Slow down to drop pounds and boost energy [I’m back!]

Slow down to drop pounds and boost energy - 8.10.23

When was the last time you sat down and did nothing? I mean, literally did nothing – just enjoyed the sun on your face, the cool breeze, listened to the birds chirping, and let all of your thoughts just drift away?

It’s HARD for me to sit still, but after realizing years ago that my busy Type-A ways were part of what drove my energy into the ground and weight up, I have progressively worked towards allowing myself to take more time off not only for health benefits but also for professional ones. ⁣

Dr. Ben Hardy and Dan Sullivan’s 10x is Easier Than 2x book inspired me to finally bite the bullet and take a semi-sabbatical for July with the intention to…⁣

  • Have more space to just BE⁣
  • Do only deep focus work to 10x my health and biz⁣
  • Rest & restore all parts of me to be my best physically, personally, and professionally ⁣

After taking a month off, I feel AMAZING physically, mentally, and professionally!

We underestimate the impact always having “to do something” has on our health.

Being in constant movement, or always doing something, triggers the body’s stress response without us even realizing it.

The American Medical Association once stated that stress is the basic cause of more than 60 percent of all human illnesses and diseases.

This study even notes the correlation between stress, weight, and other health issues…
(paraphrased to highlight key takeaways)

“The relationship between stress and illness is complex…chronic stress has a significant effect on the immune system that ultimately manifests an illness….Stress increases the risk for diabetes mellitus…since psychological stress alters insulin needs….Stress also alters the acid concentration in the stomach, which can lead to peptic ulcers, stress ulcers, or ulcerative colitis. Chronic stress can also lead to plaque buildup in the arteries (atherosclerosis)…The correlation between stressful life events and psychiatric illness is stronger than the correlation with medical or physical illness…recent studies found a link between stress, tumor development, and suppression of natural killer (NK) cells, which is actively involved in preventing metastasis and destroying small metastases”

From the moment we get up, we are constantly moving, always doing something and soliciting a stress response or pattern…

Checking email and texts first thing in the morning then every five minutes.
Rushing to get ready for work and the kids to school.
Back-to-back meetings, appointments, or errands to run.
Multi-tasking at stop lights and in traffic on our way home.
Cleaning the house, doing yard work, and marking off our mile-high list of responsibilities.

The to-do list that keeps us going is never-ending. And I don’t know about you, but it seems like the older I get, the more responsibilities and commitments I have.

As I like to tell my clients all the time, “You don’t work in an emergency room. No one is going to die if you don’t respond to that email or text, empty the dishwasher before bed, or don’t pick up your dry cleaning today.”

Learning to live a slower-paced life is what will heal us all.

In this week’s video and blog, I dive into more detail about how a fast-paced life impacts your body and why slowing down will help you shed pounds and boost your energy!

The truth is, your body can only heal in a relaxed state.

And contrary to what we’ve been conditioned to think, you have to get healthy to drop pounds and boost energy, not the other way around.

If you struggle with energy and/or to lose weight despite your “healthy habits” it’s because there are more pieces to your health puzzle waiting to be uncovered.

My Type-A ways used to run the show: running from task to task, constantly on the go, getting high by checking things off my to-do list. I never slowed down. That was until I realized just how much damage my fast-paced life was doing to my health.

A lot of us live in a fight-or-flight-stressed state all of the time, whether we recognize it or not, simply because of our modern fast-paced world. In this state, all of our energy is diverted outward for quick thinking and quick moving, instead of internally for healing, weight loss, and energy.

When in a rested state, our energy is focused inward on digestion and healing.

These biological responses are quite brilliant if you think about…

The classic textbook example of this is to imagine being chased by a lion.  Your body’s brilliant fight or flight response would act quickly to send all resources and blood flow to your arms and legs for running and to your brain for quick thinking.

Although we do not face lions in our typical day, on a biological level our body does not know the difference between a lion chasing you and the sense of urgency you feel to respond to email, the stress of traffic or your job, and the constant worrying about life’s daily responsibilities.

This consistent state of fight or flight triggers the body to release the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol not only responds to stress but it also regulates inflammation (the root of all disease), blood sugar levels, and sleep cycles and plays a major role in balancing the thyroid and many other bodily functions.

Even low-grade stress triggers the fight-or-flight response and the output of cortisol. Over time, this constant output of cortisol creates imbalances in the other body systems that it controls, in addition to taking a toll on other hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid.

Aside from cortisol and overall hormone dysregulation from constant low (or high) grade stress, the fight or flight response also impacts your digestive health.

Beneficial and bad bacteria in the gut respond to stress by creating something called biofilm.  The accumulation of biofilm can alter the internal environment of the gut, contributing to internal toxicity, inflammation, and leaky gut.

Alternatively, when we are in a rested state, the body is able to focus its resources on healing, digesting food, and nutrient delivery for cellular functions which all help to promote weight loss and more energy!

With this in mind, I’m continuously looking for ways to slow down in life to allow my body to heal in order to maintain my ideal health and weight and feel like my best self.

Here are examples of simple steps you can take to slow down and allow healing to happen:

  • Technology Breaks: Put all devices on do-not-disturb from 7am to 7pm.
  • Deep Breathing: This flips the body switch from a stressed to a relaxed mode.
  • Sit Outside: Take 5 minutes to sit outside and just be one with nature.
  • Politely Decline: Be mindful of how much is on your plate and polite decline or ask for help.

It’s common to feel guilty about taking time and space for yourself, but we actually show up better in the world when we do.

When we invest in slowing down, more healing happens, lending us the ability to be more productive in life instead of being slowed down by low energy, weight, and illness, so we can be more present for our family, friends, and loved ones.

Even though I actively try to practice a slower-paced life, I still get that sense of urgency bubbling up from time to time. But I can quickly diffuse it by breathing deeply or stepping away from the “busyness” of what I’m doing and resetting my mindset around the priority to heal and support my body.

I challenge you this week to look for where you can add more rest, even if it’s only for 5 minutes, and where you can slow down in your life to allow the healing to happen.

Comment below to share one action you can take to slow down this week for some accountability!

Hair loss solutions [encore weekend]

Hair loss summit - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

Did you know that there is a huge connection between your digestive health and your hair quality?

Yet most people are told or think their hair struggles are related to genetics or other health issues out of their control.

But this simply isn’t true.

Genetics was not related to the hair loss I experienced years ago. 

Yes, there might be a genetic component at play, but the study of epigenetics has shown us that our lifestyle choices actually dictate the expression of genes.

Women who experience temporary hair loss after childbirth are great examples of how changes in hair can be related to metabolic shifts in the body.

And if your hair challenges are related to a health condition, then what you should know is that inflammation is at the root of all health issues. 

