3 Stories to double enrollments

Here are 3 Stories to double enrollments!

As you may have heard me say before…your story is your #1 marketing tool at your fingertips, and it doesn’t cost you a thing!

A good story can change your life. Hearing a powerful story that connects with both your heart and your mind can inspire a new perspective, dramatic change, and powerful decisions…

You have a story that can inspire this too.

It’s possible to take your story and weave it into a presentation, blog, newsletter, or social media post in a way that connects your audience with you and makes your value clear, leading them to work with you.

A good story will change your life by helping you reach and enroll more of your ideal clients every time you speak. Your story and the work you do will change their lives too.

Often, the biggest gap entrepreneurs and coaches are experiencing today is not with some tech, or tool or shiny object, it’s in their ability to communicate their story in a way that attracts customers.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with my good friend and Storytelling Strategist Kyle Gray to bring you a live training – “Three Stories To Double Your Sales Every Time You Speak”.

Presenting on webinars, live streams, and podcasts has become one of the most powerful tools to grow your business. One good speech can be used many times over to enroll your ideal clients at scale and is the foundation of every other marketing and sales program in your business.

But a lot of experts and entrepreneurs have the wrong idea of what and how to present in a way that gets customers instead of just applause when you’re done speaking.

In Kyle’s training, you’ll learn best practices and examples of storytelling for webinars, and other marketing outlets that allow you to effortlessly sell without feeling sleazy. You’ll discover three simple story frameworks you can weave into any presentation.

By the end you’ll know how to:

  • Use your story to create trust and connection with your audience to engage them
  • Overcome big objections with stories before they arise, leaving your customer wanting to buy
  • Share your story to separate and elevate you from your competition and naturally attract your ideal clients

It’s happening Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at 2:30pm PDT

These storytelling techniques work for webinars, signature talks, blogs, and even newsletters.

They will transform how you communicate on social media, enrollment calls, podcasts, and more.

Click Here to Register

Come ready to share and get feedback on your own stories live with Kyle.

Kyle Gray and I met at Paleo F(x) in 2019 and hit it off right away, discussing the importance of story in marketing and selling.  Since then, he has personally helped me perfect my webinars and presentations, and he’s provided a variety of trainings for the health practitioners in my business programs to elevate their marketing efforts and enrollments.

Kyle is a world-class coach and copywriter who helps coaches, startups, and influencers use storytelling to better communicate their unique value, and create connection and trust with their audience.

This training is perfect for entrepreneurs, health practitioners, and coaches with great products and services to offer the world, but who have a hard time communicating their value and attracting enough clients. 

  1. If you’ve tried to explain what you do, but people just don’t seem to “get it” in terms of the value you provide. 
  2. If you want a clear, consistent, and scalable way to share your message and enroll new clients.
  3. If you’re tired of chasing around shiny objects, new tools, and dead ends and instead want a simple and powerful way to enroll customers.

Hope to see you there!

Click Here to Register

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