Special Message: Inside Scoop at the Health Intelligence Exchange LIVE Event

Today kicks off the inaugural Health Intelligence Exchange LIVE event where I’ll be sharing something I’ve been working on for Functional Health Practitioners like you for the very first time.

Follow me on Instagram for the real-time inside scoop over the next few days on not only what I’ll be sharing, but also what industry leaders like Dr. Carrie Jones, Sinclair Kennally, Reed Davis, and Dr. Halland Chen will be pulling the curtain back on too.

Here’s a sneak peek at what I’ll be revealing at the event…

Stay tuned for more details to follow after HIX Live!

My Personal Daily Detox Hacks [inside]

If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Facebook recently, you know I’ve been traveling like CRAZY (I’ve only been home for one of the last 4 weeks!)

In fact, tomorrow I board another flight to celebrate my dad’s 70th birthday and will be attending 3 more events to wrap up the month!

Since I’m hitting the road again tomorrow, I’m going to keep this short AND make sure it’s packed with a TON of useful information for you.

As much as I love traveling, it used to wipe me out and set my health back, but I know how to do it differently so I can feel as good, if not better, upon my return than when I left.

Whether you’re traveling as much as me or enjoying life at home, your body is hard at work for you all year long—it’s constantly filtering out toxins that you unknowingly or knowingly are exposed to; digesting and converting food to energy for you; and even running on little sleep or pushing through overworking.

We live in a world where more and more toxins are being released into the environment every day, week, month, and year. There are far more than we can ever fathom, and our bodies have taken on a huge burden as a result.

During the 2020 pandemic, your toxin exposure increased tenfold as a result of being confined indoors more than before, in addition to the heightened use of disinfectants and hand sanitizers.

The air inside your home alone is said to be up to 100% more toxic than the air outside due to paint, sealants, fire retardants, and cleaning products.

All of these micro or macro exposures add up over time leading to weight gain, low energy, hormone imbalances, bloating, allergies, and a laundry list of other symptoms or health issues.

Reducing your body’s daily toxic burden is fairly simple once you know how to identify toxins in your environment, and by putting some simple healthy habits in place to support your body’s natural elimination process.

Implementing simple strategies to detox my body daily has been pivotal in not only achieving my ideal health and weight but also maintaining it while traveling.

To help you feel like your best too, I’m sharing these simple strategies with you in a FREE MASTERCLASS YOU CAN ACCESS TODAY!

Access the Masterclass…Simple Daily Detox Strategies: No Juices, Gimmicks or Supplements Required!

This Masterclass will examine some of the biggest myths around detoxing your body from toxic burdens and what you should know or be doing instead…

MYTH #1 – Juice Cleansing Is The Best Way To Detox
FACT – It’s a waste of money if you’re not eating protein. Protein is required for your body to actually move toxic elements through the different phases of detoxification in order to eliminate them.

MYTH #2 – Diet & Exercise Are The Key To Weight Loss & Eliminating Toxins
FACT – Diet and exercise aren’t really enough. The liver is the powerhouse when it comes to eliminating toxins and regulating your metabolism and energy. You need to show your liver some love in order to get the results you’re looking for, and one of the best ways to support your liver is sleeping from 10 pm to 4 am. 

MYTH #3 – Detoxing Requires Expensive Supplements
FACT Supplements help, but aren’t the ultimate answer. You have to decrease the toxic stuff coming in and increase the toxic stuff going out consistently. Otherwise, supplements are just keeping you afloat, but not helping you to actually get ahead.

MYTH #4 – Detoxing / Cleansing Means Deprivation
FACT – No, it doesn’t at all! There are simple ways to detox your body daily using food, water, sleep, exercise, and at-home liver-supporting techniques that allow you to enjoy food and life.

It’s a total shift in perspective to help you take control of your health and feel like your best self!

Access the Masterclass…Simple Daily Detox Strategies: No Juices, Gimmicks or Supplements Required!

And after you watch it, comment below to let me know what your biggest takeaway is for how you can naturally detox your body daily.

FINALLY Feel Your Best Again [act now]

The end of Summer is approaching and it made me wonder….

How have you been feeling in your body?

I’ve had my fair share of body image and health struggles, but eventually, with the right lab tests and resources, I was able to get my body back to feeling like home again for good.

You deserve to look and feel your best too, and I’m proof that it’s possible for you.

Summer and travel plans tend to stir up all kinds of judgments, criticisms, wants, and desires related to how you feel in your body.

Would you love to feel like your old self again so you can live life to the fullest?

…be the energetic, clear-minded, great skin, creative, in-shape, productive, pain-free and bloat-free person you used to be?

I know. I’ve been there, and many of the clients I’ve worked with have been too.

There once was a time when I felt like a stranger in my own body.

Acne took over the radiant skin I was always so proud of. Extra weight or bloating hid the muscle tone I worked so hard for and drastically reduced my outfit options. Low energy limited my ability to show up in life; to be the social butterfly I had always been, to be present or creative in my work and at home.

All I could think about was a time when I felt physically and mentally fit. I didn’t have any limitations. All I wanted was to find myself in that place again.

Do you ever find yourself wondering why you don’t have the energy to do the simplest tasks, such as putting away the laundry, going for a leisurely bike ride, or paying attention to a conversation?

Does getting dressed every morning feel like internal warfare with yourself – you put something on, criticize yourself in the mirror, and change your outfit a million times until you find something that doesn’t make you feel like a stuffed sausage?

If you feel this way or have ever felt this way, can I get a hell yeah?

If so comment below to let me know!

It felt like I had tried everything before finally figuring out how to get my body back for good – but I did get it back, and you can too.

The first thing you need to know is… there is WAY more to getting your body back than changing your diet and exercising.

