7 Healthy Hormone Hacks [final days]
Have you been missing out on my simple tips to keep your hormones balanced during the holidays so you can feel your best going into 2021?
I’ve been giving away all kinds of knowledge goodies over the past week in regards to practical things you can do to keep hormones (such as cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, melatonin, insulin and leptin) balanced during the holiday season, and reverse the havoc 2020 has wreaked on them.
The holidays can take a toll on your hormones as you tend to focus SO much on giving to others this time of year and not so much on giving to yourself as you run around from holiday parties, last minute gift shopping and visiting family or friends.
By the end of it all, I bet you usually feel wiped out and wondering why you feel so fat, tired and sick all the time – it’s because your hormones took a hit!
And even though in-person holiday happenings and shopping have been put on pause, 2020 has been packed with all kinds of hurdles that have likely hit your hormones pretty hard.
To help you keep your hormones intact this holiday season and breathe life back into them for 2021, on December 12th I kicked off an Instagram and Facebook series called the “12 Days of Healthy Hormone Hacks for the Holidays”.
Over the course of 12 days on Instagram and Facebook, catch my videos and posts where I’m delivering simple tips for practical things you can do to keep your hormones balanced while you enjoy the holiday season!
Here’s what you might have missed so far…
Day 6: Bank Some Sleep
Sleep is the first thing to go out the window during the holiday season. We stay up late doing a variety of things this time of year…
Burning the midnight oil to meet last minute work deadlines
Wrapping presents when our kids or loved ones are asleep
Dancing or socializing the night away at holiday parties
Waiting for Santa or loved ones to arrive
Or by taking red-eye flights to save a few bucks
But you might have noticed that even when you get 8 hours of sleep or allow yourself to sleep in after a late night, you just don’t seem to wake up feeling as rested as you could if you had gone to bed at a more reasonable time.
That’s because every 1 hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 hours of rest!
Our body is on an internal time clock according to the sun and moon cycles. Based on this internal timer, our body has specific times of day when it does some really critical functions to help keep our hormones in balance.
For example, in the window of 10pm-2am, the body releases human growth hormone which helps to repair damaged tissues or cells, and create new cells. During this time is also when cortisol levels are supposed to be at their lowest and melatonin hormone is at its peak to support restful sleep. And during the window of 2am-4am is when the liver and gallbladder get to work cleansing and detoxifying to release toxins which promotes hormone balance.
If we miss these windows of sleep, our body does not shift its internal clock on our behalf, we simply miss out on these important functions being performed as they should be, and our hormones take a hit as a result. Constantly staying up late can completely flip your cortisol rhythm, mess with melatonin production and disrupt the rest of your hormones as a result.
Obviously there are some very fun-filled and valid reasons to maybe miss some shut eye this time of year, but you can make up for lost time by banking your sleep on the days that you are able to get to bed at a more reasonable hour.
Remember that every 1 hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 hours of rest!
So on the nights when you don’t have holiday obligations or commitments, aim to be in bed by 10pm or earlier to bank some sleep for late nights you might have ahead or to make up for the ones you already have.
Getting in good quality sleep at the optimal times as much as you can will help to keep your cortisol and melatonin in sync, and allow human growth hormone to get to work on your behalf so you can wake up feeling rested and make it through the holidays without your hormones getting completely out of whack.
Day 5: Crush Some Cruciferous Veggies
It’s the last full weekend before Christmas and all through the town, christmas cocktails are flowing… meaning estrogen levels are on the rise.
One alcoholic beverage can increase estrogen levels in the body for up to 24 hours, but this time of year there’s bound to be more than one drink had and with back-to-back holiday festivities, our bodies may not get a full 24-hour break for estrogen levels to fall back to normal.
Aside from alcohol, there is a whole category of toxins called xenoestrogens, such as certain plastics, that we are likely to come in contact with more frequently this time of year.
Alcohol and plastic can increase estrogen.
Constantly elevated estrogen levels from alcohol consumption or toxin exposures can lead to estrogen dominance which can, in turn, trigger thyroid imbalances, sleep issues and mood swings.
But don’t worry, you can still indulge this holiday season and not worry about every plastic you touch if you focus on crushing some cruciferous veggies when you sit down to eat.
Cruciferous vegetables are a staple in an anti-estrogenic type of diet or lifestyle. They contain a compound called DIM (3’3 diindolylmethane) which helps your body to remove estrogen through the liver.
DIM isn’t the only reason why cruciferous veggies are anti-estrogenic. Most of them also contain chlorophyll (found in the green leaves) which also aids in reducing estrogen through improved liver health.
Next time you go out to eat or cook at home, see where you can incorporate some of these cruciferous veggies…
- Arugula
- Bok Choy
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Collard Greens
- Kale
- Mustard greens
- Radish
- Turnip
- Watercress
Some of my favorite holiday side dishes include different styles of roasted Brussels sprouts and kale salads. Brussels sprouts in general are a big trend these days for appetizers, so look to add them to your meal when eating out. Or double the benefits with some sauerkraut to get in your cabbage to lower estrogen AND promote better gut health.
Keep that estrogen in check by crushing some cruciferous veggies as we wind down the year!
Day 4: Wake Up with Warm Water
Baby, it’s cold outside ❄️ so why wouldn’t you want to start your day off with some warm lemon-salted water while you wait to brew your usual cup of joe or tea?
Beyond just warming you up, your hormones can hugely benefit by starting your day off with warm water enhanced with a slice of lemon and pinch of Himalayan or sea salt.
Lemons have been shown to help detoxify the liver, and the liver is where we either convert hormones (such as thyroid T4 to T3) or excrete excess hormones (such as estrogen) which can lead to weight gain, sleep and mood issues if it builds up.
A pinch of Himalayan or sea salt promotes better hydration and electrolyte balance which is important for hormone and bodily functions. Plus, the magnesium, sodium and potassium in the salt nourishes the adrenal glands which largely produce cortisol and DHEA hormone and also contribute to the production of adrenaline, estrogen and other hormones as well.
