Eat Fat to Lose Fat

For the longest time this has been one of my favorite myths to bust-­ fat is NOT bad for you!

In fact, Fat in your diet is not only necessary, but it’s critical to keep your body operating the way it should be.

If you’ve been struggling to lose weight, suffering from PMS, ridden with anxiety or battling cravings then you could be in a dietary fat drought!

For years we were fed the low­fat diet concept by media and big food companies, and it’s created a real fear for a lot of people…

Fear that eating fat will make you fat
Fear that eating fat will cause/increase high cholesterol
Fear that eating fat is “unhealthy”

If anything, this fear is the real killer,­ not fat!

When you eat fat, your body does not keep it in its original form and plaster it on your artery walls or add it directly to your fat stores. If that was the case, then we’d be walking blobs of protein, fat and carb plasters looking like some strange art piece.

Eating fat is critical for hormone balance which enables weight loss, keeps PMS in check, fights off anxiety and craving, and much more!

Every single hormone needs dietary fats to exist in our body. Fat is the building block for hormones.­ Without fat, it’s like trying to build a house without a foundation.

Healthy dietary fats are also needed…

  • To balance blood sugar (this prevents cravings and keeps energy up)
  • For hair and nail growth
  • To build cells and maintain skin elasticity
  • And for certain “fat soluble” vitamins to be properly absorbed and used

In this week’s video I talk more about the important role that Fat plays in our body and what kinds of healthy fats you should be consuming daily to keep everything in balance.

Fat actually yields more energy per gram than proteins and carbs.

Fueling your body with the right amount of Fat can keep fatigue at bay and boost your current energy levels.

Not all Fat is good, though, and this is where most people get confused…

There are four types of dietary fats found in foods that we eat:
1. Saturated­ primarily in animal meats and fats, dairy products
2. Trans­ primarily in processed foods “hydrogenated” oils, small amounts in animal products
3. Monounsaturated­ primarily plant­based such as olive, avocados and nuts
4. Polyunsaturated­ also primarily plant­based (corn, soy, sunflower) and in fish

Looking at this list which one seems like the worst one?

If you guessed Trans Fats then you’re right!!!

You typically can’t go wrong eating Fats that are “naturally” occurring such as the ones in animal meats and plants. That’s what our ancestors lived on. So you want to focus on getting fats from organic animal products, olives, avocados, coconut, nuts and fish.

However, you have to also consider quality. Fats that are animal or plant­-based are ONLY good if they are organic, non-­processed and non­-GMO.

My typical daily diet consists of almost 40% fat. For breakfast, I eat eggs AND bacon plus some avocado in my smoothies sometimes. For lunch and dinner I always I have some kind of fatty piece of meat (chicken thighs, beef, pork, salmon). I feel more energized and balanced with more fat in my diet and most of my clients do, too!

So don’t ditch the egg yolks or cut the fat off your meat anymore (if it’s high quality, organic stuff!). Eat your fat­-it does a body good!

Still feel confused about eating fat, or wondering if you need more in your diet to fight off feelings of fatigue, anxiety, PMS and weight loss frustration?

Then let’s figure it out! You can schedule a FREE Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session here.

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