And the second thing you need to know is that it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Diet and exercise are just two pieces of the puzzle when it comes to feeling like your best self, but they are only effective when the body is running on all cylinders.

Think of it like this…

If you owned a high-profile performance vehicle, filled it with the highest quality fuel, and tried to take it from zero to sixty in 30 seconds with a clogged air filter, empty oil canister, imbalanced tires, and sketchy electrical system, what do you think would happen?

The car wouldn’t perform as expected, right?

This is similar to what happens when you try eating right and exercising, but get little to no results. Something is going on underneath the hood that reduces the efficacy of your efforts.

In this week’s video and blog, I want to help you understand what is likely going on underneath your hood and how you can fix it so you can get your body back for good.

Have you ever caught yourself staring in the mirror, wondering how you got here?


…where did all the weight come from?
…is everyone else noticing the circles under your eyes?
…how are you going to make it through all your meetings today?
…what would happen if you just went back to bed and hid under the covers?

So many of my clients have felt this way too, myself included, but we have also found a way to get their bodies back for good with the right lab testing and guidance.

What you’re experiencing did not happen overnight. Feeling out of place in your body is something that has occurred over time amongst the shuffle of work, family, responsibilities, travel, stress, and anything else going on in your life.

Feeling uncomfortable in your skin happens when…

  • Your hormone system goes haywire
  • Your immune system gets weak
  • Your digestive system is dysfunctional
  • Your detoxification system doesn’t work
  • Your energy system gets slowed down
  • And your nervous system sends mixed signals

To get your body back for good, you’ve got to get all of the systems of the body running right, just like a high-profile performance vehicle.

If your expensive, high-profile performance car wasn’t running right, what would you do?

You would take it to the best specialist around for a thorough evaluation that would include a variety of diagnostic tests to check every aspect of the engine, fuel lines, tires, pumps, and more.

To get your body back for good, you’ll want to do the same thing so you can understand what is going on underneath the hood; what’s happening with your hormones, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous system, so you’ll know exactly what steps to take to restore function and feel your best again.

Here’s the caveat though…

Running typical blood tests with a general practitioner, or even some specialists won’t get you ALL the answers you’re looking for.

To REALLY see how your body is functioning, you’re going to need to run functional lab tests that provide deeper insights about function!

The good news is that these functional lab tests are super easy to do. Most of them are urine, saliva, and stool-based, making it convenient for you to do them in the comfort of your own home.

And when working with the right health expert (like me!) you can use the data from these lab tests to guide:

  • What foods are right for your body
  • How much sleep you need and when
  • What type of exercise will get you the best results
  • Which stress-reducing tools would be most effective for you
  • And what toxins or other environmental factors you should minimize to boost your health

To get all of your body systems running right to operate at your highest potential!

Now doesn’t that sound pretty straightforward?

Instead of guessing about what you should be doing to feel good in your body again.

Using the data from functional lab tests to guide recommendations for diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, supplementation, and toxin removal is exactly how I assist clients of mine such as…

…Leslie, lost over 20 lbs in 6 months bringing her back to pre-college weight, and has an abundance of energy all day long…

…Kristine got rid of stubborn excess pounds, daily pain, sugar cravings, and was able to stabilize her energy levels…

…Jene, was finally able to control her Muscular Sclerosis symptoms naturally and can now keep up with her grandson…

…David, lost 40lbs without engaging in a structured workout routine and is able to sleep through the night…

Running functional lab tests is also what gave me the insights to get my energy back, get my weight under control, clear up my skin, and think clearly again when I wasn’t getting the results I wanted from diet and exercise, or my doctors.

Running these types of lab tests is what has helped so many of my clients uncover hidden healing opportunities, such as:

  • Estrogen dominance
  • Insulin resistance
  • Cortisol dysregulation
  • Liver congestion
  • Poor thyroid function
  • And intestinal parasites, bacteria, and yeast overgrowth

These things were standing in their way of feeling like their best selves despite their diet and exercise efforts.

With the right lab tests and resources, it is possible to feel good in your body and like yourself again!

LAST CALL – If you’re ready to get your hands on the right lab tests and resources so you can get your body back for good now…

There’s still time to apply for one of my two open client spots by August 24th.

CLICK HERE to apply and explore working with me by August 24th!

(NOTE: My client openings are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so make sure you apply and schedule ASAP)

As the (W)holistic Health Boss, my mission is to support busy, health-minded people like you in getting access to the right lab tests and resources so you can find the missing pieces to your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the very first time!).

Here’s to you achieving your ideal health and weight, no matter what life throws at you!

CLICK HERE to apply and explore working with me by August 24th!

Reclaim your energy and body today!

How many times have you said out loud or in your head, “I just want to feel like myself again?”

I remember waking up every morning wanting to feel like myself again so clearly….

…wanting to bounce out of bed instead of dragging myself to the coffee pot

…wanting to feel comfortable in my own body and clothes

…wanting to be free of severe seasonal allergies and able to think clearly

…wanting to not have to work so hard to maintain my weight

…wanting the acne to disappear from my face

…wanting the weird hormonal stuff to just go away

…simply wanting to feel my best so I could live life to the fullest

If you wish you could feel like yourself again, I’m here to tell you it is possible. With the right tools and resources, you can find the missing pieces to your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again, or for the very first time.

I’m living proof. I’ve done it, and I have helped so many of my clients do the same thing too.

I bet you know something deeper is going on with your body, but it feels like no one is listening to what you have to say.

You’ve probably seen specialist after specialist and been recommended a laundry list of supplements, medications, and therapies but nothing has really helped you get YOU back.

You understand there’s a place for specialists and medications, but you think there’s a better way to get your health and self back so you can enjoy your life to the fullest.

You crave answers like a kid craves candy (and you probably crave foods too for unexplained or uncontrollable reasons!).

Am I right?

