3 BIG mistakes health practitioners make

I’ll admit, it took me a while to figure out my health program packages when I first started my Functional Health Practitioner business.

Despite the training and input mentors gave me about creating packages, I offered customized packages to every client that walked through my virtual practice door.

At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing by creating personalized packages to address their symptoms and budget.

However, this led to a lot of disorganization and overwhelm that took up a ton of my time. It distracted me from not only doing things to get more clients but also from being fully present with the clients I had.

Instead of presenting myself as the expert, I essentially was an order-taker.

And ultimately I wasn’t getting results in my business or with my clients.

So I decided to give packages a try by adopting the 90-day and 6-month program approach taught in just about every business training out there.

However, the confidence in my new programs was quickly crushed every time I enrolled the wrong client who wasn’t compliant and when I realized my packages weren’t meeting my ideal client’s needs.

The wrong clients I enrolled either ghosted me or exhausted me.

The ideal clients I enrolled in these timeframe-specific programs ended up needing more than 90 days or even 6 months sometimes.

As a Functional Health Practitioner running lab tests, it’s practically impossible to predict exactly what will come back on lab tests to indicate what recommendations a client needs, how long their protocol will be, and how long it will take them to feel better. For example, if their stool test came back with a variety of pathogens, the protocol to address them could be anywhere from 2-6 months.

I felt terrible selling them into a program that wasn’t seeing them to the end of the transformation I had promised during the consultation.

This is when I decided to break free from the typical approach to niching and packages in order to fit my clients’ needs, and my needs too.

Learning from my mistakes is what helped me build a step-by-step solution for supporting a multiple 6-figure health business that helps heal hundreds of people while working less and taking better care of myself.

Needless to say, these are the 3 biggest mistakes I see other practitioners making that I now help them break free of too, so they can save time and make more money…

Mistake #1 – Helping Everyone”
As the marketing saying goes, “when you try to help everyone, you’re helping no one.”

I get it.  You’re a heart-centered health practitioner who has the knowledge and tools to help heal all types of people and health problems, so the idea of niching down brings up a lot of resistance.

I also resisted the idea of niching down when I first started my health business.  I thought…“But I can help everyone”

What most functional health practitioners don’t realize is that nailing a niche is critical to developing every other aspect of your business including your website, packages, programs, social media content, and so much more!

Similar to how test results guide health improvement recommendations, your niche does the same thing for all components of your business.

The truth is, without a niche, your marketing efforts will miss the mark, you’ll attract clients who don’t show up or aren’t invested in the work, and you’ll quickly find yourself in burnout.

When I finally took a non-traditional approach to niching it felt liberating and my business took off!

Mistake #2 – Custom Packages
This is a no-brainer, given the part of my story that I shared with you already.  Creating custom packages for every client that walks through your practice door only leads to disorganization and overwhelm.

It’s like reinventing the wheel every time you enroll a client, making it impossible to establish a workflow process that you and your client can follow.

It eats up your time with measly administrative tasks and distracts you from doing the more important things in your business and with your clients.

Instead, establish yourself as the expert and create concise packages that are aligned with who your niche is and the transformation they are looking for.  Don’t just be an order-taker, because clients are coming to you looking for someone who can confidently give them a plan.

Create packages based on the standard series of labs you would want every one of your ideal clients to do and the set of topics you know you’ll need to address with them in order to get results.  This is what some would call your “signature system.”

Mistake #3 – Set Timeframes
Your work as a Functional Health Practitioner is unique and your client’s cases are too.  They’ve already been shoved in various healthcare and alternative therapy boxes that didn’t meet their needs.

Your clients need someone who can meet them where they are at, guide them along the healing journey, and see them to the end. Trying to predict and fit all of that into a 90-day or 6-month window isn’t always going to work.

Instead, give yourself the flexibility to give them the support, accountability, and guidance that they need to get results and give you a shining testimonial.

Creating packages based on a total number of sessions instead of a timeframe allows you to meet with the client more frequently in the beginning when they need it, and less towards the end as they become more comfortable and compliant doing the work.

This also gives you the flexibility to see them through whatever the lab test results might throw at you.

I know when you stop making these mistakes your business will get going and growing too!

Over the years, I did a lot of different health and life coach business trainings, trying to sort things out and build my business.

I always found myself having to reinvent what I was taught because what we do as Functional Health Practitioners is slightly different from the typical coach in most industries.

So let me save you time and money by walking you through the exact steps and best practices I’ve used to build a wildly successful multi-6-figure health consulting practice…

On May 21st I’m leading an in-depth LIVE Business Accelerator Workshop for just $299 ($700 savings when you enroll by May 14th!).

I only offer this workshop a few times a year and it won’t be offered again until November, so now is the time to jump in.

Plus, enroll NOW and get a BONUS 1:1 mentoring session with me!

Secure Your Spot!

This workshop is a perfect launching pad for Beginners or Novices looking to start and grow their health or wellness business, and for experienced business owners to refine their message and marketing skills to take their business to the next level.

In this live and interactive workshop, you will:

  • Nail your niche with clarity and confidence
  • Develop a core message to attract the right clients
  • Create clear, concise, high-value packages to reach your financial goals
  • Receive a roadmap for how to easily find and enroll clients
  • Get worksheets and tools to help you implement the workshop teachings to get your business going and growing!

After this workshop, you will be more confident and organized to get your business going or growing!

The live, hands-on Business Accelerator Workshop (hosted by yours truly) is happening Saturday, May 21st from 10am – 3pm PST / 1pm – 6pm EST!

You don’t want to miss out on your chance to participate in this live-learning environment with this on-the-spot coaching opportunity that rarely comes around.  In the workshop, we will dig in and get sh*t done!

Since this is a live workshop, there are a limited number of spots available.

You can enroll for just $299 ($700 savings!) NOW and get a BONUS mentoring session!

Secure Your Spot!

I know there is so much more to learn but I’m feeling so much more at ease, knowing that I have a niche carved out for myself. Jenn provides you with tons of examples from her very successful business and is a true coach by working with each individual in the workshop to perfect their plan.” – Nicole C., FDN-P

P.S. Get a sneak peek of the content in this Finding & Enrolling Clients webinar replay

P.P.S. Yes, if you enroll and can’t attend live for some reason, a recording and all of the materials will still be made available to you.

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