#TBT What your forehead says about your health…

I spent the past week hiking around some of the most beautiful national parks in Utah and to my surprise, in even some of the most remote areas, every single restaurant we ate at had gluten-free items clearly marked.

This just goes to show that more people, including you, are sensitive to gluten whether you know it or not.  Regardless if you’ve been diagnosed with a gluten issue or not, gluten is a highly inflammatory food with negative health impacts.

You don’t have to get tested to know if you have a reaction to gluten, the size of your forehead could actually be the only clue you need.

Check out this week’s #throwbackthursday blog to see what your forehead has to say about gluten and what other clues your body holds about your health.


I’ll never forget the day I wore my hair pulled back with a headband and my coworker called me out for having a big forehead.

I had been self-conscious about it before, but that day made me feel ultra self-conscious moving forward.  My dreams of growing out my bangs for more long, luscious locks around my face and less work in the hairstyling department quickly vanished.

At the time, I had no idea how insightful my forehead would be about my health.

Sometimes what we take for granted or hate most about our bodies can hold the most valuable clues about our health.

For example, the extra weight you might have put on around the middle can be a big clue for blood sugar imbalances, toxic exposures, chronic stress and cortisol hormone dysfunction.

Or weight gain in your “lady parts” (aka breast, hips and butt) strongly correlates with excess estrogen circulating in the body, which can be true for both women and men.

And early signs of gray hair are linked to high stress and low levels of glutathione in the body, which is the body’s master antioxidant and detoxification nutrient.

When it comes to your ideal health and weight, your body holds all of the answers.

Conventional medicine takes more of a “let’s stop the issue” and take this pill for that approach instead of checking in with the body to understand where it’s coming from or what is causing it.

That’s why it’s so common to get prescribed a medication, such as birth control for acne, only to have it partially resolve the issue and for something new to pop up.  It’s like chasing holes in a sinking boat!

This conventional approach works perfectly in acute and serious situations such as car accidents or catastrophic events when measures need to be taken immediately to stop the bleeding and save a limb or life.  But they aren’t effective for the common chronic health and weight issues that most of us face on a daily basis.

We could spend hours breaking down all of your body parts and what clues they hold about your health.  Correlating body parts with symptoms and nerve meridians have been a main focus in eastern medicine practices such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries.

For today, let’s just focus on the little nuggets about your health that your forehead might have to share…

In this week’s video and blog, I share 3 super clues that your forehead might be holding about your health and what you can do with the information.

These 3 clues will give you insights about your digestion, liver  and detox capacity, hormonal balance and thyroid function.

Super Clue #1 – Metabolism & Thyroid Function
I first learned about the forehead’s correlation with your health status when I started studying thyroid conditions on a deeper level.

Hair loss in the “widow’s peak” area of the hairline or forehead points to a sluggish thyroid usually indicating hypothyroidism or Hashimotos.

Missing the outer 3rd portion of your eyebrows (also in the forehead region) is another strong clue indicating low thyroid function that should be investigated.

Super Clue #2 – Digestion & Gluten Sensitivity
I was fascinated when I heard Dr. Tom O’Bryan (one of the pioneers in gluten sensitivity research) quote a study that connected the dots between the size of your forehead and your susceptibility for gluten sensitivity.

In the study, they found that a large forehead directly correlates with having Celiac’s disease and/or gluten sensitivity, so much so that the study stated, “This sign along with the presence of other clinical signs and symptoms, should alert a physician to test a patient for celiac disease.” 

I had cut out gluten long before hearing this, and I was never diagnosed as being Celiac, but after hearing this all made sense.  I had a large forehead indication and increased sensitivity or potential autoimmunity related to gluten, and that’s why I felt so much better with gluten out of my life.

Super Clue #3 – Liver & Detoxification
You may have heard the old-wise tale about how acne in specific areas of the face can correlate with your diet, stress, dirty hands and allergic reactions.

Well there’s actually some truth to this.

According to the nerve meridians used in eastern medicine, the area of your forehead is linked to your major detoxification organs such as you liver, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder.

Acne on your forehead can indicate a back-up in your body’s ability to detox and process toxins or excess hormones, such as estrogen, adequately.  

When I was in the throes of healing Hashimotos, detoxing from toxic mold and estrogen dominance I had forehead acne for the first time in my life. 

And even more interesting, on an emotional level forehead acne can be related to anger, anxiety, fear, frustration, worry and grief!

On top of it all, all of these clues can also be connected!  

In order for your thyroid to function at full steam, your digestive tract and detox organs need to be running effectively.  

An inflamed digestive system from gluten sensitivity will allow more toxins into your bloodstream, leading to liver overload and then taking your thyroid down with it.

And the vicious cycle could go on and on and on.

Next time you look in the mirror, take a closer look at your forehead to see what it might be saying about your health.

If you notice any of these clues that I mentioned, you’ll want to…

  • Do a food sensitivity and gluten reactivity test to verify if these are issues for you
  • Test your thyroid to see if your thyroid hormones are in optimal ranges
  • Boost your detox capacity with some high quality liver support supplements and naturally detoxifying food such as beets, dandelion greens and cruciferous vegetables

I’ve learned to love the size of my forehead because of the valuable insights and empowerment it’s given me about my health.

And as many of my clients and I have experienced, it may not be possible to change the size of your forehead but you can learn to appreciate the health knowledge it has to offer, and it is possible to get your thyroid, digestion and detoxification back on track so you can have your luscious hair and clear skin back.


Share this with a family member or friend who might find it useful too!

And as always, if you want to get your hands on the right lab tests and resources so you can find the missing pieces of your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again, schedule an Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me today here.

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