Why calorie counting doesn’t work…

How many calories have you counted in an attempt to lose weight, improve your health, and get back to feeling like yourself again?

Probably too many to count, and I bet you didn’t get the results you wished for, or if you did, they were short-lived.

I was an obsessive calorie counter for the longest time. I used to log every bite I took, and I even religiously wore an Apex Bodybugg (a calorie-burning tracking device) for years.

However, I still struggled to lose and maintain weight despite my dedicated calorie-counting efforts.

For the longest time, we’ve been told that counting calories is the formula for better health and weight loss – it’s all about eating less and moving more right?

Not exactly. This is a massive over-simplification of what it actually takes to feel great and lose weight.

I’ve seen this calories-in-versus-calories-out equation fall short for many others as well.  This broken approach is a big reason why I became a Functional Health Practitioner – because as a personal trainer back in the day, my clients weren’t getting results even though they were exercising and watching what they ate. They too continued to struggle with not only their weight but also other health issues, despite their dedication to move more and eat less, just like I did.

This consistent pattern inspired me to question the status quo and search for the missing pieces of the ideal weight and health puzzle.

And sure enough, as I dug into how the body works, the data clearly showed why calorie counting falls short for so many people, and certainly doesn’t support long-term sustainable results.

So if you’re counting calories, here are 4 primary reasons why you should stop…

Reason #1: Calorie Calculations Aren’t Accurate.
A study by the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center found that “our bodies sometimes extract fewer calories than the number listed on the label. Participants in their studies absorbed around a third fewer calories from almonds than the modified Atwater values suggest. For walnuts, the difference was 21 percent.” (Read more on the study here.)

Aside from the body extracting fewer calories than what you think you’re consuming, food manufacturers are also allowed to underreport calorie values by as much as 20% to pass inspection by the FDA.

So there’s no way to know exactly how many calories you consume.

Reason #2: One Fat Pound Doesn’t Equal 3,500 Calories.
It’s been said that in order to lose a pound per week, you need to have a weekly caloric deficit of 3,500 calories, and supposedly 3,500 calories equals one pound of fat.

Researcher Zoe Harcombe eloquently debunks this myth in her research, where she shows that one pound of fat actually does not equal 3,500 calories, but that it can range from 2,843 to 3,752 calories. (See Zoe’s full breakdown here.)

This, paired with reason #1, makes this calorie equation even messier and inaccurate. It’s impossible to calculate your exact caloric deficit due to these variances, too big of a deficit can quickly slow down your metabolism (ability to lose weight) and nutrient deficiencies, which will stall results.

Reason #3: First Law of Thermodynamics Myth.
The weight loss formula of calories-in versus calories-out is said to be based on the first law of thermodynamics: energy is neither destroyed nor created, it’s simply transformed. The energy of a calorie is said to be transformed with exercise and burned off in the form of heat.

Here’s the flaw: this law only applies to closed systems where there are no outlets. As Sean Croxton pointed out years ago, “The human body seems pretty damn open to me. It pees, poops, and sweats into the environment.”

The body definitely is not a closed system, so how can it abide by the first law of thermodynamics? It’s ingesting, converting, and excreting energy all of the time!

Reason #4: All Calories Are NOT Created Equal.
When counting calories, you naturally try to conserve what you’ll spend your calories on. This often leads to a food scarcity mindset, triggering you to choose foods that are less nutrient-dense and less satiating (such as 100-calorie pack snacks) in order to feel like you get to eat more and more frequently.

Fats contain 9 calories per gram, while protein and carbs contain 4 calories per gram.

At first glance, it appears as though carbs and proteins would be the ideal choice when counting calories. However, animal fats contain some of the most essential fat-soluble nutrients, such as Vitamin D, K, and Omegas while animal proteins contain the most complete combinations of amino acids necessary for cellular function and muscle maintenance or growth.

To get the same nutrient values from carbohydrates, you would need to eat twice as much, plus higher-carb diets spike blood sugar levels throughout the day, resulting in more cravings and leading to insulin resistance, which then causes weight gain.

Alternatively, eating more fat and protein can balance blood sugar, cut cravings, and they are both better sources of fuel for the brain and body.

Aside from all of this, calorie restriction can even cause weight gain in some cases, especially if you have a thyroid or other underlying hormone imbalance.

In this week’s video and blog, I’ll explain exactly why calorie counting doesn’t work and the new approach to diet you need to achieve your ideal body and health.

Once I stopped counting and calculating, I finally started getting real results.  Losing and maintaining my weight was no longer a struggle; it came naturally.

Instead of counting calories, I started eating foods that were right for my body so it could function at its potential and be the natural fat-burning machine it was meant to be. This same approach has proven to be successful for all of my clients too.

When you’re eating the foods that are right for your body so it can function at its potential, you will:

  • Have an abundance of energy that lasts all day
  • Sleep more soundly and wake up feeling rested
  • Feel satisfied between meals and no longer need to snack
  • Support hormone balance, detoxification, and other bodily functions

All of which support the body’s ability to easily lose or maintain weight, and for you to feel great!

So you might be wondering, how do I know what foods are right for my body?

The first step to finding what foods are right for your body is paying attention to how food makes you feel and knowing there is a difference between eating healthy and eating right for your body.

Eating right for your body will incorporate healthy foods, but not every “healthy” food is right for your body.

Next, aim to eat foods that make you feel all-around good; the foods that keep you feeling full for extended periods, that give you energy, and that DON’T leave you feeling bloated, anxious, or tired. These foods tend to be whole, organic vegetables, animal proteins, and fats that don’t come in a bag, box, can, or 100-calorie pack.

And always eat with intention.

Before you take a bite, grab something on the go, or sit down to prepare a meal, consider how you want to feel and if the food you’re about to eat is in alignment with that feeling.

You’ll probably find that most of your calorie-counting type foods don’t meet these requirements because they result in energy crashes, cravings, bloating, anxiety, or a variety of other ailments.

These simple steps will help you find foods that balance your blood sugar and boost your metabolism to support weight loss or maintenance.

Click here to get my Food & Body Language Log for FREE to easily figure out what foods are right for your body so you can feel your best, without counting a single calorie.

