It’s the breast time of year again!

Time of Year - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

It’s that time of the year …. a month that is notorious for “Pinkwashing”.

Last year my friend and breast cancer survivor, Naomi Damask, called me to say she didn’t want another month of just awareness. She wanted women to be educated about how to live a preventative and healthy lifestyle.

You see the facts are the facts:

  • Every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer
  • 1 in 8 will be diagnosed in their lifetime
  • And less than 10% is genetic

Here’s the good news….. we do have the power to do something about it.

And this month I will be one of over 25 experts doing something about it by addressing topics like sleep, gut health, understanding hormones, detoxification pathways, mindset, nutrition and so much more to empower women during the Pink Ribbons event happening October 17th-20th. 

Step aside AWARENESS….

And bring on EMPOWERMENT!

You can register to attend this FREE event with me to empower yourself and others here!!!

By attending this event, not only will you get access to the tools and resources you need to empower yourself, but you’ll be a source of support for others attending the event, AND for women who need access to hormone education and resources.

This year’s Pink Ribbons event will be donating a portion of its proceeds to my non-profit: H.E.R (hormone education and resources) for Women for Life

I don’t know about you, but the health education I received growing up was sub-par, to say the least.

Only one semester of health education was required during middle school and high school, but there were countless requirements for other courses – most of which I’ve hardly used post-high school, if ever in some cases.

Health is a topic critical for everyday life, so why isn’t more education being provided or required?

Knowing how your body works is life-changing.  It takes the guesswork out of living your best life.  It puts you in the driver’s seat and gives you the ability to create a life full of freedom instead of possible life-threatening limitations.

Think of how many breast cancer cases could be prevented with better health education.

It wasn’t until my 30’s did I really start to understand how my body worked as a woman.  

Reaching rock bottom with my long-time hormone imbalance battle led me down the road to higher health education.  Had I known as a teenager what I know now, I could have prevented the 17+ years of irregular periods, chronic fatigue, weight gain woes, allergies, brain fog, waves of depression and anxiety, Hashimotos, disrupting the precious balance of my body with birth control and experiencing numerous scary breast lumps. 

A recent survey of 2,000 women (age 30 to 60) found that nearly half of them have experienced one or more symptoms of hormone imbalances that can increase the risk of breast cancer or other health issues, and 72% only later understood the causes of their hormone issues.

Some of the most common symptoms they experienced included:

  • Low energy
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Memory loss and brain fog
  • Anxiety, depression, and loss of interest in daily activities

I can only imagine how much money, time, and angst those 72% spent trying to find a fix for their health issues, not even realizing it was all related to their hormones because they don’t fully understand how their body works.

How many of those symptoms have, or do, you experience?

Just think what life would be like if we all received more education about health and hormones at a younger age, or had access to better resources throughout our lifespan.

In my functional health coaching practice, I’ve worked with too many young women struggling with the same issues I had; some fearful or frustrated about not being able to get pregnant.  

Then there are the numerous pre and post-menopausal women I’ve worked with who are trying to untangle their hormone issues so they can prevent breast cancer, gracefully get through menopause, or restore the life they had once before their hormones got out of whack.

Something has to change.

We all deserve easier access to hormone education and resources so you can live your fullest life, and so you can give the generations to come a better quality of life too.

I’ll never forget what my client Dee (name concealed for privacy purposes) said about receiving her DUTCH hormone test results and data-guided recommendations for diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and supplements…

“It was like Christmas.  I was so excited to hear the results because we tested for things no one else was interested in…how amazing would it be to give this gift to every woman.”

She had been on a diet her whole life trying to lose weight with limited success; trying everything from Beach Body to Weight Watchers and Keto. She even explored Cross Fit for a while.

As she entered her 40’s, she gave up on weight loss as her focus shifted to how she felt with menopause kicking into gear – which led her to uninsured hormone replacement therapy, expensive acupuncture treatments, and various other hormone therapies.  None of which fully resolved her health issues and got her back to feeling like herself again.  She felt helpless when it came to her hormone health.

For the longest time, it felt as though I didn’t have control over my hormones either; dating all the way back to my adolescence as my body shifted and my hormones seemed to rip through me emotionally and physically.  A feeling both Dee and I shared, as I’m sure most women do.  

A false feeling conjured up by a lack of understanding around our hormones.

