When diet and exercise don’t work [answers inside]

For years I counted calories, tried diet after diet, and exercised excessively; yet I always felt tired and frustrated trying to shed pounds, just like so many of my clients…until I found the missing pieces of the puzzle.

I hear so many people talk about how frustrated they feel with their body, energy, and health – “I eat healthy and exercise so I don’t understand why…” 

  • I can’t drop weight
  • I don’t have any energy
  • My health isn’t improving

The truth is, there’s more to health and weight loss than just diet and exercise.

The body is a complex system, and most people are ignoring some really important pieces of the puzzle, one of which is cleansing the body of toxins that contribute to a sluggish liver!

The liver plays a HUGE role in eliminating toxins, and when it’s overloaded with this work, it can’t convert hormones or regulate our metabolism like it’s supposed to in order for us to shed pounds and have energy.

Do you struggle with shedding pounds, energy, and feeling comfortable in your body?

I used to get so frustrated with the scale when I was counting calories and putting in hours of cardio. I would tell myself it was “just water weight” that I was hanging onto or that my genetics were holding me back. In reality, the age-old strategy of calories in vs. calories out just wasn’t doing the trick.

So what gives? At what point are diet and exercise, not enough?

Age and genetics do play a small role, but I’ll tell you that I’ve seen many clients successfully lose weight at any age and with all different genetics.

So what’s happening with people like us who diet like crazy, go to Crossfit daily, yet still don’t lose weight as we want?

When diet and exercise aren’t getting you results, you have to look at the other pieces of the puzzle, and quite possibly the biggest key player is your liver.

To help you with this critical piece of the puzzle, I’ve opened my 28-Day Cleanse Challenge…and the first 50 people to enroll get it for 50% off, that’s just $14!

In this week’s video and blog, I talk more about the role your liver plays and how to boost its function to shed those pounds and boost energy!

We are exposed daily to high levels of toxins through food, water, air, home, and personal care products. These toxins get filtered through the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system and are stored in fat tissue. This toxic build-up interferes with the uptake and utilization of nutrients, carbohydrates, and proteins.

When your liver is so busy working to filter out all these toxins, it has very little energy left to filter blood, drugs, and hormones; let alone do its other job as a digestive organ. Thus, many find shedding pounds more difficult, finding energy a struggle and generally don’t feel comfortable in their body.

Your liver is also in charge of converting and excreting excess hormones. If liver function is sub-optimal, then hormones such as estrogen can build up. This can lead to estrogen dominance, which can cause excess weight, hot flashes, and even increase the risk for cancer.

The liver is also where a huge chunk of thyroid hormone conversion takes place, and an imbalance in the thyroid slows your metabolism, resulting in weight gain or weight loss resistance and low energy levels.

If you’re exercising, your muscles need fuel, and your liver helps produce that fuel. However, a congested liver can’t do this very well, and when that happens, excess glucose gets stored as fat.

Here are 10 common signs your liver needs cleansing:

  1. Abdominal bloating
  2. Menstrual irregularities
  3. Abdominal fat; pot belly; that “spare tire” effect
  4. Joint and muscle pain
  5. Low energy or fatigue
  6. Acid reflux/heartburn
  7. Body odor
  8. Overheating of the body & excessive perspiration
  9. Acne/Rosacea or itchy, blotchy skin
  10. Unexplained weight gain and inability to lose weight even with calorie restriction

Keeping your liver working well is a matter of reducing its stressful toxic load AND supporting its natural detox ability.  You can do this in several ways…

  1.   Reduce your exposure to toxins
  2.   Eat powerful detoxifying foods; beets, grapefruit, dandelion greens
  3.   Do a detox cleanse 1-2 times per year

If you’ve hit a wall with your body or suspect that your liver could use some love, then you are in luck!

You’re invited to cleanse your liver and feel like your best self again…

28-DAY CLEANSE CHALLENGE ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN!!!…and the first 50 people to enroll get it for 50% off, that’s just $14!


This challenge will help you boost your liver function naturally using foods and gentle cleansing methods so that you can:

  • Lose those stubborn pounds
  • Boost your energy
  • Enhance your hormones and overall health

Your 28-day Cleanse Challenge to feel your best starts as soon as you enroll.  If you’re one of the first 50 to enroll you’ll get it for just $14.

Summer is right around the corner, so this is the perfect time to show your liver some love and get back to feeling like your best self.

Will you join me and many others to shed pounds and boost your energy naturally?

(For just $14 if you’re one of the first 50 to enroll!) 

The thyroid liver connection

According to the American Thyroid Association, “more than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime…an estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease… up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.”

Those are some alarming numbers. You could be sitting here reading this right now and not even realize that you could be part of those statistics.

Thyroid conditions are one of the most common health issues that I see in the clients I work with, and one of the most overlooked because the symptoms can look like so many other things…

Symptom: Weight gain – typical thought, you’re not exercising enough or eating too much.
This is also a thyroid symptom.

Symptom: Hair loss – typical thought, this is this part of aging or genetics.
This is also a thyroid symptom.

Symptom: Constipation – typical thought, is it something you ate or IBS.
This is also a thyroid symptom.

Symptom: Fatigue – typical thought, is it lack of sleep, over-scheduled life, or insomnia?
This is also a thyroid symptom.

This list goes on and on.

But is the thyroid really the problem?  Or could it be something else…

We have to ask the question – what is causing all of these thyroid conditions in the first place?  Why do the numbers keep rising?

Bear with me while I set the stage for you…

Two of the most important thyroid hormones are T4 and T3.  These two hormones control everything from your metabolic rate, energy, body temperature, hair growth and loss, and weight.

Your thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone T4, which is then converted into T3, and T3 is the active form of thyroid hormone that is actually used by your cells.

Here’s the kicker, the majority of T4 is NOT converted in the thyroid gland.

About 20% of T4 is converted to T3 in the liver.

Twenty percent is a lot in the big scheme of things. If your liver isn’t converting thyroid hormone like it is supposed to, that means you could see a 20% decrease in the availability of T3.  

Low T3 levels can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Constant fatigue not relieved by sleep
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Feeling bloated, puffy, or weight gain
  • Dry skin and hair, and hair loss

So again I’ll ask you, is the thyroid really a problem?  Or could it be the liver?

In this week’s video and blog, I dive into more detail about how supporting your liver can greatly impact your thyroid function and help you feel like your best self!

With 20% of thyroid hormone T4 relying on the liver to be converted to T3, there is certainly a huge healing opportunity here if you are already suffering from a thyroid imbalance, or even if you’re trying to prevent one.

But we must dig deeper…

Why wouldn’t the liver be able to convert T4 to T3 optimally in the first place?

It’s estimated that 25% of the global adult population and over 34% of U.S. adults have non-alcoholic fatty livers.

This scenario slows down the function of the liver, which means it can’t convert thyroid hormone or do any of its other important functions very well.

