The Thyroid Epidemic – Is It Affecting You?

I want to talk to you about something serious this week- the growing epidemic of thyroid conditions. The American Thyroid Association (ATA) estimates that 12% of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid problem in their lifetime, and particularly it will affect one in eight women.
Just about every client that I’ve worked with has either been diagnosed with a thyroid condition, has a family history of it or suspects that they have one.
If you see a doctor or Google reasons as to why you might be feeling tired all the time, struggling with weight loss, losing your hair, feeling cold when others don’t or have menstrual irregularities, chances are the information that you find will point to a thyroid condition.
These are the three most commonly diagnosed thyroid conditions…
Hyperthyroid – common symptoms can include; weight loss, anxiety, intolerance to heat, hair loss, excessive urination and panic attacks
Hypothyroid – common symptoms can include; weight gain, fatigue, intolerance to cold, constipation, depression and thinning hair
Hashimoto’s – this is a more severe case of hypothyroidism with a genetic component making it an actual autoimmune disease, meaning the body is attacking its own thyroid gland
However, in most cases thyroid conditions are a symptom of something else.
The body does not work as singular systems or organs all minding their own business. Each system of the body greatly impacts how all of the others are able to function.
To understand what’s happening with the thyroid, we have to start asking “WHY”?
Why is this thyroid epidemic happening? Why are people’s thyroids all of a sudden “just not working”? – as most of my clients are told
In this week’s video and blog I talk more the things you might be doing that are making you a victim of this thyroid epidemic and what to do to reverse it, or prevent it from happening to you.
We need to start looking at our body as the complex system that it is. Remember that song in pre-school…”the foot bone is connected to the ankle bone, the ankle bone is connected to the leg bone, la la la la…” – everything is connected!
Like I said earlier, in most cases thyroid conditions are a symptom of something else because it’s all connected.
If you have been diagnosed, know someone who has, or suspect that you have a thyroid condition here are the Top 4 Things Throwing Your Thyroid Off.
#1 – Low Calorie Diet
Calorie restrictions for as little as a few days can drop thyroid production by 38 percent! That’s just over a “few” days, imagine if you’ve been dieting for weeks, months or years even if it’s been on-and-off. Even if you lost some weight from calorie restriction, the long-term side effects are a slower metabolism from a famished thyroid.
#2- Clogged Liver
Your liver is responsible for converting 60 percent of your thyroid hormone. If your liver is clogged from chronic exposure to toxins, medication use, processed foods and other things then of course you wouldn’t be converting thyroid as you should and this could look like a thyroid condition.
#3- Adrenal Fatigue
One of main control centers of the body is the HPA-axis – the Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenal Gland Axis. Consider this the conductor of the train or orchestra. The Hypothalamus links the nervous and endocrine system via the Pituitary gland, and your thyroid is part of the endocrine system. If you have Adrenal Fatigue/Dysfunction, guess what? There’s a domino effect causing imbalance in the thyroid.
#4- Amino Acid Deficiency
For the body to produce thyroid hormone, particularly one called free T4, it needs an adequate supply of amino acids obtained from proteins. If you are not eating enough protein or absorbing it optimally then your body is NOT getting enough amino acids to create thyroid hormones in the first place. With Hashimoto’s it is critical to support digestion and to consume plenty of protein for free T4-it will help manage the disease better. Alternately those without Hashimoto’s but with impaired digestion or lacking amino acids in their diet could be showing low free T4 counts and be misdiagnosed with a thyroid condition.
Chances are high that one of these four things pertains to you in some way. It’s rare to see someone who has never dieted, has optimal digestion and protein intake, doesn’t have a clogged liver or suffers from some degree of adrenal fatigue.
I want to help you NOT become a victim of this thyroid epidemic!
Join me Wednesday, July 27th at 6pm PDT for a freebie webinar on all things thyroid!
In this webinar my co-host Molly Hamill Ferguson (meditation master and Hashimoto’s survivor) and I will be discussing:
- What exactly is hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s?
- The most overlooked and tell-tale signs of thyroid imbalance.
- How to use food, mindset and more to naturally heal your thyroid!
A recording will be available if you can’t attend live but you must register to receive it 🙂
P.S. We’ve got some secret bonus giveaways and gifts lined up for the webinar so be there or be square!
Are You Running Yourself Into The Ground (literally)?

I’m curious, are you running yourself into the ground by pushing yourself to work out harder and for longer amounts of time?
I’ll be the first to admit that I totally found myself doing this recently, and it wasn’t the first time. I completely got caught up in my old mindset about having to work out harder to get results.
Doh {face palm} !!!
I was beating myself up about not being able to lose weight like I should. I used the guilt to fuel my motivation to work out harder, more intensely and for longer periods of time. I tried changing up my workout, lifting heavier and running longer.
As a result, what I got was…more fatigue, burnt out and I didn’t lose a pound.
I had what I call a mini-relapse. I eventually snapped out of it and realized I was doing my body more damage than good.
I see people running themselves into the ground like this all the time, making themselves fat, sick and tired (especially people who do CrossFit or running) and not even realizing that exercise is one of the contributing factors.