I’m happy to report that after working together and getting access to the right lab tests and resources to better understand her body and hormones, Dee has lost weight, her hormones are balanced and she feels great!

Dee’s comment sparked an idea that could change the course of women’s hormone education forever. 

What if every woman regardless of income, insurance coverage, demographics, or social status could have access to the right lab tests, resources, and education to:

  • Gracefully get through menopause or any stage of hormone change
  • Advocate for themselves and collaborate with their health professionals
  • Formulate a lifestyle and health plan that worked for their unique body

Women all over would stop suffering, and start living fuller lives.  They would be better daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, moms, partners, leaders, and teachers – and the men in their lives would greatly benefit from this too.

This is the mission of H.E.R! – Hormone Education and Resources for Women for Life.

So this month, don’t just wear pink, join me and hundreds of others to do something bigger.

Attend the Pink Ribbons event to empower yourself and others, and support H.E.R all at the same time.

Click here to register NOW.

I’m speaking live [today and tomorrow]

How to Obtain the Perfect Period - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

Looking back, it’s now clear my entire life has been a journey in the pursuit of health. This is probably true for all of us. The journey for some can be a struggle to survive and for others a drive to thrive. I was stuck in survival mode for a long time, and now I’m glad to say I’m thriving. 

But I’ll be the first to admit it’s been a work in progress.

Armed with the knowledge I have now when I look back, I can clearly see that my health issues didn’t happen overnight, but that they were an accumulation of things that happened throughout my life.

As I tell my clients, your body doesn’t wake up one day and decide to be dysfunctional.  What you’re experiencing today is a compilation of events that have happened over time, sometimes starting as early as the point of birth.  

For example, if you were born c-section or weren’t breastfed, then you didn’t get exposed to all the beneficial bacteria needed to develop a strong immune system. It’s like starting life with a health handicap.  

Combining a situation like that with childhood trauma, the standard American diet, environmental toxins, and the daily stressors of our modern-day world – it can easily lead to a state of poor health over time.

One of the earliest, most significant signs of my health status going haywire emerged a few years after starting my menstrual cycle.  

I was plagued with extremely painful and irregular periods, but I didn’t think much of it then.  I simply tried to ignore the issue.  I thought it was great when I didn’t get my period because I didn’t have to deal with it.  And when I did get it, I would load up on some kind of over-the-counter pain killer and go on my way. 

My mom left 7 years before all of this started to happen, so I didn’t really have a female figure in my life to turn to with these kinds of lady issues until my dad happily remarried around the time I turned 16.  By then, my period was so painful I would find myself sitting on the toilet bent over a trash can in pain and vomiting.  

That’s when I started the pill.

I mustered up the courage to tell my stepmom what had been going on and we took a trip to the gynecologist together.  That day started my 17-year codependent and destructive relationship with birth control.  

I’ve never been addicted to any substances, but sometimes when I look at how I used birth control to abuse my body and control my life, and how many other women I’ve known to do the same, I wonder if one day we’ll identify an addiction to this little hormone and health stealing pill.

Having a painful and irregular period from the get-go was an insight into what was to come down the road with my health. It served as a clue about the dysfunction that had already been occurring in my body probably for years leading up to that point, resulting in such drastic hormone imbalances. 

It kills me that our culture has normalized period pain, and how ignoring it or putting a pill bandaid on it is leading to other health issues down the road.

It’s time to recognize that just because something is common doesn’t mean it’s normal, and women don’t have to live this way. 

It’s time for women and our loved ones to come together.

Let’s end women’s suffering from hormone issues and encourage them/us to live fuller lives so they/we can be better daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, mothers, partners, teachers, and leaders in the world – striking change for the generations of women to come, as well as positively impacting the men in their lives.

Join me TODAY at 4pm PT / 7pm ET when I host a fire-side virtual chat as part of the Menstrual Love Challenge.

And click here to catch my talk tomorrow about using food to obtain the perfect period during the final day of the Menstrual Love Challenge.

10 tips to boost health that don’t cost a thing! [#TBT]

10 tips - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

We’ve been in this pandemic limbo for over a year now, and I’m curious…how are you holding up?

It’s been quite a ride.

Life happens, and it will continue to do so. We can’t always predict traffic or pandemics, but how we choose to navigate life is what makes all the difference when it comes to your health and feeling like your best self.