Warm or room temperature water aids in the absorption of the lemon and salt nutrients into the body in addition to promoting digestive function and bowel movements (which is how we excrete toxins that can impact hormone balance or excess hormones themselves). Essentially, warm water gives the insides of your body a gentle nudge to get going instead of a cold electric shock to get out of bed – warm water sounds much more pleasing, right?
During the craziness of the holidays, we are more likely to forget to drink water throughout the day and then we indulge in other activities such as drinking alcohol, extra coffee and traveling, which dehydrate and rob us of nutrients even more.
I always aim to drink at least 20-32 ounces of warm, lemon-salted water before 10am. This wasn’t easy at first because I was so attached to my morning coffee, but little by little I made the switch and now I wake up craving my warm water and have no need for coffee anymore.
This holiday season, see if you can add in a cup of warm, lemon-salted water to your morning to give your hormones a healthy boost to start your day!
Head on over to my Instagram and Facebook to see what you might have missed AND to catch the rest of my 12 Days of Healthy Hormone Hacks for the Holidays.
P.S. Turn on your notifications so you don’t miss a single simple tip to keep your hormones intact this holiday season, AND remember to save the posts for future reference!
12 Healthy Hormone Hacks for the Holidays!
It’s that time of year again – the holidays!
The holidays can wreak havoc on your hormones as you tend to focus SO much on giving to others this time of year and not so much on giving to yourself as you run around from holiday parties, last minute gift shopping and visiting family or friends.
By the end of it all, I bet you usually feel wiped out and wondering why you feel so fat, tired and sick all the time – it’s because your hormones took a hit!
And even though in-person holiday happenings and shopping have been put on pause, 2020 has been packed with all kinds of hurdles that have likely hit your hormones pretty hard.
To help you keep your hormones intact this holiday season and breath life back into them for 2021, on December 12th I’m kicking off a Instagram and Facebook series called the “12 Days of Healthy Hormone Hacks for the Holidays”
Over 12 days on Instagram and Facebook, catch my videos and posts where I’ll be delivering simple tips for practical things you can do to keep your hormones balanced while you enjoy the holiday season!
Here’s a sneak peak at what I’ve got lined up for you starting December 12th…
Day 1 – Fill Up With Fat
This likely sounds counterintuitive, but trust me, it’s not when it comes to your hormones, energy levels and kicking cravings!
In order for the body to make hormones, it needs you to eat healthy dietary fats that are broken down into LDL and cholesterol to make hormones along with other nutrients such as B vitamins. Yep, you heard me right. LDL and cholesterol are actually necessary to make hormones. They get a bad rap, but they are not bad for you if sourced in a healthy way.
Filling up with healthy fats can also help to balance your blood sugar for longer-lasting energy, to reduce inflammation and to kick cravings.
So what kinds of healthy fats should you indulge in during the holidays?
- Avocado on its own, as guacamole or as an oil
- Full fat coconut milk in your coffee, tea and/or smoothies
- Organic, nitrate-free and gluten-free bacon
- Cold-Pressed and organic olive or coconut oil in cooked or baked goods
- Grass-fed ghee instead of butter (less inflammatory)
- Fatty cuts of organic and pasture-raised meats and eggs
One of my favorite fat-bomb beverages is a matcha latte with full fat coconut milk and vanilla bean ghee. This keeps me feeling full and energized for 5 hours or more!
I always fill up on fat before I hit a holiday (Zoom) party or aim to eat the fattiest snacks while I’m there, to keep my hormones happy and my hunger under control.
Focus on filling up with healthy fats at least once a day and notice the way it makes you feel more full, more energized and craving free.
Day 2 – Breathe Deeply
This time of year we are in constant movement – decorating, planning, working, shopping, traveling, cooking, cleaning and socializing. While all of that is necessary and some of it is fun, it does take a toll on our hormonal health.
Constant movement triggers our sympathetic nervous system and elicits a stress response in the body, aka the fight or flight response. In a stressed state, our body uses a lot of valuable hormonal resources. Cortisol is one of the primary hormones at play but not the only one impacted in a negative way.
In fight or flight mode, our body directs all of its valuable resources outward for quick thinking and quick moving, leaving little resources for the rest of the critical functions in our body to take place to keep our health in line.
BUT there is something you can do that takes 2 minutes or less to snap yourself out of this reactive place and quickly into more of a rest and relaxation mode so your hormones can come back into balance and your body can heal from all the work it has been doing…
Deep Breathing.
It’s as simple as that. When we adopt the deep, rhythmic breathing patterns of a relaxed person, we can automatically and instantly flip the switch from being in fight or flight mode into a more relaxed state.
Try this ten times…
- Inhale for a count of 5
- Hold the breath for a count of 5
- Exhale for a count of 7
You can use this simple breathing technique anytime you notice yourself moving too fast or when you’ve gone a long time without taking a break, to instantly bring cortisol and other hormones back into balance.
I often do this once in the morning, afternoon and before bed. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to stop at least once a day this holiday season to breathe deeply and promote hormone balance.
Day 3 – Go Green
During the holidays, inflammation is on the rise as we indulge in different foods or beverages that might have a more inflammatory effect on the body, from toxins we encounter while traveling and as a result of any mental or emotional stress we might experience this time of year.
Inflammation is at the root of all hormone dysfunction or any chronic disease. It drives cortisol out of rhythm, creating a negative domino effect on other hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and thyroid. And over time, chronic inflammation, even at low grade levels, can overwhelm the immune system, kicking it into overdrive and eventually leading to autoimmunity or other chronic conditions.
Sure you’re going to indulge, with it being the holidays, and you can’t always control your exposure to toxins or the need to travel, but there are things you can do on a daily basis to calm down the inflammatory fire.
To help you reduce inflammation on a daily basis – GO GREEN!