Typically exercise is good for us. When we work out, our body responds to the demands building stronger muscles and bones.
BUUUTTT, exercise could be making you fat, sick and tired.
This probably sounds crazy and backwards to you, but it’s the truth. When your body is already under a lot of stress then the wrong kind of exercise can add more stress. Accumulation of chronic stress over time creates a high demand for cortisol, which is directly linked to weight gain (particularly around the midsection).
In this week’s video and blog I talk more about exercise as a stress, how it was affecting my body, and what type of exercise is best to keep cortisol and other hormones in balance.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. This is exactly what I was doing during my mini-relapse. I had to take a step back, look at the big picture of what was going on with me and remind myself that my body needs rest.
You see, my body was already under a lot of stress from detoxing the toxic mold I had found in our house, and my body was giving me all kinds of signs…
Feeling tired even after a full night’s rest
Acne for the first time in my life
Weight that wouldn’t budge
Abnormal lack of motivation and drive
Feeling emotional and anxious
I tested my hormones and, sure enough, they weren’t happy. My Human Growth Hormone (HGH) was in the tank, my progesterone was low, and estrogen was relatively high. Coincidentally, the mold in our house is a species that specifically impacts HGH in women.
Ultimately, my body needed rest, not more exercise, in order to lose weight.
By pushing myself to work out harder, I was creating more strain and imbalance in my hormones. Like I said earlier, exercise is good unless your body is already under too much stress.
To eliminate the added stress from exercise, I altered my workouts to be more interval focused. I’m now running a block then walking a block (instead of continuously running) and only doing one long run a week for a max of 4 miles. I’m giving myself at least 60 seconds of rest between weight circuits and lifting for a max of 30 minutes.
I have SO much more energy, stamina and feel like myself again!
More and more studies are showing how detrimental long duration exercise or overtraining is for the body. Spending hours at the gym isn’t necessary.
Not to knock CrossFit, but I see this all the time in this community and with runners- pushing to their limits and wondering why they aren’t losing weight or why they feel fatigued all the time even though they are the “healthiest” person they know.
Stress can be everywhere. On the inside there is digestive upset, food sensitivities and toxic overload creating internal stress that can’t always be seen or felt. On the outside there is work and relationship stress, exposure to environmental chemicals and long duration exercise or overtraining.
As a Health Boss, you learn to recognize when your body is under too much stress and you have the power to control how you feel by becoming mindful of the variables and making adjustments as needed.
I had to (and still occasionally do) give myself permission to relax and let my body heal. It isn’t something that will happen overnight. If I’m as persistent about giving it space and time to heal as I was about working out, then the results will come when balance is restored.
If you’re finding yourself feeling fat, sick and tired all the time regardless of how “healthy” you are, then you might want to consider laying off the exercise a bit or changing it up. Focus on interval training for shorter bursts of time and incorporating restorative modalities such as yoga, pilates and tai chi. Your body and hormones will thank you for it!
P.S. Need help evaluating your stress load and workout routine? Schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session here so I can help you look at the big picture and find the missing piece so you can get back to feeling like yourself again.
P.P.S. If you want to read more about the science of using exercise to balance hormones, then you should check out these articles from one of my favorite mentors, Dr. Sara Gottfried.
Mind Your H.E.A.D. And Hydrate

I want to talk to you today about two things…
- My new favorite acronym to monitor your health- H.E.A.D.
- Hydration
A few weeks ago I was sitting on a group discussion call with other Functional Health Practitioners discussing the key foundational elements that we focus on with our clients to help them restore balance to the body.
As a functional health coach, I can go really deep with a client, investigating all the ins and outs of their body to find all the missing pieces so that they can fix the problem and feel good again.
But the foundations never change.
If any of the foundations are not in place, then we fix that first before moving on to any deeper work. Once the foundations are in place, though, if their health still isn’t up to par then we investigate further.
Back to my story…someone in the group discussion mentioned this clever little acronym to outline the foundations. I run through this checklist when I work with clients. You can do the same for yourself and be your own Health Boss!
H= Hydration – every cell in your body needs water to function
E= Elimination – getting rid of waste products regularly via stool and urine
A= Absorption or Assimilation – of nutrients from food to support the body
D= Detoxification – moving toxins out of the body that can cause disruption
Hydration is the starting point. If you’re not hydrating properly, the rest of the cells in your body can’t do their job. You need water to eliminate, to assimilate and to detoxify too.
I have clients tell me all the time that they are “drinking plenty of water” but the reality is, they’re not. Plus, water isn’t the only way to hydrate.
At a minimum you should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water per day.
In this week’s video and blog I talk more about what hydration really means, how you can hydrate better and monitor yourself using the acronym H.E.A.D.
If you weigh 200 pounds you should be drinking at least 100 ounces of water a day. For every 30 minutes of exercise, cup of coffee, caffeinated or alcoholic drink, you should add another 8 ounces of water to that total.
When you actually begin to feel thirsty, that means it’s too late- you’ve already crossed the line into dehydration. Dehydration starts 24 hours before you feel it. This is why it is SO important to hydrate daily, especially during summer months.