The liver is also important for balancing cortisol and sex hormones, both of which can trigger thyroid issues if they are out of balance.

Let’s look at some of the top lifestyle factors that slow down liver function:

  • Eating foods high in sugar, simple carbs, or processed foods
  • Exposures to environmental toxins that burden the liver
  • Waking up in the middle of the night disrupting liver detox
  • Intestinal parasites, bacteria and yeast waste products

The biggest liver offenders are toxins that we come across daily. Aside from converting hormones, the liver’s number one most important job is keeping the body clean by breaking down harmful substances, such as toxins, to be excreted by way of stool and urine.

Since the 1940s, over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND toxic chemicals have been released into our environment. Could you imagine taking on 100,000 new tasks without any extra pay or hours in the day? That’s basically what we have asked our livers to do.

If you want to improve your thyroid health or prevent a future thyroid condition, it’s crucial to start paying attention to the burden you’re knowingly or unknowingly placing on your liver.

The good news is that you do have some control over the toxins you are exposed to AND there are some simple daily activities that you can do to support your liver function naturally!

Want to learn more about toxins – how they impact your thyroid, and liver, and what you can do about them?

Stay tuned and follow me closely.

I’ll be sharing more information soon to help you explore these missing pieces of your health puzzle so you can feel like your best self again, or for the very first time.

P.S. I created a program called the 28-Day Cleanse Challenge that gives you a step-by-step formula for increased energy, weight loss, hormone, and digestive balance while decreasing belly bloat, allergies, and other symptoms of poor health. It’s specially designed for health-minded people like you who want to take their health to the next level, naturally.

The Cleanse Challenge will be opening again soon. To get exclusive offers and hear about it first, click here to join the waiting list.

How to feel good at 40 and beyond…

Have you ever experienced a whale sound bath?

This is exactly what happened to me the morning of my 40th birthday last week in Maui…

A humpback whale hung out right below our kayaks just after sunrise singing its sweet song that vibrated through my entire body (check out the video on Instagram).

This was one of the most incredible experiences I’ve had in my life so far.

At that moment, as I turned 40 that day, I was reminded that…

Being in good health matters. It allows us to live life to the fullest.

At 40 years old, I feel healthier, stronger, energized, and more comfortable in my body than ever.

But this wasn’t always the case.

There was a time when I loathed my thighs, and hated wearing short dresses, and when skinny jeans came on the scene, I thought there was no way in hell I would ever fit into a pair.

In my 20s, I struggled with severe seasonal allergies, headaches, ear infections, weight, and was even diagnosed with skin cancer.

And no matter how much coffee I drank, I couldn’t break through the constant wall of fatigue.

From the outside, I looked like your typical healthy person. I thought I had everything under control. I ate “healthy.” According to what I had learned in college while studying fitness, nutrition, and health – lean meats such as boneless, skinless chicken breast and conventionally grown vegetables. I managed a caloric deficit and ate every two hours. I hit the gym hard every day of the week and had decent muscle tone. I was a personal trainer, after all, and I definitely looked the part.

Even on paper, I looked perfect: normal cholesterol, heart rate, and blood pressure levels. My doctor commented at every annual physical about how I was the “picture of perfect health,” but I didn’t feel that way on the inside.

Something inside me knew there had to be more to health and life than all of this.

All I could think about was a time when I felt physically and mentally fit. I didn’t have any limitations. All I wanted was to find myself in that place again.

Do you ever find yourself wondering why you don’t have the energy to do the simplest tasks such as putting away the laundry, riding bikes with your kids, or paying attention to a conversation?

Does getting dressed every morning feel like internal warfare with yourself – you put something on, criticize yourself in the mirror, and change your outfit a million times until you find something that doesn’t make you feel like a stuffed sausage?

If you feel this way or have ever felt this way, then…

In this week’s video and blog, I’m here to tell you it’s possible to feel good at 40, or any age for that matter, and the 3 steps I’ve taken to feel better than ever so you can too.

The first thing you need to know is, there is WAY more to feeling good at 40 or any age than just changing your diet and exercising.

And the second thing you need to know is that it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Diet and exercise are just two pieces of the puzzle when it comes to feeling like your best self, but they are only effective when all the systems of the body are running well.

Here are the 3 exact steps I took and that I guide my clients through to find the other pieces of the health puzzle to boost energy, balance hormones, achieve weight goals, and overcome just about any other health issues that might be ailing you, despite age.

#1 – Figure out what foods are right for your body so it can function at its potential.
You are unique and therefore your diet should be too.  What works for one person won’t necessarily work for you and yet you’re trying to fit yourself into a specific framework with most dietary approaches.

There’s a difference between eating healthy and eating right for your body. Eating right for your body may include healthy foods, but not every healthy food is right for your body.

So how do you figure out what is right for your body?

You can do this by testing to see which foods your body responds best to, and then dialing in your macronutrient (protein, carb, and fat) ratios using my Food and Body Language Log.

This will instantly boost your energy, reduce any bloating, and provide the nutrients your body needs to function at its potential.  When I discovered what foods were right for my body, I instantly started feeling more like myself again.

#2 – Functional lab tests to find other pieces and restore balance to all systems.
The body is a complex network of systems, each doing an important job that the other systems depend on.  When one system goes down, they are all affected.

Functional lab testing will help you find the missing pieces so you can see what systems of the body are out of balance and how they are impacting each other, revealing your healing opportunities!  These are NOT your typical blood tests.  They are usually saliva, urine, and stool-based to show the physiological aspects of the body and how it’s working, or not working.

Functional lab tests will take a deeper look at your hormone, immune, digestive, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems. In turn, this will guide you towards the right diet, rest, exercise, supplementation, stress reduction, and toxin removal you need to feel your best.

#3 – Tune into your body and give it what it needs to feel your best all the time.
Your body holds all of the answers you need, and it always has, but we’ve been conditioned to disconnect from our body and to search externally for solutions. When something doesn’t feel right in your body, it’s your body asking you to pay attention, to tune into what it’s trying to tell you. When you do, you’ll know what to do to feel your best all the time.

Have you ever noticed that when you have a stressful day, you experience the following: your stomach gets upset, you experience joint pain, you can’t sleep, or your skin breaks out?

Or when you eat certain things, your body reacts in some way?

This is your body talking to you, telling you to pay attention to something.

For a long time, I dealt with and ignored joint pain, severe seasonal allergies, weight struggles, migraines, cyclical breast tenderness, fatigue, and much more.

Hindsight is always 20/20 though. Looking back, I can clearly see that these symptoms were my body’s way of waving the red flag to get my attention and let me know something was wrong.

We’ve become accustomed to accepting things that are common as normal, but just because something is common does NOT mean it’s normal.

Now if my body feels “off” in any kind of way, I tune it; check to see what it needs and give it just that.

