Creative ways to attract ideal clients…

I’ve had some great conversations lately about creative ways to generate more client leads in my business mentorship groups and individual sessions.

Better yet, these conversations are producing results like this…

This topic should always be top of mind as you move through different levels of business.

Owning a business isn’t like the Field of Dreams movie…just because you build it doesn’t mean clients will come.  You have to drive traffic to your business and there are a lot of ways to do that.

It might feel like having a website, social media, and an online presence is necessary to get clients and have a successful practice, but that’s not actually true.

In fact, I didn’t have any of these things when I started my health business, and even today with an online presence, 90% of my health clients are from word-of-mouth referrals.

Even during a recent mentoring session, I had with a 7-figure health business owner, the primary focus for generating new client leads was around making in-person connections to become a local leader and eventually a nationwide brand authority on women’s fitness for the different phases of hormone changes.

The creative ways for you to generate more clients in your business might be different from what other people are doing.

You are unique, therefore your ideal clients will be unique to you and your best marketing strategies will be unique too!

In this week’s video and blog, I’m sharing creative ways for you to attract clients that will actually produce results for your business.

One of the things I see a lot of health professionals suffering from is what I refer to as…

Copycat Syndrome Instead of Strateg​​y™

The state in which an individual is copying what others are doing instead of making strategic business decisions or taking calculated action; “throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what will stick.”

This approach eats up a lot of valuable time, energy, and resources. Similar to when our health clients are guessing about what is going on with them instead of testing.

In business, we can use the same “test, don’t guess” approach to get data-driven insights that will guide us in getting the best marketing results (ROI).

So where do you get the data to guide your marketing strategy?

By knowing who your ideal client is (aka your niche)!

When you intimately know who your ideal client is, you’ll be able to gather important data to guide your marketing efforts, such as:

  • Where they like to spend their time
  • How they like to consume information
  • What words they are using to describe their problem 
  • What types of solutions they are searching for
  • What makes them ready, willing, and able to invest in what you have to offer

This data will then help you know…

…if your ideal clients are on social media or not, and if they are, which platform will get you the best engagement based on what they use.

…if in-person events are a better use of your time along with what places, days and times would attract the most people.

…what words to use for creative workshop/masterclass titles, subject lines, social media posts, or any other content to draw people to your work.

…and how to build programs or offerings that people actually want to invest their time and money in because it represents the solution they are looking for.

These types of insights are the reasons why I put more effort into Instagram than any other social media platform, doing one podcast interview a month is part of my marketing plan, and why I was able to grow my email list and active client list by doing in-person talks at local meet-up groups, yoga, and kettlebell studios.

All of which has helped me build a thriving high six-figure health business.

So if you’re wondering how to attract your next client (or thousands of them) like Sandy was above, simply reflect on who your ideal client is and the uniquely creative ways you can connect with them instead of being a copycat.

Here are a few things you can do to get clear on or reconnect with who your ideal client is:

  1. Reflect on who you are because in many ways they are a reflection of you
  2. Interview 1-2 of your best clients to “study them” and get key insights
  3. Review Discovery Call/Consultation application forms from previous ideal clients 

Marketing and attracting clients might seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be when we ditch the distractions and take strategic action.

Now I want to know!  Comment below with ONE strategic action you can implement right away from this info to help you get more clients.

P.S. Need more help with attracting clients?  Check out this Business Accelerator Masterclass that gives you the roadmap to making $5k or more per month NOW.

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