Here’s how I hydrate daily to give you an example of how you can fit it all in:
I drink one glass of water with lemon first thing when I get up
I have a smoothie with breakfast and use water as the liquid base
I carry around a 27 oz water bottle and aim to refill it 3 times daily
Sometimes I even add in a cup of cold or hot herbal tea
Like I said earlier, though, drinking water is just one aspect of hydration. Making sure that your electrolytes are in balance and hydrating by eating fruits and vegetables are the other two components to making sure your body is fully hydrated.
Electrolytes is just a fancy word for the group of nutrients calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and chloride. You can easily get these nutrients from fruits, vegetables and in my favorite, sea salt. Coconut water also has the perfect balance of electrolytes, it is far better for you than any sports drink such as gatorade or powerade, which contain all kinds of artificial junk.
Without electrolytes your body can’t properly use the water you put in it. Here is how I maintain a proper balance of electrolytes and hydrate with fruits and veggies:
I have coconut water almost daily, especially after a hot yoga class or sauna session
I aim to eat 4-6 cups of fruits/veggies per day (get lots in my breakfast smoothie!)
I use sea salt to season just about everything
I occasionally do an epsom salt scrub or use mineral infused lotion
When your hydration is on point you should be eliminating regularly, meaning at least 1 bowel movement (1-3 is ideal) per day and you should urinate somewhat frequently. This is an easy one to track yourself.
Here are some signs that would let you know if you are NOT assimilating nutrients and detoxifying toxins as you should be:
You feel tired, even after a good night’s sleep
You have have weight you can’t get rid of
You get bloated frequently after eating or for no reason
You’ve been diagnosed with or suspect a thyroid problem
You have joint aches, pains or muscle cramps
As Ice Cube would say “you better check yourself before you wreck yourself” – be mindful of your H.E.A.D. When the foundations are out of place, the rest of the body’s systems will come toppling down.
P.S. Think your H.E.A.D. isn’t screwed on right? Schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session here so we can check your foundations. One conversation could change your life.
Why I Do What I Do

When you get a physical, acute injury such as a cut what do you do? You usually disinfect it and slap a bandage on it right?
What do you do when you’re not feeling well on the inside or you have a chronic health issue that just won’t go away?
Typically, you would go to the doctor and they would slap one of their band-aids on it such as a medication, antibiotic or surgical procedure.
Do you ever stop to think why? How did this health situation come to be in the first place? Why is my body faltering in this way?
Think of it this way…if a part of your car just stopped working, wouldn’t you want to know why? If a perfectly good car battery is failing, a good mechanic would look at the alternator and all the different connectors to find where the missing link is, to find what is causing the car not to start. They wouldn’t just put a new battery in it and send you on your way.
We need to start looking at doctors like we do hiring other service-based professionals. They are supposed to serve you and your needs.
Case in point…
When I was experiencing some hormonal and weight gain issues, I went to three different doctors looking for answers and this is what they said…
I’ve never seen anything like that before, let’s just wait on it
Are you sure you haven’t gained 10 pounds of muscle in the past 18 months?
You should use progesterone cream
I’m sorry but expect your PMS to get really bad when you get off the pill
I was not having any of that! Talk about being a Debbie-downer, not a single resourceful or positive solution from any of them!
I initially felt discouraged and a little bit hopeless, until I turned within and decided I wasn’t going to settle for these helpless answers and feeling crappy.
More often than not, I have personally experienced or seen others experience more pain, discomfort and disappointment from the solutions that their doctor provided. We’ve put doctors on a pedestal and put our own intuition about our bodies to the wayside.
In this week’s video and blog I talk more about how I refused to settle and kept searching for the right doctor that truly had my best interest at heart, and how I help others do the same so they can find real solutions and get back to feeling like themselves!
First of all, I wasn’t about to “wait” on what could be a potential, real health hazard just because my doctor had never seen it before. That was absolutely absurd to me.
Second of all, if you’ve ever tried to gain muscle you know how hard it is-especially for women. If I had truly gained 10 pounds of muscle on a 5’ 5” frame I would look like a bodybuilder, and I don’t.
Third of all, progesterone cream is the same thing as a Band-Aid. How about let’s figure out the reason for low progesterone and fix it so that I don’t have to use cream forever.
And finally, WTH lady, thanks for the encouragement about getting off the pill and supporting me in my decision.
My story is just one of many that I’ve heard…
(Note: I’m not using real names to maintain privacy in the following stories)
Take my client Jane. A mid-forties women who used to be full of energy and loved running. For some reason her energy began to tank- so much so that she couldn’t even pick herself up to run anymore. Her doctor told her that her thyroid “stopped working”, that she’s in menopause and prescribed her medication. And the result was… she felt worse! More tired and fatigued than ever.
Menopause can be predicted based upon family history, her mother is about 60 and just started it. Why didn’t her doctor put those pieces together? In my eyes, Janet has a classic case of adrenal exhaustion from chronic stress that is robbing her estrogen and progesterone balance and a sluggish liver that can’t convert her thyroid hormone properly.