As a recovered calorie counter, I can tell you this more natural and mindful approach to eating is much more sustainable. It produces the long-lasting results you desire, so you’ll never have to get back on that calorie-counting rollercoaster ride ever again!

Is the full moon messing with your health?

Does the full moon have you feeling funny?

Are you currently experiencing more…

Low energy
Restless sleep
Or an increase in any other symptoms?

You might think this is a little superstitious, but there is something real about how the full moon impacts people, animals, and the things around us.

You can call me crazy, but just hang in here with me for a minute…

Have you ever noticed with yourself or others, that there seems to be something cyclical when it comes to being moody and irritable (and I’m not talking about PMS)?

A fluctuation in mood that only lasts for a few days for some reason and is unexplainable?

Or what about sleep disturbances – going through periods when you have trouble falling asleep or tossing and turning that only last for a few days or a week at a time?

How about your digestion? Do you experience phases of really great bowel movements, and then all of a sudden they seem to go sideways?

And then there’s stuff such as skin rashes or breakouts, teeth grinding, weight gain, joint aches and pains. Do those come and go every few weeks, too?

Have any of these symptoms or other ailments been more intense the last few days leading up to this weekend’s full moon?

It’s not a coincidence, it’s science.

I see this cyclical pattern in many of my clients’ symptoms and have experienced it myself too.

You probably have heard how the full moon can impact the ocean tides; making them higher or lower than usual depending on the gravitational pull.

Considering that the body is 80% water, scientists and astrologers have often thought that similar effects happen in the body, creating almost a “human tidal pull” that can affect brain function.

This gravitational pull can also stir up parasites, bacteria, and yeast during a full moon.

The gravitational pull on water balance in the kidneys can cause a shift of movement or an “awakening response”, making bacteria, parasites, and yeast in the body more active during the full moon cycle.

This increase in activity creates internal stress and inflammation that impacts your energy levels, ability to sleep, digestion, hormone balance, and so much more!

Classic symptoms of parasites, bacteria, and yeast overgrowth in the body can include (but are definitely not limited to):

  • Bloating, gas, fatigue or flu-like symptoms
  • Low immune function (get sick or allergies often)
  • Excessive hunger, constipation, or diarrhea
  • Teeth grinding, ear ringing, tingling or burning sensations
  • Hives, irritability, rashes, or headaches
  • Changes in weight and increases in joint pain
  • Trouble falling asleep or waking up at night
  • Feeling “wired but tired” or getting a “second wind” at night
  • Heartburn/acid reflux, ulcers, migraines, and even mid-back pain.

Often, these symptoms are dismissed because they are so common, or misdiagnosed as something else.

For example, it is estimated that 50% of the world’s population has an overgrowth of H. Pylori bacteria, yet 80% don’t display any of the typical symptoms so it’s dismissed or overlooked.

Some studies show that more than 50% of healthy women and men host colonies of Candida Albicans yeast, with 60% of those who suffer from it being women, 20% being men, and 20% being boys and girls, yet it’s not being addressed.

The most common parasites, bacteria, and yeast I see in my practice are Blastocystis Hominis, H. Pylori, and Candida.

It’s normal to have a small amount of these in the body as part of the natural ecosystem, but when they overgrow, they can become problematic for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Stressing the digestive system
  • Interfering with nutrient absorption
  • Spiking cortisol hormone especially at night
  • Producing toxic waste that burdens the liver and detox system
  • Triggering the immune system and aggravating autoimmune conditions

So here’s what I want you to do.  

Track any of your symptoms or health concerns in correlation with the full moon STARTING NOW.

If you notice a pattern, then it’s highly likely you’ve got a parasite, bacteria, or yeast problem (and possibly all 3!), regardless of what your doctor or other health professional might tell you because your body doesn’t lie.

Next, ask yourself: What is making you a good host for this overgrowth?

As I said before, it’s normal to have small amounts of bacteria, parasites, and yeast in the body as part of the natural ecosystem, but when they overgrow, they can become problematic.

So what makes someone a good host?

A combination of lifestyle choices and environmental factors co-create the perfect situation for these pathogens to thrive in, which is actually good news because that means you can make changes to restore balance to your body and internal ecosystem.

Aside from changing up your diet, as a functional health practitioner for over 10 years, the NUMBER ONE thing that changes people’s internal ecosystem to get parasites, bacteria, and yeast under control is SUPPORTING YOUR LIVER & DETOX SYSTEM!

The liver is a hard-working organ. It’s responsible for processing and filtering toxins out of the blood, producing bile to help with fat digestion, storing energy in the form of glycogen, and so much more that make you a good host or not.

And now more than ever, in a modern-day world that has exposed us to more toxins than ever in human history, your liver needs help.

Knowing how the full moon might be affecting your health and the help your liver needs so that you can feel like your best self is exactly why you should check out Sinclair Kennally’s Rapid Liver Reset program (use code ENCORE for my special community discount).

This four-week program uses whole foods, supplements, and lifestyle changes to help detoxify and regenerate the liver. By the end of the program, you’ll be feeling the positive benefits of a supported liver,a healthy gallbladder, and less affects from the full moon (if any at all!).

The liver and detox supporting strategies Sinclair teaches in Rapid Liver Reset are the same exact steps I have taken to take my personal health to the next level.

If you are ready to…

  • Remove the hidden stressors and what drains your body from healing itself
  • Restore the health of your liver to heal your gut and every cell
  • Support liver and lymph flow to feel great in your body again
  • Reduce your fatigue and anxiety overnight
  • End the day with energy to spare

Then it’s time to show your liver and detox system some love.

Rapid Liver Reset enrollment closes March 2nd, click here to jump in using code ENCORE for my special community discount!

And remember to track any symptom correlations with the full moon as a way to measure the results you’ll get from this program!

Your personal liver health plan of action to fight toxicity…

Do you wake up exhausted in the morning, despite getting 8 hours of sleep (and want to crawl back under your blanket the second you open your eyes?)

Are you tired of battling bloating, constipation, or diarrhea (or both!), and cramping?

Do you have so many food sensitivities that your “safe” foods can be counted on two hands?