As I adventure off to Portugal this week, I’ve been reflecting on all of the unexpected gifts the pandemic has given me.

It gave me a break from the busy travel schedule I used to keep. It gave me more space to focus on myself and my family. It gave me more time to heal, to take better care of myself, and feel like my best self.

There is always a silver lining.

In light of the gifts the pandemic has for you, here’s a #throwbackthursday blog with 10 tips to boost your health that don’t cost a thing so you can feel like your best self no matter how long this thing goes on for…


This pandemic situation has been calling all of us to…

  • Slow down
  • Let go of being busy
  • Look inward instead of out
  • Be with yourself and those closest to you
  • Practice patience and hold space for health
  • Take time to create and contemplate what is really important

The world came to a standstill in many ways, giving you the time you’ve always wanted to focus on yourself and your health.

If you’ve ever said…

I wish the world or time would slow down so I could (cook more, sleep, exercise, meditate, etc.)


I wish I had more time to (fill in the blank)

Then your time is NOW. It’s a time of deep healing if you choose to let it be.

There are plenty of things we can “busy” ourselves with, but at the end of the day what does being busy really do for us. Does it build health or break down health?

Being in a constant state of busy-ness can actually lead to a decline in your health because your body can only heal in a relaxed state, and if you’re busy, you’re not relaxed.

If there’s something this pandemic has taught us, it’s that life is precious, and one thing is for certain, having good health is the MOST important thing you could ever have.

In this week’s video and blog, I share 10 things you can do to boost your health today that don’t cost a thing, and that don’t require any special tools, or a lot of time.

Some of the simplest acts can have the biggest impact on your health.

You don’t necessarily need the latest and greatest health gadgets, supplements or fad diets to improve your health and feel like your best self. To feel and look your best, all you need to do is reduce your body’s daily stress burden.

I know, easier said than done, right, considering all that is going on in the world. However, stress is the number one suppressor of your immune system.

Constant low or high-grade stress disrupts the vital hormones that regulate your immune system and destroys your intestinal lining which is where 80% of your immune system lives.

You can reduce your body’s daily stress burden by minimizing exposures to stressors that you have more control over, such as:

  • Sugar, processed foods, and inflammatory foods
  • Toxins and chemicals in foods, cleaning and personal care products
  • Intense exercise when your body is already depleted

That, along with activities to help you empty your stress cup daily for all the things that are outside of your control.

Here are 10 things you can do to empty your stress cup daily, boost your immune system, and improve your overall health in so many ways. And they don’t cost you a single penny, or require any special resources or a lot of time!

#1 Put Your Feet Up
Literally laying on the floor and propping your feet up against the wall or sofa positively impacts your health. It instantly reduces stress and increases blood flow to your organs for digestion and other essential functions. How easy is it to binge-watch your favorite Netflix while laying down with your feet up?

#2 Gargle for Gut and Brain Health
Your Vagus nerve serves as the main communication center between your gut and brain so it’s important to keep it strong and working correctly. Take a moment after brushing your teeth to gargle water for as long as you can to strengthen the Vagus nerve so you can boost gut health and immune system, and stimulate organs and brain function.

#3 Be Asleep by 10pm
Being asleep by 10pm maintains the delicate balance of your circadian rhythm, aka hormones, so you can feel rested upon waking, have an abundance of energy, and avoid food cravings, which can help you easily lose weight. Set an alert at 9pm to remind you to start preparing for bed so you can be asleep by 10pm.

#4 Go Barefoot
If you’re stuck at home, there’s no reason to put your shoes on. Having your bare feet directly connected to the ground helps you to release stress continuously, and if you can get barefoot outside even better! Spending just a few minutes barefoot in the dirt or grass helps you to detox harmful EMF’s and toxins you’ve been exposed to by being inside so much that overloads your immune system.

#5 Hug and Cuddle More
Physical touch releases the “love hormone” Oxytocin which reduces cortisol, your stress hormone, and it boosts feelings of wellbeing to help you keep a positive state of mind during these times. So squeeze your loved ones a few extra times per day to give your health a boost!

#6 Take A Cold Shower
This one probably sounds terrible, but it’s only for 2 minutes and you can do anything for 2 minutes to boost your health, right? Cold water therapy has been used for hundreds of years to boost health. It helps to strengthen the immune system, improve stress response, promote weight loss, and more. Start with 1 minute working your way up to 2 minutes before turning on the heat.