Then there was Cindy. A mid-thirties women suffering from chronic constipation, bouts of diarrhea and stomach pain. She’d been to the doctor over and over again with complaints, but was never diagnosed with anything or presented any real solutions. After running a stool sample test with me, we found a plethora of goodies in her gut. A parasite called Giardia, bacteria and yeast overgrowth. After just a few weeks of supporting her digestion and eating the right foods for her body, she was pain free with regular bowel movements!
One more to paint the picture- Sara. She was just feeling “off”, suspecting something with her hormones. The doctor ran a thyroid panel, found nothing and sent her on her way. She came to me, we ran a stool test and uncovered a nasty parasite that requires an antibiotic treatment. She took the results to her doctor and he said he doesn’t think she has it because she hasn’t been out of the country in the past 5 years and doesn’t have diarrhea.
Anyone who googled this parasite (E. Histo) would find common knowledge on the internet that 9 out of 10 people don’t present symptoms of having it and you can contract if from animals, food and feces among other things inside our own country. Needless to say, I am helping her find a doctor who will work with us and prescribe the antibiotics.
These stories are disgraceful and absurd. Don’t get me wrong, doctors definitely have value but we as patients/consumers need to be our own health advocates (aka BOSSES!) and stop settling for poor solutions.
If YOU know something isn’t right with your body chance are you ARE RIGHT about it.
This is why I do what I do. My mission is to empower people in their health by giving them easy access to the RIGHT information, tools and resources they need to resolve their biggest health issues, to tap into their body’s information and heal their body naturally.
Do you have a story like this, or are you feeling disappointed by the traditional medical approach? Hit reply and let me know or share it on my Facebook Page so that together we can start the change for you and many others to come!
P.S. I’m here to advocate for you and teach you how to be your own Health Boss! Schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session here so we can get to the bottom of what’s bothering you in your health. One conversation could change your life.
It’s Finally Happening!

This past year has been one with a LOT of change for me. It all began a while back when I finally decided to stop letting life and work run me and my health into the ground. I quit my full-time “corporate” gig, set my sights on taking care of myself and empowering others to take back control of their health too.
I jumped out of the entrepreneur gates relying on my personal training skills and knowing that I wanted to do more than just help people be active. There is SO much more to know about health than just eating right and working out.
My biggest struggle this past year was giving myself permission to go against the grain and create something that I really stood for. Not just personal training. Not just health coaching. Something with a bigger, stronger, bolder message.
Today I’m officially taking a stand as the (W)holistic Health Boss!
Let me properly introduce myself…
Hi, I’m Jenn Malecha, and I help busy, health-minded professionals take back control of their health by looking at it on a deeper level-to find the missing pieces so they can actually fix what’s wrong and feel like themselves again.
Using my decade of personal training experience, training in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and mastery of Transformational Coaching, I create personalized health-rebuilding programs for clients that are realistic, sustainable and give them long-lasting results.
If you’re ready to look at the “big picture” of your health (not just one disconnected piece at a time), to embrace healthy as a way of being, and to stop settling for anything less than you deserve when it comes to your health and happiness, then I’m your gal!
In this week’s video I talk about my personal transformation into becoming the (W)holistic Health Boss and what that means for you and the thousands of others I hope to empower in the future.
As I started working as a health coach, there were a lot of similar struggles, frustrations and wants that I started to notice with my clients. All of which I could completely relate to…
- Career-driven but sacrificed health to achieve success
- Just want to feel like yourself again; energetic, motivated, healthy
- Value life and health but don’t prioritize it like you want or should
- Know something isn’t right but you can’t exactly put a finger on it
- Not sure who can help- doctor, trainer, nutritionist, acupuncturist, chiropractor, etc.
- Tried MANY diets, exercise routines, therapies and health remedies but none of them completely fix the problem
Any or all of these ring a bell for you or someone you know?
Here’s the problem…
Life and work took over. One health concern was ignored and others continue to pop up until one day you look in the mirror- you barely recognize yourself and you surely don’t feel like the energetic, fit, motivated and youthful person you used to be.
Somewhere along the lines you became dis-empowered in your health. The traditional medical system has disappointed you. You’ve been led astray by the media, the food and drug industry with so many fad diets, medications and quick fixes that don’t work. Again disappointment sets in paired with a feeling of “who can I trust” and “I don’t even know who to contact or where to go from here to get help.”
Then fear arises- “am I doomed to feel like this forever?” – the answer is NO!
Here’s my solution…
I want to empower you and thousands of others to…
- Take back control of your health
- To feel like yourself again – as one of my clients recently said 50 is the new 30!
- To embrace healthy as a way of being, not doing
- To heal your body naturally using holistic and functional medicine approaches
- To NOT settle for anything less than you deserve when it comes to your health and happiness
Through tackling my own health issues I know how frustrating it can be to find the right info and get access to the right tools, and that is just wrong! My master plan is to give you easy access to the information, tools and resources that you need in order to take charge of your health.