I’ve been there; I’ve been told my blood work looked normal even when I didn’t feel that way, or that my hormone issues were a part of aging when I knew better.

I was searching for answers that no one else could seem to give me.

In this week’s video and blog, I’m going to help you find the missing pieces of your health puzzle and get real answers so you can get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the very first time).

What you need is a new way of looking at your health, one that focuses on education not medication, and then you’ll have the keys to unlock the answers you’ve been searching for.

Here are the 3 exact steps I took and that I guide my clients through to boost energy, balance hormones, achieve weight goals, and overcome just about any other health issues that might be ailing you.

#1 – Figure out what foods are right for your body so it can function at its potential.
You are unique, and therefore your diet should be too. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for you, and yet you’re trying to fit yourself into a specific framework with most dietary approaches.

There’s a difference between eating healthy and eating right for your body. Eating right for your body may include healthy foods, but not every healthy food is right for your body.

So how do you figure out what is right for your body?

You can do this by testing to see which foods your body responds best to, and then dialing in your macronutrient (protein, carb, and fat) ratios.

This will instantly boost your energy, reduce bloating, and provide the nutrients your body needs to function at its potential. When I discovered what foods were right for my body, I instantly started feeling more like myself again.

#2 – Find the missing pieces and restore balance to all body systems.
The body is a complex network of systems, each doing an important job that the other systems depend on. When one system goes down, they are all affected.

Functional lab testing will help you find the missing pieces so you can see what systems of the body are out of balance and how they are impacting each other, revealing your healing opportunities! These are NOT your typical blood tests. They are usually saliva, urine, and stool-based to show the physiological aspects of the body and how it’s working or not working.

Functional lab tests will take a deeper look at your hormones, immune system, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous system. In turn, this data will guide recommendations for the right diet, rest, exercise, supplementation, stress reduction, and toxin removal you need to feel your best.

#3 – Tune into your body and give it what it needs to feel your best all the time.
Your body holds all of the answers you need, and it always has, but we’ve been conditioned to disconnect from our bodies and to search externally for solutions. When something doesn’t feel right in your body, it’s your body asking you to pay attention, to tune into what it’s trying to tell you. When you do, you’ll know what to do to feel your best all the time.

Have you ever noticed that when you have a stressful day, you experience the following: your stomach gets upset, you experience joint pain, you can’t sleep, or your skin breaks out?

Or when you eat certain things, your body reacts in some way?

This is your body talking to you, telling you to pay attention to something.

For a long time, I dealt with and ignored joint pain, severe seasonal allergies, weight struggles, migraines, cyclical breast tenderness, fatigue, and much more.

Hindsight is always 20/20 though. Looking back, I can clearly see that these symptoms were my body’s way of waving the red flag to get my attention and let me know something was wrong.

We’ve become accustomed to accepting things that are common as normal, but just because something is common does NOT mean it’s normal.

Now if my body feels “off” in any kind of way, I tune it; check to see what it needs, and give it just that.

This could mean eating something differently, canceling obligations to rest, getting some fresh air, doing meditation, or simply drinking some water. Whatever my body needs, I’ve got its back, and it’s got mine.

The health and aging concerns you are facing today are not your destiny. They are an accumulation of things that have happened over your lifetime which have slowly chipped away at that “feel good” feeling until you barely recognize yourself anymore.

With these 3 steps, you can unravel the doings of time and RECLAIM THE REAL YOU, and I’m here to help you do it!

I currently have two client spots open to work with me one-on-one so you can find the missing pieces of your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again!

Apply and book a call to explore working with me by August 24th HERE!

(NOTE: My client openings are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis, so make sure you apply and schedule ASAP)

As the (W)holistic Health Boss, my mission is to support busy, health-minded people like you in getting access to the right lab tests and resources so you can find the missing pieces to your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the very first time!).

Are you ready to feel like your best self?  If so, let’s do this!

Apply and book a call to explore working with me by August 24th HERE!

Why I’m not afraid of skin cancer anymore…

Summer is in full force, which probably means you’re slathering on sunscreen every time you step outside like I used to.

But did you know most sunscreens are loaded with toxic ingredients that can alter hormone balance, drain your energy, and contribute to weight gain or other health issues?

I recently spent over a week in the Hawaiian islands soaking up the sun without worrying one bit about skin cancer or toxic sunscreen side effects, despite having been diagnosed with skin cancer when I was 25.

At the time of my skin cancer diagnosis, from the outside, I looked like your typical healthy person…

  • I ate “healthy” by consuming low-calorie foods, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, yogurts, and sweets only occasionally. 
  • I exercised daily doing a mix of weight lifting, cardio, training for fitness shows, and marathons.
  • On paper, everything looked perfect; normal cholesterol, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.  
  • I was even a skilled personal trainer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fitness, Nutrition, and Health who (at the time) thought I knew all there was to know about being healthy and losing weight.

Regardless of all my “healthy habits”, before my skin cancer diagnosis, I had a growing list of health issues that I shrugged off as “normal” such as:

  • Intense seasonal allergies that often lead to ear infections.
  • Migraines that were increasing in frequency. 
  • Joint aches and muscle soreness that seemed to linger longer and longer.  
  • And it was getting tougher to lose or maintain my weight.

I slowly started to question the status of my health and what I had been taught all those years in college studying fitness, nutrition, and health.

Skin cancer was the light bulb moment when I knew something bigger was going on.

Being diagnosed with skin cancer at such a young age sparked an undeniable urge to get to the bottom of my health issues and to help others do the same.

I was perplexed by the diagnosis. I had zero risk factors associated with skin cancer; no family history of any cancers related to melanoma, and sure, I used a tanning bed occasionally or spent time in the sun without sunscreen from time to time, but I wasn’t an obsessive irresponsible tanner who was putting themselves at risk for skin cancer by any means.