If you have constant digestive issues, fatigue, inflammation, challenges with weight and hormones, or brain fog, your liver may need some support.

We are bombarded with more environmental toxins and industrial chemicals daily than ever before.

Since the 1940s, over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND toxic chemicals have been released into our environment. Could you imagine taking on 100,000 new tasks without any extra pay or hours in the day? That’s basically what we have asked our livers to do.

The reality is, unless you take action, your liver and detox system just can’t keep up.

Your liver is the powerhouse for not only detoxification but also digestion, conversion of thyroid hormone, excretion of excess estrogen, blood sugar balance, and so much more!

For example, 20% of thyroid hormone T4 relies on the liver to be converted to T3, so there is certainly a huge healing opportunity here if you are already suffering from a thyroid imbalance, or even if you’re trying to prevent one.

To help your liver function optimally these days, you need targeted lifestyle and supplement strategies.

This is especially important for the liver and gallbladder because toxins can actually get trapped in the bile, become encased in cholesterol (causing high cholesterol levels!), and form gallstones leading eventually to gallbladder removal!

Did you know that 80% of women over the age of 40 have toxic, sluggish bile?

25% of Americans have a non-alcoholic fatty liver.

In the United States alone, 750,000 gallbladders are removed per year.

Even conventional medicine acknowledges the frequency and severity of gallstones: 21% of adults will experience them in their lifetime (and that’s an older statistic… in reality, it’s much higher!)

The good news is… there are ways to address this and take charge of your health.

And this is exactly what my dear friend and colleague Sinclair Kennally recently covered in her recent Masterclass.

Click here to catch her Liver Detox Masterclass Encore On February 20th!

Sinclair is the co-founder of Detox Rejuvenation, and someone I have personally worked with to guide me through deeper detox strategies to help me get rid of mold, metals, hidden parasites, and other toxins to obtain even better health.

The collection of wisdom and experience she has in this area is unmatched by any I’ve seen before. As someone who has personally overcome chronic illness and helped thousands of others, she has so much to offer.

Working with Sinclair has been a huge compliment to the work I do as a Functional Health Professional by helping me not only take my own health to the next level so I can serve my clients better but also by expanding the lens I look through, and the modalities used to help others heal on a deeper level.

Shortly after starting her liver support and detox protocols, I no longer experienced cyclical breast tenderness, was able to shed stubborn weight, and feel the benefits of clearing out toxins from old mold exposures.

In the Masterclass Encore, you’ll hear Sinclair explain:

  • Why typical detox approaches are outdated and what to do instead
  • What’s really going on in the world impacting your detox pathways and your health
  • How you can take guided, targeted action with their Rapid Liver Reset program

I can’t stress enough how important taking care of your liver is given the impacts of our modern-day world. 

This masterclass is for anyone, from the sensitive folks recovering from chronic illness to the powerhouses who want to optimize their health.

Click here to catch her Liver Detox Masterclass Encore February 20th and please share this with your friends and family to help them support their liver and best health too!

Have you lost this? You might find it here…

This happens to a lot of people, but hardly anyone wants to talk about it.

The majority of my clients suffer from it and in the beginning, they are embarrassed to admit it.

Most of us chalk it up to old age, being “past our prime” or because “I don’t have time.”

What is this ailing issue that is so prevalent?


Yep, I said it. Did you cringe when you read it? Do you secretly feel as though you’ve lost your mojo and wonder what happened or where it went?

Well, I can tell you it’s not because you’re “past your prime” or because you’re getting older.  All of my clients who once “lost their libido” were able to find it again.

If you’ve lost your lust, then stress is the number one suspect.

Think of the stress hormone cortisol as the main controller for the rest of the hormone system.

Whenever we encounter stress, it triggers the sympathetic nervous system and the release of cortisol. This reaction is often referred to as the “fight or flight” response that our body developed to survive real-life threats or dangerous situations.

When cortisol spikes from stress, it sends all of the body’s resources outwards for quick moving and thinking to escape the threat while suppressing other functions such as digestion or the production of other hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and oxytocin.

Which makes sense, right? If you had to escape a dangerous situation, your body needs to focus on quick moving and thinking, and not on getting busy to reproduce.

This brilliant body response was designed to help us overcome acute (short-term) stress-inducing situations like surviving an encounter with a predator.

However, in our modern-day world, we encounter big or subtle stress triggers all day long, and this prolonged stress response can have long-term impacts on the hormone system leading to sex hormone depletion and a loss of libido.

All of this means stress has an immediate and long-term impact on your libido.

The good news is, with some simple healthy habits and nourishing foods, you can boost your libido right back to where it should be.

In this week’s video and blog, I’m sharing 5 easy ways to reduce the impacts of stress daily and get your libido back.

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, February is the perfect month to focus on finding your sex drive again so you can live your best life, full of passion and love!

Here are 5 quick and easy ways to stoke your fire naturally and get your libido back:

#1 – Just Breathe.
Inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 5, and exhale for 7, repeat 5-10 times once a day or more for better results. Adopting the breathing pattern of a relaxed person immediately flips the switch in your body from fight or flight to a calm state, bringing cortisol levels down, and letting the rest of the hormones kick back into gear.

#2 – Daily Hug Dose.
Hugging and physical touch release oxytocin, the “love hormone”, which helps to lower cortisol levels. This hormone also facilitates the feelings of connection, bonding, trust and love which are all essential for feeling “in the mood.” Hug yourself or a partner first thing in the morning and/or throughout the day to build upon the benefits of oxytocin.

#3 – Maca Motivation.
Maca is a root-based supplement that has traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac for over 2,000 years. It stimulates the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands, which all support sex hormone production and therefore sex drive! It has been known to calm the mind and support mental clarity, which can assist in reducing stress and also bring your libido back into focus.

#4 – Rest & Replenish.
Cortisol has a natural rhythm throughout the day guided by the sun cycle. When the sun rises, cortisol naturally increases without triggering the stress response to give you the energy to get up and get going in the morning, and then when the sun sets, it signals the body to lower cortisol in preparation for bed.