I have an AWESOME new website where you can get easier access to become more empowered in your health. Here’s just a few of the things you’ll find there…
- My favorite health products on Amazon that I’ve personally tasted and tested
- My latest newsletters with cutting edge info, now logged on my blog
- Stay up to date on any of my webinars, challenges, and other event offerings
- See the success that my clients have had and what they say about our work together
To get the ball rolling, I’d love it if you could fill out a quick survey to let me know how I can empower you more in your health, life and happiness!
Complete the survey by June 30th for a chance to win either 3 FREE HEALTH COACHING OR TRAINING SESSIONS with me – FILL OUT THE SURVEY HERE
P.S. If this really resonates with you as exactly what you’ve been looking for to help you get back to feeling like yourself again then schedule a COMPLIMENTARY ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session here.
How Dieting Makes You Fat

How many “diets” have you tried over the years? Maybe the Zone, Atkins, Master Cleanse, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Slim Fast, Biggest Loser, Isagenix, HCG, Low Carb, Vegan, Mediterranean, Raw, Intermittent Fasting, Ketogenic, Whole30, Paleo…the list goes on!
And let me guess, you found it hard to stick to one for very long. You lost some weight,but gained it right back- or hit a plateau, and your energy still bottomed out.
Sound about right?
That’s because dieting doesn’t work and it actually makes you fat.
I used to diet A LOT. Every time I stopped, I gained weight. I also constantly craved things I couldn’t have, dragged my feet all day long from low energy and was borderline adopting a compulsive disorder from counting everything I ate and every bit I burned.
I’ll never forget my first fitness show that I competed in. Oh the lengths I went through to get ultra lean – eating only 1,200 calories a day and working out for hours. Immediately after the show was over I went straight to a restaurant and ate my weight in really bad food. This continued on for weeks because I had deprived myself for so long preparing for the show. Before I knew it, I had gained all the weight back AND put on an extra 10 pounds.
There are many reason why dieting is a recipe for disaster, and deprivation is just one of them.
What most people don’t realize or see are the long-term affects that dieting has on their body. The rebound of weight is just a small sign of the chaos that it’s creating internally. Ever notice how each time it gets tougher and tougher to lose the weight?
Over time, this chronic internal chaos leads to serious destruction- making weight loss harder, causing changes in our hormones that negatively impact things like libido and PMS, and literally making us more susceptible to getting sick, developing allergies and other health issues.
It can take years to repair the damage done from frequent dieting.
In this week’s video I go into more detail about the damage that dieting creates and how answering two simple questions can help you find the diet that’s just right for you for the long run.
My motto is – your body is unique and, therefore, diet should be too.
The number one reason that dieting doesn’t work is because it’s a one-size-fits-all structure. You may resemble your family members in certain ways but even identical twins aren’t exactly the same.
From a genetic standpoint your body has unique needs for proteins, fats and carbs to balance blood sugar, to support weight loss and for limitless energy.
Balanced blood sugar is the essential element.
Let me explain in three simple steps what is happening when you eat…
Your genetic makeup dictates how quickly you digest proteins, fats and carbs.
Digesting foods releases sugar into the bloodstream for energy and hormone balance.
Carbs are simple structures that digest faster than proteins and fats.
Genetically some people digest slower or faster than others. This is WHY EATING UNIQUE FOR YOUR BODY IS SO IMPORTANT. You need to find what works for you, not the “diet.”
Someone who digests carbs fast already, because of their genetic makeup, and eats a diet higher in carbs is constantly creating waves of sugar in their blood.
This roller coaster ride of blood sugar creates something called “Leptin Resistance.” Leptin is the hormone that triggers the body to lose weight or hold onto it. If Leptin is out of sorts, it also affects other hormones in charge of mood, stress management, libido and so on; It’s a domino effect.
Someone who digests carbs slowly already (as part of their makeup) and eats a diet too high in protein and fat, which slows down digestion and the release of sugar into the bloodstream even more, is thus creating a famine type of environment in their body. This also leads to Leptin Resistance or other hormone imbalances that contribute to weight gain, fatigue, etc.
When you diet on-and-off, or eat the wrong ratios for your body, over time this yo-yo effect on blood sugar creates an even greater resistance. Making it harder and harder to lose weight, depleting your energy, causing more fatigue and occurrences of new health issues that maybe you didn’t have before.
So you’re probably wondering- how do you know the right ratio of proteins, carbs and fats for your body?
I have two simple questions to help you solve this…
1) Do you feel hungry and the need to eat within at least 2 hours of waking up?
2) Could you go until almost lunch time without eating anything and have ample energy?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to question #1 you most likely need more protein, an ideal ratio for each of your meals is 45% protein, 35% carbs and 20% fats/oils. If you answered ‘Yes’ to questions #2 then you likely do better with more carbs, your ideal ratio for each meal is 20% protein, 70% carbs and 10% fats/oils. If you’re not sure, then you could be somewhere in between with an ideal ratio of 40% protein, 50% carbs and 10% fats/oils.
It’s that simple. Once you eat the right ratios, your blood sugar will be balanced making weight loss possible with long-term results, and giving you more energy!
So ditch the dieting and start listening to how your body actually responds to food.
P.S. If you want to get more clear on the foods ratios that your unique body needs to lose weight and feel your best then click here to book a FREE Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me so I can help you discover what works best for you!