Therefore, healthy hair growth begins from the inside out and is hugely dependent on good digestive health. In fact, digestive problems often show up externally as skin irritation, breakouts, and hair loss.

Your digestive system is essential for breaking food down into usable nutrients for bodily functions, and so gut health has a significant impact on your overall well-being, including your hair health.

Digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, loose stools, and indigestion can all be related to hair loss, dry itchy scalp, dandruff, overly oily hair… and even more severe issues down the line if left unchecked.

These are all ways your body could be telling you that something out of balance in your body needs to be addressed.

Even if your hair issues correlate with a thyroid condition, which is very common, the health of your digestive system plays a major role in the expression of BOTH of these health challenges. 

Digestive health is just ONE piece of your health and hair pizzle. 

Different people experience different types of hair loss that require different methods to resolve them.

For some people, the answer might be as simple as giving the body extra nutritional support…

For others, it could mean addressing inflammation, food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, AND gut dysfunction…

Unfortunately, the common treatment options for hair loss can be as devastating as losing your hair. Most are costly, ineffective, and don’t produce long-term results. 

So before you commit to lifelong medications, pricey painful procedures, or expensive hair products, learn how to determine your type of hair loss and why (and how!) you must address it ASAP.

To help you do this, my dear friend and fellow Functional Health Professional, Julie Olson is hosting an encore of her summit this weekend…Healthy Body, Healthy Hair: The Truth About Hair Loss.


This weekend, you can access over 45 expert talks revealing the latest scientific research on resolving hair loss, sharing comprehensive and long-lasting approaches that don’t rely on lifelong medications, painful treatments, or expensive hair products that only provide temporary solutions.

As part of the event, you’ll also get access to my expert talk about the best lab tests to find the missing pieces of your hair loss and health puzzle along with Julie’s Stopping Hair Loss Guide!

Click here to save your seat for the encore this weekend and free access to the most up-to-date insights about reversing or preventing hair loss!

And once you attend (or if you already did), I would love to know what your biggest hair health takeaway is!

Comment below to let me know

P.S. Feel free to share this hair-liberating event with anyone else who could benefit from it!


Hair loss confessions and solutions…

Losing your hair is never fun; not for men or women.

Your hair is part of your identity so it’s not an easy thing to lose. It’s what makes you look like who you are. It’s part of how you identify with yourself in the mirror and even how others identify you.

It gives you confidence, makes you feel sexy, attractive and good about yourself. Even if baldness is your thing, it still defines you.

So when my hair started falling out a few years ago, I was in denial.

My hair has been a treasured part of me since I can remember. As a little girl, I loved styling it my own way, and I’ve never had the guts to cut it any shorter than my shoulders because I love my luscious locks.

But for some reason when my typical hair shedding increased, I shrugged it off and made excuses for it…

It was because of the change in seasons
I went too many days without washing my hair
I wasn’t brushing it enough
I was working more and under more stress

You know, the usual things.

I just kept thinking, “if I just give it time, it will stop.”

As the months went by, and my hair continued to clog up the shower drain in larger quantities than I had ever seen before, I started to question what my body might actually be trying to tell me.

Because hair loss might be common, that doesn’t mean it’s normal.

I’ve had countless clients who have experienced hair loss due to thyroid disorders, autoimmune conditions, stress, nutrient deficiencies, and more.

There are many types of hair loss and over 50 root causes, many of which go overlooked by doctors.

Many people facing hair loss suffer in silence, with feelings that can make it difficult to seek help because they are embarrassed or ashamed to admit that they are experiencing hair loss.

But the truth is, hair loss is not a sign of weakness or a lack of self-care…

Some of the most common causes of hair loss are:

  • When thyroid hormone T3 is low
  • Changes in estrogen and progesterone
  • Alopecia (an autoimmune condition) is activated
  • Vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies
  • An increase in mental, physical or emotional stress
  • Toxic exposures such as mold and heavy metals
  • Drastic changes to your diet
  • Low-quality or toxic hair products
  • Poor circulation

The quality of your hair is a measurement of your health.

Telogen Effluvium was the official diagnosis of my hair loss, which is a condition that can be triggered by a variety of things, such as drastic changes in diet, deficiencies, toxins and low-quality hair products.

Thankfully, with the right tools and resources, I was able to turn my hair loss around and get my luscious locks back again.

I’m sharing my secrets to personally stopping hair loss and helping others do the same as a speaker at the upcoming Healthy Body, Healthy Hair Summit.

My dear friend and fellow Functional Health Professional, Julie Olson is hosting this summit to reveal the latest scientific research on resolving hair loss, with over 45 experts sharing a comprehensive and long-lasting approach that doesn’t rely on lifelong medications, painful treatments, or expensive hair products that only provide temporary solutions.

You’ll gain insight into over 50 root causes of hair loss, and learn safe, effective methods to help regrow your hair naturally. This knowledge, that not many practitioners share, will inspire and give you the ability to make informed decisions for a healthier body and a happier head of hair!

If you or someone you know has been struggling with hair loss, you must attend the Healthy Body, Healthy Hair Summit happening June 12th-18th.

When you register for Healthy Body, Healthy Hair: The Truth About Hair Loss, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides, and helpful eBooks about resolving hair loss and living your most luscious locks life!

CLICK here to register and add it to your calendar!

I know this event will help you find the missing pieces of your health puzzle to stop, reverse, and prevent hair loss, and I can’t wait to hear about your biggest takeaways!

P.S. Feel free to share this hair liberating event with anyone else who could benefit from it!


Get a flat stomach for summer [start now]

Is your body ready for Summer?

Summer is supposed to be carefree, fun, and full of adventure!

If a little extra fluff around the middle or belly bloat has you feeling down, insecure, or uncomfortable in your own skin, then I’ve got you covered.

The Summer Solstice is just 6 weeks away, so there’s still time for you to get a flat stomach so you can feel carefree to fully enjoy all that the Summer season has to offer.

And it doesn’t require counting calories, crash dieting, or spending hours at the gym.

Because the truth is, belly fat or bloating is NOT always from eating too much and exercising too little. In fact, calories-in versus calories-out is a dying school of thought.

I previously wrote a calorie-counting blog showing just how broken the calorie-counting and crash-dieting approaches are.  In fact, cutting calories and crash dieting can actually cause weight gain in the long term.

Everywhere you turn, you’ll see all kinds of marketing, promotional products, and advertising geared towards the calories-in versus calories-out method for weight loss and finding that flat stomach.

And yet, people still struggle to lose or regulate weight, even when they’ve tried almost every diet and exercise routine out there.

And what about the people who have stick-skinny arms and legs but are round in the middle? – What’s their story?