The pieces of the puzzle just didn’t seem to add up. I was “healthy”, had minimal risk factors, and was young, yet for some reason, cancer was cultivating in my body, so I knew there had to be more to the story.

When I started searching for answers, I came across the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) Course; a functional lab training and health practitioner certification program that gave me the tools to dig deeper into my health issues to get to the bottom of them once and for all.

The FDN Program gave me a whole new way of looking at weight loss, health, and disease.

And as I dug deeper into my health, I found A LOT of cellular damage, hormone imbalances, liver congestion, and digestive dysfunction…

No wonder cancer had found itself at home in my body!

Running functional lab tests on yourself to look at the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems all at once is a requirement of the program. These functional lab tests provide a very different lens into the body than typical blood tests. Most of these tests are done using saliva, urine, and stool to take a closer look at how the body is functioning (or not) in real-time.

Needless to say, my test results revealed a flurry of Metabolic Chaos®.

For example, my hormones were going haywire, contributing to drastic afternoon energy dips, and challenges with maintaining my ideal weight. This scenario was also a big contributor to my seasonal allergies, aches, and pains.

My liver was overloaded and unable to move cancer-causing toxins out of my body effectively. All of this coupled with high oxidative stress (i.e. cellular/DNA damage), made me the perfect candidate for cancer.

The good news is that this story has a happy ending. I’m now over 15 years skin cancer-free.

And I’m not afraid of skin cancer anymore, or any other health condition, for that matter.

You see, cancer was the first big health hurdle I had to overcome, but it sure wasn’t my last. Shortly after being deemed skin cancer-free, I ran into another series of hormone issues; cystic acne, weight gain, energy dips, Hashimotos, estrogen dominance, and yet again, a clogged detoxification system related to mold exposure.

But once more, I persevered using the FDN principles along with advanced detox strategies to now feel better in my 40s than my 20s, and I have helped many others do the same over the last 11 years as a Functional Health Practitioner.

In this week’s video and blog, I’m sharing the 5 foundational lifestyle pillars and advanced detox strategies that I’ve personally used to actually fix what was going on in my body and feel even better with age.



In every health situation, I’ve encountered personally and with thousands of clients over the past 11 years, functional lab testing always reveals the missing pieces of a person’s health puzzle that aren’t being identified with typical bloodwork.

The data and correlations gathered with functional lab tests from the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems ALWAYS HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON…



Because we have to start acknowledging the load of toxins in our environment and the toll it’s taking on the body. It’s estimated that over 150K synthetic chemicals have been introduced in the U.S. alone since WWII, and the majority of them have not been tested for long-term side effects, safety, or interactions with other elements.

We’ve been told they are “safe” in small amounts, but the reality is, every amount counts and the exposures add up quickly over time.

Women are exposed to 168 chemicals per day just from personal care products according to an EWG survey.

We can’t always see, smell, or feel toxins, but they are all around us. They hide in food, furniture, cookware, personal care and cleaning products, other housewares and building materials, and in the air all around us.

Obviously, you can’t live in a bubble to avoid toxins completely, but there are things you can do to minimize exposures and support the body’s natural detox process to eliminate them.

And a juice cleanse every once in a while isn’t going to get the job done, or scrape the surface, in this day and age.

To effectively eliminate toxins, all systems of the body need to be running efficiently; the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems.

Learning to navigate toxins and support all systems of the body so I’m constantly mitigating the impacts of our modern-day environment is what gives me the confidence to spend fearless time in the sun all Summer long.

Giving your body what it needs to feel your best doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be easy. These are the 5 foundational lifestyle pillars I follow to prevent skin cancer and overcome any future health hurdles, and that I teach my clients to do too:

  1. Eat the right foods your body needs to function at its potential
  2. Get high-quality sleep according to your body’s natural rhythm
  3. Align daily exercise intensity to build health instead of depleting it
  4. Routinely release life’s daily stressors even when it feels like you don’t have any
  5. Incorporate simple natural detox-supporting lifestyle strategies 

If you’re already CHECKING ALL of these boxes but still don’t feel like your best self, then it’s time for a deeper detox with Sinclair Kennally’s Rapid Liver Reset Program.

Sinclair is the founder of Detox Rejuvenation and someone I have personally worked with to guide me through deeper detox strategies when I was “checking all of the boxes” but wanted to feel even better.

Sinclair’s unique approach has helped me clear my body of lingering mold, metals, hidden parasites, and other toxins to achieve a higher level of health and feel better in my 40s than ever before.

The collection of wisdom and experience she has in this area is unmatched by any I’ve seen before. As someone who has personally overcome chronic illness and helped thousands of others, she has so much to offer.

Working with Sinclair has been a huge compliment to the work I do as a Functional Health Professional by helping me not only take my health to the next level but by also being a resource I can confidently refer my clients to when they need an expert guide to help them detoxify and regenerate their liver.

CLICK HERE to see how the Rapid Liver Reset Program can change your health and your life, and enroll by July 30th if you’re ready to feel like your absolute best self.

And if you need a sign to let you know if the Rapid Liver Reset program is right for you, pay attention to how your body feels leading up to and a few days after the full moon on July 21st.

If any symptoms or health issues intensify around the full moon, that’s a signature sign for parasites (hello liver flukes!), bacteria, and yeast overgrowth that can strongly correlate with a clogged detox system and toxic body burden.

I know Rapid Liver Reset will help you find the missing pieces of your health puzzle like this, so you can fix whatever is going on and get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the first time)

Here’s your Summer playlist…

Happy Summer Solstice!

I just returned from my first Summer road trip, which is my favorite time to catch up on podcasts and audiobooks!

Are you ready to embark on a Summer road trip or vacation?