The Badass Benefits of Bone Broth

Bone broth is an ancient recipe and remedy used widely by different civilizations over time. It’s been called the “Jewish Penicillin”, in Chinese medicine they say it helps to preserve the jing meaning “the reservoir from which we draw energetic sustenance during our entire lives”, and in the 12th century Egyptian physician Moses Miamonides prescribed it as a remedy for colds and asthma.
Let me set the record straight, though- bone broth is NOT the same as typical cooking stock/broth.
Bone broth is made by boiling bones so that you get all the benefits from the marrow, the cartilage and bone itself.
Bone broth has been getting quite a bit of media attention in the functional medicine world and is even seeping into the mainstream these days. And I’m getting a lot of questions about it, too.
So what’s the big deal about bone broth?
Bone broth could be the magical pill we’ve all been looking for. As Dr. Josh Axe’s calls it, it’s “nature’s multivitamin”. Here’s why…
- It’s packed with over 19 amino acids (protein building blocks)
- Has collagen/gelatin to maintain or heal connective tissues
- Includes nutrients to support digestion, immunity and brain function
- Is high in minerals and good chemical compounds
It literally nourishes everything from your muscles, joints and ligaments to your gut and brain.
I would go so far as to say that it is the most critical healing food element that you should be consuming daily. There really isn’t any other food out there that even compares when it comes to the healing powers of bone broth.
In this week’s video I talk more about the badass benefits of bone broth and how you can incorporate it into your daily intake.
Healing or maintaining your gut health is the key to unlocking your true optimal health potential. Our gut houses 80% of our immune system, is where we absorb nutrients for other functions and is where neurotransmitters are produced such as our happy hormones serotonin, dopamine and other ones that keep things like anxiety and depression under wraps.
This is where bone broth comes into play big time!
The magical ingredient in bone broth is collagen.
Collagen helps to heal and soothe the gut lining, helping those suffering from leaky gut (which 80% of us do, whether we know it or not), and in turn boosts our immunity!
Here’s some of the awesome things that collagen can do for you when you consume it regularly…
Relieve allergies, asthma and food sensitivities
Fight off colds and the flu
Reduce the appearance of acne, wrinkles and cellulite
Promote good gut bacteria and probiotic balance
Aid in healing acid reflux, IBS, Crohn’s, and ulcerative colitis
Prevent joint pain and bone loss
Balance hormones and mood for increase in energy and weight loss
Now that you know how powerful bone broth is, you’re probably wondering how in the world you get it in your diet every day. The good news is that you don’t have to have soup to do it!
I have all my clients incorporate bone broth or gelatin powder into their diet.
Using a collagen or gelatin powder is usually the easiest way to get your daily dose.
My newest favorite bone broth find is this Bone Broth Protein Powder that I just discovered at Paleo f(x). It’s not only packed with all the benefits of bone broth but it also has 20 grams of protein per serving. They have 4 flavors; natural that can be used as stock for soups and recipes, turmeric, vanilla and chocolate. If you’re using a protein powder now, then you should switch to this one for sure!
My other go-to is Great Lakes Gelatin Powder. This stuff is super simple to add to any hot liquids such as coffee or tea, or you can toss it in a smoothie. You can also use it to make a variety of desserts and treats. The Paleo Parents have over 60 recipes using this stuff!
It’s so simple to add this stuff to your diet and it’s SO powerful, so why wouldn’t you? Jump on over to Amazon and get yourself some bone broth ASAP!
P.S. If you want to know more about how to use food as medicine thenclick here to book a FREE Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me so we can chat about what foods can boost your health potential!
Get Up & Get Out Challenge

I just recently had the pleasure of spending a few days in Sedona, connecting with nature and all the amazingness of the wilderness!
Leading up to my trip, I was in somewhat of a funk, feeling de-motivated, a little less positive and more agitated. I had been working on various projects and putting in longer hours of work.
Being in Sedona was a great reminder for me about how important it is to spend time outdoors for my personal health and sanity – after spending some time outside I feel re-energized and ready to tackle the world!
It’s crazy to think about how little time we actually spend outside these days. I remember as a kid during summer breaks, I was outside playing until it was literally too dark to play anymore.
Now as an adult there are all kinds of distractions that keep me from going outside and the biggest one is work!
“Nearly three in ten U.S. adults do not spend time outside on a daily basis” – NRPA July, 2014
That’s just crazy pants! Our ancestors spent the entire day outside.
And according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American spends 93% of their life indoors (87% indoors and 6% of their life in automobiles). That leaves only 7% of your entire life that is being spent outside which boils down to just half of one day per week. Yikes!
I’ll admit, it’s easy for hours to go by or even the whole day without me realizing that I haven’t stepped a foot outside. I typically get outside for at least 20 minutes early in the morning for a quick run or dog walk, but that’s not nearly enough- in the big scheme of things, that’s only 1.3% of my day!
What we don’t realize is how unhealthy it is to be inside the majority of the time.