Being asleep by 10 pm sets your body up for success with optimal rest and replenishment to balance sex hormones and perform other critical functions. This also keeps your cortisol rhythm in sync. When it’s out of whack, you won’t have the energy or desire to hit sack with anyone.

#5 – Power Up with Protein.
The nutrients and amino acids found in proteins such as oysters, salmon, eggs, and beef have been shown to boost testosterone, the main libido hormone. Eating adequate amounts of protein can also give you longer-lasting energy and prevent bloating to fuel your desire and self-esteem to get frisky.

Ultimately, if your libido is being suppressed by stress, it’s best to look at minimizing your overall stress load for long-lasting results.

In the work I do with clients, one of the first things I ask them to do is redefine the word “stress”.

“Stress is anything that places a burden on the body, resulting in inflammation or imbalance.”

Typically, when we hear the word “stress”, we think of mental or emotional stress and common things such as challenges within our relationships or family, tough-to-deal-with bosses, crappy coworkers, traffic, the loss of a loved one or friend, trying to meet expectations and deadlines.

But stress can also be:

  • Foods you’re eating that aren’t right for your body or that cause inflammation
  • Going to bed late or getting a bad night’s sleep (especially consistently)
  • Over-exercising or intense exercise when the body is already stressed
  • Not exercising or moving your body enough regularly
  • Toxins that you can’t always see, hear or feel in your environment 
  • Nutrient deficiencies that you might be unaware of
  • Tight muscles or joints that are out of alignment (specifically the spin)
  • Traveling and crossing different time zones  

When you tune into your body, you’ll start to recognize the different variables adding to your body’s overall stress burden, and then you can take strategic action to give your body what it needs to feel your best and have a lively libido.

Now I want to know…

Which of these 5 tips are you going to put into action to boost your libido leading up to Valentine’s Day?

Comment below to let me know what you’re committing to!

Shed holiday pounds fast with this…

What if there was a magical pill or food you could eat that would stop cravings in their tracks, give you long-lasting energy, and promote weight loss all at the same time?

There actually is…it’s called Fat!

Contrary to what you might believe or have been told, the latest research is showing us how consuming healthy types of fats can be beneficial not only for curbing cravings, boosting energy, and supporting weight loss but also for preventing chronic diseases and cognitive disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Before we dive into this fat conversation, let’s set the record straight on what types of fats are beneficial for your health.

Fat gets a bad rap, but not all fats are created equal.

There are 4 major categories of fat:

  • Saturated fats
  • Monounsaturated fats
  • Polyunsaturated fats
  • Trans fats

All fat-containing foods have different ratios of each type of fat; saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. Some fatty foods can also have naturally occurring or artificial trans fat.

Each type of fat is essential for bodily functions and comes with its own health benefits.

Saturated fats are commonly found in butter, lard, milk, coconut oil, and milk. They serve as a primary source of energy in the body; as the preferred fuel for the brain, as signaling agents for cells, and can even encourage weight loss.

Monounsaturated fats can be found in avocados, olives, certain meats, and types of nuts. This type of fat is known for its positive impacts on cardiovascular health by reducing LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, inflammation, and blood pressure, and increasing HDL cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated fats are mostly found in fish, some nuts and seeds, and oils such as flax, corn, safflower, and soybean. This type of fat plays a critical role in forming cell membranes, cell function, and regulating gene expression.  Omega-3 and 6’s are a type of Polyunsaturated fat.

Though Trans fats are most controversial, even some of these are healthy for you when they are naturally occurring. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a natural type of Trans fat that reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, and autoimmunity. It can also improve glucose tolerance, which can prevent or help manage type 2 diabetes.

On the other hand, artificial Trans fats are highly inflammatory and have been shown to increase the risk for cancer, heart disease, obesity, and other chronic inflammatory-related conditions.

Without dietary fats or adequate amounts of them (for you), the body can’t function at its potential.

Fats are your friend, and the quality is what counts.

Aside from the different types of fat, the quality of the fats you are consuming is what matters.

Fat is not only how the body stores energy, but it’s also where the body stores toxins and excess hormones to protect itself from those harmful particles circulating through the system.

If you eat sources of fat that have been exposed to pesticides and herbicides or injected with hormones and antibiotics, such as non-organic, grass-fed, free-range meat and eggs, then guess what? You’re consuming those toxins, hormones, and antibiotics too.

The same goes for fat derived from plant sources such as avocados, olives, and oils.

To really reap the benefits of dietary fats, you’ll want to avoid all the additives. Aim to consume them from natural, clean, organic, hormone-free, grass-fed, pasture-raised, free-range, humanely-raised, and minimally-processed sources.

Look for your fats to be:

  • Cold-pressed organic oils
  • 100% Grass-fed and finished organic hormone-free beef and related products
  • Free-range organic hormone-free poultry and eggs
  • Organic avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, and coconut products
  • Wild-caught fresh fish or packaged in non-toxic containers

Now that you know about fat, its direct health benefits, and what sources of fat to focus on, let’s get to the important stuff- how it can help you lose weight and boost your energy!

In this week’s video and blog, I dive into more detail about why you should eat fat for weight loss, more energy, and better health!

Did you know that 80% of the population is estimated to do better on a higher fat and protein diet, and only about 20% thrive with higher carbohydrates?

Yet the dietary guidelines for Americans suggest that your daily food intake should consist of 45-65% carbohydrates.

Let’s talk about what’s wrong with this recommendation…

Carbohydrates are the easiest macronutrient for the body to metabolize. They are instantly converted into glucose (aka sugar) that floods the bloodstream. Your blood sugar goes up for a period of time, and what goes up must come down.

This is why you may have noticed that you get an instant energy boost after eating a meal higher in carbs, followed by an energy crash – feeling like you need to take a nap or feeling hungry within 30 minutes to 2 hours after.

As your blood sugar comes crashing down after eating a higher-carb meal, your body loses its energy source and starts craving food to bring your blood sugar back up.

Proteins and fats, on the other hand, require a much more complex and lengthy process to be metabolized and converted into glucose.

Thus, if you eat a meal higher in fat and protein, you’ll have a nice and steady release of glucose over a longer period of time, keeping your blood sugar balanced, energy even, and curbing those cravings.