Whether you’re road-tripping, flying, or staycation-ing, I bet you’ll need some good podcasts, hardbacks, or audiobooks for the season, and I’ve got some great recommendations to help you explore all of the pieces of your health puzzle so you can feel your best this Summer and beyond!

Check out some of my recent podcast interviews for your Summer Playlist to explore topics such as…

Dive into the intricacies of thyroid health in this insightful episode with Jenn Malecha, a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and Transformational Coaching expert. We start by exploring how specific tests can unlock paths to healing, moving beyond standard checks to find hidden health issues.

Jenn shares her wisdom and insights on how to break free from negative patterns and create a healthier, more fulfilling life. She emphasizes the importance of forgiveness in our lives and how it can be a tough, yet transformative journey, and highlights the significance of self-love and how it plays a vital role in building our health and correcting imbalances in our bodies.


In this podcast, Dr. Amie Hornaman interviews Jenn Malecha about her personal health journey and her thyroid and weight loss journey too. They dive into conversations and Jenn shares her knowledge with her extensive background. First, Jenn is a powerful woman. She has so much training and so much experience under her belt. This is really one that you are going to want to listen to. Her focus is on supporting health-minded individuals in taking back control of their health.


And here are a few of my favorite health-related books to help you live your best life…

I need some new podcasts and books for my Summer playlist too, hit reply to let me know what some of your recent favorites have been!

Summer travel tips to feel your best!

It’s officially Summer travel season here in the Northern Hemisphere!

I’m off to Maui next week, San Francisco in July, and Santa Barbara in August. Where are you headed this Summer?

As much as I love traveling, it used to wipe me out and set my health back, but I know how to do it differently so I can feel as good, if not better, upon my return than when I left.

You probably don’t notice the full toll that traveling takes on your body because…

…if it’s work-related you tend to see it as “just part of the job” and so you continue to push through…

…and if it’s vacation-related, well, it must be all good right?

Traveling is a type of stress we just don’t typically address.

Think about it. How many times have you come home from a trip and:

  • Come down with the worst cold or flu ever
  • Felt extremely exhausted even if your trip was a vacation
  • Had a flare-up of muscle or joint aches and pains
  • Struggled to get your sleep back on track
  • Noticed your weight shot up
  • Or experienced a relapse in your autoimmune symptoms, anxiety, skin breakouts, or other health issues

These are all signs of the stress your body experiences while traveling.

Don’t get me wrong, I love traveling and I would never give it up. Over the years, I started to recognize the toll it took on my body too, and the proactive actions I could take to not only prevent a health setback, but feel better upon my return than when I left sometimes, and I’m about to share them with you.

First, you have to understand that STRESS is anything that places a burden on your body, resulting in inflammation and imbalances which leads to any of the health issues you might encounter.

Stressors can include the foods you’re eating that aren’t right for your body, getting inadequate sleep, over or under-exercising, emotional or physical stress, toxins that you encounter, and hidden stressors such as parasites, bacteria or yeast overgrowth in the gut, hormone imbalances, liver congestion and more.

The not-so-obvious but typical types of stressors you encounter when traveling are:

  • Limited quality food and water options
  • Bad beds or environments that negatively impact sleep quality
  • Sitting for long periods or getting less movement in general
  • Dehydration from flying or not being in your normal routine
  • Crossing time zones and messing with your natural hormone balance
  • And an abundance of toxins circulating the air in airports and hotels

These stressors can add up quickly while traveling.

As your stress load increases, it can suppress your immune system, making you more susceptible to getting sick, disrupting your natural hormone balance which drains your energy and mood, overloading your liver causing a backup of toxins in your body, and destroying your gut resulting in digestive upset.

You may not have complete control over these travel-time stressors BUT you can reduce their impact on your body when you take the right steps.

In this week’s video and blog, I share my top health travel tips to help you feel your best anywhere in the world, prevent health setbacks, and feel even better upon return!

You obviously can’t live in a bubble and avoid all “unhealthy” things. The goal is to…

Learn how to navigate life differently to support your health and feel your best.

As I pointed out, there are quite a few types of stressors you typically encounter while traveling; some might be within your control and some may not be, so the strategy is to minimize what you can and take action to offset what you can’t.

Instead of stressing about finding the perfect place, food, and toxin-free environments while traveling, here are some simple steps that I take, and that you can take too, in order to proactively support your body and prevent any health setbacks…

Be Food & Water Aware.

  1. Order and seek out gluten and dairy-free options to avoid pesticides and other inflammatory elements.  
  2. Increase your electrolyte and water intake 1 day before plus while traveling to prevent dehydration. 
  3. Be mindful of your alcohol intake – if tired or jet-lagged, opt for a mocktail instead.

Support Sound Sleep.

  1. Set your bedroom to 68 degrees for optimal sleep temperature.
  2. Cover all lights; alarm clocks, smoke alarms, and tightly seal curtains shut (Ninja trick! Pack electrical tape to cover smoke alarm lights and place pillows against curtains to seal the cracks).
  3. Get sunlight exposure upon waking up to balance your circadian (aka energy) rhythm. 

Reduce Physical Stress.

  1. Diffuse the impacts of artificial light with stylish and compact Viva Ray blue blockers.
  2. Stretch, stretch, and stretch! Daily and intermittently on the plane for long flights.
  3. Choose less intense exercise, such as walking or yoga when you feel tired or depleted.

Decompress and Revitalize.

  1. Pack lavender essential oil to use anytime you need to unwind throughout your trip.
  2. Start and/or end your day with a cycle of deep breaths, meditation, or journaling.
  3. Schedule some time at the spa or book a massage to relax and restore your body.

Tone Down Toxins.

  1. Pack a Triad Air Go travel-size air purifier to combat allergen, mold, and chemical air exposures.
  2. Drink bottled spring water ONLY – Fiji, Sedona, Mountain Spring, and Evian are my top picks. 
  3. Get in touch with nature – open windows when possible, get outside daily, and even put your bare feet in grass or dirt to offset toxin exposure.