#7 Diaphragmatic Breathing
This type of breathing has been shown to lower cortisol levels (aka stress hormone), lower heart rate (aka reduce stress), lower blood pressure, and even help people cope with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This breath is way easier to do than trying to say what it’s called, check out the Cleveland Clinic’s step-by-step instructions.

#8 Get Natural Light Exposure
Your body relies on the cycle of the sun to know what time it is and what it should be doing throughout the day. Have you ever wondered how your furry friends always know when it’s mealtime? It’s because they have internal clocks like us, so their bodies always know when it’s time to eat. Exposure to natural light, especially first thing in the morning, is critical to keep your internal clock ticking correctly so your body can do its job to keep you healthy. If you live where it’s cold, sit next to a window while sipping your tea or coffee in the morning, even if it’s cloudy outside.

#9 Chew 20 Times
Did you know that digestion starts in the mouth, not in the stomach? We often rush through our meals, not giving our body the time or space to properly digest food so we can absorb all of the health-promoting nutrients it has to offer. Challenge yourself to chew every bite of food 20 times so you can digest food better, reduce bloating, and increase absorption of nutrients to improve your health.

#10 Open Your Windows
The air inside your home can be up to 100% more toxic than the air outside due to hidden toxins in paint, furniture, and cleaning supplies. Oxygen concentration levels are also lower inside than out, and Oxygen molecules are essential for every single function in the body. Fresh air helps the body to eliminate stress inducing toxins and increases oxygen levels in the blood so your body can function at its potential.


So which one of these 10 tips are you going to commit to doing today so you can boost your health and immunity?

Let me know by leaving a comment below

It’s the littlest things that can make the biggest difference to your health, as the saying goes “small hinges swing big doors.”

When traveling takes a toll…

Travel Tips - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

If you’re anything like me then traveling is a big part of your life whether it’s for work, vacation, or both.

In fact, this Summer has been packed with travel. I’ve been to Sedona, Las Vegas, Maui, and Mexico already, and I’m due to depart for Palm Springs and Portugal in the coming weeks.

As much as I love traveling, it used to wipe me out and set my health back, but I know how to do it differently so I can feel as good, if not better, upon my return than when I left.

You probably don’t normally notice the true toll that traveling takes on your body because…

…if it’s work-related you tend to see it as “just part of the job” and so you continue to push through…

…and if it’s vacation-related, well, it must be all good right?

Traveling is a type of stress we just don’t typically address.

Think about it. How many times have you come home from a trip and:

  • Come down with the worst cold or flu ever
  • Felt extremely exhausted even if your trip was a vacation
  • Had a flare-up of muscle or joint aches and pains
  • Struggled to get your sleep back on track
  • Noticed your weight shot up
  • Or experienced a relapse in your autoimmune symptoms, anxiety, skin breakouts, or other health issues

These are all signs of the stress your body experienced while traveling.

Don’t get me wrong, I love traveling and I would never give it up. Over the years, I noticed the toll it took on my body too, and the proactive actions I could take to prevent a health setback that I’m going to share with you.

Stress is anything that places a burden on your body resulting in inflammation which leads to any of the health issues you might encounter.

Stressors can include the foods you’re eating that aren’t right for your body, getting inadequate sleep, over or under-exercising, emotional or physical stress, toxins that you encounter, and hidden stressors such as parasites, bacteria or yeast overgrowth in the gut, hormone imbalances, liver congestion and more.

The not so obvious, but typical types of stressors you encounter when traveling are:

  • Having fewer options for food and water quality
  • Not so supportive beds or environments that negatively impact sleep quality
  • Sitting for prolonged periods of time or getting less movement in general
  • Dehydration from flying or not being in your normal routine
  • Crossing time zones and messing with your natural hormone balance
  • And an abundance of toxins circulating the air in airports and hotels

These stressors can add up quickly while traveling.

As your stress load increases, it can suppress your immune system making you more susceptible to getting sick, disrupting your natural hormone balance which drains your energy and mood, overloading your liver causing a backup of toxins in your body, and destroying your gut resulting in digestive upset.

You may not have complete control over these travel time stressors BUT you can reduce their impact on your body when you take the right steps.