One cup of green tea has an abundance of anti-inflammatory effects that can positively impact your hormones and even your gut health. EGCG is the active ingredient in green tea which modulates genes to produce an anti-inflammatory effect.
To keep that inflammation fire contained, aim to incorporate a cup of green tea daily during the holidays.
This is such an easy task! You can grab a cup of green tea almost anywhere while on the road or in an airport, or pack your favorite green tea brand to always have with you. It’s the perfect drink to start your day or keep you warm when it’s cold outside.
As I mentioned in tip 1 when talking about filling up with fats to keep your hormones healthy, one of my favorite fat bomb beverages is a matcha latte with full fat coconut milk and 2 teaspoons of vanilla bean ghee. This keeps me feeling full and energized for at least 4 hours, plus has all the added anti-inflammatory benefits.
Go with green tea this holiday season to keep that inflammation under control for healthy hormones.
Make sure you’re following me closely on Instagram and Facebook to catch the rest of my, 12 Days of Healthy Hormone Hacks for the Holidays!
P.S. Turn on your Facebook and/or Instagram notifications for my pages so you don’t miss a single simple tip to keep your hormones intact this holiday season, AND remember to save the posts for future reference!
Why I’m grateful for you [quick video]
I wanted to pop by your inbox really quickly today to share two messages of gratitude with you in celebration of Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and the holiday season as we wrap up 2020.
My two messages for you are…
- Why I’m grateful for you specifically
- How you can find gratitude in your health and life experiences to create better health, more wealth and happiness
Watch this quick video to hear my messages for you today.
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday season wherever you are in the world!
Check out these awesome holiday deals too!
Black Friday – Vital Proteins
Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides have helped heal my gut, improve digestion and increase absorption of nutrients to ultimately reverse Hashimotos and heal from mold illness. Collagen peptides provide the amino acids necessary in order for the body to repair the intestinal lining when damage occurs. Vital Proteins Plain Collagen Peptides are flavorless and can be added to your everyday drinking water for a powerful healing punch.
My favorite way to get in my peptides every day is a Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen Latte!
- Matcha Green tea has a natural anti-inflammatory effect
- Collagen peptides help to heal the gut or keep it healthy
- Full fat coconut milk nourishes hormones, balances blood sugar and boosts energy
Click here to get up to 35% off Vital Proteins Collagen options
Black Friday – Shop Fully Healthy Sale!
Shop AIP’s online store is my go-to spot for autoimmune paleo protocol friendly foods. Black Friday through Cyber Monday products are up to 20% off AND you can get an additional 15% off when you spend $100 or more with code GOBBLE15.
Click here to get up to 35% off with code GOBBL15 Friday through Monday
Black Friday – Infrared Sauna Sale!
Want to relax, heal, restore and detox all at the same time in the comfort of your own home? Then you need an infrared sauna! I love my infrared sauna – it’s like my mini oasis where I can escape the outside world, meditate or just read a good book while doing my body some good. Sauna Space’s sauna systems are especially close to my heart because they protect you from the health harming EMF’s that most other saunas expose you to, and for the holidays they have some sweet deals! Grab a great deal on the gift of health for you or a loved one this weekend…
- 20% Black Friday Discount NOW 11/26 – 11/27
- 10% Discount, Saturday-Sunday 11/28 – 11/30
Click here to get yourself a great infrared sauna deal!
Release fear and live!
When I was diagnosed with skin cancer, the first feeling I had was fear. Fear that I would die. Fear of not knowing when, or how often the cancer would reappear. Fear of not being able to be outdoors and do the things that I love the most. Fear that I would forever have to bath in the disgusting smell of sunscreen for the rest of my life.
When I found out I had Hashimotos (an autoimmune thyroid disorder) fear again was the first thing that came to mind. Fear of what I had done to my body. Fear of being a fraud as a functional health practitioner. I should have known better. Fear of the long journey I had ahead to get my health back.
Fear can be paralyzing.
Fear paralyzed me at first. I beat myself up for weeks, letting my inner critic get the best of me. I had my own little pity party and no one was invited but me. Once I released the fear of my situations, I was able to push forward and heal.
Obviously I didn’t die from cancer if I’m writing this email. I’ve been cancer-free for over 10 years now.
And I was in remission with Hashimotos just 6 months after being diagnosed.
Both of my health scares have led me to be an even more successful functional health practitioner, AND live a more fulfilling life!
I spend days basking in the sun, traveling and for the most part, living my best life without a care in the world.
When we face fear, we let go of old stories that have been holding us back.
I had to let go of the stories I told myself about my health in order to move forward. I had to face the fear of changing my lifestyle in order to truly discover my ideal health and weight.
If I don’t have a drink at dinner what will my friends think?
I don’t want to cause a scene if I don’t have the wine and cheese.
I don’t want to be “that” person at the table asking for a gluten-free menu.
I don’t want to test my hormones because I’m afraid of changes I might have to make.
What if I’ve screwed up my chances to get pregnant.
If I don’t do it myself, it won’t get done.
These are real fears that either myself, or my clients, have faced. Any of them sound familiar?
Fear can control our thoughts and ability to heal.
Fear can keep you stuck in an unhealthy state of mind and/or being. Finding a way to release fear is the first step in taking back your health and your power.
In this week’s video and blog, I want to help you release fear so you can live your best life and feel like yourself again or for the very first time.
To be fearless in your health is to believe that no matter what comes your way you will find a way to thrive.
To be fearless in your mind is to be brave and bold in your thoughts and actions.
Fear has a positive intention for all of us. It keeps us safe and brings our attention to where it is needed most. It’s an instinct we’ve used since the beginning of time for survival, but in our modern day world instead of leaning into it for the valuable clues it holds, we feel ashamed and hide.
Learning how to harness your fear, to make it work for you instead of against you, is one of the ways you can overcome any health challenge you might be facing and live a more fulfilling life.
Fear can control your thoughts and your ability to heal.