The EPA indoor air study showed that indoor air concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. By being inside so much, we’re literally poisoning ourselves with toxins and chemicals. You might as well turn the car on and sit in a closed garage with it running for a few minutes every day.
In this week’s video I talk more about the dangers of being inside and how getting outside daily will boost your health (from Sedona too!).
More nutritious air is just one reason why we should spend more time outside. Getting outside more also has a major impact on hormone balance, mood and reducing the impact of toxin exposure.
Here’s why…
Being outside more helps to reduce cortisol levels, our stress hormone. This directly and positively impacts weight loss, energy levels, libido, and joint aches and pains among numerous other things. Positive ions in the air, especially from salt water (when you’re near the ocean) help to shift our body out of a stressed state and into a more relaxed state. Hence, why the beach is always perceived to be a place for rest and relaxation- there’s actually a scientific reason why you should take more beach getaways 🙂
Getting regular sun exposure regulates our circadian rhythm, or sleep cycles. When our body is exposed to the sun it can better sync with the sun and moon cycles to effectively decrease cortisol and increase melatonin (the sleep hormone) output so that we can easily fall asleep at night and get better quality rest.
One of the most important benefits is the impact it has on reducing the negative effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) that we are exposed to constantly from all of our various devices. EMF’s increase our risk for cancer by altering cell growth and mutation, plus contribute to other ailments such as fatigue and insomnia. These days our whole existence practically relies on using a computer, cell phone or tablet. If you’re not going to stop using devices, at least do something to offset the damage.
And one of my favorite reasons for getting outside, is the fact that it raises your vibrational frequency or energy. Everything has a vibrational frequency (VF), when we feel down and out or depressed that means our VF is low. Plants, animals, the earth and even certain fragrances (such as essential oils) have higher VF’s that can boost our VF. So when you’re feeling low, not creative or less productive get outside for an instant mood booster!
This week I challenge you to get outside daily for 5-10 minutes in the middle of the day or right after work. Get exposure to sun, put your bare feet on the ground and notice how it shifts your mindset and overall feeling of wellbeing.
P.S. I’ve got something super exciting coming in just a few weeks that I can’t wait to reveal to you! It’s all about empowering you and others like you to become your own HEALTH BOSS. In preparation for the big reveal, it would be super helpful if you could tell me what you want to see more of – help me out by completing this quick interest survey
What Getting Rear-Ended Taught Me

I was rear-ended last week while driving up to San Clemente for a leisurely afternoon of self care. Yes, I’m ok, aside from a little whiplash everyone involved in the accident is just fine 🙂
It’s been years since I’ve been in any kind of fender-bender. The last accident I can recall was a little bump while parallel parking about 3 years ago and the time before that was way back in my college days.
Getting in any kind of car accident can be nerve wracking though- you get that surge of adrenaline that rushes through, propelling you into a “flight or fight” response.
Even with the minor bump a few years back I remember my flight or fight response so vividly…
The rush of tingling all throughout my body
The immediate sweaty palms and pits
Feeling flushed in the face
And my heart pounding almost out of my chest
It’s our body’s natural and intelligent reaction to keep us safe by heightening our brain function for quick thinking, and putting our body on edge for quick moving to escape whatever the danger might be.
Surprisingly most people are in a state of flight or fight all the time due to low grade chronic stress from all kinds of outlets; inflammatory foods, environmental chemicals, lack of sleep, work and relationship stress.
We may not “feel” stressed but that doesn’t mean our body isn’t under stress.
Back in the day, I used to actually feel stressed a lot more. I “worked better under pressure” and was always moving a million miles a minute from one task to another like a busy bee.
I used to think this was me just being “productive,” until I realized I was actually in a state of fight or flight all the time because of hidden stressors, which kept pumping cortisol through my body giving me superhero strength to check everything off my to-do list (and twice!).
Back then when I was hit with something unexpected such as a car accident, a bad news phone call, or change of direction at work, it would send me into a tailspin. I thought I simply didn’t deal with change very well- I liked routine.
This recent rear-ending has made me reflect on how much I’ve changed. I’ve removed so many hidden stressors from my life and I no longer live in a constant state of fight or flight. I still love checking things off my to-do list but it’s not a big deal if something doesn’t get done.
In this week’s video I talk more about how I got out of a constant state of fight or flight and what getting rear-ended has taught me about maintaining my health.
What getting rear-ended has taught me about maintaining my health.…
1- Meditation Works!
Old Jenn would have been flustered, angry and mad after a situation like this, letting it get me down for the rest of the day, playing the “why me” story in my head over and over, beating myself up for not being more attentive while driving. BUT the new meditation practicing Jenn was able to easily brush it off.
When I got out of the car to exchange insurance info, the lady who hit me was so apologetic and I was able to just shrug my shoulders and say “sh*t happens, it’s ok” instead of playing the blame game. I know she didn’t hit me intentionally.
Practicing meditation daily, even if it’s for only 5 minutes sometimes, has really altered my mindset. My mind is more quiet all the time, I don’t feel a sense of urgency for things like I used to and I can deal with “stressful situations” with a calm composure.
2- Be Proactive vs. Reactive.