I love helping my clients learn how to navigate life differently so they can enjoy traveling AND have their ideal health and weight at the same time.

If you’re a busy, health-minded professional who travels a ton and wants to learn how to support your body better while doing it, then follow me closely on Instagram to catch all my travel tips with my upcoming trips!

Find out if fasting is right for you…

If you follow me closely on Instagram or Facebook, then you probably know I’ve done quite a few 3-day fasts over the years.

In fact, I completed my 15th one just last week.

But let me tell you, I didn’t just jump into fasting overnight. (Ha! No pun intended.)

Yes, fasting can produce some major health benefits, and it’s been used for a long time as a therapeutic tool to help reverse or prevent health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

However, without the right supervision, guidance, or preparation, fasting can do more harm than good.

There was a time when my body couldn’t even handle intermittent fasting for 12 hours, let alone 3 full days.

I eased into intermittent and prolonged fasting over time, and I’m going to share the 4 simple steps I took (below) to get there so you can use fasting as an appropriate health tool as well.

BUT here’s what you need to know first…

Fasting isn’t right for everyone, regardless of how popular it is. And even if it’s right for you, it’s important to tune into your body to know if it’s the right time for you to fast or not.

I’ve seen too many clients walk through my virtual practice door frustrated with the lack of results they’ve seen from their fasting attempts, or feeling wiped out and worse off after trying it.

In the midst of healing my Hashimotos and reversing mold illness, my body couldn’t tolerate fasting at all. My body was burdened by too many toxins, depleted, and dysfunctional at the time to metabolize fat for fuel and feel good while fasting, even for short periods.

Fasting has been a part of human existence probably since the beginning of time, as our ancestors roamed the earth, alternating through times of feast or famine and hibernation during the winter months.

However, our modern-day culture has altered our fasting instincts and biology with the introduction of fast food drive-thrus, processed foods with exceptionally long shelf lives, and high carbohydrate and sugar diets that leave you craving more food than ever before.

To top it all off, the majority of our modern-day food leads to blood sugar issues, hormone imbalances, and liver and gut dysfunction, which negatively impact your ability to utilize fasting effectively as a tool until these internal issues are resolved.

And then there are the toxins and stressors that our bodies encounter every day, which alter hormonal balance and other metabolic processes, leaving the body less capable for effective fasting.

A body that was once born with a natural ability to tolerate fasting no longer can due to the evolution of the food industry and our environment.

In this week’s video and blog, I’m sharing 4 simple steps you can take to get your body into fasting shape and to make fasting more effective. 

Let’s break down what fasting is first…

When it comes to intermittent fasting (especially as it relates to the Keto diet), there are basically two schools of thought:

#1- Fasting means not eating anything containing calories or nutrients for a period of time (i.e. water fasting).

#2- Fasting means not eating any sources of immediate energy, such as carbs or proteins (i.e. sometimes fats are ok)

Both approaches focus on training the body to primarily utilize fat stores for energy to become “fat-adapted.”

The standard American diet and even most other whole food or primal diets, such as Paleo and Whole30, constantly supply the body with readily available fuel sources in the forms of carbohydrates (veggies, fruits, nuts, etc.) and proteins (meat, beans, etc.)

Training the body to be fat-adapted requires limiting sources to these readily available types of fuel and forcing the body to tap into its own fuel storage – fat.

Then there are prolonged fasting periods, which typically exceed 24 hours and can go on for days.  At this point, one’s body ideally should be fat-adapted in order to access its own fuel source so you can feel your best during these longer stints.

With prolonged fasting, there are also multiple schools of thought. Some do “water only” fasts, while others might include a daily cup of bone broth, like I do sometimes. Most approaches produce health benefits and you should choose one that works best for you and is in alignment with your goals.

I use prolonged fasting as a tool to restore and reset my digestive tract and flush out inflammation every few months. The cells of the intestinal lining have the ability to completely regenerate within 72 hours if you avoid consuming food, giving you a whole new, stronger, healthier digestive tract and a boosted immune system.

Having a cup of bone broth at night and taking daily supplements can help restore the body  and maximize fat metabolism during this time for additional benefits, such as toxin elimination, hormonal health, energy, and sleep.

But as I cautioned earlier, fasting isn’t for everyone, especially depending on your current health status.  For example, fasting could make you feel worse if you have existing hormone imbalances or a high toxic body burden from mold or other environmental factors.

It’s always important to consult with your health professional before trying any method of fasting.

And before you jump right in, follow these 4 simple steps to get your body into fasting shape and to make fasting more effective…

1 – Test, Don’t Guess.
It’s better to know about underlying hormone or nutrient imbalances before you dive into fasting. At a minimum, check your thyroid, cortisol, estrogen, testosterone, and melatonin levels, along with your vitamin and mineral balance, before starting a fasting routine. If any imbalances exist, lay the foundation to reverse them with a therapeutic diet, adequate sleep, appropriate exercise, stress reduction, and nourishing supplements before jumping into fasting.

2 – Fuel Up with Fat.
Slowly ease your body into the transition by progressively reducing your carbohydrate intake and fasting with fat as your primary fuel source. Fat is not readily available as fuel when ingested, so it still requires your body to tap into its own fat fuel sources. Allow yourself to have a fat-only meal in the morning, such as coffee or matcha tea with ghee and/or full-fat coconut milk. This will deliver some of the essential nutrients your body needs so it can still function at its potential while staying away from carbs or proteins that can hijack fat for fuel metabolism.

Training your body to use fat for fuel is the key to having energy and sleeping well while fasting.