What’s up with that belly fat or bloating that just won’t budge?!

The accumulation of fat, particularly around the midsection, and bloating is way more complex than what is portrayed in mainstream health.

Calories and exercise actually play a small role in your overall health when all things are considered. In some cases, eating “healthy” and exercising can even contribute to fat accumulation and bloating.

The biggest contributors to pudgy tummy and bloating are:

  1. Inflammation
  2. Digestive upset
  3. Stress
  4. Toxins

Eliminating these contributors is exactly what you’ll focus on my 28-Day Cleanse Challenge that you can join right now for just $28

As I said before, calories aren’t the culprit, but the foods you’re eating and who you’re being when eating could be.

The first two steps to a flat stomach do involve your diet as it relates to inflammation and digestive upset, which alone can cause bloating but also contribute to inflammation. And step three is to explore who you’re being while eating and how that relates to a fluffy tummy.

When I work with clients, figuring out what foods are right for their body so it can function at its potential is the first thing we focus on.  And as a result, they always immediately notice a reduction in their waistline and an increase in energy.

Step #1: Avoid Inflammatory Foods.
You are unique; therefore, the foods that cause inflammation for you would be unique too.  Doing a food sensitivity test is the best way to pinpoint foods that aren’t doing you justice.

But there are some foods out there that are commonly inflammatory for everyone and should be avoided based on their molecular structure, how they interact with the body, and the load of toxins they contain.

The top inflammatory foods for everyone (regardless of sensitivity) to avoid are:

  1. Gluten
  2. Dairy
  3. Sugar
  4. Soy

Cutting these foods out completely will quickly get you one step closer to that flat stomach for summer. Keep in mind it can take a few days to get these toxic and inflammatory foods out of your system completely, but once you do you’ll definitely notice a difference!

Step #2: Eating the Right Ratios for Your Body.
Eating the wrong ratios of proteins, carbs, and fats for your body can cause digestive upset, leading to bloating and inflammation, resulting in that spare tire feel. Plus, this could be a big source of energy and sleep struggles, which doesn’t help your flat stomach game either.

When you eat in the right ratios, you can avoid digestive upset, boost your energy, and ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to achieve your health goals.

Step #3: Reduce Stress, Especially Around Meals.
Stress, in general, can lead to a pudgy tummy, especially stress around mealtimes.

Stress of any kind triggers your body to release the hormone cortisol, and too much cortisol causes your body to deposit fat right where you don’t want it, around your midsection.

And if you’re eating while stressed, then you can’t adequately digest your food, resulting in uncomfortable belly bloat, food cravings, and low energy.

Stress de-activates the digestive system as your body’s way of conserving resources to deal with the stressor, which is a brilliant mechanism if there was a true threat trigger you needed your fight or flight response for, but even low-grade stress from watching the news, sitting in traffic, or having a tough conversation with a loved one sends your body into stress-fighting action.

The cool thing is that you can turn off the stress response to aid in digestion, banish bloating and flatten your stomach just as quickly as it was activated. All you have to do is adopt the deep, rhythmic breathing patterns of a relaxed person, and voila!

To do this…

Inhale for the count of 5 seconds
Hold for the count of 5 seconds
Exhale for the count of 7 seconds

And repeat 5-10 times. 

Not only will these three steps help you achieve a  flatter stomach before Summer, but they also support the body’s natural detoxification process to promote long-term results.

And this is EXACTLY why these steps are addressed in my 28-Day Cleanse Challenge that you can join right now for just $28 by CLICKING HERE. 

All so you can…

  • Have more energy to enjoy life and keep up with its daily demands
  • Lose those last few pounds, get trim, and stay that way
  • Blast away the belly bloat for good
  • Improve your memory, learning ability, and mood
  • Sleep better so that you can wake up feeling rested
  • Be more productive at work and in life
  • Have higher-quality workouts because you’ll have the energy to do so
  • Improved the conversion of thyroid hormone Free T4 to Free T3
  • Boost your immunity and digestion to heal leaky gut
  • Increase your ability to handle stress to lessen anxiety and depression
  • Look younger and have clear skin!

Here’s how the Cleanse Challenge works. Over the course of 28 days, you will…

  • Learn what ratio of proteins, carbs, and fats that are best for your body to boost your energy, weight loss, balance hormones, reduce belly bloat and inflammation
  • Incorporate the highest naturally detoxifying foods (beets, grapefruit, dandelion greens) into your daily routine to promote the body’s natural cleansing systems
  • Focus on minimizing your intake of the top inflammatory and hormone-disrupting foods: gluten, dairy, sugar, soy, and alcohol
  • Receive weekly workout routine video tip – sweat out those toxins!
  • Get accountability to work out regularly, drink plenty of water, and get quality sleep in order to support the body’s cleansing and healing process
  • Receive 30-minute weekly educational webinars and be part of a special Facebook group for support
  • Receive recipes and a checklist to guide you along your journey
  • Get exclusive resources and discounts to help you along your journey and beyond!

AND I’m including a special BONUS ASK THE EXPERT SESSION with one of my health expert team members!

Your 28-day Cleanse Challenge to feel your best starts as soon as you enroll.

Remember, Summer is right around the corner, so this is the perfect time to take action so you can feel your best this Summer season!

Will you join me and many others to shed pounds and boost your energy naturally?


Is estrogen dominating you?

Estrogen is a sneaky hormone often overlooked in typical blood tests, yet it commonly correlates with issues such as weight gain, sleepless nights, sugar cravings, low energy, depression and insulin resistance in both men and women, and irregular periods or intense PMS symptoms just for the ladies.

It has snuck up on me personally a few times over the years and I frequently discover that it’s at the core of my client’s weight and health woes.

Since I’m onto estrogen’s tricks, I’m giving you the inside info to make it easier for you to figure out if estrogen is getting in the way of you feeling like your best self.

Unexplained weight gain, struggling to lose weight despite your best efforts, acne, low libido, restless sleep, hot flashes, and challenges with building muscle, are just some of the common characteristics that can be seen when estrogen is dominating your body.

And Estrogen doesn’t discriminate. It’s just as much of an issue these days for both men and women. I see it all the time with clients coming through my virtual practice door.

My husband is a perfect case in point.

For the majority of his adult life, he was able to manage his body weight with the simple calories in versus calories out equation. When the scale started to tip, he simply cut back on his food intake and exercised more.

That was until estrogen took control.

The older he got, the harder it became to manage his weight through diet and exercise, and one day it just stopped working altogether. Not only was he not able to lose weight, but one day he stepped on the scale and had actually gained weight despite his efforts to work out harder and monitor his food intake.