In fact, fat can’t be converted directly to glucose. It has to go through an even longer process of conversion before it hits your bloodstream.

When you eat a diet higher in fat, as your body works to metabolize the fat you ate (which is a long process) it will tap into your existing fat stores for immediate energy, thus promoting weight loss!

In addition to keeping your blood sugar in balance, eating more fat (and therefore fewer carbs) promotes weight loss and more energy by:

  • Increasing feelings of fullness to curb cravings
  • Decreasing appetite-stimulating hormones such as insulin and ghrelin
  • Increasing calorie expenditure with the complex process of metabolizing fat
  • Boosting fat loss versus lean body mass due to decreased insulin levels
  • Balancing your hormones with essential nutrients needed to make hormones
  • Maintaining cell structures for energy production and body efficiency

If you don’t believe me, then I challenge you to try it, just for one meal.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Experience it and challenge yourself to eat one meal higher in fat, with moderate protein and a small portion of carbs.

A great example meal would be a ribeye steak dinner with a side of leafy greens or types of vegetables that grow above the ground (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc.) sauteed or cooked with olive or coconut oil.

Remember, you just want your fat sources to be clean, as previously discussed.

Notice after eating this type of meal how you can go 3-5 hours, or possibly longer, without feeling hungry. Your energy is even, and when you cut the cravings or need to snack between meals, it becomes easier to manage your weight.

So don’t fear fat. It does a body good. Use the right fats to get the results you want!

If you need help figuring out what fats and other foods are right for your body so you can lose weight, have more energy, and get back to feeling like yourself again, then click here to check out my Food & Body Language Log.

P.S. If you are a part of the 20% who don’t do as well with a higher fat and protein diet, you’ll know right away. Within 30 minutes to 2 hours, you’ll experience the opposite effects; you’ll feel sluggish, have a heavy stomach, and want to take a nap while your body is trying to digest.

The first live women’s health event of the year is coming up!

Something I’ve become more and more passionate about since turning 40 last year, is helping other women as they approach 40 and beyond, learn how to flow through perimenopause and menopause with ease.

Because moving through these stages of life doesn’t have to be scary or hard.

It is possible to gracefully move through hormonal changes at any stage of life when you have the right lab tests and resources to navigate it.

At 40 years old, I feel healthier, stronger, energized, and more comfortable in my body than ever.

But this wasn’t always the case.

There was a time when I loathed my thighs, and hated wearing short dresses, and when skinny jeans came on the scene, I thought there was no way in hell I would ever fit into a pair.

For the longest time, I struggled with a variety of hormone issues, everything from painful irregular periods to adult acne, cyclic breast tenderness, and hot flashes.

Despite officially entering the mid-life era and officially sailing towards peri-menopause (according to my age), I have NONE of these symptoms anymore.

In fact, my periods are easy-peasy. If I didn’t track them on an app, I would hardly know they were about to happen.

My weight and mood are reliably stable, and the only things that mess with my sleep are furry snuggles or certain travel circumstances.

There’s so much confusion and frustration about women’s bodies in mid-life.

We’re told weight gain, mood swings, hot flashes, and other hormone-related symptoms are just a part of getting older, but they don’t have to be.

The body naturally wants to be in balance, even when riding the wave of age-related hormonal changes. All your body needs to gracefully move through life at any age is the right food to function at its potential and a lifestyle that supports giving your body what it needs at any point in time to feel your best.

Instead of learning about what the body needs to thrive through life, we’re often offered bandaid solutions for hormone-related symptoms such as birth control, anti-depressants, or hormone replacement therapy.

That’s why I’m eager to share the HotFlash Summit, which is designed to help women approaching 40 and beyond take back control of their bodies and hormone health.

This free 4-day virtual event is bringing together 17 women’s health experts, including me, to teach you how to rebalance your hormones so we can all flow through perimenopause and menopause with ease.

You can get all the details about The Hotflash Summit and grab your free access pass HERE, but here is a quick overview:

  • The Hotflash Summit will be LIVE from January 16-19, 2024
  • Each day will be packed with amazing speakers who are ready to help you flow through perimenopause and menopause with ease.
  • We’ve got a pop-up Facebook group where you can connect with other fabulous women, ask the speakers questions, win prizes, and more!
  • The summit is absolutely free to attend, but you can choose to grab the All Access Pass for bonus resources and an upgraded event experience.

Knowing how your body works is life-changing.  It takes the guesswork out of living your best life. It puts you in the driver’s seat and gives you the ability to create a life full of freedom instead of limitations.

It wasn’t until my 30s that I really started to understand how my body works as a woman.

Reaching rock bottom with my long-time hormone imbalance battle led me down the road to a higher health education. Had I known as a teenager what I know now, I could have prevented the 17+ years of irregular periods, chronic fatigue, weight gain woes, allergies, brain fog, waves of depression and anxiety, Hashimotos, disrupting the precious balance of my body with birth control, and so much more.

Women go through multiple stages of hormonal changes throughout their lifetime, it’s inevitable.

I’m doing everything I can to prepare for the next stages of peri and menopause so I can get through it gracefully.

And I hope you’ll join me in doing the same by attending the Hotflash Summit.

Not just for yourself, but to support all women and the generations to come by increasing awareness about hormone health and how to live in balance with the body.

Learn more, grab your free ticket, and share this with other women here!

2023 Health Tip Highlights

Wow. Can you believe how fast 2023 has come and gone?

I’m curious…how are you feeling in your body as the year ends compared to when it started?

Better, worse, or the same?

As the (W)holistic Health Boss, my mission is to help keep you up to speed on the latest information, tips, tools, and resources so you can always feel like your best self.

This year, I’ve written over 40 blogs and hundreds of social media posts to educate and empower you about the right lab tests and resources you need to achieve your ideal health and weight.

But if you’re anything like me, then life has surely been busy and maybe you’ve missed a few of the important things I had to share with you.

So to close out 2023, I’ve compiled the top tips and pieces of information I shared this year, in hopes that these will give you the insights you need to kick off the new year with a healthy bang!

Even if you read them the first time, read them again. A new golden nugget of information just might jump out at you!