This could mean eating something different, canceling obligations to rest, getting some fresh air, doing meditation, or simply drinking some water.  Whatever my body needs, I’ve got its back, and it’s got mine.

With these 3 steps, you can unravel the doings of time and reveal the REAL YOU.

These 3 steps are exactly how clients of mine such as…

…Leslie, lost over 20 lbs in 6 months bringing her back to pre-college weight and has an abundance of energy all day long…

…Kristine got rid of stubborn excess pounds, daily pain, sugar cravings, and was able to stabilize her energy levels

…Jene, was finally able to control her Muscular Sclerosis symptoms naturally and can now keep up with her grandson…

…David, lost 40lbs without engaging in a structured workout routine and is able to sleep through the night…

Any health and aging concerns you are facing today are not your destiny.  They are an accumulation of things that have happened over your lifetime which have slowly chipped away at that “feel good” feeling until you barely recognize yourself anymore.

It is possible to unravel the doings of time with the right lab tests and resources so you can get back to feeling like that younger, more vibrant, energetic version of you that you know you can be.

What step(s) are you committed to taking today so you can feel good at 40 or any age?

Comment below to let me know!

P.S. If you want to explore the missing pieces of your health puzzle on a deeper level so you can actually fix what is wrong and feel your best, then click here to get on my waiting list for an Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me (and get an awesome list of practitioner referrals if you want to take action now)!

P.P.S. To celebrate my 40th birthday this month, I’m on a mission to raise $10K that would provide hormone education and resources to women regardless of socioeconomic status.  Check out the details below for ways to celebrate and donate with me!


Today is my 40th birthday!

Today is my 40th birthday!

Will you celebrate this milestone with me?

To celebrate, I’m on a mission to raise $10K that would provide hormone education and resources to women in need!

Getting access to the right functional lab tests and resources helped me not only understand my hormones better, but completely turned my life around!

As I turn 40 and beyond I’m in better health and understand my body like never before.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the types of hormone education and resources that my non-profit H.E.R. for Women Corporation is now working to provide women who wouldn’t otherwise have access because… ALL women deserve to feel like their best selves!

To help me celebrate here are 3 ways you can donate:

  1. 40th Birthday Facebook Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  2. 40th Birthday Instagram Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  3. H.E.R. for Women Website – CLICK HERE

Even the smallest amount counts!

I don’t know about you, but the health education I received growing up was sub-par, to say the least.

Only one semester of health education was required during middle school and high school years, but there were countless requirements for other courses – most of which I’ve hardly used post-high school or if ever, in some cases.

Health is a critical topic for everyday life, so why isn’t more education on this provided or required?

Knowing how your body works is life-changing. It takes the guesswork out of living your best life.  It puts you in the driver’s seat and gives you the ability to create a life full of freedom instead of possible life-threatening limitations.

I didn’t really start to understand how my body worked as a woman until my 30s.

Reaching rock bottom with my long-time hormone imbalance battle led me down the road to higher health education. Had I known as a teenager what I know now, I could have prevented the 17+ years of irregular periods, chronic fatigue, weight gain woes, allergies, brain fog, waves of depression and anxiety, Hashimotos, disrupting the precious balance of my body with birth control and so much more.

A survey conducted by OnePoll, in partnership with Dr. Anna Cabeca of 2,000 women (age 30 to 60), found that nearly half of them have experienced one or more symptoms of hormone imbalances, and 72% only later understood the causes of their hormone issues.

Some of the most common symptoms they experienced included:

  • Low energy
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Memory loss and brain fog
  • Anxiety, depression, and loss of interest in daily activities

I can only imagine how much money, time, and angst that 72% spent trying to find a fix for their health issues, not even realizing it was all related to their hormones because they don’t fully understand how their body works.

Can you relate?

As for men, they don’t necessarily have it any easier either. I’ve seen plenty of them deal with these common symptoms too.

Take notice of the increasing number of commercials geared towards men for erectile issues, poor sexual performance, and low testosterone instead of fast-forwarding through the commercial breaks during your favorite HGTV, DYI, and sports channel shows.

Your hormones control many major bodily functions; your emotions, cancer risk, and even memory loss.

Just think what your life and our world would be like if we all received more education about health and hormones at a younger age, or had access to better resources throughout our lifespan.

In my functional health coaching practice, I’ve worked with tons of young women struggling with the same issues I had. The younger ones are fearful or frustrated about not being able to get pregnant.  Then there are the numerous pre and post-menopausal women I’ve worked with who are trying to untangle their hormone issues so they can gracefully get through menopause or restore the life they had once before their hormones got out of whack.

And let’s not forget the men who’ve come to me seeking solutions for their unexplained weight gain, low libido, lack of energy, brain fog, and challenges with building or maintaining muscle.

Something has to change. So I started a non-profit in hopes of changing the course for women’s (and possibly men’s) health forever.

We all deserve easier access to hormone education and resources so you can live your fullest life, and so you can give the generations to come a better quality of life too.

I’ll never forget what my client Dee (name concealed for privacy purposes) said about receiving her DUTCH hormone test results and data-guided recommendations for diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and supplements…

“It was like Christmas. I was so excited to hear the results because we tested for things no one else was interested in…how amazing would it be to give this gift to every woman.”

She had been on a diet her whole life trying to lose weight with limited success; trying everything from Beach Body to Weight Watchers and Keto. She even explored Cross Fit for a while.

As she entered her 40s, she gave up on weight loss as her focus shifted to how she felt with menopause kicking into gear – which led her to uninsured hormone replacement therapy, expensive acupuncture treatments, and various other hormone therapies. None of these fully resolved her health issues and got her back to feeling like herself again. She felt helpless when it came to her hormone health.

For the longest time, it felt as though I didn’t have control over my hormones either; dating all the way back to adolescence as my body shifted and my hormones seemed to rip through me emotionally and physically. A feeling both Dee and I shared, as I’m sure most women do.

A false feeling conjured up by a lack of understanding around our hormones.

I’m happy to report that after working together and getting access to the right lab tests and resources to better understand her body and hormones, Dee has lost weight, her hormones are balanced and she feels great!

Dee’s comment sparked an idea that could change the course of women’s hormone education forever.

What if every woman regardless of income, insurance coverage, demographics, or social status could have access to the right lab tests, resources, and education to:

  • Gracefully get through menopause or any stage of hormone change
  • Advocate for themselves and collaborate with their health professionals
  • Formulate a lifestyle and health plan that worked for their unique body

Women all over would stop suffering, and start living fuller lives. They would be better daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, moms, partners, leaders, and teachers – and the men in their lives would greatly benefit from this too.

And so my non-profit H.E.R for Women was born! – Hormone Education and Resources for Women!

The mission of this non-profit organization is to provide hormone education and resources (such as the DUTCH test) to women regardless of income, insurance coverage, demographics, or social status; allowing women to embrace their bodies, and hormones and be in control of their health to live their fullest life.

In 2020, H.E.R for Women officially became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and we’re in the process of establishing the infrastructure to make the vision a reality.

