Why I’m not afraid of skin cancer anymore…

Summer is in full force, which probably means you’re slathering on sunscreen every time you step outside like I used to.

But did you know most sunscreens are loaded with toxic ingredients that can alter hormone balance, drain your energy, and contribute to weight gain or other health issues?

I recently spent over a week in the Hawaiian islands soaking up the sun without worrying one bit about skin cancer or toxic sunscreen side effects, despite having been diagnosed with skin cancer when I was 25.

At the time of my skin cancer diagnosis, from the outside, I looked like your typical healthy person…

  • I ate “healthy” by consuming low-calorie foods, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, yogurts, and sweets only occasionally. 
  • I exercised daily doing a mix of weight lifting, cardio, training for fitness shows, and marathons.
  • On paper, everything looked perfect; normal cholesterol, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.  
  • I was even a skilled personal trainer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fitness, Nutrition, and Health who (at the time) thought I knew all there was to know about being healthy and losing weight.

Regardless of all my “healthy habits”, before my skin cancer diagnosis, I had a growing list of health issues that I shrugged off as “normal” such as:

  • Intense seasonal allergies that often lead to ear infections.
  • Migraines that were increasing in frequency. 
  • Joint aches and muscle soreness that seemed to linger longer and longer.  
  • And it was getting tougher to lose or maintain my weight.

I slowly started to question the status of my health and what I had been taught all those years in college studying fitness, nutrition, and health.

Skin cancer was the light bulb moment when I knew something bigger was going on.

Being diagnosed with skin cancer at such a young age sparked an undeniable urge to get to the bottom of my health issues and to help others do the same.

I was perplexed by the diagnosis. I had zero risk factors associated with skin cancer; no family history of any cancers related to melanoma, and sure, I used a tanning bed occasionally or spent time in the sun without sunscreen from time to time, but I wasn’t an obsessive irresponsible tanner who was putting themselves at risk for skin cancer by any means.

The pieces of the puzzle just didn’t seem to add up. I was “healthy”, had minimal risk factors, and was young, yet for some reason, cancer was cultivating in my body, so I knew there had to be more to the story.

When I started searching for answers, I came across the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) Course; a functional lab training and health practitioner certification program that gave me the tools to dig deeper into my health issues to get to the bottom of them once and for all.

The FDN Program gave me a whole new way of looking at weight loss, health, and disease.

And as I dug deeper into my health, I found A LOT of cellular damage, hormone imbalances, liver congestion, and digestive dysfunction…

No wonder cancer had found itself at home in my body!

Running functional lab tests on yourself to look at the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems all at once is a requirement of the program. These functional lab tests provide a very different lens into the body than typical blood tests. Most of these tests are done using saliva, urine, and stool to take a closer look at how the body is functioning (or not) in real-time.

Needless to say, my test results revealed a flurry of Metabolic Chaos®.

For example, my hormones were going haywire, contributing to drastic afternoon energy dips, and challenges with maintaining my ideal weight. This scenario was also a big contributor to my seasonal allergies, aches, and pains.

My liver was overloaded and unable to move cancer-causing toxins out of my body effectively. All of this coupled with high oxidative stress (i.e. cellular/DNA damage), made me the perfect candidate for cancer.

The good news is that this story has a happy ending. I’m now over 15 years skin cancer-free.

And I’m not afraid of skin cancer anymore, or any other health condition, for that matter.

You see, cancer was the first big health hurdle I had to overcome, but it sure wasn’t my last. Shortly after being deemed skin cancer-free, I ran into another series of hormone issues; cystic acne, weight gain, energy dips, Hashimotos, estrogen dominance, and yet again, a clogged detoxification system related to mold exposure.

But once more, I persevered using the FDN principles along with advanced detox strategies to now feel better in my 40s than my 20s, and I have helped many others do the same over the last 11 years as a Functional Health Practitioner.

In this week’s video and blog, I’m sharing the 5 foundational lifestyle pillars and advanced detox strategies that I’ve personally used to actually fix what was going on in my body and feel even better with age.



In every health situation, I’ve encountered personally and with thousands of clients over the past 11 years, functional lab testing always reveals the missing pieces of a person’s health puzzle that aren’t being identified with typical bloodwork.

The data and correlations gathered with functional lab tests from the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems ALWAYS HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON…



Because we have to start acknowledging the load of toxins in our environment and the toll it’s taking on the body. It’s estimated that over 150K synthetic chemicals have been introduced in the U.S. alone since WWII, and the majority of them have not been tested for long-term side effects, safety, or interactions with other elements.

We’ve been told they are “safe” in small amounts, but the reality is, every amount counts and the exposures add up quickly over time.

Women are exposed to 168 chemicals per day just from personal care products according to an EWG survey.

We can’t always see, smell, or feel toxins, but they are all around us. They hide in food, furniture, cookware, personal care and cleaning products, other housewares and building materials, and in the air all around us.

Obviously, you can’t live in a bubble to avoid toxins completely, but there are things you can do to minimize exposures and support the body’s natural detox process to eliminate them.

And a juice cleanse every once in a while isn’t going to get the job done, or scrape the surface, in this day and age.

To effectively eliminate toxins, all systems of the body need to be running efficiently; the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems.

Learning to navigate toxins and support all systems of the body so I’m constantly mitigating the impacts of our modern-day environment is what gives me the confidence to spend fearless time in the sun all Summer long.

Giving your body what it needs to feel your best doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be easy. These are the 5 foundational lifestyle pillars I follow to prevent skin cancer and overcome any future health hurdles, and that I teach my clients to do too:

  1. Eat the right foods your body needs to function at its potential
  2. Get high-quality sleep according to your body’s natural rhythm
  3. Align daily exercise intensity to build health instead of depleting it
  4. Routinely release life’s daily stressors even when it feels like you don’t have any
  5. Incorporate simple natural detox-supporting lifestyle strategies 

If you’re already CHECKING ALL of these boxes but still don’t feel like your best self, then it’s time for a deeper detox with Sinclair Kennally’s Rapid Liver Reset Program.

Sinclair is the founder of Detox Rejuvenation and someone I have personally worked with to guide me through deeper detox strategies when I was “checking all of the boxes” but wanted to feel even better.

Sinclair’s unique approach has helped me clear my body of lingering mold, metals, hidden parasites, and other toxins to achieve a higher level of health and feel better in my 40s than ever before.

The collection of wisdom and experience she has in this area is unmatched by any I’ve seen before. As someone who has personally overcome chronic illness and helped thousands of others, she has so much to offer.

Working with Sinclair has been a huge compliment to the work I do as a Functional Health Professional by helping me not only take my health to the next level but by also being a resource I can confidently refer my clients to when they need an expert guide to help them detoxify and regenerate their liver.

CLICK HERE to see how the Rapid Liver Reset Program can change your health and your life, and enroll by July 30th if you’re ready to feel like your absolute best self.

And if you need a sign to let you know if the Rapid Liver Reset program is right for you, pay attention to how your body feels leading up to and a few days after the full moon on July 21st.

If any symptoms or health issues intensify around the full moon, that’s a signature sign for parasites (hello liver flukes!), bacteria, and yeast overgrowth that can strongly correlate with a clogged detox system and toxic body burden.

I know Rapid Liver Reset will help you find the missing pieces of your health puzzle like this, so you can fix whatever is going on and get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the first time)

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