For an engineer and scientific-minded guy, this scenario was mind-boggling. He applied the equation of calories in versus calories out and it did not produce the outcome it was supposed to.

There are a million things I could say about the broken calories in versus calories out equation (you can read more of that here), but let’s stay focused on estrogen.

There was obviously something going on behind the scenes preventing my husband from managing his weight, so we ran the right type of hormone test to collect some clues, and here is what we found…

Clue #1 A possible genetic predisposition. A few years ago, his mom had been diagnosed with the estrogen-driven type of breast cancer called ER-2. About 80% of all breast cancers are “ER-positive”, meaning the cancer cells grow in response to estrogen.

Clue #2 A Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) revealed estrogen metabolites (estrone and estradiol) were very high outside the functional range, and testosterone was within range. These values can not be seen on a blood test, so they were routinely missed.

This indicated a classic case of underlying estrogen dominance that was keeping him from losing weight.

What is estrogen dominance?

In men, it’s usually determined when estrogen levels are relatively high in comparison to testosterone. Meaning testosterone levels could be normal or low, and estrogen is relatively high to whatever that number is.

In women, it’s commonly evaluated based on the ratio of estrogen to progesterone, but as with men, it can also be evaluated when comparing testosterone to estrogen.

In general, when estrogen levels are relatively high compared to other hormones, it’s not good.

I, too, was duped by estrogen dominance back in the day. My weight slowly crept up by 15 pounds over the course of 2 years, at which point I broke out with acne for the first time in my life. I had painful and heavy periods, didn’t sleep great, and couldn’t keep my emotions under control- all because estrogen had taken over.

And I’m also certain my elevated estrogen levels were part of the tipping point leading to Hashimoto’s.

The good news is that estrogen dominance doesn’t happen overnight. It’s preventable and reversible in almost any case.

In this week’s video and blog, I dive into more detail about what drives estrogen up and what actions you can take to get it back under control or keep it there.

If estrogen gets out of control, it can lead to more health issues beyond stubborn weight, acne, and pain-in-the-ass periods.

Estrogen dominance can also contribute to:

  • Hormone-driven cancers such as ER-2 breast cancer
  • Autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto’s
  • Yeast and bacteria overgrowth such as Candida

So how can you keep estrogen within a level playing field?

To regulate and maintain a healthy estrogen balance in the body there are two primary areas you’ll want to address…

Area #1: Sort Out Estrogen Sources.
One of the biggest reasons why estrogen is on the rise is due to a category of toxins known as Xenoestrogens. These toxins have the ability to mimic estrogen in the body or block hormone receptor sites resulting in elevated estrogen levels.  

Common sources of estrogen-promoting toxins can be found in:

  • Plastic food and water containers, or other types of containers
  • Lotions, shampoos, conditioners, deodorant, or other personal care products
  • Metal substances such as cadmium, lead, and mercury

Aim to swap out your plastic containers for glass or stainless steel, and use the EWG’s Skin Deep Database to find non-toxic personal care products.

Other estrogen-elevating sources also include:

  • Non-organic foods containing pesticides or added hormones
  • Tap water (yes, even though it’s deemed “safe”) contaminated with pesticides/toxins
  • Intestinal parasites, bacteria, and yeast that elevate toxic enzymes and trap estrogen
  • Excess body fat that absorbs, stores, and synthesizes estrogen
  • Synthetic hormones found in hormone replacement therapies and/or birth control 
  • Water-damaged buildings with mold growth
  • Constant mental or emotional stress

Some actions you can take RIGHT NOW to tackle these sources are eating organic, drinking and cooking with properly filtered water, addressing any water leaks and potential mold, and taking time to meditate or de-stress daily.

Area #2: Power Up Liver Function
The reality is, we can’t control our exposure to estrogen-driving toxins 100% of the time.  But our liver does play a major role in getting rid of excess estrogen that might be circulating in the body, and that’s something you can get behind.

By supporting liver function, you can address two essential health elements at once: eliminating toxins you’ve been exposed to that might raise estrogen levels, and getting rid of excess estrogen.

Simple daily activities to power up your liver function include:

  • Avoiding top inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, sugar, soy, and alcohol 
  • Eating naturally detoxifying foods such as beets, grapefruits, lemons, and dandelion
  • Drinking adequate amounts of water according to your body weight
  • Aiming to be asleep during the body’s detox window 12 am-4 am 
  • Taking a daily liver support supplement with nutrients such as milk thistle
  • Incorporating a castor oil pack and other gentle detoxing tools into your routine

These two areas are the primary focus of my 28-Day Cleanse Challenge that you can join right now for just $28

This challenge will help you boost your liver function naturally using foods and gentle cleansing methods so that you can:

  • Lose those stubborn pounds
  • Boost your energy
  • Enhance your hormones and overall health

By taking action to minimize estrogen sources and boost liver function, it’s possible to get estrogen back under control so you can lose weight, increase energy, and resolve any other elevated estrogen-related issues you might be experiencing.

Today I’m happy to report that with the proper diet and lifestyle changes, my husband has lost over 30 pounds. He easily maintains his weight while taking more days off from exercising than ever before, and he is proactively preventing a future battle with a genetic predisposition for estrogen-driven cancer.

I have also fully restored balance to my estrogen levels after dealing with mold and a long history of birth control in order to feel like myself again.

And I have helped hundreds of other people do the same with the concepts covered in my 28-Day Cleanse Challenge.

If you suspect estrogen is dominating your body, and want a simple step-by-step plan to get it back under control, click here to join my 28-Day Cleanse Challenge NOW for just $28!

When diet and exercise don’t work [answers inside]

For years I counted calories, tried diet after diet, and exercised excessively; yet I always felt tired and frustrated trying to shed pounds, just like so many of my clients…until I found the missing pieces of the puzzle.

I hear so many people talk about how frustrated they feel with their body, energy, and health – “I eat healthy and exercise so I don’t understand why…” 

  • I can’t drop weight
  • I don’t have any energy
  • My health isn’t improving

The truth is, there’s more to health and weight loss than just diet and exercise.

The body is a complex system, and most people are ignoring some really important pieces of the puzzle, one of which is cleansing the body of toxins that contribute to a sluggish liver!

The liver plays a HUGE role in eliminating toxins, and when it’s overloaded with this work, it can’t convert hormones or regulate our metabolism like it’s supposed to in order for us to shed pounds and have energy.

Do you struggle with shedding pounds, energy, and feeling comfortable in your body?

I used to get so frustrated with the scale when I was counting calories and putting in hours of cardio. I would tell myself it was “just water weight” that I was hanging onto or that my genetics were holding me back. In reality, the age-old strategy of calories in vs. calories out just wasn’t doing the trick.