In this week’s video, I help you identify the toll that traveling might be taking on your body and provide you with proactive tips to prevent a health setback so you can feel like your best self, always.

In the game of living a healthy life, the key to your success is NOT living in a bubble and avoiding all “unhealthy” things, but the trick is learning to navigate life differently so your body and health are more supported.

As I already pointed out, there are quite a few types of stressors you are typically encountering while traveling; some might be within your control and some may not be.

Instead of stressing about finding the perfect place, food, and toxin-free environments while traveling, here are some simple steps that I take, and that you can take too, in order to proactively support your body and prevent any health setbacks…

Prioritize Food & Water

  1. Make eating gluten and dairy-free your #1 priority to reduce inflammatory food factors
  2. Increase your water intake 1 day before and while traveling to prevent dehydration
  3. Be mindful of your alcohol intake – if tired or jet-lagged, opt for a mocktail instead

Sleep Soundly

  1. At night set your room to 68 degrees for optimal sleep temperature
  2. Cover all ambient lights such as alarm clocks, and smoke alarms, and tightly seal curtains shut (Ninja trick! Pack electrical tape to cover smoke alarm lights and place pillows against curtains to seal the cracks)
  3. Get sunlight exposure upon waking up to balance your circadian rhythm

Reduce Physical Stress

  1. Stretch, stretch and stretch! Daily and intermittently on the plane for long flights
  2. Opt for less intense exercise such as walking or yoga
  3. Schedule a massage, acupuncture, and/or chiropractic adjustment within 1 day of returning home

Decompress and Revitalize

  1. Pack lavender essential oil to use anytime you need to unwind throughout your trip
  2. Start and/or end your day with a cycle of deep breaths, meditation, or journaling
  3. Schedule some time at the spa or book a massage to relax and restore your body

Tone Down Toxins

  1. Pack a travel-size salt lamp to help purify the air, reduce allergens and negative ions
  2. Drink purified bottled water ONLY – grab Life Water, Fiji or Essentia brand bottled water when you can and look for glass bottled water such as Pellegrino in restaurants
  3. Get in touch with nature – open windows when possible, get outside daily, and even put your bare feet in grass or dirt to offset toxin exposure

I love helping my coaching clients learn how to navigate life differently so they can enjoy traveling AND have their ideal health and weight at the same time.

If you’re a busy, health-minded professional who travels a ton and wants to learn how to support your body better while doing it, then follow me closely on Instagram to catch all my travel tips with my upcoming trips!

Why I’m not afraid of skin cancer

Skin Cancer Story blog - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

Summer is in full force, which probably has you bathing in sunscreen every time you step outside.

But did you know most sunscreens are full of toxic ingredients that can alter your hormone balance, steal your energy, and contribute to weight gain on top of a slew of other health issues?

I just spent a whole week sunbathing in Maui without worrying one bit about skin cancer or toxic sunscreen side effects. There once was a time when I thought I’d never be able to enjoy the sun in this way.

I was diagnosed with skin cancer at age 26.

At the time of my diagnosis, from the outside, I looked like your typical healthy person…

  • I ate “healthy” by consuming low-calorie foods, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, yogurts, and sweets only occasionally.
  • I exercised daily doing a mix of weight lifting, cardio, training for fitness shows, and marathons.
  • On paper I even looked perfect; normal cholesterol, heart rate, blood pressure etc. I was a skilled personal trainer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fitness, Nutrition, and Health who (at the time) thought I knew all there was to know about being healthy and losing weight.

Despite doing all the right “healthy” things prior to my skin cancer diagnosis, the intensity of my seasonal allergies progressed to the point of wiping me out for days or weeks. Migraines became more frequent, and “normal” joint aches or muscle soreness seemed to linger longer and longer. It was also getting tougher to lose or maintain my weight.

I slowly started to question my health and what I had been taught all those years in school.

Skin cancer was my body waving a BIG red flag about something deeper going on.

Being diagnosed with skin cancer at such a young age sparked an undeniable urge to get to the bottom of my own health issues and use my knowledge to help others.

I had zero risk factors associated with skin cancer; no family history of any cancers related to melanoma, and sure I used a tanning bed or spent time in the sun without sunscreen from time to time, but I wasn’t your typical frequent tanner who was putting themselves at risk for skin cancer by any means.