It’s a low vibrational feeling or energy that has been shown to strongly correlate with autoimmune conditions, parasites, bacteria and yeast overgrowth and other chronic conditions.
Aside from bringing your mood down, negative thoughts can also trigger the release of toxic bio-chemicals in the body disrupting its natural state of balance.
Changing your routine or way of being to support your health can seem scary because the unknown is scary for your programmed brain. The most primal part of our brain will have us repeat the same things over and over again because the outcomes are predictable, even if the actions aren’t best for us.
This is the same phenomenon that occurs when people rebound back to bad relationships or habits, it’s not healthy but the primitive part of your brain knows it’s survivable making it seem easier to repeat a routine even if it’s no longer serving you.
When you face the fear, you let go of the old stories that have been holding you back from being your best self, and you naturally improve your health.
So how do you release fear and live life to the fullest?
When you feel tightness, a stressful wave or heaviness, give yourself 3 minutes to identify the underlying concern and clear it out using these 3 steps:
- What is my fear in this situation?
- What is my truth?
- Act on that truth.
This shifts your course and allows you to create a new path leaving the old, outdated routines and fear behind.
Healthy is a way of being, not just doing.
You can “do” all of the healthy things…
Eat healthy
Exercise regularly
Get good sleep
Take supplements
Meditate, deep breath, etc.
But if you’re letting fear run your life, you’ll always feel like you are swimming against the current trying to get results and as if nothing is working.
I have also found that running the right lab tests to find the missing pieces of your health puzzle and getting objective data to give you direction in regards to diet, rest, exercise, supplementation and toxin removal to be hugely helpful in releasing fear about the unknown so you can confidently move forward.
This has proven to be true in overcoming my own health issues. When diagnosed with skin cancer and Hashimotos, I immediately dove into doing functional lab testing to uncover all of my healing opportunities and to create a personalized health-building program.
When I share test results with clients, they commonly say receiving their test results was like Christmas, a gift of clues that gives them clarity by showing them all of the possibilities they have to heal and feel like their best self too.
Releasing fear is one of the energetic keys to thriving with any health, weight or energy issue.
What fear(s) are you ready to release today?
Let me know below for some accountability to live your best life!
3 ways to reduce bloating and boost energy
Can you believe the end of the year is almost here? Sometimes life feels like it’s moving at a snail’s pace and other days it feels like it’s moving at warp speed.
Either way, if you’re bloated and low on energy, every day is a struggle.
It’s a struggle to look in the mirror and feel good about yourself, to be present with loved ones, to be as productive in life as you want to be, and even to experience joy and happiness.
I’ve been there and many of my clients have too. It’s not fun. So to help you stop the struggle, I’m sharing 3 ways you can instantly reduce bloating and boost energy.
Despite what is going on the world around us, and what feels outside of our control, the one thing we do have control over is our health. When you tune out what is going on around you and tune into your body, the possibilities of feeling like your best self and having your best health are endless.
There once was a time when I was out of tune with my body too; seeking answers externally and spinning my wheels when my body was holding them all along.
Healthy is a way of being, not just doing.
You see, I was doing a lot of “healthy things”, but I wasn’t exactly embracing healthy as a way of being. I was running my body into the ground daily and barely keeping it afloat with my so-called healthy eating and exercise habits.
For example, I was racing through meals and inhaling my food in a hurry to get to the next thing on my to-do list. More often than not, I would chug down a breakfast smoothie on the way to the office, work while eating lunch, and rush home to eat dinner only to shovel it down so I could do all of my before bed routine things.
This is how most of us live life, always on the go suffering through bloating, low energy and a variety of other nagging health issues.
When we move through life like this, it drastically diminishes our ability to digest food properly leading to unnecessary bloating, poor nutrient absorption and a lack of energy (not to mention food cravings that also get triggered!).
Your body can only heal and digest properly in a relaxed state.
Therefore, one of the keys to getting rid of bloating for good and boosting your energy is learning to slow down around meal time, give your body space to digest, rest and repair.
In this week’s video and blog, I share 3 ways you can slow down around meal time to support digestion, instantly reduce bloating and boost energy.
Seeing who could finish their dinner the fastest was a game we played at the dinner table when I was a kid, and on top of that if you cleared your plate you got dessert. My parents had the best intentions in the world, filling our plates with whole foods but eating fast and expecting dessert afterwards were some old habits I had to learn how to break in order to have my ideal health and weight.
Our modern fast-paced world doesn’t exactly encourage a relaxed eating state either. Meetings often take priority over lunch periods, we sit in front of the TV or scroll our favorite social media feed catching up on the day’s happenings while we eat.
All of which triggers the sympathetic nervous system, also known as your fight or flight response. Originally this brilliant response evolved as a means of survival, if you ran into a lion while hunting, your fight or flight response would kick in so you could hightail it out of there by sending all of your blood flow and resources outwards for quick moving and quick thinking, and by deprioritizing actions such as digestion to conserve resources for your escape.
However, these days your body doesn’t’ know the difference between a lion and the day-to-day stressors you encounter such as working through a lunch break and rushing through meals so you can move onto the next thing. It responds the same, diminishing digestion in hopes of survival but leaving you feeling bloated, nutrient deficient and tired.
The good news is, there are a few simple things you can do that don’t take much time or effort, to instantly flip the switch in your brain and body to get you out of the flight or fight response and into the parasympathetic rest and digest mode.
In a parasympathetic state, your body sends blood flow and resources inwards to nourish internal organs, effectively digest food and heal all of which reduces bloating and boosts energy!
Here are 3 ways you can slow down around meal time to support digestion, instantly reduce bloating and boost energy:
#1- Before eating; inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, exhale for 7 and repeat 5-10 times.
When you adopt the deep rhythmic breathing pattern of a relaxed person, your body automatically flips the switch from being stressed to in a place of rest and digest.
This is a great tool you can also use during other times of the day to get into a relaxed state more frequently to allow more healing to happen.