So what gives? At what point are diet and exercise, not enough?

Age and genetics do play a small role, but I’ll tell you that I’ve seen many clients successfully lose weight at any age and with all different genetics.

So what’s happening with people like us who diet like crazy, go to Crossfit daily, yet still don’t lose weight as we want?

When diet and exercise aren’t getting you results, you have to look at the other pieces of the puzzle, and quite possibly the biggest key player is your liver.

To help you with this critical piece of the puzzle, I’ve opened my 28-Day Cleanse Challenge…and the first 50 people to enroll get it for 50% off, that’s just $14!

In this week’s video and blog, I talk more about the role your liver plays and how to boost its function to shed those pounds and boost energy!

We are exposed daily to high levels of toxins through food, water, air, home, and personal care products. These toxins get filtered through the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system and are stored in fat tissue. This toxic build-up interferes with the uptake and utilization of nutrients, carbohydrates, and proteins.

When your liver is so busy working to filter out all these toxins, it has very little energy left to filter blood, drugs, and hormones; let alone do its other job as a digestive organ. Thus, many find shedding pounds more difficult, finding energy a struggle and generally don’t feel comfortable in their body.

Your liver is also in charge of converting and excreting excess hormones. If liver function is sub-optimal, then hormones such as estrogen can build up. This can lead to estrogen dominance, which can cause excess weight, hot flashes, and even increase the risk for cancer.

The liver is also where a huge chunk of thyroid hormone conversion takes place, and an imbalance in the thyroid slows your metabolism, resulting in weight gain or weight loss resistance and low energy levels.

If you’re exercising, your muscles need fuel, and your liver helps produce that fuel. However, a congested liver can’t do this very well, and when that happens, excess glucose gets stored as fat.

Here are 10 common signs your liver needs cleansing:

  1. Abdominal bloating
  2. Menstrual irregularities
  3. Abdominal fat; pot belly; that “spare tire” effect
  4. Joint and muscle pain
  5. Low energy or fatigue
  6. Acid reflux/heartburn
  7. Body odor
  8. Overheating of the body & excessive perspiration
  9. Acne/Rosacea or itchy, blotchy skin
  10. Unexplained weight gain and inability to lose weight even with calorie restriction

Keeping your liver working well is a matter of reducing its stressful toxic load AND supporting its natural detox ability.  You can do this in several ways…

  1.   Reduce your exposure to toxins
  2.   Eat powerful detoxifying foods; beets, grapefruit, dandelion greens
  3.   Do a detox cleanse 1-2 times per year

If you’ve hit a wall with your body or suspect that your liver could use some love, then you are in luck!

You’re invited to cleanse your liver and feel like your best self again…

28-DAY CLEANSE CHALLENGE ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN!!!…and the first 50 people to enroll get it for 50% off, that’s just $14!


This challenge will help you boost your liver function naturally using foods and gentle cleansing methods so that you can:

  • Lose those stubborn pounds
  • Boost your energy
  • Enhance your hormones and overall health

Your 28-day Cleanse Challenge to feel your best starts as soon as you enroll.  If you’re one of the first 50 to enroll you’ll get it for just $14.

Summer is right around the corner, so this is the perfect time to show your liver some love and get back to feeling like your best self.

Will you join me and many others to shed pounds and boost your energy naturally?

(For just $14 if you’re one of the first 50 to enroll!) 

The thyroid liver connection

According to the American Thyroid Association, “more than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime…an estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease… up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.”

Those are some alarming numbers. You could be sitting here reading this right now and not even realize that you could be part of those statistics.

Thyroid conditions are one of the most common health issues that I see in the clients I work with, and one of the most overlooked because the symptoms can look like so many other things…

Symptom: Weight gain – typical thought, you’re not exercising enough or eating too much.
This is also a thyroid symptom.

Symptom: Hair loss – typical thought, this is this part of aging or genetics.
This is also a thyroid symptom.

Symptom: Constipation – typical thought, is it something you ate or IBS.
This is also a thyroid symptom.

Symptom: Fatigue – typical thought, is it lack of sleep, over-scheduled life, or insomnia?
This is also a thyroid symptom.

This list goes on and on.

But is the thyroid really the problem?  Or could it be something else…

We have to ask the question – what is causing all of these thyroid conditions in the first place?  Why do the numbers keep rising?

Bear with me while I set the stage for you…

Two of the most important thyroid hormones are T4 and T3.  These two hormones control everything from your metabolic rate, energy, body temperature, hair growth and loss, and weight.

Your thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone T4, which is then converted into T3, and T3 is the active form of thyroid hormone that is actually used by your cells.

Here’s the kicker, the majority of T4 is NOT converted in the thyroid gland.

About 20% of T4 is converted to T3 in the liver.

Twenty percent is a lot in the big scheme of things. If your liver isn’t converting thyroid hormone like it is supposed to, that means you could see a 20% decrease in the availability of T3.  

Low T3 levels can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Constant fatigue not relieved by sleep
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Feeling bloated, puffy, or weight gain
  • Dry skin and hair, and hair loss

So again I’ll ask you, is the thyroid really a problem?  Or could it be the liver?

In this week’s video and blog, I dive into more detail about how supporting your liver can greatly impact your thyroid function and help you feel like your best self!

With 20% of thyroid hormone T4 relying on the liver to be converted to T3, there is certainly a huge healing opportunity here if you are already suffering from a thyroid imbalance, or even if you’re trying to prevent one.

But we must dig deeper…

Why wouldn’t the liver be able to convert T4 to T3 optimally in the first place?

It’s estimated that 25% of the global adult population and over 34% of U.S. adults have non-alcoholic fatty livers.

This scenario slows down the function of the liver, which means it can’t convert thyroid hormone or do any of its other important functions very well.

The liver is also important for balancing cortisol and sex hormones, both of which can trigger thyroid issues if they are out of balance.

Let’s look at some of the top lifestyle factors that slow down liver function:

  • Eating foods high in sugar, simple carbs, or processed foods
  • Exposures to environmental toxins that burden the liver
  • Waking up in the middle of the night disrupting liver detox
  • Intestinal parasites, bacteria and yeast waste products

The biggest liver offenders are toxins that we come across daily. Aside from converting hormones, the liver’s number one most important job is keeping the body clean by breaking down harmful substances, such as toxins, to be excreted by way of stool and urine.

Since the 1940s, over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND toxic chemicals have been released into our environment. Could you imagine taking on 100,000 new tasks without any extra pay or hours in the day? That’s basically what we have asked our livers to do.

If you want to improve your thyroid health or prevent a future thyroid condition, it’s crucial to start paying attention to the burden you’re knowingly or unknowingly placing on your liver.