If you feel as passionately about this mission to empower women about their bodies as I do, I would love your support so that together we can create a brighter future for all women.

To support H.E.R for Women Corporation, there are 3 ways you can donate RIGHT NOW:

  1. 40th Birthday Facebook Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  2. 40th Birthday Instagram Fundraising Campaign – CLICK HERE
  3. H.E.R. for Women Website – CLICK HERE

As the (W)holistic Health Boss, my mission is to help busy health-minded professionals, like you, get your hands on the right lab tests and resources so you can actually fix what’s wrong and feel like yourself again – and that mission just got a whole lot bigger!

With #internationalwomensday taking place last week and my birthday today, supporting women through this project is the perfect way to celebrate!

Stay tuned for more information as this project develops.

P.S. If you want to get the gift of the right lab tests and resources to live your fullest life as Dee did, then click here to get on my waiting list for an Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me (and get an awesome list of practitioner referrals if you want to take action now)!

40 Health Lessons from 40 Years…


At 25 years old I was diagnosed with skin cancer. The idea of having to live in fear of skin cancer for the rest of my life was devastating.

It also struck me as odd because I had no obvious risk factors; no family history, other cancer indicators, or excessive sunbathing habits.

This inspired me to question everything I knew about being healthy and I started to realize several other things weren’t quite right.

I had actually been tired for a long time and was feeling uncomfortable in my body. My seasonal allergies grew increasingly worse every year, and around this same time, I had an ear infection that took me out for days.

I struggled to keep my eyes open in the afternoon at work (even after downing a double Americano from Starbucks loaded with inflammatory dairy creamer and artificial no-calorie sweeteners, of course).

Plus, no matter how much I dieted or exercised, I struggled with weight. Even after training for fitness competitions with extreme diet and exercise routines, my weight was unruly.

Overall, I was experiencing more aches, pains, and migraines.

Despite all of this, I was one of the healthiest people I knew.  After all, I studied fitness, nutrition, and health in college; it’s what I got a degree in.  I was “doing all the healthy things” we’ve always been told to do.

My blood work always came back “normal”, and doctors always said I was the picture of perfect health wishing all patients were more like me.

It became clear that there is more to health than just diet and exercise.

So, I became a “health detective,” looking for the missing pieces of my health puzzle to provide answers for the unexplained health issues I was living with. That’s when the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Course fell into my lap, giving me access to the right lab tests and resources needed to turn things around.

As I dug deeper into the physiological aspects of my health, I found A LOT of cellular damage, hormone imbalances, and gut dysfunction – the perfect storm for cancer, allergies, weight gain, joint pain, and everything else I had been experiencing.

This also set me on a trajectory to explore how these scenarios came to be in the first place.

Armed with the knowledge I have now, I can clearly see how my health issues didn’t start in my 20’s—they were an accumulation of choices and events that happened throughout my entire life.

Now I thoroughly understand that ideal weight and health is about so much more than just working out and eating right “most” of the time.

With this new perspective on health, not only have I been able to remain skin cancer-free since my original diagnosis but I’ve also:

  • Restored my energy levels
  • Regulated my weight at an ideal place
  • Reversed my Hashimotos and thyroid imbalances
  • Eliminated seasonal allergies and joint pain
  • Achieved regular, pain-free, easy periods after getting off birth control 
  • Healed from toxic mold exposure and all its side effects

As I turn 40 this month, I feel healthier, stronger, energized, and more comfortable in my body than ever.

To celebrate, I’ll be frolicking in a bathing suit for a week in Maui and then jet-setting for a girl’s weekend in Paris!

Being in good health matters. It allows us to live life to the fullest.

For the longest time, I settled for less in my life than what I deserved because of sub-optimal health. I was stuck in survival mode, and I have vowed to never allow that to happen again.

Life is way too short to settle—to be less than who you are meant to be.

In this week’s video and blog, I share 40 of the most important weight-changing, health-optimizing, and life-altering lessons I’ve learned that have led me to feel like my best self at 40 so you can feel your best too.

Your time on this Earth is too short to not take control of your health and live your best life. Taking care of your health is no longer negotiable.

It’s not only about looking good in a bathing suit, being a specific size, or pain-free, bloat-free, etc. Yes, those are nice side effects, but they are only superficial.

It’s really about things like …

… never hesitating to say “yes” to an adventure.
… having the energy to keep going even when you thought you couldn’t.
… confidently standing strong in the truth of who you are and who you want to be.
… being physically fit, so you can do almost anything.
… having the ability to rescue yourself or someone else in an emergency situation.
… traveling to the ends of the Earth and exploring everything this life has to offer.

Being in good health means you are limitless.

As I enter my 40s, I am the healthiest version of myself that I have ever been. I’ve completely turned my health around, changed my destiny, and made the ‘impossible’ possible.

I want you to know that you can do it, too.

Here are 40 of the most important weight-changing, health-optimizing, and life-altering lessons I’ve learned to help you…

  1. Figure out what foods are right for your body.
  2. There’s a difference between eating healthy and right for your body.
  3. Eating right for your body will include healthy foods … but not every healthy food is right for your body.
  4. You are unique therefore the best diet for you will be too.
  5. STOP counting calories – it’s an outdated approach to weight loss and health.
  6. The quality of YOUR food matters more than you think.
  7. You have to get healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to get healthy.
  8. There are WAY MORE pieces to your health puzzle than diet and exercise.
  9. We have to learn to value sleep more than diet and exercise.
  10. The most critical time to be asleep is from 10 PM to 4 AM.
  11. Every hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 hours of rest! (hello 9 pm bedtime)
  12. Less intense exercise can produce better results.  
  13. Let go of your rigid workout routine. Choose the best type of exercise each day based on what your body needs.
  14. Don’t dismiss water damage, mold exposure is serious.
  15. Hormonal birth control options aren’t solutions, they are stealth hormone disruptors. 
  16. Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. 
  17. Question EVERYTHING. 
  18. Current health issues are an accumulation of things over time, therefore it will take time to heal.
  19. Stress is ANYTHING that places a burden on your body, resulting in inflammation and dysfunction.
  20. Understanding the burden of stress your body is under at any point and taking action to reduce it is the key to feeling your best always.
  21. To understand the burden of stress, you have to slow down, tune in to your body, and be present in the here and now. 
  22. Tight muscles and bones out of alignment add structural stress to the body – proactively get regular body work done, and don’t wait until it feels bad.
  23. Your body wants to be in balance if you’ll let it.
  24. Gut health is a cornerstone of your overall health, so trust and support it.
  25. We can’t always see, hear, feel, or smell toxins but they are all around us.
  26. Reducing toxin exposures is essential for rebuilding and maintaining health.
  27. Love your liver, it’s working harder than ever in this modern toxic world. 
  28. Life happens. Learning to navigate it will help you feel like your best self.
  29. Your body will do anything you ask it to, but that doesn’t mean you should.
  30. Genetics doesn’t determine your health destiny, your lifestyle choices do.
  31. “Healthy” is a way of being, not just doing.
  32. Health is a relationship between you, your body, AND your mind.
  33. You can’t out-supplement, out-diet, or out-exercise a busy lifestyle or overworked body.
  34. Health is a journey. It will change direction as you learn more, and you will evolve with it, so don’t get frustrated
  35. Be patient with your body and hold space for the potential for change. 
  36. What you think is healthy might look different once you understand your body better.
  37. Every choice you make can support or suppress your health.
  38. When you face fear, you let go of old stories that have been holding you back.
  39. To be fearless in your health is to believe that no matter what comes your way, you will find a way to thrive.
  40. You have to become your own health boss to be in control of your health.  