#2 – Chew every bite 20 times or more.
Digestion actually begins in the mouth. Your saliva contains digestive enzymes to help breakdown food before it hits your stomach so taking action to adequately chew your food reduces digestive stress that can lead to bloating and increases absorption of nutrients to boost your energy and healing all around.
#3 – Put your utensils down between bites.
This is a societal thing. Next time you’re around others eating observe how everyone is shoveling their next bite in their mouth before they are even done chewing the one they are working on!
Setting your fork, spoon or other utensil you might be using down in between bites slows down the sense of urgency you might have to get through a meal, and it also reinforces the act of chewing each bite thoroughly for all of the benefits previously mentioned to reduce bloating and boost energy.
Putting these 3 tips into play will also help you be more present and in tune with your body when it comes to food. You may also find that it’s easier to notice when you’re full to avoid overeating, how certain foods don’t work well for your body or that you’re able to go longer periods of time between meals without snacking because you actually digested the food you ate.
You can’t out-supplement, out-diet, or out-exercise a too-busy lifestyle or overworked body.
It’s time to embrace healthy as a way of being, and not just doing by tuning everything else out and tuning into your body.
If you’d like to dive deeper into what is causing your bloating and low energy by getting your hands on the right lab tests and resources to find the missing pieces of your health puzzle, click here to schedule an Ideal Health and Weight Discovery Session with me.
#TBT Are you underestimating stress?
Oh man, it’s been quite a week leading up to an intense moment in U.S. history. There’s been an enormous amount of energy and emotion swirling around the recent presidential election.
What you may not realize is just how much the stress of this past week has affected you. If you’re feeling wiped out, exhausted, irritable, bloated or not sleeping well then stress just might be the culprit.
But here’s what you really need to know about stress so you can feel your best. Stress is more than the mental and emotional challenges we face, it’s much broader than that.
So this week here’s a #throwbackthursday blog to help you assess your burden of stress and ways to reduce it so you can feel like yourself again.
In this week’s video and blog, I help you to identify if you’re underestimating the daily demands of stress on your body, and simple things you can do to destress, boost digestion and healing!
#TBT 5 ways to prevent breast cancer…
I was reminded the other day how common breast cancer can be when a good friend of mine shared about her mom being diagnosed that week.
Luckily they caught it in an early stage so the prognosis looks promising.
However, just because breast cancer is common doesn’t mean it’s normal or that you or your loved ones are destined to be subjected to it. Cancer is fueled by inflammation and lifestyle factors so there’s a huge opportunity to prevent it and even reverse it if one has it.
So in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I’m bringing back this blog to share 5 ways to prevent breast cancer with you so you and your loved ones can be in control of your health and destiny.
According to Breastcancer.org, they estimate in 2019 alone 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer along with 62,930 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer are expected in U.S. women, and about 2,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in men.
So as I said last week, early detection of breast cancer significantly increases your chances of survival.
BUT reducing your risk factors for cancers significantly decreases your chances of getting cancer ever!
High risk factors for breast and other types of cancer can include:
- Family history/genetics
- High sugar/carbohydrate diet
- Use of plastic food and water containers
- Excess estrogen circulating in the body
- A sluggish liver and poor detoxification system
- High oxidative stress (cellular/DNA damage)
- Repeated exposures to hormone altering toxins and radiation
Contrary to popular belief, your genetics dictate ONLY 20% of your health outcomes, and your lifestyle drives the other 80%.
This is great news!
It means you have more control than you probably thought you did over whether you get cancer, autoimmune conditions and chronic or terminal illnesses.
Inflammation is what drives all dysfunction and disease in the body, so when you control inflammation it’s like containing wildfire. The more you contain it, the less devastation it can create.
In this week’s video and blog, I want to give you 5 things you can do to reduce inflammation and your risk not just for breast cancer, but for all types of cancer and chronic diseases!
To start, let’s recap on what some of the most common high risk factors for breast and other types of cancer, terminal illnesses and chronic diseases are. They can include:
- Family history/genetics
- High sugar/carbohydrate diet
- Use of plastic food and water containers
- Excess estrogen circulating in the body
- A sluggish liver and poor detoxification system
- High oxidative stress (cellular/DNA damage)
- Repeated exposures to hormone altering toxins and radiation
You can’t change your genetics but you can change how they impact your health by adopting healthy behaviors that keep them from fostering disease states.
Remember, your genetics dictate ONLY 20% of your health outcomes, and your lifestyle drives the other 80%.
So here are 5 things you can do to reduce inflammation so you can keep your genes happy and healthy, and to prevent cancer or other chronic diseases…
#1 – Eat Anti-Inflammatory & Pro-Antioxidant
You put food in your body every day that can either fuel the inflammatory fire or help to put it out. To drastically reduce inflammation every time you eat, avoid the top inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, sugar, soy and alcohol. And then look to replace them with antioxidant-rich foods to reduce oxidative stress (aka cellular and DNA damage) such as goji berries, organic dark chocolate, artichokes, cilantro, elderberries, and wild-caught salmon.
#2 – Rest & Recover From 10-4
From 10pm to 4am is when your body performs critical repair of all of your cells, flushing of toxins and restoration of all systems. It’s like taking your body in for a tune up every night! However, if you’re not sleeping during this timeframe your body can’t perform these duties which can lead to hormone imbalances, toxic back-ups and a multitude of other issues that can trigger inflammation leading to disease. Aim to be asleep by 10pm at least 5 nights per week.
#3- Move & Release
Moving your body daily helps you to maintain a healthy weight, your strength and cardiovascular health AND to release toxins. The lymphatic system is the body’s natural sewage system to eliminate toxins and excess estrogen that can drive cancer and disease, but the problem is that it doesn’t move itself. When you move, the lymphatic system moves too. The more you move the more inflammation and cancer causing toxins can be released!