The pieces of the puzzle just didn’t seem to add up. I was “healthy”, had minimal risk factors, and was young, yet for some reason, cancer cropped up. I knew there had to be more to the story.

Shortly after my diagnosis, I enrolled in the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) Course to dig deeper into my own health issues to get to the bottom of them once and for all. With my newly acquired knowledge, I aspired to help others also struggling with chronic health issues and weight loss despite the fact that they were eating right and working out.

The FDN training taught me a whole new way of looking at weight loss, health, and disease.

As I started digging deeper I found A LOT of cellular damage, hormone imbalances, liver congestion, and digestive dysfunction…

No wonder cancer had found itself at home in my body!

As part of the FDN training, I was required to run functional lab tests on myself to look at my hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems. These functional lab tests are very different from your typical blood tests. Most of these tests are done using saliva, urine, and stool to take a closer look at how the body is actually functioning (or not) in real-time.

My test results revealed a flurry of Metabolic Chaos®.

My hormones were going haywire, causing deep dips in my energy, making it difficult to manage my weight or to keep inflammation under control. This resulted in those intensified seasonal allergies, aches, and pains.

My liver was overloaded and unable to move cancer-causing toxins out of my body effectively, coupled with high oxidative stress (i.e. cellular/DNA damage), making me the perfect candidate for cancer.

The good news is that this story has a happy ending. I’m now over 10 years skin cancer-free.

And I’m not afraid of skin cancer anymore, or any other health condition for that matter.

You see, cancer was the first big health hurdle I had to overcome but it sure wasn’t my last. Shortly after being deemed skin cancer-free, I ran into another series of hormone issues, cystic acne, weight gain, and energy dips.

I was diagnosed with Hashimotos, elevated estrogen levels, and a clogged detoxification system after being exposed to toxic mold in my own home.

But yet again I persevered using the FDN principles and have made a full recovery from all of those health hurdles as well.

In this week’s video, I share how I’ve overcome skin cancer, how I’ve kicked seasonal allergies, migraines, aches and pains, hormone imbalances, and weight gain all at the same time, and what I’m doing to prevent them from happening again.

In every health scenario I’ve had, functional lab testing allowed me to stop guessing about what was going on in my body, and it gave me valuable insights about what I could do to restore balance, prevent future cancer and other chronic disease scares.

As an added bonus, I also discovered how to put a stop to my seasonal allergies, migraines, frequent aches and pains, hormone imbalances, and the struggle to lose or maintain my weight.

With the functional lab test data in hand, I created a personalized health rebuilding plan that met my unique needs, one that included:

  • Foods that were right for my body
  • Adequate sleep during the most critical times of the night
  • Health boosting exercise intensity and types (instead of depleting)
  • Various modalities to reduce physical and emotional stress
  • Specific supplements to support my body in the ways it needed
  • Transitioning to a non/less-toxic living environment

All geared towards a goal of restoring hormone balance, efficient liver function, boosting digestive health, and reducing oxidative stress to prevent further cancer growth so I could get my energy back, lose weight, and be allergy, migraine, and pain-free!

As Dr. Nasha Winters, author of the Metabolic Approach To Cancer, once said “you are what you don’t poop.”

Cancer-causing toxins are eliminated through stool, urine, and sweat so if you’re not doing those things regularly or well, your risk for cancers and other chronic diseases escalates.

In order to eliminate toxins well, you need to have all of your systems running efficiently; the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems.

Upon implementing my health re-building plan, I felt immediate relief from seasonal allergies, migraines, aches, and pains, and I lost weight – all signs that my body was healing and regaining its balance.

I now feel 100% like my energetic, strong, and lean self again. I’m not afraid of skin cancer because I’ve restored my health, I know what to do in order to prevent it, and I’ve been over 10 years skin cancer-free to prove it.

And I went back to functional lab testing again to find the pieces of my health puzzle and put myself back together again when I was faced with Hashimotos, elevated estrogen levels, and a clogged detoxification system after being exposed to toxic mold.

I no longer rely on typical blood tests anymore to gauge my health. Instead, I pay close attention to what is going on with my body, and every year I run a series of functional lab tests to make sure all systems of my body are firing; to monitor my liver function and oxidative stress levels for potential cancer risks, and to make any minor adjustments needed to my lifestyle to support my best self.