3 – Ease Into It.
Don’t go for the gold right from the get-go. Start by making dinner your last meal, fasting overnight, and gradually extending the time you eat breakfast in the morning a few days a week. This is basically what’s called Intermittent Fasting.

I started by having dinner by 7:30pm and my first meal around 9:30 or 10am the next morning, resulting in a 14-hour fasting period. As your body adapts, your energy will improve, letting you know when you can extend the length of your fasting window.

(NOTE: Women’s hormones are particularly sensitive to food deprivation, so it’s best to fast every other day instead of every day when getting started, and to honor your body’s needs around certain times of your cycle.)

4 – Salt and Supplement.
When avoiding food, you’re also avoiding access to nutrients, so it might be essential to supplement what you’re missing. When fasting, supplementing with vitamins and minerals will help maintain sleep quality, keep your hormones happy and your energy balanced, and support the process of fat metabolism. Our ancestors salted meats to preserve them for food storage and ate every part of the animal (organs, cartilage, etc.) so the nutrient values in their bodies were much higher than ours, even when they were forced to fast.

While fasting, I continue to take my daily supplements to ensure my body has the nutrients it needs to get the job done.

Certain herbal teas, such as Pique Tea, also help support the body while fasting. During prolonged fasting periods, I’ll have 1-2 cups of black or green tea in the morning and one cup of green tea in the afternoon.

Plus, I add an extra packet of LMNT electrolytes to maintain hydration, balance cortisol, and boost energy.

I also take specific binders to help capture toxins being released from fat (where they are stored) as it’s broken down for fuel to make sure they are eliminated and not recirculated.

You’ll know your body is ready for fasting when your energy is even all day long and your sleep is spectacular, especially when you start to lengthen time between meals.

We want to think of the body as a well-oiled machine that is ready to adapt to anything we throw at it, but that’s generally not the case, considering all the variables that impact our health in this modern-day world.

With most diet trends, people have a tendency to dive all-in without considering if their body is ready for it, and when it “doesn’t work,” they give up.

Often, it’s not the diet that didn’t work, but something else under the hood that got in the way. This is why it’s always better to test, not guess, in order to figure out exactly what is right for your body, so you don’t go spinning your wheels, wasting money or time on failed attempts or health improvement strategies that aren’t right for you.

If you want to find the missing pieces of your health puzzle so you can effectively use fasting as a tool and feel your best, then…

I have TWO CLIENT OPENINGS for the month of June!

CLICK HERE TO BOOK an Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Call with me.

During this 45-minute Discovery Call, we’ll explore what’s currently going on with your health, your goals and how we can work together with the right lab tests and resources so you can feel like your best self.

Is it seasonal allergies or something else? What you need to know.

I’m loving the recent change of season! But I didn’t always feel this way…

Seasonal shifts used to hit me hard because of the impacts they had on my health. Every Spring and Fall, I used to struggle with allergy symptoms such as:

  • Brain fog
  • Low energy
  • Congestion
  • Earaches or infections
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • And downright, just feeling blah!

When I moved from a Northern California farming town full of pollen to sunny San Diego with refreshing ocean breezes for college in 2001, it seemed odd to develop seasonal allergies but I brushed it off, completely ignoring the smoke signal symptoms my body was sending that eventually led to a skin cancer diagnosis at the young age of 25.

Back then, I couldn’t think straight during seasonal changes due to allergy-induced headaches, sinus congestion that led to earaches, and super low energy, despite how much coffee I drank.

Now, seasonal shifts don’t phase me at all.  

Seasonal allergies might be common, but they are not normal. 

The frequency and intensity of seasonal allergies are clues about the immune system’s strength and your body’s inflammatory load; the more frequent and intense allergies are, the more inflammatory load you have and the lower your immune system.

The stronger your immune system is and the lower the inflammatory load, the more adaptable your body is and thus less reactive to things like pollens and allergens in the air.

Being diagnosed with skin cancer at such a young age motivated me to think about health differently and go searching for answers because, despite these health issues, my doctor always said my bloodwork looked normal and I was the “picture of perfect health” even though I didn’t feel that way.

And what I discovered was…

Inflammation is at the root of every symptom, condition, and disease.

Over time, I have implemented strategies to reduce the overall inflammatory load on my body and strengthen my immune system to get rid of seasonal allergies completely and never have a recurrence of skin cancer again (currently 15 years skin cancer-free!).

If you suffer from seasonal allergies or other health issues, there’s no need to suffer anymore. You can reduce and even prevent them, like I have. 

My friend and colleague, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, has traveled the globe, creating a brand new documentary series called “The Inflammation Equation” that explores ways to support your body’s natural healing process by lowering the #1 roadblock to healing: inflammation.

I’m honored to have been interviewed by Dr. Tom as part of the series to share my health journey and expertise to help others like you achieve your ideal health and weight, and defy everything we’ve been told about aging and health issues like I have.

Watch the Inflammation Equation!

This informative documentary series explores practical strategies to:

  • Identify (and overcome) potential underlying causes of inflammation.
  • Discover effective methods to support your body’s natural healing processes.
  • Learn from leading global experts in the field of health and wellness.

The series features insights from renowned figures like Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Bruce Lipton, PhD, me, and even Fran Drescher, plus over 50 other paradigm-shifting leaders.

The series starts April 4th, so mark your calendar and GRAB YOUR ACCESS PASS.

These are some of the most common signature signs of chronic inflammation, especially if you have two or more:

  • Allergies or asthma (especially if it progressively gets worse)
  • Constant body aches and pains (muscle and joint)
  • High blood pressure or cholesterol
  • Restless sleep, fatigue and/or lethargy
  • Any autoimmune disorder (Hashimoto’s, Colitis, Celiac, Crohn’s, etc.)
  • Get sick with a cold, flu or virus multiple times a year
  • Bouts of anxiety and/or depression
  • Constipation and/or diarrhea
  • Skin rashes, acne and breakouts

And the list could go on for a long time.