#4 – Stop & Shift
Did you know that stress can cause inflammation and genetic alterations too? Stress is inevitable but having a daily de-stress routine in place is a proactive way to prevent it from accumulating and contributing to chronic inflammation that can lead to disease. See where you can fit in as little as 5 minutes of deep breathing or meditation in your day. And at a minimum when you feel stressed – stop and shift your mindset by inhaling for 5 seconds, holding your breath for 5 seconds and exhaling for 7. Repeat this 5-10 times to instantly get out of stress mode!
#5 – Tackle The Toxins
Prioritize minimizing your exposures to inflammatory and cancer-causing toxins by focusing on the things you put in and on your body that have the largest impact on your health. You can do this by eating organic food as much as possible, drinking and cooking with only filtered water and swapping out your personal care products such as lotions, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner for less toxic and more environmental-friendly brands.
By taking action in these 5 areas not only will you drastically reduce your risk for cancer and other chronic diseases, but I can almost guarantee you’ll instantly notice an improvement in your energy, weight and overall sense of well-being.
Let’s make a pact to make cancer prevention something we’re aware of all year long, not just during the month of October!
And if you missed it, in last week’s blog I also shared two cutting-edge tools men and women can use to self screen for breast cancer and its high risk factors. You can check out that blog here.
When eating healthy isn’t healthy…
I’m curious, what does eating healthy mean to you?
When I graduated from college after studying fitness, nutrition, and health for 4 years, I thought eating healthy meant you should…
- Create a calorie deficit by eating less and moving more
- Have a snack or meal every 2 hours
- Always eat 3 solid meals per day
- Eat low fat, lean meats, veggies, fruits, dairy, starches, and whole grains according to the food guide pyramid now known as the “plate”
So I did exactly what I was taught and I felt like crap instead of feeling great and having my ideal health and weight.
It turns out, there’s a LOT more to eating healthy than what we were taught in school or what you might have read on your own about diets and nutrition.
In fact, some so-called healthy foods aren’t healthy for you.
It took me years to figure out what foods were healthy for my body. When I finally figured it out, it made getting the results I desired so much easier! So I want to help you cut to the chase and get to the bottom of what foods are healthy for you so you can feel like your best self too instead of wasting time trying to figure it out.
I see so many clients and people feeling frustrated about food and eating healthy. They’ve tried just about everything with little to no results. They’ll literally say…
I’m eating healthy but I’m not getting any results!
Do you find yourself feeling frustrated like this too?
In theory, they are “eating healthy.” They are often eating a Paleo, Whole30, Keto, or a generally well-rounded and clean diet. In some cases, they are eating mostly organic foods, good sources of meats, and even avoiding some of the well-known inflammatory foods.
But they still aren’t getting results. They still struggle with digestive upset, weight, anxiety, hormone imbalances, or other nagging health issues.
All because eating healthy isn’t always healthy for YOU.
In this week’s video and blog, I’ll reveal why some of the healthy foods you’re eating might not be healthy for you, and give you tips to figure out what is healthy for YOU.
There’s a difference between eating healthy and eating right for your body.
Eating right for your body will incorporate healthy foods but not all healthy foods are right for your body.
Most diet approaches tend to focus on food elimination, which is good considering that often times it means eliminating the top inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, sugar, soy, alcohol, and even other grains or foods containing lectins.
However, most dietary approaches fail to consider two key components to eating healthy for your body:
- Macronutrient (protein, carb, and fat) balance
- Specific food sensitivities
Eating the right balance of proteins, carbs and fats gives your body the right ratios of fuel so it can function at its potential. Understanding and eating according to your macronutrient needs can instantly:
- Reduce digestive stress
- Increase energy
- Fight off food cravings
But you can still run into issues when eating the right balance of macronutrients if you’re eating foods that you’re sensitive to.
Food sensitivities aren’t always obvious. They don’t always show up as digestive upset which is why you might think you don’t have any. Other common food sensitivity symptoms can include:
- Anxiety
- Skin breakouts
- Low energy or fatigue
- Poor sleep
- Weight gain or resistant weight loss
Food sensitivities or poor macronutrient balance could certainly be secretly sabotaging your healthy eating efforts and results!
As I’ve shared before, take a banana for example. Around the world, most would agree it’s a healthy food but if you have a sensitivity to bananas OR they contain too many carbs and sugars for what your body can tolerate in one sitting, then they aren’t a healthy food for you.
When you eat something like a banana that has these negative effects on you, it spikes blood sugar and inflammation, reduces nutrient absorption, disrupts hormone balance, messes with your sleep and energy, and leaves you craving more food to get another energy bump.
When my husband found out he was sensitive to beef he lost 5 pounds within a week of removing it from his diet.
Beyond these two key components, there could be even more to consider such as high oxalates and FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols)
Oxalates are a naturally occurring element in foods and in the body, but an abundance of oxalates lead to kidney stones, chronic joint pain, mineral deficiencies, and more. Oxalates can especially become problematic when Candida or yeast overgrowth is going on the body.
Some of the foods highest in oxalates include:
- Dark chocolate
- Nuts
- Berries
- Citrus fruits
- Beets
- Sweet potatoes
- Zucchini and other summer squashes
- Dark leafy greens such as spinach and certain kinds of kale
Just about every one of them is considered a healthy food!
And FODMAP foods can be problematic with an overly inflamed or leaky digestive system making it hard to breakdown these foods leading to fermentation and bacteria overgrowth in the gut.
Some of the highest FODMAP foods are:
- Garlic
- Onion
- Fruits
- Grains
- Certain nuts and legumes
See how you could be eating so-called healthy foods that aren’t actually healthy for YOU?
The best healthy eating plan takes YOUR body and specific needs into consideration and combines the elements related to macronutrient balance, food sensitivities, and other physiological factors.
When working with clients to figure out what foods are right for their body, we always do a series of functional lab tests to uncover all of the pieces to their health puzzle and then use that data to guide recommendations for how to eat healthy for their body.
