Will you do a bacon cleanse with me? [last day]

Bacon is not only approved, it’s actually encouraged during my Cleanse Challenge

That might sound odd since most cleanse or detox programs require you to cut out just about every fun food on the planet.  However, cutting out foods that contain protein, such as bacon, is where most cleanse programs go wrong.  

There are 3 phases of detoxification your body goes through 24/7 to help you flush out toxins that you come in contact with daily. Protein is a vital nutrient needed during phase 1 and 2 in order to breakdown and package up toxins for elimination.

Plus, deprivation is never fun.  

When we deprive ourselves, we usually end up giving into temptation, fall off the wagon and find it harder to get back on track.

My Cleanse Challenge is NOT about deprivation. 

It’s about using whole, organic and nourishing foods to promote the body’s natural detoxification process. 

Enrollment closes TODAY/MAY 7TH.  The Challenge starts MAY 14TH.


Don’t just take my word for it, see what some of the past participants have had to say…

“I had no idea what I was getting myself into and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to engage the materials and participate. Not to mention that I lost 8 lbs! That was truly an amazing bonus. I’ve adopted many of the skills we learned during the cleanse, and I’m totally on board for the next one.”- Beverly S
“This was the first cleanse I’ve ever done. What intrigued me about this cleanse was the fact that I could still eat food! I was nervous about cutting out foods I love for 30 days but it was surprisingly easier than I thought. I have found new (healthier) foods that I love now! I’m also able to make healthier choices every day, especially when eating out.” – Jodi V.
“It was so empowering because it taught me more about what my body needs to flush toxins.  The best part? No deprivation! I look forward to making the cleanse challenge a regular part of my health maintenance.” – Mary C

The Cleanse Challenge is designed to help you:

  • Get back on the clean eating train
  • Ramp up your workout routine
  • Rest and restore your body nightly
  • Flush out any built-up toxins
  • And make meditation or any other healthy habit a routine again

All so you can…

  • Have more energy to enjoy life and keep up with its daily demands
  • Lose those last few pounds, get trim and stay that way
  • Blast away the belly bloat for good!
  • Improve your memory, learning ability and mood
  • Sleep better so that you can wake up feeling rested
  • Be more productive at work and in life
  • Have higher quality workouts because you’ll have the energy to do so
  • Improved the conversion of thyroid hormone Free T4 to Free T3
  • Boost your immunity and digestion to heal leaky gut
  • Increase your ability to handle stress, have less anxiety and depression
  • Look younger and have clear skin!

Here’s how the Cleanse Challenge works. Over the course of 28 days, you will…

  • Learn what ratio of proteins, carbs and fats are best for your body to boost your energy, weight loss, balance hormones, and reduce belly bloat and inflammation
  • Incorporate the highest naturally detoxifying foods (beets, grapefruit, dandelion greens) into your daily routine to promote the body’s natural cleansing systems
  • Focus on minimizing your intake of the top inflammatory and hormone disrupting foods: gluten, dairy, sugar, soy and alcohol
  • Try simple DIY proven liver flushing techniques to push out those built-up toxins!
  • Receive weekly workout routine video tips to sweat out those toxins!
  • Get accountability to work out regularly, to drink plenty of water and to get quality sleep in order to support the body’s cleansing and healing process
  • Receive 30-minute recorded weekly educational webinars and be part of a special Facebook group for support
  • Get recipes and a checklist to guide you along your journey

AND I’m including a special BONUS ASK THE EXPERT SESSION with yours truly! 

Have questions about whether this is the right program or if this will work for you?  Feel free to shoot me an email, and I’ll give you my honest feedback about if my Seasonal Cleanse Challenge is right for you – [email protected]

And here are some of the frequently asked questions…

Q:  What if I’m traveling during the cleanse?
A:  No problem!  Many past participants have been traveling during the cleanse, even internationally.  The beauty of the cleanse is that you’re not restricting yourself of all foods so it makes it easy to eat on the road and you’ll get support from the webinars, Facebook group and me on how to make good choices on-the-go.

Q:  What exactly do I have to cut out of my diet?
A:  During the cleanse you will focus on minimizing or eliminating gluten, dairy, sugar, soy and alcohol.  And I will give you recommendations and guidance on how to do this and great alternatives, plus you get TWO recipe guides to help you out.

Q:  What if I fall off track, I don’t want to feel like a failure?
A:  There is no such thing as failure, only feedback.  First off, the cleanse is a point system so you can pick and choose the things you want to abide by, and if you miss points in one area you can make them up in another or with the bonus point opportunities that help you to create balance.  If you fall off track, that’s just a sign of needing a new strategy to keep you on track. You’ll have the weekly webinars, Facebook group and your one-on-one session with me for tips, encouragement and accountability!

Let’s be honest, eating and drinking habits have probably been less than ideal these last few months as we’ve all been trying to strike a balance amidst the new COVID-19 normal.

However, restrictions are being lifted and summer is right around the corner so it’s time to get back on track, cleanse the Corona crap and get back to feeling like your best self. 

Will you join me and many others to shed pounds, boost your energy naturally and cleanse the Corona crap?

Enrollment closes TODAY/MAY 7TH.  The Challenge starts MAY 14TH.



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