The good news is that you do have some control over the toxins you are exposed to AND there are some simple daily activities that you can do to support your liver function naturally!

Want to learn more about toxins – how they impact your thyroid, and liver, and what you can do about them?

Stay tuned and follow me closely.

I’ll be sharing more information soon to help you explore these missing pieces of your health puzzle so you can feel like your best self again, or for the very first time.

P.S. I created a program called the 28-Day Cleanse Challenge that gives you a step-by-step formula for increased energy, weight loss, hormone, and digestive balance while decreasing belly bloat, allergies, and other symptoms of poor health. It’s specially designed for health-minded people like you who want to take their health to the next level, naturally.

The Cleanse Challenge will be opening again soon. To get exclusive offers and hear about it first, click here to join the waiting list.

Pass the French bread please

Today I’m on my way to Paris for one last 40th birthday month hurrah with a few girlfriends, and I can’t wait to indulge in some French bread!

I’m also looking forward to all of the amazing wine and cheese this beautiful city has to offer. When in Paris, you must do as the Parisians do.

You’ve probably heard me talk a lot before about how important it is to avoid inflammatory foods such as gluten (bread, etc.), dairy, sugar, soy, alcohol, and even all grains, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, and nightshade vegetables if your body is in a pro-inflammatory state.

So hearing that I plan to indulge in gluten, dairy, and alcohol might come as a surprise.

I am human, as health-minded as can be, but human.

Even more surprising is how I’m able to have all of these things without experiencing any energy, weight, hormone, or health setbacks.

You might be wondering how this is possible.

Europe and many other areas of the world thrive on local and organic products, free of pesticides, chemicals, and GMOs that contribute to the inflammatory load. They tend to make food products the old way some would say, with cleaner sources, using fermentation practices to help break down the hard-to-digest food molecules in what we would typically think of as inflammatory foods.

This approach with food reduces digestive stress, making it easier to eat certain inflammatory foods without the usual consequences.

I still wouldn’t recommend eating these foods all the time, even if you lived in Europe, because the body can only handle so much. However, when you have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to really experience another culture, you have to take it!

Feeling like your best self means giving your body the foods it needs to function at its potential 95% of the time and reserving 5% of the time for special indulgences.

When you indulge, it’s critical to support your body in other areas to help it bounce back.

By doing this, you can create metabolic flexibility that allows you to live life to the fullest while feeling like your best self!

So as I set off for Paris, I wanted to share my top tips and tricks for building metabolic flexibility so you can feel confident about occasionally indulging and being able to bounce right back to feeling like your best self.

In my POV, taking a break from your normal routine and experiencing other cultures is vital for rejuvenating your mind, body, and soul. And if you do it the right way, you won’t come back feeling fat, tired, and sick.

Although my body tolerates the occasional bread, wine, and cheese, that doesn’t mean it is ideal fuel. My body functions best on animal proteins and healthy fats, so eating simple carbs such as bread can take its toll over time.

Knowing this helps me make choices that are in alignment with how I want to feel; energetic, clear-minded, strong, and slender.

When I choose to eat foods that are not exactly in alignment with what my body needs, here are 5 vital actions I take to help it recuperate…

# 1- Get to Bed by 10 pm
This one is super essential since the body does its major repair work from 10 pm to about 4 am.  Being asleep during this timeframe lets your body focus all of its resources on repairing damaged cells, digesting food, and detoxing toxins.

One of the worst choices you can make after indulging in some less-than-ideal foods is robbing your body of the precious time it needs to restore the damage these foods can cause and some of the toxins that come along with them.

#2 – Workouts = Walking
This is true for me most of the time, and if I’m not walking, I’m doing low-intensity weight training. After indulging, most people want to “burn off” what they ate at the gym and end up doing more damage than good to their bodies.

Think about it. Most foods you indulge in are less nutrient-dense than ideal food choices, leaving your body in a nutrient-depleted state. Doing intense workouts requires an abundance of nutrients for recovery.

Exercise can add additional stress to your body when it’s already in a depleted state, resulting in low energy, weight gain, hormone imbalances, and other health issues.

So opting for less intense forms of movement will help your body bounce right back after a few treats.

#3 – Balance Food Ratios
When I eat bread or drink wine, I don’t indulge in these alone because carbs or sugar all by themselves are the quickest path to an energy crash.

Pairing carbs and sugar with protein and/or fat will help balance your blood sugar levels, preventing continous carb cravings and giving you long-lasting energy.

Luckily in places like Paris, there is a wide variety of decadent meats and seafood to choose from as pairings. This is also why I allow myself some cheese for its high-fat content to strike a balance.

#4 – Establish Eating Windows
When I’m stressing my digestive system with indulgences, I also give it a recovery break by establishing eating windows. Typically this eating window is from 11 am to 8 pm, giving my digestive system at least 15 hours to recover.

Some might also refer to this as intermittent fasting. Balancing your food ratios with plenty of protein and fat is the key to having plenty of energy while doing this.

When ratios aren’t balanced, you’re sure to experience a carb or sugar crash that drains your energy and makes it difficult to avoid food outside of your eating window.

#5 – Work in Water
It’s easy to forget to drink water, but it’s the most essential nutrient needed for every bodily function. You should be drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water per day (200 lbs = 100 ounces of water daily), and when you’re indulging, you’ll need even more.

I always aim to drink at least half of my water intake before starting my eating window, and you’ll almost always find me with a bottle of water within reach.

Every time I order a glass of wine, I also order water.

Water keeps you hydrated while consuming things that dehydrate you, and it flushes out toxins. So remember to always work in your water.

By doing all of these things whenever I am traveling, I can return home feeling 100% and even lose a few pounds or at least maintain my weight!

When I get back, I’ll be hyper-focused on getting back into my daily health routines that will give my body everything it needs to fully recover from my trip to Paris and all of the indulgences.

Anytime you go on a healthy hiatus, it’s also beneficial to do some additional cleansing and restorative work.

For the next few weeks, to help my body fully recover, I’ll be doing some deeper work such as:

  • Using a castor oil pack 4 times/week to boost digestion and detoxification
  • Going 100% Autoimmune Paleo at home to reduce inflammation
  • Hitting the chiropractor and acupuncturist to eliminate physical stressors
  • Sitting in my infrared sauna followed by a cold shower to flush toxins
  • Taking collagen peptides daily to help repair my gut lining

Life happens. How you choose to navigate it is what makes all the difference in the world to your health.

It’s ok to indulge every once in a while if you take action to help your body bounce back.

Follow me closely on Instagram for the next few days to see all the yummy things I’ll be enjoying in Paris and I’m applying these tips I just shared with you!