The series of tests will often include a:
- Food sensitivity test to pinpoint specific foods they are reactive to
- Metabolic typing test to assess ideal macronutrient balance
- Stool sample test to evaluate digestive and intestinal health
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to eating healthy for YOUR body.
If you want to explore what foods are right for your body, click here to get my Food & Body Language Log to start dialing in your macronutrient balance.
And if you want to get your hands on the right lab tests and resources to explore it even deeper, click here to schedule an Ideal Health and Weight Discovery Session with me.
The struggle is real…
“It is truly a great cosmic paradox that one of the best teachers in all of life turns out to be death. No person or situation could ever teach you as much as death has to teach you. While someone could tell you that you are not your body, death shows you. While someone could remind you of the significance of the things that you cling to, death takes them all away in a second. While people can teach you that men and women of all races are equal and that there is no difference between the rich and the poor, death instantly makes us all the same. The question for you is, are going to wait until that last moment to let death be your teacher?”
-Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
In the face of death, we finally truly appreciate life.
This experience hit very close to home for me when my mother passed away in 2016, and again when my two best fur-friends left my side not long ago.
The current pandemic and events of 2020 have also brought this teaching into the light for so many around the world; whether you’ve suffered the loss of a loved one or have feared for your life.
Needless to say, this year has been mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting, and it’s not over yet.
But today I’m going to give you hope and inspiration to be the healthiest and happiest you can be, despite what might be going on in the world.
Death is a part of life. Struggles and challenges are part of life. These are things we can not avoid. Sometimes they are deeply sad and frustrating moments, and yet something we can learn so much from.
Typically it takes a catastrophic event such as a diagnosis or near-death experiences for someone to realize the current way of being isn’t sustainable and that they need to do things differently to improve or support their health.
This year has created a global catastrophic event encouraging all of us to examine our lives, our health, and our environment. It’s given us moments to pause, to reflect on what really matters, and to re-prioritize.
In the midst of it all, I too have faced many inner challenges, most of them related to choosing something else over my health and myself…
The conflict to “push through it” and keep working even when I know I shouldn’t
Struggling to stay mindful and make healthy food choices when things feel chaotic
Should I exercise to relieve stress although I’m exhausted or rest?
Making time to meditate instead of retreating and getting sucked into TV or social media
Who or what should I believe in these very odd and unique times
The struggle is real on a daily basis.
These inner challenges are so common for so many, even if death or struggle are not knocking at our door. The hustle and bustle of life, the ever-evolving political climate, technology, and the upcoming holidays can make it difficult to put yourself and your health first.
Within a few days, after my mom passed away in 2016, I came down with my first head cold in over 3 years. I was so congested it felt as if my head was going to explode.
This is how stress showed up in my body – as a cold encouraging me to rest.
The signs were clear. My body was telling me to rest, to not work, to not exercise as I normally would, and to create space for healing to happen.
The emotional load from what has been going on between the pandemic and other events this year could be taking a HUGE toll on your health and you may not even realize it.
For example, emotional stress can:
- Diminish digestive power and your ability to absorb nutrients from food resulting in nutrient deficiencies
- Alter sleep quality leaving you feeling foggy-headed, irritable, and not fully recovered in the morning to bounce out of bed or get through the day
- Increase cortisol hormone production leading to other hormone imbalances, food cravings, and weight gain
The younger, less healthy version of me wouldn’t have listened to my body, in fact, I would have completely ignored it. I would have shown up to work but wouldn’t really have been present. I would have pushed myself to workout even though I was exhausted. I would have drowned my sorrows in social events and wine, and meditation would have never even crossed my mind.
Our body will do what we ask it to do, but that doesn’t mean that we should.
The way I treated my body in the past largely contributed to the adrenal dysfunction, Hahsimotos, hormone imbalances, gut health issues, and fatigue I’ve worked to reverse over the years. I used to push my body to the limits, overextend myself, and add stress to my already stressed out body.
None of us knows what the rest of 2020 or the future holds, and yet we have complete control over how we get to experience life today.
Every choice you make is a chance to breakdown or build up your health.
How you choose to take care of yourself NOW during these unique times will determine what the future holds for you, your loved ones, and the generations to come.
In this week’s video and blog, I’m going to give you hope and inspiration to be the healthiest and happiest you can be, despite what might be going on in the world.
The best way to care for others is to care for yourself. When you care for yourself you can show up bigger, brighter and better for others.
The struggle of everyday life can consume you; the constant pinging of emails and texts, the endless list of “to-do’s”, running all over town picking up kids and doing errands, the daunting demands of work, and so on.
All-day long you are confronted with tough choices that directly impact your health.
Every time I have looked at struggle or death in the face, it has inspired me to live life differently, to make the most of every passing day, and to not take my health for granted.
This is what death and struggle have taught me…
Life is obviously too short so how can I live fully today
What I perceive to be more important than myself or my health really is not
My health is necessary for my happiness and in order to fulfill my purpose in life
Without my health, I wouldn’t have the energy or mental capacity to do all the things I want to do or to support my loved ones
The things we tend to prioritize over our health, that we create a sense of urgency around really don’t matter as much as we think they do. They are just things or tasks that don’t necessarily fulfill our lives.
As Michael A. Singer says in his book The Untethered Soul, “While someone could remind you of the significance of the things that you cling to, death takes them all away in a second.”
This has been one of the biggest lessons along my health journey.
If I were to be stripped of all of my “things” tomorrow what would I have left? I would still have my health, my memories, and self-love – these are things that no one could ever take away.
This year has motivated me, even more, to make choices to honor my health during tough times. I chose to rest and not exercise when I feel exhausted. I chose to meditate instead of self-medicate. I chose to put work aside and create space to heal.
Supporting my body in the ways it needs it most at any moment gives me the strength to take on the challenges of any given day and be the light for others.
So as we roll into the last few months of this year, I want to ask you this…
What are you willing to let go of that you might value in order to..