Which one(s) of these lessons stood out to you the most?

Comment below to let me know!

P.S. Everything you need to solve your health problems lies within you. Your body holds all the answers, and they are just waiting to be discovered.

Know that the health and aging concerns you have today are not your destiny.  They are an accumulation of things that have happened over your lifetime, which have slowly chipped away at that “feel good” feeling until you barely recognize yourself anymore.

I encourage you to explore as many of the lessons I’ve shared as possible to help you find the missing pieces of your health puzzle so you can get back to feeling like your best self again (or for the very first time).

What does 40 mean to you?

I’m curious…

What does life at 40 and beyond mean to you?

Turning 40 is often referred to as “being over the hill” – implying that you’re old and past your prime.

People (including health professionals) frequently think getting old means having to accept that:

  • Weight gain is inevitable
  • Low energy is to be expected
  • Hormone imbalances are bound to happen
  • Joint pain is unavoidable 
  • Developing health issues over time is definitely going to happen

As the years have gone by, how many times have you said out loud or in your head, “I just want to feel like my younger self again?”

Wishing you could….

…bounce out of bed instead of dragging yourself to the coffee pot

… feel comfortable in your body and clothes

…not have to work so hard to maintain your weight

…overcome weird hormonal stuff

…simply feel your best so you could live life to the fullest

We’ve been told that healths risks increase after 40 and therefore we need to get screened regularly for things such as:

  • Breast Cancer 
  • Colorectal Cancer 
  • Diabetes 
  • Lung Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer 

But is all of this really true?

What if it was possible to feel healthier and happier at 40 or beyond than you did in the first part of your life?

I’m here to let you know it IS POSSIBLE.

The downsides of aging do NOT have to become your destiny.  YOU DESERVE BETTER.

I’m living proof.

It’s my 40th birthday month (yes I’m celebrating the whole month and year in fact LOL), and I feel more at home in my body, more energetic, well-rested, balanced, and happier than ever before.

With the right tools and resources, you can find the missing pieces to your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again, or for the very first time.

I’ve done it, and so many of my clients have too.

I bet you know something deeper is going on with your body, but it feels like no one is listening to what you have to say.  Or you shrug it off as being normal because what you’re experiencing is so common.

You’ve probably seen specialist after specialist and been recommended a laundry list of supplements, medications, and therapies but nothing has really helped you get YOU back.

You understand there’s a place for specialists and medications, but you think there’s a better way to get your health and self back so you can enjoy your life to the fullest.

You crave answers like a kid craves candy (and you probably crave foods too for unexplained or uncontrollable reasons!).

Am I right?

I’ve been there; I’ve been told my blood work looked normal even when I didn’t feel that way, or that my weight, energy, and hormone issues were a part of aging when I knew better.

I was searching for answers that no one else could seem to give me.

That’s when I decided to take destiny into my own hands and become the boss of my health.

In this week’s video and blog, I’m going to help you become the boss of your health too so you can feel your best despite your age!

What you need is a new way of looking at your health, and education instead of medication, then you’ll have the keys to control your destiny and feel your best at any age.

Here are the 3 exact steps I took and that I guide my clients through to boost energy, balance hormones, achieve weight goals, and overcome just about any other health issues that might be ailing you.

#1 – Figure out what foods are right for your body so it can function at its potential.
You are unique and therefore your diet should be too.  What works for one person won’t necessarily work for you and yet you’re trying to fit yourself into a specific framework with most dietary approaches.

There’s a difference between eating healthy and eating right for your body. Eating right for your body may include healthy foods, but not every healthy food is right for your body.

So how do you figure out what is right for your body?

You can do this by testing to see which foods your body responds best to, and then dialing in your macronutrient (protein, carb, and fat) ratios using my Food and Body Language Log.

This will instantly boost your energy, reduce any bloating, and provide the nutrients your body needs to function at its potential.  When I discovered what foods were right for my body, I instantly started feeling more like myself again.

#2 – Find the missing pieces and restore balance to all body systems.
The body is a complex network of systems, each doing an important job that the other systems depend on.  When one system goes down, they are all affected.

Functional lab testing will help you find the missing pieces so you can see what systems of the body are out of balance and how they are impacting each other, revealing your personal healing opportunities!  These are NOT your typical blood tests.  They are usually saliva, urine, and stool-based to show the physiological aspects of the body and how it’s working, or not working.

Functional lab tests will take a deeper look at your hormones, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous system. In turn, this will guide you towards the right diet, rest, exercise, supplementation, stress reduction, and toxin removal you need to feel your best.

#3 – Tune into your body and give it what it needs to feel your best all the time.
Your body holds all of the answers you need, and it always has, but we’ve been conditioned to disconnect from our body and to search externally for solutions. When something doesn’t feel right in your body, it’s your body asking you to pay attention, to tune into what it’s trying to tell you. When you do, you’ll know what to do to feel your best all the time.

Have you ever noticed that when you have a stressful day you experience the following: your stomach gets upset, you experience joint pain, you can’t sleep, or your skin breaks out?

Or when you eat certain things, your body reacts in some way?

This is your body talking to you, telling you to pay attention to something.

For a long time, I dealt with and ignored joint pain, severe seasonal allergies, weight struggles, migraines, cyclical breast tenderness, fatigue, and much more.

Looking back, I can clearly see that these symptoms were my body’s way of waving the red flag to get my attention and let me know something was wrong.

We’ve become accustomed to accepting things that are common as normal, but just because something is common does NOT mean it’s normal.

Now if my body feels “off” in any kind of way, I tune it; check to see what it needs and give it just that.

This could mean eating something differently, canceling obligations to rest, getting some fresh air, doing meditation, or simply drinking some water.  Whatever my body needs, I’ve got its back, and it’s got mine.

The health and aging concerns you are facing today are not your destiny.  They are an accumulation of things that have happened over your lifetime which have slowly chipped away at that “feel good” feeling until you barely recognize yourself anymore.

With these 3 steps, you can unravel the doings of time and reveal the REAL YOU.