As you reflect on the past year, take a moment to envision what you want for yourself and your health in the new year.

Do you want more energy?

To feel great in your body again?

To finally put your digestive issues, anxiety, or crappy nights of sleep to rest?

All so you can feel healthy, strong, free, and limitless; to be adventurous and live life to the fullest every day?

If so, then the year ahead is your year.

And these are my top health tips to help you take back control of your health!

Top Instagram Posts

Top Blog Posts

Top Facebook Posts

Wishing you a new year full of peace, balance, optimal health, and more joy!

P.S. If you want to hit the ground running towards your ideal health and weight in the new year, then CLICK HERE to check out my 28-Cleanse Challenge for just $28!

Final Holiday Hormone Tips [inside]

How are you feeling in your body as we wrap up the last week of the year?

I know you want to feel like your best self, so I’ve been sharing a series of simple tips to balance your hormones during the holidays on Instagram and Facebook.

These posts have been full of helpful insights over the past week along with practical things you can do to keep hormones (such as cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, melatonin, insulin, and leptin) balanced during the holiday season, to minimize the impact the holiday season can have on them.

Hormones can take a hit during the holiday season, as you tend to focus SO much on giving to others this time of year and maybe less on giving to yourself with all the holiday festivities, last-minute gift shopping, and visiting family or friends.

By the end of it all, I bet you usually feel wiped out or wonder why you feel so fat, tired, and sick all the time just like I used to.

To help you keep your hormones intact this holiday season and breathe life back into them for the new year, on December 12th I kicked off my annual Instagram and Facebook series called the “12 Days of Healthy Hormone Hacks for the Holidays”

Here’s a recap of a few simple tips I recently shared…

Day 6 – Bank Some Sleep
Sleep is the first thing to do during the holiday season as you stay up late…

  • Burning the midnight oil to meet last-minute work deadlines
  • Wrapping presents when kids or loved ones are asleep
  • Dancing or socializing the night away at holiday parties
  • Waiting for Santa or loved ones to arrive
  • Or by taking red-eye flights to save a few bucks

Have you noticed that even when you get 8 hours of sleep or allow yourself to sleep in after a late night, you just don’t seem to wake up feeling rested?

Our body has an internal clock according to the sun’s cycles. This internal clock determines specific times of day when the body does critical functions to help keep our hormones balanced.

For example, from 10 pm to 2 am, it…

  • It releases human growth hormone to repair damaged cells and create new ones.  
  • Cortisol levels are at their lowest and melatonin hormone peaks to support restful sleep  

And from 2 am to 4 am…The liver and gallbladder do their deepest detox work to get rid of toxins.

The body does not shift its internal clock if these critical sleeping windows are missed, it simply can’t perform these functions well, and our hormones take a hit. Regularly staying up late can flip the cortisol rhythm, mess with melatonin production, and disrupt all other hormones.

Obviously, there are some fun-filled and valid reasons to miss some shut-eye this time of year, but you can make up for it by banking on sleep on the days you can get to bed at a reasonable time.

Every hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 hours of rest!

When you can, get to bed by 10 pm or earlier to bank sleep for late nights ahead, or to make up for the ones already had.

Getting good quality sleep at optimal times will help you wake up feeling rested and support hormone balance through the holidays.


Day 5 – Crush Some Cruciferous Veggies
It’s the last full weekend before the holiday season reaches its peak and all through the town, celebration cocktails are going down… meaning estrogen levels are on the rise.

ONE alcoholic beverage can increase estrogen levels in the body for up to 24 hours, but this time of year there’s bound to be more than one drink with back-to-back holiday festivities not giving your body a full 24-hour break to normalize estrogen levels.

Aside from alcohol, we come in contact with more xenoestrogen-type toxins, such as plastics that increase estrogen in the body this time of year.

Consistently elevated estrogen levels can contribute to estrogen dominance, weight gain, thyroid imbalances, sleep issues, mood swings, and more.

But don’t worry about indulging this holiday season if you focus on crushing some cruciferous veggies.

Cruciferous vegetables are known for their anti-estrogenic effects.  They contain a compound called DIM (3’3 diindolylmethane) which helps eliminate estrogen through the liver.

Most of them also contain chlorophyll (found in the green leaves), which aids in reducing estrogen through improved liver health.

See where you can incorporate some of these cruciferous veggies for the rest of the year and beyond…

  • Arugula
  • Bok Choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Collard Greens
  • Kale
  • Mustard greens
  • Radish
  • Turnip
  • Watercress

Some of my favorite holiday side dishes include roasted Brussels sprouts and arugula-based winter salads.

Keep that estrogen in check by crushing some cruciferous veggies as we wind down the year!


Day 4 – Wake Up with Warm Water
Whether it’s cold outside or not, start your day with warm, lemon-salted water while brewing your usual cup of coffee or tea to boost hormone balance!

Make your hormones happy this holiday season with a cup of warm water, a slice of lemon, and a pinch of Celtic, Himalayan, or sea salt.

Lemons have been known to help detoxify the liver, which plays a major role in hormone balance by facilitating actions such as thyroid T4 to T3 conversion and eliminating excess estrogen, to help achieve ideal weight, sleep, and mood.

A pinch of Celtic, Himalayan, or sea salt promotes important hydration and electrolyte balance for hormone and cellular function. Plus, the magnesium, sodium, and potassium in the salt nourish the adrenal glands that produce cortisol and DHEA hormones, along with some adrenaline, estrogen, and other hormones as well.

Warm or room temperature water aids in the absorption of the lemon and salt nutrients in addition to promoting digestive health and bowel movements – which is how we get rid of toxins or excess hormones that impact body balance. Warm water gives your body a gentle nudge to get going instead of a cold electric shock.

During holiday craziness, we are more likely to forget about drinking water throughout the day and to indulge in dehydrating things such as alcohol, coffee, and traveling.

This holiday season, add a cup of warm, lemon-salted water to your morning to start your day with a hydrating healthy hormone boost!


Head on over to my Instagram and Facebook to see what other tips you might have missed AND to catch the last of my 12 Days of Healthy Hormone Hacks for the Holidays!