Now I confidently soak up the sun on a regular basis because I feel great in my body and I know skin cancer has nothing on this #HEALTHBOSS.

As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner, I help busy health-minded people like you also find the missing pieces of your health puzzle too so you can feel your best and live life to the fullest!

”Following a tailored plan to my needs, to date, I have lost over 20 lbs in 6 months. This brings me back to my pre-college weight! Physically visible inflammation is gone leaving me lean and healthy. My stomach is no longer distended. My mental health has improved with being able to manage stress better. I am able to get out of bed in the morning and have energy sustained throughout the day. Jenn has truly changed my life.” – Leslie

If you want to get your hands on the right lab tests and resources so you can find the missing pieces to your health puzzle and get back to feeling like yourself again, I’ve opened up my calendar to take on 3 new clients in August.

Click here to schedule an Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session by August 9th to see if you qualify!

Get your body back [for good]

Get Your Body Back For Good - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

I spent all day in the sun having fun last weekend and it made me think of how grateful I am to have my body back, to feel confident in a bathing suit, and to be carefree about life.

But it made me wonder how are you feeling in your body?

I’ve had my fair share of body image and health struggles, but through all of it I learned how to love my body regardless of what it looked or felt like. Eventually, with the right lab tests and resources, I was able to get my body back to feeling like home again for good.

You deserve to look and feel your best too, and I’m proof that it’s possible for you.

Summer is officially here, stirring up all kinds of judgments, criticisms, wants, and desires related to how you feel in your body.

Do you ever find yourself wondering why you don’t have the energy to do the simplest tasks such as putting away the laundry, riding bikes with your kids, or paying attention to a conversation?

Does getting dressed every morning feel like internal warfare with yourself – you put something on, criticize yourself in the mirror, and change your outfit a million times until you find something that doesn’t make you feel like a stuffed sausage?

Do you wish you could just feel like your old self again?

…the energetic, clear-minded, great skin, creative, in-shape, productive, pain and bloat-free person you used to be.

I know. I’ve been there, and many of the clients I’ve worked with have been too.

There once was a time when I felt like a stranger in my own body.

Acne took over the radiant skin I was always so proud of. Extra weight or bloating hid the muscle tone I worked so hard for and drastically reduced my outfit options. Low energy limited my ability to basically show up in life; to be the social butterfly I had always been, to be present or creative in my work and at home.

All I could think about was a time when I felt physically and mentally fit. I didn’t have any self-imposed limitations. All I wanted was to find myself in that place again.

If you feel this way or have ever felt this way, can I get a hell yeah?
(if so let me know below!)

I struggled for a while before I figured out how to get my body back for good – but I did get it back and you can too.

The first thing you need to know is, there is WAY more to getting your body back than changing your diet and exercising.

And the second thing you need to know is that it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Diet and exercise are just two pieces of the puzzle when it comes to feeling like your best self, but they are only effective when the body is running on all cylinders.

Think of it like this…

If you owned the highest-profile performance vehicle available in the world, filled it with the highest quality fuel, and tried to take it from zero to sixty in 30 seconds with a clogged air filter, empty oil canister, imbalanced tires, and sketchy electrical system, what do you think would happen?

The car wouldn’t perform as expected, right?

This is similar to what happens when you try eating right and exercising, but get little to no results. There’s something going on underneath the hood reducing the efficacy of your efforts.

In this week’s video, I want to help you understand what is potentially going on underneath your hood so you can get your body back for good.

Have you ever caught yourself staring in the mirror wondering how you got here?


…where did all the weight come from?
… is everyone else noticing the circles under your eyes?
…how are you going to make it through all your meetings today?
…what would happen if you just went back to bed and hid under the covers?

You see, so many others have felt this way too, but they have also found a way to get their body back for good with the right lab testing and guidance.

What you’re experiencing did not happen overnight. Feeling out of place in your body is something that has occurred over time amongst the shuffle of work, kids, responsibilities, travel, stress, and anything else going on in your life.

Feeling uncomfortable in your own skin happens when…

  • Your hormone system goes haywire
  • Your immune system gets weak
  • Your digestive system is dysfunctional
  • Your detoxification system doesn’t work
  • Your energy system gets slowed down
  • And your nervous system sends mixed signals

In order to get your body back for good, you’ve got to get all of the systems of the body running right, just like a high-profile performance vehicle should be.