These 3 steps have helped me personally overcome:

  • Skin cancer
  • Mold illness
  • Hashimotos
  • Stubborn weight
  • Afternoon energy dips
  • Painful irregular periods
  • Severe seasonal allergies
  • Estrogen dominance and cystic acne

And these steps have also paved a bright, healthy future for me as I turn 40.  I’m excited to keep living my life to the fullest as I grow older.  The best years are in front of me.

What step are you committed to taking today so you can feel your best despite age?

Comment below to let me know!

P.S. If you want to explore the missing pieces of your health puzzle on a deeper level so you can actually fix what is wrong and feel your best, then click here to get on my waiting list for an Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me (and get an awesome list of practitioner referrals if you want to take action now)!

Listen to this!

Podcasts are all the rage these days, and why wouldn’t they be?

They are one of the easiest ways to ingest information in the fast-paced world we live in, they help us to connect with others that we can relate to and get in touch with experts on specialized topics that pique our interest.

I’ve been honored to be a guest on some extraordinary podcasts lately with people who are doing the groundwork so that people like you can access the info you need about health, wellbeing and personal self growth so that you can feel like your best self.

In these podcasts, I’ve had a chance to share tips, tools and resources on a variety of topics.

I’ve touched on everything from lab testing, to mindset, mold, eliminating toxic exposures, the courage of ease, living confidently and how food can heal.

So this week, instead of my usual blog, I encourage you to catch all the info you can from one or more of my recent podcast appearances!

Check out some of my recent podcast interviews to explore topics such as…























Listen & Learn Now!

I would love to know what other health related podcast have been inspiring and helpful for you too.

Comment below and let me know what some of your recent favorites have been!

Get your body back

I spent a week in Maui earlier this month, and it made me think of how grateful I am to have my body back, to feel confident in a bathing suit, and to be carefree about life.

But it made me wonder…how are you feeling in your body?

I’ve had my fair share of body image and health struggles, but through all of it I learned how to love my body regardless of what it looked or felt like. Eventually, with the right lab tests and resources, I was able to get my body back to feeling like home again for good.

You deserve to look and feel your best too, and I’m proof that it’s possible for you.

Summer will be here before you know it, stirring up all kinds of judgments, criticisms, wants, and desires related to how you feel in your body.

Would you love to feel like your old self again by the time Summer arrives?

…the energetic, clear-minded, great skin, creative, in-shape, productive, pain and the bloat-free person you used to be.

I know. I’ve been there, and many of the clients I’ve worked with have been too.

There once was a time when I felt like a stranger in my own body.

Acne took over the radiant skin I was always so proud of. Extra weight or bloating hid the muscle tone I worked so hard for and drastically reduced my outfit options. Low energy limited my ability to basically show up in life; to be the social butterfly I had always been, to be present or creative in my work and at home.

All I could think about was a time when I felt physically and mentally fit. I didn’t have any self-imposed limitations. All I wanted was to find myself in that place again.

Do you ever find yourself wondering why you don’t have the energy to do the simplest tasks such as putting away the laundry, riding bikes with your kids, or paying attention to a conversation?

Does getting dressed every morning feel like internal warfare with yourself – you put something on, criticize yourself in the mirror, and change your outfit a million times until you find something that doesn’t make you feel like a stuffed sausage?

If you feel this way or have ever felt this way, can I get a hell yeah?

If so comment below to let me know!

I struggled for a while before I figured out how to get my body back for good – but I did get it back and you can too.

The first thing you need to know is, there is WAY more to getting your body back than changing your diet and exercising.

And the second thing you need to know is that it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Diet and exercise are just two pieces of the puzzle when it comes to feeling like your best self, but they are only effective when the body is running on all cylinders.

Think of it like this…

If you owned the highest-profile performance vehicle available in the world, filled it with the highest quality fuel, and tried to take it from zero to sixty in 30 seconds with a clogged air filter, empty oil canister, imbalanced tires, and sketchy electrical system, what do you think would happen?

The car wouldn’t perform as expected, right?

This is similar to what happens when you try eating right and exercising, but get little to no results. There’s something going on underneath the hood reducing the efficacy of your efforts.

In this week’s video and blog, I want to help you understand what is potentially going on underneath your hood so you can get your body back for good.

Have you ever caught yourself staring in the mirror wondering how you got here?


… where did all the weight come from?
… is everyone else noticing the circles under your eyes?
… how are you going to make it through all your meetings today?
… what would happen if you just went back to bed and hid under the covers?

You see, so many others have felt this way too, but they have also found a way to get their bodies back for good with the right lab testing and guidance.

What you’re experiencing did not happen overnight.  Feeling out of place in your body is something that has occurred over time amongst the shuffle of work, kids, responsibilities, travel, stress, and anything else going on in your life.

Feeling uncomfortable in your own skin happens when…

  • Your hormone system goes haywire
  • Your immune system gets weak
  • Your digestive system is dysfunctional
  • Your detoxification system doesn’t work
  • Your energy system gets slowed down
  • And your nervous system sends mixed signals

In order to get your body back for good, you’ve got to get all of the systems of the body running right, just like a high-profile performance vehicle should be.

If your expensive high profile performance car wasn’t running right, what would you do?

You would take it to the best specialist around for a thorough evaluation that would include a variety of diagnostic tests to check every aspect of the engine, fuel lines, tires, pumps, and more.

To get your body back for good, you’ll want to do the same thing so you can understand what is going on underneath the hood; what’s happening with your hormones, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous system so you’ll know exactly what steps to take to restore function and feel your best again.

Here’s the caveat though…

Running typical blood tests with your general practitioner, or even some specialists won’t get you the answers you’re looking for.

In order to REALLY see how your body is functioning, you’re going to need to run functional lab tests that provide deeper insights about function!

The good news is these functional lab tests are super easy to do.  Most of them are urine, saliva, and stool-based, making it convenient for you to do them in the comfort of your own home.

And when working with the right health expert (like me!) you can use the data from these lab tests to guide:

  • What foods are right for your body
  • How much sleep you need and when
  • What type of exercise will get you the best results
  • Which stress-reducing tools would be most effective for you
  • And what toxins or other environmental factors you should minimize to boost your health

Now doesn’t that sound pretty straightforward? Instead of guessing about what you should be doing to feel good in your body again.

Using the data from functional lab tests to guide recommendations for diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, supplementation, and toxin removal is exactly how clients of mine such as…

…Leslie, lost over 20 lbs in 6 months bringing her back to pre-college weight and has an abundance of energy all day long…

…Kristine got rid of stubborn excess pounds, daily pain, sugar cravings, and was able to stabilize her energy levels

…Jene, was finally able to control her Muscular Sclerosis symptoms naturally and can now keep up with her grandson…

…David, lost 40lbs without engaging in a structured workout routine and is able to sleep through the night…

Running functional lab tests is also what gave me the insights to get my energy back, get my weight under control, clear up my skin, and think clearly again when I wasn’t getting the results I wanted from diet and exercise, or my doctors.