P.S. Turn on your Facebook and/or Instagram notifications for my pages so you don’t miss a single simple tip to keep your hormones intact this holiday season, AND remember to save the posts for future reference because these tips can help balance hormones all year long!

Top 12 Holiday Hormone Hacks!

It’s that holiday time of year again!

There’s an abundance of joy and gratitude going around this time of year, but…

By the end of it all, do you usually feel wiped out or wonder why you feel so fat, tired, and sick all the time?

It’s because your hormones took a hit!

The holidays can wreak havoc on your hormones while there is so much focus on giving to others this time of year and not so much on giving to yourself as you run around from holiday parties, last-minute gift shopping, and visiting family or friends.

However, there is a way to still give this holiday season AND support your hormones at the same time.

To help you keep your hormones intact this holiday season and breathe life back into them for the new year, on December 12th I kicked off my annual Instagram and Facebook series called the “12 Days of Healthy Hormone Hacks for the Holidays”

Over 12 days on Instagram and Facebook, catch my videos and posts where I’m sharing simple tips for practical things you can do to keep your hormones balanced while you enjoy the holiday season!

Here’s a sneak peek at the simple tips I’ve lined up for you…

Day 1 – Fill Up With Fat
This likely sounds counterintuitive, but trust me, it’s not when it comes to your hormones, energy levels, and kicking cravings!

The body needs healthy dietary fats that are broken down into LDL and cholesterol, along with other nutrients such as B vitamins to maintain hormone balance. Yep, you heard me right. LDL and cholesterol are actually necessary for hormones. Fat gets a bad rap, but it’s not bad for you if sourced in a healthy way.

Filling up with healthy fats can also help balance blood sugar for longer-lasting energy, reduce inflammation, and kick cravings.

So what healthy fats should you indulge in during the holidays?

  • Avocado on its own, as guacamole, or as an oil
  • Full-fat coconut milk in your coffee, tea, or smoothies
  • Organic, nitrate, and gluten-free bacon
  • Cold-Pressed organic olive or coconut oil
  • Grass-fed ghee instead of butter (less inflammatory) 
  • Fatty cuts of organic pasture-raised meats and eggs

One of my favorite fat-bomb beverages is a matcha latte or coffee with full-fat coconut milk and vanilla bean ghee. This keeps me feeling full and energized for 5 hours or more!

I always fill up on fat before I hit a holiday party or aim to eat the fattiest snacks while there, to keep my hormones happy and hunger under control.

Focus on filling up with healthy fats throughout the day and notice the way it makes you feel more full, more energized, and craving-free.


Day 2 – Breathe Deeply
We’re constantly moving this time of year – decorating, planning, working, shopping, traveling, cooking, cleaning, and socializing. While all are necessary and some fun, it does take a toll on hormonal health.

Constant movement triggers our sympathetic nervous system eliciting a stress response, aka the fight or flight response. In a stressed state, our body uses a lot of valuable hormonal resources. Cortisol is a primary hormone at play, but it is not the only one impacted in a negative way.

In stress mode, our body directs valuable resources outward for quick thinking and quick-moving, leaving little resources for critical functions in our body to take place keeping our health in line.

BUT in just 2 minutes or less, you can snap yourself out of stress mode and quickly into rest and relaxation mode, bringing your hormones back into balance so your body can heal from all the work it has been doing. Here’s how…

Deep Breathing.

It’s that simple. When we breathe deep and rhythmic like a relaxed person, we can instantly flip the switch from fight or flight mode into a more relaxed and healing state.

Try this ten times…

  • Inhale for 5 seconds
  • Hold the breath 5 seconds
  • Exhale for 7 seconds

Use this simple breathing technique anytime you notice yourself moving too fast, when you’ve gone a long time without a break, or feel anxious to instantly bring cortisol and other hormones back into balance.

I do this in the morning, afternoon, and before bed. Set a reminder on your phone to stop at least once a day this holiday season to breathe deeply and promote hormone balance.


Day 3 – Go Green
Inflammatory factors are on the rise during the holidays as we indulge in different foods or beverages that might have a more inflammatory effect on the body, or as we encounter toxins while traveling and experience mental or emotional stress that is common this time of year.

Inflammation is at the core of hormone dysfunction or any other health issue. It drives cortisol out of balance, creating a negative domino effect on other hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid. Over time, constant inflammation (even low levels) can overwhelm the immune system, making you more susceptible to seasonal sickness and even autoimmune conditions.

Sure, you’re going to indulge during the holidays, and you can’t always control toxin exposure or the need to travel, but there are things you can do on a daily basis to calm the inflammatory fire.

To help you reduce inflammation daily – GO GREEN!

One cup of green tea has an abundance of anti-inflammatory effects that can positively impact your hormones and digestive health. EGCG is an active green tea ingredient that modulates genes to produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

To help contain the inflammatory fire, aim to incorporate a cup of green tea daily during the holidays.

This is such an easy task! You can grab a cup of green tea almost anywhere while traveling or pack it to always have with you. It’s the perfect drink to start your day or keep you warm when it’s cold outside.

As mentioned on tip day 1, filling up with fats supports hormones and one of my favorite fat-bomb beverages is a matcha green tea latte with full-fat coconut milk and vanilla bean ghee. This keeps me feeling full and energized for at least 5 hours, plus it has all the added anti-inflammatory benefits.

You can’t go wrong by going green this holiday season to keep your hormones happy.


Make sure you’re following me closely on Instagram and Facebook to catch all of my, 12 Days of Healthy Hormone Hacks for the Holidays!

P.S. Turn on your Facebook and/or Instagram notifications for my pages so you don’t miss a single simple tip to keep your hormones intact this holiday season, AND remember to save the posts for future reference because these tips can help balance hormones all year long!

The best exercise time and type [for results]

I’ve been a morning exerciser since the age of 5, when I used to get up before dawn with my dad to ride my little bike by his side while he got in his morning run.

And throughout my life, if I don’t work out before noon, all motivation is lost.

You could say I was conditioned to be this way but actually, we are biologically built to get up and get moving in the morning.

I cringe every time I see someone out running or headed to the gym in the late afternoon or evening.