…be more present in the moment and live every day to the fullest?
…to make more conscious decisions in alignment with your health?
…to feel like your best self so you can be the light for others?
Leave a comment below and let me know what you’re willing to let go of, no matter how small it might be, in order to make yourself and your health more of a priority.
To help keep you motivated, focused on your health, and accountable to feeling like your best self, follow me on Instagram and Facebook for regular tips, resources and bits of inspiration you can use to support your health.
I want to be a resource and of service to you during this time. Please don’t hesitate to message me if you need a word of advice, encouragement, or resources to help you along your health journey.
Fight viruses naturally…
It’s officially Fall here in the northern hemisphere and that means flu and virus season is upon us.
Not only are we facing the typical flu and virus season this year, but the pandemic never ended over the summer as some predicted the warm weather would help to do.
However, have no fear because I’ve got some solid tips to help you fight viruses naturally.
There are actually a lot of simple things you can do daily beyond hand-washing or mask-wearing to boost your immune system and prevent a virus from taking you hostage.
And the single most important thing you can do to fight off viruses naturally is…
As more research is emerging about the recent pandemic, sugar is being identified as one of the primary risk factors for contracting the virus and the severity of symptoms.
In fact, a recent study “suggests that prolonged uncontrolled hyperglycemia, and not just a history of diabetes mellitus, may be important in the pathogenesis of the disease.”
Hyperglycemia is when an excessive amount of glucose aka sugar is circulating around in the bloodstream. High blood sugar levels can increase the number of sugar-coated, ACE2 receptors, a virus’s favorite entry point. Not only are the number of receptors higher with more circulating sugar, but they also have more sugars attached to them making it easier for the virus to infect cells.
When blood sugar values are lower, there are fewer ACE2 receptors and sugars on each one; thus, reducing the amount of viruses getting into cells.
Essentially high blood sugar levels provide easy transportation for viruses to attach to and enter cells for infection.
PLUS, elevated blood sugar levels:
- Fuel inflammation weakening the immune system’s ability to respond adequately
- Disrupt your cortisol rhythm and restful sleep cycles that protect against viruses
- Leave you craving more sugar and stuck on a blood sugar roller coaster
Any apparently healthy person can have high levels of blood sugar. I see this all the time in health-minded clients I work with, even the ones who are “eating healthy” and exercising regularly.
How could this be?
Foods that impact blood sugar go beyond the well-known added white sugar used in baking cookies, cakes, and other sweet treats. Eating too many carbs, even the so-called healthy ones, for what your body can tolerate can also lead to blood sugar imbalances.
In this week’s video and blog,
I’ve got some solid tips to help you balance blood sugar and fight viruses naturally.
There’s a difference between eating healthy and eating right for your body. Eating right for your body will include healthy foods but not every healthy food is right for your body.
Take a banana for example, around the world most would agree it’s a healthy food but if you have an allergy or sensitivity to bananas OR they contain too many carbs and sugars for what your body can tolerate, then they aren’t a healthy food for you.
When you eat something like said-banana that has these negative effects on you, it spikes your blood sugar and inflammation making you susceptible to potential viruses, and leaves you craving more sugar to get another energy bump – the vicious cycle continues!
It’s possible to encounter these issues even if you’re eating a Paleo, Whole30, Autoimmune Paleo or another type of healthy diet. These diets deal more with food elimination than they do macronutrient (carb, protein, and fat) or blood sugar balance.
When you eat the wrong ratios of proteins, carbs, and fats for your body, it can lead to blood sugar imbalances making you feel:
- Tired, anxious, irritable, or needing to nap
- Snacky, bloated, heavy, or craving for sweets
- Brain foggy, wired but tired or physically full and still hungry
- Worn down and vulnerable to viruses!
When you’re eating the right ratio of protein, carbs, and fats per meal you will:
- Be able to go 3-5 hours or more without feeling hungry or needing to snack
- Have energy for hours and feel recharged
- Think clearly, feel uplifted and be more positive
- Easily regulate blood sugar levels keeping them low
Figuring out your food ratios to balance your blood sugar, boost immunity and energy is actually pretty simple. All you need to do is:
- Tune into your body 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating
- Notice how it’s responding to what you ate
- Adjust your food ratios until you get the perfect response!
To help you figure out what ratios are right for your body to balance blood sugar, click here to get my Food & Body Language Log.
Adding 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to your meals by drizzling it over veggies, meat or salad is an easy way to increase your intake of healthy fats to balance your blood sugar, keep you satiated for longer and fend off cravings.
Next, let’s address sleep as another natural and incredibly impactful tool to help you fight off viruses.
We must learn to value sleep as much as we do diet and exercise.
When you get optimal and restful sleep, the body is able to restore and repair itself, your hormones can rebalance and nutrients can be absorbed and converted into useful tools.
When sleep is inconsistent, disrupted, or short in duration, your body is not able to fully recover. Your circadian rhythm and cortisol balance becomes dysfunctional and a domino effect occurs in the body. Cortisol regulates how your body uses insulin and the availability of glucose (sugar) in the body for energy.
Staying up late at night or not getting a good night’s sleep disrupts your cortisol balance and energy leaving you searching for energy via food, queueing the food, and sugar cravings!
To balance your energy, blood sugar, avoid cravings, and promote weight loss it’s ideal to be asleep by 10 pm most nights of the week (5 out of 7).
When you do get sick, don’t you always feel better faster when you sleep it off
This is because your body can only heal in a relaxed state, so if and when you are fighting something off, sleep is critical to your recovery. Sleep is when human growth hormone is released to repair and replenish cells and when the body performs other important functions to boost your immunity.
If we all committed to eating the right foods for our body to prevent blood sugar issues and getting great sleep this cold and flu season, I bet we could put this pandemic behind us faster.
Are you up for the challenge?
Leave a comment below and let me know what steps, no matter how small, you can take to regulate your blood sugar and improve sleep to fight viruses naturally 🙂