Running these types of lab tests is what has helped so many of my clients uncover hidden healing opportunities such as:

  • Estrogen dominance
  • Insulin resistance
  • Cortisol dysfunction
  • Liver congestion
  • Poor thyroid function
  • And intestinal parasites, bacteria, and yeast overgrowth

These things were standing in their way of feeling like their best self despite their diet and exercise efforts.

With the right lab tests and resources, it is possible to feel good in your body and like yourself again!

LAST CALL – If you’re ready to get your hands on the right lab tests and resources so you can feel like your best self this year…

You can apply for one of my two client spots open for the month of January.

Apply by January 31st HERE!

(NOTE: My client openings are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis, so make sure you apply and schedule ASAP)

As the (W)holistic Health Boss, my mission is to support busy, health-minded people like you in getting access to the right lab tests and resources so you can find the missing pieces to your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the very first time!).

Here’s to you achieving your health goals this year, no matter what life throws at you!

5 ways to hit your 2023 goals

How many times have you told yourself this is going to be the year?

The year you…

Get your energy back

Finally feel good in your body again

Ditch the stress and make more time for self-care

Figure out what is really going on with your hormones

Reverse your autoimmune issues and manage them naturally

Or get to the bottom of your bloating and digestive struggles

…and ultimately get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the very first time).

As most people do, you probably always start the new year with the best of intentions but quickly find yourself getting lost in the chaos of everyday life or swept up by different events. And before you know it, the whole year has practically passed you by, and you still feel uncomfortable in your body, sick or tired all the time.

I feel ya. I’ve fallen into this vicious cycle myself in the past, but I made some major shifts along my journey to get my energy and body back. Now I feel younger, more energized and healthier as I approach 40 this year than I ever have before.

First, let me tell you, it’s not your fault if you haven’t reached your New Year’s resolutions in years past. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. Feedback that you need a different plan of attack.

To help you kick off this year right, I want to give you 5 sure-fire ways to actually achieve your health goals this year, for real this time.

First, there’s more to achieving a goal than just setting one.

Marathon runners don’t just wake up one day and run a marathon. They train for it. They fuel their body for it. They buy the right clothing for it. They put energy and thought into exactly how they are going to make it to the finish line on race day.

Like training for a marathon, in order to achieve your health goals you need the right plan, resources and support.

In this week’s video and blog, I give you 5 sure-fire ways to actually achieve your health goals this year, for real this time.

The beginning of a new year holds a whole new meaning when it comes to setting goals.  What you set your sights on now can change in an instant as 2020 taught us, so how do you stay the course despite what life throws at you?

I have worked with hundreds of clients, and no matter what the goal might be, I have found these 5 aspects to be critical for reaching the finish of any health goal.

1 – Focus on the why, not the what
Who wouldn’t like to lose a little weight, have more energy, or control of their health naturally? Those are great goals from the outside, but it’s not what’s on the outside that matters, it’s what is on the inside that will keep you motivated.

Ask yourself – what would having more energy, control of your health and weight do for you? How would it change your life?

Achieving these external goals would give you more confidence. You would feel more comfortable in your skin. You would be able to focus better at work, and as a result, make more money. You would be a better partner and parent. You would be able to travel the world, hike the tallest mountain, and do anything you physically wanted to do with a feeling of joy. You would be limitless!

When I trained for a marathon, sure there were days I didn’t want to get out of bed and run a ridiculous number of miles. And when I was in the depths of healing Hashimotos and mold illness, there were plenty of times when I wanted to throw in the towel but reconnecting with my bigger “why” is what kept me going, and it’s what keeps my clients going too.

2 – Clear the clutter
Distractions are everywhere and they can come in many forms; food, finances, physical clutter in your home, negative people who drain your energy, social media and the news or people who convince you to do things that aren’t in your health’s best interest.

If you must stare at the cookies in the chocolate chip eye every day, eventually they will get the best of you.

Give yourself time to set up a supportive environment to pursue your goals. Schedule an hour, day, or blocks of time to…

Clear food out of the pantry and fridge that isn’t in alignment with how you want to be eating.  Put together a budget or get your finances in order so you don’t have to worry about them, and you can focus on yourself. Organize that hall closet, garage, or other cluttered space in your home.

And set some healthy boundaries for those things or people in your life who may not be on the same path as you – instead of gossiping over cocktails, grab a coffee or take a walk and set a social media or news time consumption limit.

Once the clutter is out of the way you can move forward on a clear path.

3 – Build upon existing rituals
We all brush our teeth in the morning, or at least I hope you do. This is a ritual, or a habit, and something we can build upon.

Often what feels overwhelming about going after your health goals is the idea of having to “create time” or space to workout, eat healthy, meditate, drink more water etc. But what if you just built upon the time you’ve already carved out for the rituals or habits you already have in place?

This concept really helped me build a meditation practice.  I started with just 10-15 minutes of meditation after our evening family dog walks as part of my nightly “wind down” routine.  It eventually grew into 30 minutes, and I yearned for it so much that I eventually implemented into my morning routine right before my workout.

Oil pulling is another great example for me.  I do it 3 mornings per week while I prepare supplements and morning water – tackling two things at once! I’m all about efficiency.

Another great example that my clients really enjoy is doing meditation in their car they get home from work before entering their house, or in the bathroom after taking a shower.  These are great ways to disconnect from work and create quiet spaces so you can be more present for loved ones.

Notice your current rituals and how you can build upon them with the things that you would like to be doing for yourself to support your health.

4 – Recruit the right support and resources
It’s ok to ask for help, and don’t let your ego tell you otherwise. Instead of spinning your wheels about what foods to eat, what type of exercise is best, which meditation to try, supplements to take, or anything else that might support your health goals, recruit the right experts and resources to be your guide.

As the old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”, it can also take a team of experts or resources to help you reach your health goals. Set yourself up for success by hiring the right experts to hold you accountable and give you the resources you need to feel your best.  Your health-goals dream team might include a personal trainer, health coach, chiropractor, acupuncturist, spiritual guide, or other types of health professionals.


5 – Stop shooting in the dark
If you’ve “tried everything” when it comes to diet and exercise, yet nothing seems to work, then it’s time to test instead of guess. You are unique and therefore your diet, exercise, sleep, supplements, and stress reduction needs will be too. What works for one person isn’t exactly going to work for you.

When your attempts to lose weight, increase your energy and get your health back under control aren’t working, it’s a sign that something bigger is going on beneath the surface such as hormone imbalances, liver congestion, poor nutrient absorption or fat for fuel metabolism, and your typical blood tests won’t pick up on these hidden dysfunctions.

Your results will always be lacking, no matter how many diets or workout routines you try, if you’ve got something greater going on under the hood.

So, stop shooting in the dark. Run some functional lab tests that will give you a bigger picture of your overall health and take a more strategic, and personalized approach to reaching your health goals this year.