I literally had a massage the day before the accident. I do yoga once a week and get regular acupuncture or see the chiropractor about every 6-8 weeks. Often we wait until something is wrong to take care of our body. This is how I used to be- reactive versus proactive, waiting until something was in pain to seek treatment. In the past few years I’ve become more proactive about maintaining my body structurally to maintain my health.
As a result, the side effects and recovery from the whiplash have been pretty minimal. Being aligned, more flexible and loose helps to prevent injury, reduces the overall stress load on the body, lowers cortisol and hormone disruption, and keeps the organs working optimally. It’s important to give your body a tune up regularly just like you would a car to keep it functioning properly and to avoid any breakdowns.
Sometimes it seems like squeezing these appointments in is a hassle but this has reminded me just how important it is because you never know when something like a car accident is going to happen.
3- Practice Presence.
The lady rear-ended me in stop and go traffic. We were only going about 10 mph so I’m pretty sure she was on her phone when she hit me, simply not paying attention. I’m guilty of this too sometimes at a red light or when traffic is slow. Not anymore. Remember when we didn’t have cell phones in our cars? We waited through red lights without entertainment all the time.
Our phones and devices have created a whole new level of hidden stress in our lives. The pressure to respond to emails ASAP, to reply to messages right away, to know what the latest post on social media is about- the ultimate time sucking activity. No wonder why we can’t find time to take care of ourselves! Using devices after dark also inhibits your ability to fall asleep.
Taking a break from devices daily or creating healthy boundaries helps to minimize stress and allows us to re-focus on the really important things in life. When we practice presence, we are plugged into life/ We’re able to tune into our body for any healing that needs to happen and we can cultivate gratitude.
Ultimately, my message here is that healthy is a state of being, not doing.
Sure there are a LOT of healthy things we can do (eat healthy foods, exercise, take supplements etc.), that was me before, but this leaves room for a lot of not doing also.
Once you embrace healthy as a state of being only then will you fully realize the healthiest version of you that you want to be.
Are you ready ditch the part-time healthy lifestyle and embrace healthy as a state of being? Schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me here.
Eat Fat to Lose Fat

For the longest time this has been one of my favorite myths to bust- fat is NOT bad for you!
In fact, Fat in your diet is not only necessary, but it’s critical to keep your body operating the way it should be.
If you’ve been struggling to lose weight, suffering from PMS, ridden with anxiety or battling cravings then you could be in a dietary fat drought!
For years we were fed the lowfat diet concept by media and big food companies, and it’s created a real fear for a lot of people…
Fear that eating fat will make you fat
Fear that eating fat will cause/increase high cholesterol
Fear that eating fat is “unhealthy”
If anything, this fear is the real killer, not fat!
When you eat fat, your body does not keep it in its original form and plaster it on your artery walls or add it directly to your fat stores. If that was the case, then we’d be walking blobs of protein, fat and carb plasters looking like some strange art piece.
Eating fat is critical for hormone balance which enables weight loss, keeps PMS in check, fights off anxiety and craving, and much more!
Every single hormone needs dietary fats to exist in our body. Fat is the building block for hormones. Without fat, it’s like trying to build a house without a foundation.
Healthy dietary fats are also needed…
- To balance blood sugar (this prevents cravings and keeps energy up)
- For hair and nail growth
- To build cells and maintain skin elasticity
- And for certain “fat soluble” vitamins to be properly absorbed and used
In this week’s video I talk more about the important role that Fat plays in our body and what kinds of healthy fats you should be consuming daily to keep everything in balance.
Fat actually yields more energy per gram than proteins and carbs.
Fueling your body with the right amount of Fat can keep fatigue at bay and boost your current energy levels.
Not all Fat is good, though, and this is where most people get confused…
There are four types of dietary fats found in foods that we eat:
1. Saturated primarily in animal meats and fats, dairy products
2. Trans primarily in processed foods “hydrogenated” oils, small amounts in animal products
3. Monounsaturated primarily plantbased such as olive, avocados and nuts
4. Polyunsaturated also primarily plantbased (corn, soy, sunflower) and in fish
Looking at this list which one seems like the worst one?
If you guessed Trans Fats then you’re right!!!
You typically can’t go wrong eating Fats that are “naturally” occurring such as the ones in animal meats and plants. That’s what our ancestors lived on. So you want to focus on getting fats from organic animal products, olives, avocados, coconut, nuts and fish.
However, you have to also consider quality. Fats that are animal or plant-based are ONLY good if they are organic, non-processed and non-GMO.
My typical daily diet consists of almost 40% fat. For breakfast, I eat eggs AND bacon plus some avocado in my smoothies sometimes. For lunch and dinner I always I have some kind of fatty piece of meat (chicken thighs, beef, pork, salmon). I feel more energized and balanced with more fat in my diet and most of my clients do, too!
So don’t ditch the egg yolks or cut the fat off your meat anymore (if it’s high quality, organic stuff!). Eat your fat-it does a body good!
Still feel confused about eating fat, or wondering if you need more in your diet to fight off feelings of fatigue, anxiety, PMS and weight loss frustration?
Then let’s figure it out! You can schedule a FREE Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session here.