Find out if fasting is right for you…

4 simple steps to make fasting more effective.

5 places to find ideal clients [guide]

These insights are the guidebook for the most effective marketing strategy for you

Should you use TikTok?

It’s been a successful marketing tool for Functional Health Practitioners and Coaches

A successful Discovery Call and client enrollment strategy…

Marketing is just like dating – courting potential clients builds your “know, like, and trust factor”

Is it seasonal allergies or something else? What you need to know.

There’s no need to suffer anymore. You can reduce and prevent them, like I have.

The Root Of All Disease…

The ONE thing that all weight, health issues, and diseases have in common.

Why calorie counting doesn’t work…

And the new approach to diet you need to achieve your ideal body and health.

Is the full moon messing with your health?

Are you currently feeling more anxious, bloated, tired, irritable? It could be the full moon.

Your personal liver health plan of action to fight toxicity…

How liver health is connected to thyroid, hormones, gut function, and so much more!

Have you lost this? You might find it here…

Boost your libido right back to where it should be.