Lab data-driven strategies will save you time and money, and help you hit your health goals faster.

If you’re ready to get your hands on the right lab tests and resources so you can feel like your best self this year…

I currently have two client spots open for the month of January.

Click here to apply for one of these spots and book a consultation to explore this opportunity with me by January 31st.

(NOTE: My client openings are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis, so make sure you apply and schedule ASAP)

As the (W)holistic Health Boss, my mission is to support busy, health-minded people like you in getting access to the right lab tests and resources so you can find the missing pieces to your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again (or for the very first time!).

Here’s to you achieving your health goals this year, no matter what life throws at you!

Drop holiday pounds [fast]

What if there was a magical pill or food you could eat that would stop cravings in their tracks, would give you long-lasting energy, and promote weight loss all at the same time

There actually is…it’s called Fat!

Contrary to what you might believe or have been told, cutting-edge research is showing us how consuming healthy types of fats can be beneficial not only for curbing cravings, boosting energy, and supporting weight loss but also for preventing chronic disease and cognitive disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Before we dive into this fat conversation, let’s set the record straight on what types of fats are beneficial for your health.

Fat gets a bad rap, but not all fats are created equal.

There are 4 major categories of fat:

  • Saturated fats
  • Monounsaturated fats
  • Polyunsaturated fats
  • Trans fats

All fat-containing foods have different ratios of each type of fat; saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated.  Some fatty foods can also have naturally occurring or artificial trans fat.

Each type of fat is essential for bodily functions and comes with its own health benefits.

Saturated fats are commonly found in butter, lard, milk, coconut oil, and milk.  They serve as a primary source of energy in the body; as the preferred fuel for the brain, as signaling agents for cells, and can even encourage weight loss.

Monounsaturated fats can be found in avocados, olives, certain meats, and types of nuts. This type of fat is known for its positive impacts on cardiovascular health by reducing LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, inflammation, and blood pressure, and increasing HDL cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated fats are mostly found in fish, some nuts and seeds, and oils such as flax, corn, safflower, and soybean. This type of fat plays a critical role in forming cell membranes, cell function, and regulating gene expression.  Omega-3 and 6’s are a type of Polyunsaturated fat.

Though Trans fats are most controversial, even some of these are healthy for you when they are naturally occurring.  Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a natural type of Trans fat that reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, and autoimmunity. It can also improve glucose tolerance, which can prevent or help manage type 2 diabetes.

On the other hand, artificial Trans fats are highly inflammatory and have been shown to increase the risk for cancer, heart disease, obesity, and other chronic inflammatory-related conditions.

Without dietary fats, or adequate amounts of them (for you), the body can’t function at its potential.

Fats are your friend and the quality is what counts.

Aside from the different types of fat, the quality of the fats you are consuming is what matters.

Fat is not only how the body stores energy, but it’s also where the body stores toxins and excess hormones to protect itself from those harmful particles circulating through the system.

If you eat sources of fat that have been exposed to pesticides and herbicides or injected with hormones and antibiotics such as non-organic, grass-fed, free-range meat and eggs, then guess what?  You’re consuming those toxins, hormones, and antibiotics too.

The same goes for fat derived from plant sources such as avocados, olives, and oils.

To really reap the benefits of dietary fats, you’ll want to avoid all the additives.  Aim to consume them from natural, clean, organic, hormone-free, grass-fed, pasture-raised, free-range, humanely-raised, and minimally-processed sources.

Look for your fats to be:

  • Cold-pressed organic oils
  • 100% Grass-fed and finished organic hormone-free beef and related products
  • Free-range organic hormone-free poultry and eggs
  • Organic avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, and coconut products
  • Wild-caught fresh fish or packaged in non-toxic containers

Now that you know about fat, its direct health benefits, and what sources of fat to focus on, let’s get to the important stuff- how it can help you lose weight and boost your energy!

In this week’s video and blog, I dive into more detail about why you should eat fat for weight loss, more energy, and better health!

Did you know that 80% of the population is estimated to do better on a higher fat and protein diet and only about 20% thrive with higher carbohydrates?

Yet the dietary guidelines for Americans suggest that your daily food intake should consist of 45-65% carbohydrates.

Let’s talk about what’s wrong with this recommendation…

Carbohydrates are the easiest macronutrient for the body to metabolize. They are instantly converted into glucose (aka sugar) that floods the bloodstream.  Your blood sugar goes up for a period of time, and what goes up must come down.

This is why you may have noticed that you get an instant energy boost after eating a meal higher in carbs, followed by an energy crash –  feeling like you need to take a nap or feeling hungry within 30 minutes to 2 hours after.

As your blood sugar comes crashing down after eating a higher-carb meal, your body loses its energy source and starts craving food to bring your blood sugar back up.

Proteins and fats, on the other hand, require a much more complex and lengthy process to be metabolized and converted into glucose.

Thus, if you eat a meal higher in fat and protein, you’ll have a nice and steady release of glucose over a longer period of time, keeping your blood sugar balanced, energy even, and curbing those cravings.

In fact, fat can’t be converted directly to glucose.  It has to go through an even longer process of conversion before it hits your bloodstream.

When you eat a diet higher in fat, as your body works to metabolize the fat you ate (which is a long process) it will tap into your existing fat stores for immediate energy, thus promoting weight loss!

In addition to keeping your blood sugar in balance, eating more fat (and therefore fewer carbs) promotes weight loss and more energy by:

  • Increasing feelings of fullness to curb cravings
  • Decreasing appetite-stimulating hormones such as insulin and ghrelin
  • Increasing calorie expenditure with the complex process of metabolizing fat
  • Boosting fat loss versus lean body mass due to decreased insulin levels
  • Balancing your hormones with essential nutrients needed to make hormones
  • Maintaining cell structures for energy production and body efficiency

If you don’t believe me, then I challenge you to try it, just for one meal.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Experience it and challenge yourself to eat one meal higher in fat, with moderate protein and a small portion of carbs.

A great example meal would be a ribeye steak dinner with a side of leafy greens or types of vegetables that grow above the ground (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc.) sauteed or cooked with olive or coconut oil.

Remember, you just want your fat sources to be clean, as previously discussed.

Notice after eating this type of meal how you can go 3-5 hours, or possibly longer, without feeling hungry.  Your energy is even, and when you cut the cravings or need to snack between meals, it becomes easier to manage your weight.

So don’t fear fat.  It does a body good.  Use the right fats to get the results you want!

If you need help figuring out what fats and other foods are right for your body so you can lose weight, have more energy, and get back to feeling like yourself again then, click here to check out my Food & Body Language Log.

P.S. If you are a part of the 20% who don’t do as well with a higher fat and protein diet, you’ll know right away.  Within 30 minutes to 2 hours, you’ll experience the opposite effects; you’ll feel sluggish, have a heavy stomach, and want to take a nap while your body is trying to digest.