P.S. There are a few more days left to celebrate my 40th birthday with me by donating to a very important cause, check out the details below!

P.P.S. Want more tips on how to feel your best after traveling?  Check out this blog

To help me celebrate here are 3 ways you can donate:

  1. Facebook Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  2. Instagram Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  3. H.E.R. for Women Website – CLICK HERE

Even the smallest amount counts, thank you for your support!

How to feel good at 40 and beyond…

Have you ever experienced a whale sound bath?

This is exactly what happened to me the morning of my 40th birthday last week in Maui…

A humpback whale hung out right below our kayaks just after sunrise singing its sweet song that vibrated through my entire body (check out the video on Instagram).

This was one of the most incredible experiences I’ve had in my life so far.

At that moment, as I turned 40 that day, I was reminded that…

Being in good health matters. It allows us to live life to the fullest.

At 40 years old, I feel healthier, stronger, energized, and more comfortable in my body than ever.

But this wasn’t always the case.

There was a time when I loathed my thighs, and hated wearing short dresses, and when skinny jeans came on the scene, I thought there was no way in hell I would ever fit into a pair.

In my 20s, I struggled with severe seasonal allergies, headaches, ear infections, weight, and was even diagnosed with skin cancer.

And no matter how much coffee I drank, I couldn’t break through the constant wall of fatigue.

From the outside, I looked like your typical healthy person. I thought I had everything under control. I ate “healthy.” According to what I had learned in college while studying fitness, nutrition, and health – lean meats such as boneless, skinless chicken breast and conventionally grown vegetables. I managed a caloric deficit and ate every two hours. I hit the gym hard every day of the week and had decent muscle tone. I was a personal trainer, after all, and I definitely looked the part.

Even on paper, I looked perfect: normal cholesterol, heart rate, and blood pressure levels. My doctor commented at every annual physical about how I was the “picture of perfect health,” but I didn’t feel that way on the inside.

Something inside me knew there had to be more to health and life than all of this.

All I could think about was a time when I felt physically and mentally fit. I didn’t have any limitations. All I wanted was to find myself in that place again.

Do you ever find yourself wondering why you don’t have the energy to do the simplest tasks such as putting away the laundry, riding bikes with your kids, or paying attention to a conversation?

Does getting dressed every morning feel like internal warfare with yourself – you put something on, criticize yourself in the mirror, and change your outfit a million times until you find something that doesn’t make you feel like a stuffed sausage?

If you feel this way or have ever felt this way, then…

In this week’s video and blog, I’m here to tell you it’s possible to feel good at 40, or any age for that matter, and the 3 steps I’ve taken to feel better than ever so you can too.

The first thing you need to know is, there is WAY more to feeling good at 40 or any age than just changing your diet and exercising.

And the second thing you need to know is that it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Diet and exercise are just two pieces of the puzzle when it comes to feeling like your best self, but they are only effective when all the systems of the body are running well.

Here are the 3 exact steps I took and that I guide my clients through to find the other pieces of the health puzzle to boost energy, balance hormones, achieve weight goals, and overcome just about any other health issues that might be ailing you, despite age.

#1 – Figure out what foods are right for your body so it can function at its potential.
You are unique and therefore your diet should be too.  What works for one person won’t necessarily work for you and yet you’re trying to fit yourself into a specific framework with most dietary approaches.

There’s a difference between eating healthy and eating right for your body. Eating right for your body may include healthy foods, but not every healthy food is right for your body.

So how do you figure out what is right for your body?

You can do this by testing to see which foods your body responds best to, and then dialing in your macronutrient (protein, carb, and fat) ratios using my Food and Body Language Log.

This will instantly boost your energy, reduce any bloating, and provide the nutrients your body needs to function at its potential.  When I discovered what foods were right for my body, I instantly started feeling more like myself again.

#2 – Functional lab tests to find other pieces and restore balance to all systems.
The body is a complex network of systems, each doing an important job that the other systems depend on.  When one system goes down, they are all affected.

Functional lab testing will help you find the missing pieces so you can see what systems of the body are out of balance and how they are impacting each other, revealing your healing opportunities!  These are NOT your typical blood tests.  They are usually saliva, urine, and stool-based to show the physiological aspects of the body and how it’s working, or not working.

Functional lab tests will take a deeper look at your hormone, immune, digestive, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems. In turn, this will guide you towards the right diet, rest, exercise, supplementation, stress reduction, and toxin removal you need to feel your best.

#3 – Tune into your body and give it what it needs to feel your best all the time.
Your body holds all of the answers you need, and it always has, but we’ve been conditioned to disconnect from our body and to search externally for solutions. When something doesn’t feel right in your body, it’s your body asking you to pay attention, to tune into what it’s trying to tell you. When you do, you’ll know what to do to feel your best all the time.

Have you ever noticed that when you have a stressful day, you experience the following: your stomach gets upset, you experience joint pain, you can’t sleep, or your skin breaks out?

Or when you eat certain things, your body reacts in some way?

This is your body talking to you, telling you to pay attention to something.

For a long time, I dealt with and ignored joint pain, severe seasonal allergies, weight struggles, migraines, cyclical breast tenderness, fatigue, and much more.

Hindsight is always 20/20 though. Looking back, I can clearly see that these symptoms were my body’s way of waving the red flag to get my attention and let me know something was wrong.

We’ve become accustomed to accepting things that are common as normal, but just because something is common does NOT mean it’s normal.

Now if my body feels “off” in any kind of way, I tune it; check to see what it needs and give it just that.

This could mean eating something different, canceling obligations to rest, getting some fresh air, doing meditation, or simply drinking some water.  Whatever my body needs, I’ve got its back, and it’s got mine.

With these 3 steps, you can unravel the doings of time and reveal the REAL YOU.

These 3 steps are exactly how clients of mine such as…

…Leslie, lost over 20 lbs in 6 months bringing her back to pre-college weight and has an abundance of energy all day long…

…Kristine got rid of stubborn excess pounds, daily pain, sugar cravings, and was able to stabilize her energy levels

…Jene, was finally able to control her Muscular Sclerosis symptoms naturally and can now keep up with her grandson…

…David, lost 40lbs without engaging in a structured workout routine and is able to sleep through the night…

Any health and aging concerns you are facing today are not your destiny.  They are an accumulation of things that have happened over your lifetime which have slowly chipped away at that “feel good” feeling until you barely recognize yourself anymore.

It is possible to unravel the doings of time with the right lab tests and resources so you can get back to feeling like that younger, more vibrant, energetic version of you that you know you can be.

What step(s) are you committed to taking today so you can feel good at 40 or any age?

Comment below to let me know!