As you’ll see discussed in The Inflammation Equation documentary series, to reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and boost the body’s ability to handle seasonal changes and reverse or prevent health issues, there are some strategic daily strategies you can implement, such as: 

  1. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet
  2. Being asleep by 10 pm and sleeping through the night
  3. Moving your body daily and decreasing exercise intensity on days you feel tired
  4. Drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water to flush toxins
  5. Taking time to destress and disconnect daily, even if it’s for 5 minutes at a time
  6. Gradually eliminating toxins from your environment 

Along my health journey, I have incorporated all of these strategies into my daily way of being to prevent seasonal allergies, and other health issues and create long-lasting results.

I hope you’ll watch The Inflammation Equation with me next week to understand what your personal inflammatory triggers are and the steps you can take to reduce them so you can unlock answers about your health, reduce your risk for disease, and prolong your life.

Sign up to watch The Inflammation Equation series so you can take back control of your health and create a movement by sharing it with everyone you know! 

The Root Of All Disease…


Did you know there’s ONE thing that all diseases, health issues, and conditions such as weight gain, thyroid imbalances, low energy, autoimmunity, high cholesterol, cancer, Alzheimer’s, brain fog, and more have in common?


Inflammation slowly accumulates over time and silently brings people to their wit’s end about their health, and it can even end a person’s life.

As Dr. Mercola once said…

“The presence of inflammation is what makes most diseases perceptible to an individual. It can and often does occur for years before it exists at levels sufficient to be apparent or clinically significant. How long it has been smoldering really determines the degree of severity of a disease and often the prognosis, assuming the inflammation can be controlled. One could also argue that without inflammation, the most disease would not even exist.”

Inflammation is not something widely talked about in your typical doctor’s office unless it relates to a fractured bone, bruise, concussion, or other physical injuries. Yet inflammation is the body’s number one response to just about any imbalance going on in the body.

Inflammation cannot always be seen, felt, or heard, so it often goes undetected and overlooked.

There are two kinds of inflammation:

  1. Acute – a brief response to injury or illness lasting only a few days
  2. Chronic- when it stops being acute and remains as a low-level constant response to ongoing stress on the body

Acute inflammation is a healthy response that allows your body to repair and heal, but when it becomes chronic, it becomes problematic.

Chronic inflammation is when your body is consistently bombarded by various causes of inflammation and eventually loses its ability to regulate the inflammatory response. This overly active inflammatory response can damage cells and tissues, resulting in conditions such as leaky gut, autoimmunity, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and much more.

It can also have a big impact on hormone balance because cortisol (also known as your stress hormone) is your body’s natural anti-inflammatory agent. When inflammation is high and chronic, this disrupts the natural cortisol balance, triggering a downstream dysregulation of other hormones such as thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which disrupt your sleep, cause weight gain, and drain your energy.

How do you know if chronic inflammation is affecting you?

My friend and colleague, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, has traveled the globe, creating a brand new documentary series called “The Inflammation Equation” that explores ways to support your body’s natural healing process by lowering the #1 roadblock to healing: inflammation.

This informative documentary series explores practical strategies to:

  • Identify (and overcome) potential underlying causes of inflammation.
  • Discover effective methods to support your body’s natural healing processes.
  • Learn from leading global experts in the field of health and wellness.

The series features insights from renowned figures like Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Bruce Lipton, PhD, me and even Fran Drescher, plus over 50 other paradigm-shifting leaders.

The series starts April 4th, so mark your calendar and GRAB YOUR ACCESS PASS.

These are some of the most common signature signs of chronic inflammation, especially if you have two or more:

  • Allergies or asthma (especially if it progressively gets worse)
  • Constant body aches and pains (muscle and joint)
  • High blood pressure or cholesterol
  • Restless sleep, fatigue and/or lethargy
  • Any autoimmune disorder (Hashimoto’s, Colitis, Celiac, Crohn’s, etc.)
  • Get sick with a cold, flu or virus multiple times a year
  • Bouts of anxiety and/or depression
  • Constipation and/or diarrhea
  • Skin rashes, acne and breakouts

And the list could go on for a long time.

All of us have some inflammation from time to time. You might even be able to pinpoint times when it is worse after eating certain foods or during a full moon when water in the body is being moved by the gravitational pull of the moon.

But as Dr. Mercola said, “It (inflammation) can and often does occur for years before it exists at levels sufficient to be apparent or clinically significant.”

The accumulation of inflammatory triggers over time burdens the body, eventually resulting in chronic inflammation. This is why we feel it more as we get older, not just because we are getting older, but because more time has passed for inflammation to accumulate.

How can you reverse the effects of chronic inflammation?

Reducing inflammation for each person can be different depending on what their top triggers are, but in general (for everyone), these are the most important things you can do to reduce your daily inflammatory load:

  • Avoid inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, soy, added sugar and alcohol
  • Eat organic fruits and veggies free of herbicides and pesticides
  • Minimize environmental toxins in drinking water, air, personal care, and cleaning products
  • Have an outlet for mental/emotional stress, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing

Understanding what triggers inflammation for you and taking steps to reduce it is one of the ways you can unlock answers about your health, reduce your risk for disease, and prolong your life.

You might be wondering why don’t we have a cure for everything if we know that inflammation is the root of all diseases.

Well, we actually do, you just have to take matters into your own hands, and I’m excited to be a part of a health revolution to help you be your own Health Boss.

It’s an honor and a privilege to share parts of my health journey and expertise in The Inflammation Equation documentary series to help others like you achieve your ideal health and weight, and defy everything we’ve been told about aging like I have.

Sign up to watch The Inflammation Equation series so you can take back control of your health, and create a movement by sharing it with everyone you know!