What they don’t know is that the time of day and type of exercise they are doing are likely working against them, making it harder to achieve their ideal weight and health.

Yet working out in the late afternoon or evening is so common.

And most of the people I know who do this struggle to lose or maintain their weight, wake up feeling tired, are slow to get moving in the morning and don’t sleep great.

This is because the time of exercise and type matter to get the best results.

Although I’ve always been a morning person, I haven’t always done the right type of exercise for my body, and it often held me back from reaching my goals.

Back in my personal training and fitness competition days, my workout routine was super structured:

  • Monday – leg day
  • Tuesday – back and chest
  • Wednesday – long run
  • Thursday – shoulders, biceps and triceps
  • Friday – high-intensity interval training
  • Saturday – short run
  • Sunday – long run
  • Hit repeat

As a result, I often felt wiped out in the afternoon and had constant muscle soreness.

When I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2016, I finally realized just how much the type of exercise you’re doing matters.

Upon receiving that diagnosis, I was determined to heal my thyroid and reverse Hashimotos so I changed my diet, focused even more on getting supportive sleep, added in more supplements, and doubled down on my daily detox efforts.

The one thing I didn’t change was my exercise routine. I continued to run to the gym, lift heavy, and run back multiple times a week paired with longer intense runs in between.

When my healing and weight loss results were marginal at best despite all the changes I had made, I knew I had to change the way I was working out to get the results I wanted.

So I committed to 30 days of ONLY walking and yoga, and that’s when I started to make more leaps and bounds toward my ideal weight and health.

In this week’s video and blog, I’ll explain how the right time and type of exercise for your body can help you achieve your ideal weight and health too.

Let’s talk about timing first to help you get some quick wins with your exercise efforts.

To get the best results, you can align your exercise routine according to your internal body rhythms and daily hormone fluctuations.

When the sun rises in the morning, temperature and light increase, signaling the release of cortisol hormone which peaks about 2 hours after sunrise. As the sun moves throughout the day, cortisol slowly tapers off through the afternoon.

Cortisol is your body’s natural source of energy which makes the 2-hour window after sunrise, and any time before noon, the most ideal window for intense types of exercise such as weight lifting, running, and interval training.

As the sun sets, temperature and light decrease, signaling your body to prepare for sleep by lowering cortisol and energy levels to their lowest by 10pm.

Intense exercise later in the afternoon and evening goes against your body’s natural flow and availability of energy, which can deplete the body and disrupt optimal sleep timing and quality leading to even more depletion.

If you are currently, or have ever done, intense forms of exercise later in the day, afterwards you probably feel “wired but tired” or get a “second wind” in the evening that keeps you up late and you wake up feeling tired or not fully rested.

If you’re someone who likes to move your body later in the day like I do, it’s ok to engage in more restorative and lighter intensity forms of exercise such as walking or yoga that won’t disrupt sleep quality and are more in alignment with your body’s energy capacity.

Now you might be thinking it’s hard to wake up early to workout, but trust me, when you align your exercise time with your body’s natural hormone rhythms it will become easier to fall asleep by 10pm, you’ll get more restful sleep, and you’ll wake up feeling rested with the sun as you’re biologically built to do.

Now let’s address the ideal types of exercise to get the best results.

As discussed with timing, it’s better to do intense types of exercise earlier and lower intensity later in the day.

But there is even more to be considered daily when choosing the most ideal type of exercise for your body.

As I mentioned before, when trying to reverse Hashimotos, committing to less intense forms of exercise such as walking and yoga for at least 30 days helped to accelerate my progress so I could lose weight and get my energy back faster.

This experience reinforced what I always say and aim to teach my clients…

“By tuning into your body in any given moment, you can give it exactly what it needs to feel your best, maintain results, and continue making progress.”

Your body will do anything you ask it to, but that doesn’t mean you should.

We’ve been conditioned to push through it when we don’t feel our best, instead of resting. So when we don’t feel 100%, we’ll still grind away at the gym or go for a run. I know because I’ve been guilty of this too.

However, when you don’t feel 100% that means your body is already in a depleted state; whether it’s from a stressful week, poor food choices or sleep, environmental or other lifestyle factors.

So instead of depleting your body even more with intense exercise, which impairs your ability to get optimal results, when you feel less than your best, these are the days to choose less intense exercise, even in the morning.

The majority of the clients I work with are doing intense forms of exercise in the morning yet struggling to get the expected results. When we investigate why this is happening with functional lab testing, the data reveals how depleted their bodies are from pushing through it all for too long.

By dialing back the intensity of their exercise for a short period of time so the body can heal, balance is restored, and eventually, they can return to their favorite intense forms of exercise without creating a deficit because they have also learned to choose the right type of exercise on any given day to support what their body needs to feel its best.

The last piece I want to touch on is about choosing the right type of exercise specifically for my fellow females.

As women, our sex hormones (i.e. estrogen and progesterone) fluctuate throughout our menstrual cycle, and different stages of hormone changes during our lifetime. These cyclical hormonal changes also determine what type of exercise is best during certain times of your cycle or life.

For example, a woman’s body is more primed for building muscle and heavier lifting during the first part of their menstrual cycle, and more prone to ligament injuries with agility or high-intensity interval training during this time.

Alternatively, the female body is better equipped for conditioning and interval types of exercise during the second half of the cycle, with less risk of injury.

I have personally been aligning the type of exercise I do with my cycle and have not only noticed significant improvements in physical results, but also a higher level of desire and motivation to do the type of exercise that is right for my body during specific windows of my cycle.

In summary, to get the best results from your exercise efforts, follow these 3 guidelines:

  • Do intense exercise before noon
  • Only do lower intensity/restorative exercise later in the day
  • Tune into your body daily to choose the right type of exercise your body needs to feel your best instead of pushing through

What changes do you need to make (if any) to get the best results with your exercise efforts? Comment below to let me know!

P.S. Want more exercise tips to help you get better results? Check out some of my favorite exercise experts on Instagram.

Debra Atkinson for more women’s hormone-balancing exercise insights.

John Parker for strength and conditioning exercise insights.

Emily Kiberd for online kettle bell workouts to support thyroid health.