P.S. If you want to explore the missing pieces of your health puzzle on a deeper level so you can actually fix what is wrong and feel your best, then click here to get on my waiting list for an Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me (and get an awesome list of practitioner referrals if you want to take action now)!

P.P.S. To celebrate my 40th birthday this month, I’m on a mission to raise $10K that would provide hormone education and resources to women regardless of socioeconomic status.  Check out the details below for ways to celebrate and donate with me!


Today is my 40th birthday!

Today is my 40th birthday!

Will you celebrate this milestone with me?

To celebrate, I’m on a mission to raise $10K that would provide hormone education and resources to women in need!

Getting access to the right functional lab tests and resources helped me not only understand my hormones better, but completely turned my life around!

As I turn 40 and beyond I’m in better health and understand my body like never before.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the types of hormone education and resources that my non-profit H.E.R. for Women Corporation is now working to provide women who wouldn’t otherwise have access because… ALL women deserve to feel like their best selves!

To help me celebrate here are 3 ways you can donate:

  1. 40th Birthday Facebook Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  2. 40th Birthday Instagram Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  3. H.E.R. for Women Website – CLICK HERE

Even the smallest amount counts!

I don’t know about you, but the health education I received growing up was sub-par, to say the least.

Only one semester of health education was required during middle school and high school years, but there were countless requirements for other courses – most of which I’ve hardly used post-high school or if ever, in some cases.

Health is a critical topic for everyday life, so why isn’t more education on this provided or required?

Knowing how your body works is life-changing. It takes the guesswork out of living your best life.  It puts you in the driver’s seat and gives you the ability to create a life full of freedom instead of possible life-threatening limitations.

I didn’t really start to understand how my body worked as a woman until my 30s.

Reaching rock bottom with my long-time hormone imbalance battle led me down the road to higher health education. Had I known as a teenager what I know now, I could have prevented the 17+ years of irregular periods, chronic fatigue, weight gain woes, allergies, brain fog, waves of depression and anxiety, Hashimotos, disrupting the precious balance of my body with birth control and so much more.

A survey conducted by OnePoll, in partnership with Dr. Anna Cabeca of 2,000 women (age 30 to 60), found that nearly half of them have experienced one or more symptoms of hormone imbalances, and 72% only later understood the causes of their hormone issues.

Some of the most common symptoms they experienced included:

  • Low energy
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Memory loss and brain fog
  • Anxiety, depression, and loss of interest in daily activities

I can only imagine how much money, time, and angst that 72% spent trying to find a fix for their health issues, not even realizing it was all related to their hormones because they don’t fully understand how their body works.

Can you relate?

As for men, they don’t necessarily have it any easier either. I’ve seen plenty of them deal with these common symptoms too.

Take notice of the increasing number of commercials geared towards men for erectile issues, poor sexual performance, and low testosterone instead of fast-forwarding through the commercial breaks during your favorite HGTV, DYI, and sports channel shows.

Your hormones control many major bodily functions; your emotions, cancer risk, and even memory loss.

Just think what your life and our world would be like if we all received more education about health and hormones at a younger age, or had access to better resources throughout our lifespan.

In my functional health coaching practice, I’ve worked with tons of young women struggling with the same issues I had. The younger ones are fearful or frustrated about not being able to get pregnant.  Then there are the numerous pre and post-menopausal women I’ve worked with who are trying to untangle their hormone issues so they can gracefully get through menopause or restore the life they had once before their hormones got out of whack.

And let’s not forget the men who’ve come to me seeking solutions for their unexplained weight gain, low libido, lack of energy, brain fog, and challenges with building or maintaining muscle.

Something has to change. So I started a non-profit in hopes of changing the course for women’s (and possibly men’s) health forever.

We all deserve easier access to hormone education and resources so you can live your fullest life, and so you can give the generations to come a better quality of life too.

I’ll never forget what my client Dee (name concealed for privacy purposes) said about receiving her DUTCH hormone test results and data-guided recommendations for diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and supplements…

“It was like Christmas. I was so excited to hear the results because we tested for things no one else was interested in…how amazing would it be to give this gift to every woman.”

She had been on a diet her whole life trying to lose weight with limited success; trying everything from Beach Body to Weight Watchers and Keto. She even explored Cross Fit for a while.

As she entered her 40s, she gave up on weight loss as her focus shifted to how she felt with menopause kicking into gear – which led her to uninsured hormone replacement therapy, expensive acupuncture treatments, and various other hormone therapies. None of these fully resolved her health issues and got her back to feeling like herself again. She felt helpless when it came to her hormone health.

For the longest time, it felt as though I didn’t have control over my hormones either; dating all the way back to adolescence as my body shifted and my hormones seemed to rip through me emotionally and physically. A feeling both Dee and I shared, as I’m sure most women do.

A false feeling conjured up by a lack of understanding around our hormones.

I’m happy to report that after working together and getting access to the right lab tests and resources to better understand her body and hormones, Dee has lost weight, her hormones are balanced and she feels great!

Dee’s comment sparked an idea that could change the course of women’s hormone education forever.

What if every woman regardless of income, insurance coverage, demographics, or social status could have access to the right lab tests, resources, and education to:

  • Gracefully get through menopause or any stage of hormone change
  • Advocate for themselves and collaborate with their health professionals
  • Formulate a lifestyle and health plan that worked for their unique body

Women all over would stop suffering, and start living fuller lives. They would be better daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, moms, partners, leaders, and teachers – and the men in their lives would greatly benefit from this too.

And so my non-profit H.E.R for Women was born! – Hormone Education and Resources for Women!

The mission of this non-profit organization is to provide hormone education and resources (such as the DUTCH test) to women regardless of income, insurance coverage, demographics, or social status; allowing women to embrace their bodies, and hormones and be in control of their health to live their fullest life.

In 2020, H.E.R for Women officially became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and we’re in the process of establishing the infrastructure to make the vision a reality.

If you feel as passionately about this mission to empower women about their bodies as I do, I would love your support so that together we can create a brighter future for all women.

To support H.E.R for Women Corporation, there are 3 ways you can donate RIGHT NOW:

  1. 40th Birthday Facebook Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  2. 40th Birthday Instagram Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  3. H.E.R. for Women Website – CLICK HERE

As the (W)holistic Health Boss, my mission is to help busy health-minded professionals, like you, get your hands on the right lab tests and resources so you can actually fix what’s wrong and feel like yourself again – and that mission just got a whole lot bigger!

With #internationalwomensday taking place last week and my birthday today, supporting women through this project is the perfect way to celebrate!

Stay tuned for more information as this project develops.

P.S. If you want to get the gift of the right lab tests and resources to live your fullest life as Dee did, then click here to get on my waiting list for an Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me (and get an awesome list of practitioner referrals if you want to take action now)!