain or inability to lose weight

Chances are, if your doctor has tested your thyroid it was likely tested all wrong.

Unfortunately most conventional or western medicine doctors only test Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (aka TSH) when they are evaluating thyroid function.

What’s wrong about testing TSH?  It sounds like the right thing to test, right?

TSH is actually a marker for pituitary gland function, not the thyroid.  

Think of the pituitary gland as being the VP of operations, your hypothalamus gland as the CEO, and the thyroid is the director of operations.

The hypothalamus receives information and directs the pituitary on what needs to happen.  The pituitary hands down the information to the thyroid via TSH hormone and the thyroid gets to work initiating the operations.

To truly evaluate thyroid function you need to test the actual hormones that the thyroid produces and uses to initiate its operations such as: total T4, total T3, free T4, free T3, and even reverse T3 in some cases.

In this week’s video and blog I dive into more detail about how important your thyroid is and how to make sure it’s running optimally to support your best health.

Knowing that your thyroid is involved in all functions of the body means it is pretty important, right?

Of course!  We need this mighty little gland to be working at its best in order for the rest of the body to function at its best!

For your thyroid to carry out the order of operations, as directed by the hypothalamus and pituitary, it needs the right tools (aka nutrients) to do so.

The most critical nutrients for thyroid function include:

  • Iodine
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin D,  A and a variety of B’s
  • Protein – to specifically get the amino acid tyrosine

In order to get adequate amounts of these nutrients for your thyroid 3 things need to happen:

  1. You have to eat foods high in good quality nutrients (go organic!)
  2. Take supplements to support what you can’t get in your food
  3. Have a healthy gut that allows optimal nutrient absorption

Having a healthy gut is where I see the most missed healing opportunities for a healthy thyroid.

You could be eating the healthiest foods in the world and taking a variety of supplements BUT still be suffering from suboptimal thyroid function. You aren’t getting the most bang for your buck with what you’re putting in your mouth if you have a leaky or unhealthy gut.

Your gut is where all nutrients are absorbed and made available for use in the body.

Checking your gut health is SO IMPORTANT if you have any kind of thyroid imbalance or disorder to make sure your thyroid has all the nutrients and support it needs to do its job well.

To help you assess your gut health and support your thyroid function better, or to help resolve any other health issue you might be dealing with, I’ve designed a special and affordable In-Depth Gut Health Test Package!

With this Gut Test offer you’ll be able to take a deep dive look at your gut health.  This test will have all of the critical markers to truly evaluate your gut function and leaky gut including:

  • Intestinal Parasites
  • Bacteria Overgrowth
  • Candida and Other Yeast Infections
  • Immune and Inflammatory Markers SigA and Calprotectin
  • Degree of Gluten Sensitivity

Along with the test, you’ll also get to meet with me via phone or video call for an in-depth 90-minute results review session to go over your results and my personalized recommendations for you in regards to diet, sleep, exercise, stress reduction and supplements to improve or maintain your thyroid health!

You and your health are worth investing in.  Take an empowered step towards realizing your full health potential by checking your gut, thyroid and adrenal health!

Test, don’t guess! Check out these new Special Packages designed just for you!

P.S.  Know someone else who is suffering from suboptimal thyroid function and struggling to get it back in balance?  Feel free forward them this email so they can unlock answers to their thyroid health like so many others who have worked with me.

Why Typical Blood Tests Don’t Tell You Squat

Right Tests Webinar

I received one of the most disturbing messages from a client less than 48 hours before I went live with my webinar Why Typical Blood Tests Don’t Tell You Squat (and what tests to run instead)

This client, we’ll call her Sarah to conceal her identity, started working with me in December of 2015 after participating in one of my Seasonal Cleanse challenges.  She was attracted to the Cleanse Challenge for its promise to boost energy, get rid of belly bloat, a flat stomach and an overall improvement in health.

Sarah enjoyed the cleanse challenge and saw some results but it was obvious she needed more help, which is how we came to work together.  

We ran some tests, identified some healing opportunities within her hormones and digestive system, got her started on the right diet for her body and some supplements to support the body’s healing process.  Within a matter of weeks, she was feeling great!  

For months after starting our work together Sarah saw significant improvements in

 how she felt and looked. Her anxiety dwindled down to almost nothing, her energy was up, she felt better in her body and her digestion was on point.

After about a year of being on her health re-building program, she hit a wall with her results and almost started going backwards.  

I encouraged her to run a full thyroid panel for clues and that’s when she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s.

Since then, Sarah and I have continued our work together to help her manage her Hashimoto’s with a holistic lifestyle approach, which included redefining her diet to support the healing process, changing up her supplements, taking more time for herself and working to eliminate toxins that disrupt thyroid function.

Part of Sarah’s health re-building plan also included following her dreams to leave New York City for the West coast or some area that better supports her health.

As she was getting ready for her upcoming move to the west coast in February and going through old paperwork, she came across this doctor’s report from 2009…

Back in 2009 Sarah clearly had Hashimoto’s that was overlooked.  Her thyroid antibodies were well over 200 and even marked as “high” according to the traditional conventional lab references ranges.  

Her TSH was high when compared to the optimal/functional range of 05.-2.0 and her Free T4 was on the lower side of the conventional range and the optimal/functional range.

Her health practitioner completely dismissed her thyroid results, even though Sarah was symptomatic and even noted “Thyroid level was quite normal.  This means the irritable changes are not from the thyroid.”

Had Sarah received a proper interpretation of her test results or been more well informed to advocate for herself, she quite possibly could have reversed her Hashimoto’s 8 years ago. I can’t even begin to image how much different her life would be today.  She could have been living a high energy, flat stomach and symptom-free life for the past 8 years, had she known better.

This is the perfect example of why I just hosted the webinar Why Typical Blood Tests Don’t Tell You Squat (and what tests to run instead) and why I’m sharing the recording with you.

It’s time to put a stop to this confusion and to become educated about what your lab tests are really saying or to figure out the right labs to run so you can become your own advocate and take back control of your health.

Access the webinar replay here!

In this webinar I uncovered these truths about lab tests as it relates to your health:

  • How blood and saliva tests don’t tell the full story about your hormones and what health secrets are hiding in your urine
  • What’s wrong with lab reference ranges, how they could be lying about your health and what optimal ranges look like
  • How markers on a comprehensive blood panel all give you clues about your gut health
  • Why you should be running functional (not conventional) lab tests to find the missing pieces to your health puzzle

It is possible for you to have better energy, mental clarity, clear skin, a flat stomach and/or to feel good in your body again.  You just need the right lab tests and resources to give you the right clues so you can find the missing pieces to your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the first time!).

Access the webinar replay here!