If your expensive high profile performance car wasn’t running right what would you do?

You would take it to the best specialist around for a thorough evaluation that would include a variety of diagnostic tests to check every aspect of the engine, fuel lines, tires, pumps, and more.

To get your body back for good you’ll want to do the same thing so you can understand what is going on underneath the hood; what’s happening with your hormones, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous system so you’ll know exactly what steps to take to restore function and feel your best again.

Here’s the caveat though…

Running typical blood tests with your general practitioner, or even some specialists won’t get you the answers you’re looking for.

In order to REALLY see how your body is functioning, you’re going to need to run functional lab tests that provide deeper insights about function!

The good news is these functional lab tests are super easy to do. Most of them are urine, saliva, and stool-based, making it convenient for you to do them in the comfort of your own home.

And when working with the right health expert you can use the data from these lab tests to guide:

  • What foods are right for your body
  • How much sleep you need and when
  • What type of exercise will get you the best results
  • Which stress-reducing tools would be most effective for you
  • And what toxins or other environmental factors you should minimize to boost your health

Now doesn’t that sound pretty straightforward? Instead of guessing about what you should be doing to feel good in your body again.

Running functional lab tests is what gave me the insights to get my energy back, get my weight under control, clear up my skin, and think clearly again when I wasn’t getting the results I wanted from diet and exercise, or my doctors.

Running these types of lab tests is what has helped so many of my clients uncover hidden healing opportunities such as:

  • Estrogen dominance
  • Insulin resistance
  • Cortisol dysfunction
  • Liver congestion
  • Poor thyroid function
  • And intestinal parasites, bacteria, and yeast overgrowth

These things were standing in their way of feeling like their best self despite their diet and exercise efforts.

And using the data from these lab tests to guide recommendations for diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, supplementation, and toxin removal is exactly how clients of mine such as…

…David, lost 40lbs without engaging in a structured workout routine and is able to sleep through the night…

…Jene, was finally able to control her Muscular Sclerosis symptoms naturally and can now keep up with her grandson…

…Will, is now more relaxed in his decision-making process and can handle even more workload and challenges…

…and Desiree, began to own her worth, which improved her confidence when navigating restaurants and medical professionals.

See, it is possible to feel good in your body and like yourself again! All you need is the right lab tests and resources to steer you in the right direction.

If you want to get your hands on the right lab tests and resources so you can feel like yourself again (or for the very first time), then you should know I’ll be opening up my schedule for 3 new clients towards the end of July.

Click here to fill out my Discovery Call Consultation form and get first dibs at scheduling a call to claim 1 of the 3 spots I’ll be opening up so you can get your body back, for good!

Weight and mood shifts [after turning 40]

Weight and Mood - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

Have you blamed your mood or a loved one’s mood on hormones more than once this week?

It sounds like a good reason to be moody, I know. But it doesn’t really solve anything.

Here’s the thing: women of all ages struggle with their hormones.

I’ve had my fair share of struggles that I’ve overcome. Now I’m thinking about how I can gracefully get through the next stages of hormonal shifts as I quickly approach the age of 40.

In our 20s, hormones contribute to acne, infertility, or wicked cramps. In our 30s, digestive issues and brain fog. In our 40s, 50s and beyond, mood swings, insomnia, and weight gain.

Hormone imbalances not only affect women but also their loved ones who watch them go through the ups and downs, no matter which decade we’re in.

But help is on its way.

If this subject piqued your interest, I’ve got two events you DON’T WANT TO MISS…

Event #1
Topic: Weight & Mood Shifts After Turning 40
When: Friday, June 25th at 10 am PT / 1 pm EST
Where: Clubhouse app – click here to add it to your calendar and join

Event #2
Last week I told you about The Hormone Project – 6 days to hormone balance with my great friend, Dr. Shawn Tassone. It’s about to start and I do not want you to miss this because he has solutions waiting for you.

The Hormone Project Event is running over 6 days from June 27 – July 2

Shawn is considered America’s Holistic Gynecologist. He developed The Hormone Project for women to have access to straightforward, easy-action information and tools, to finally get your hormones to play the game FOR you instead of against you!

This is 6 days with 6 easy pathways to discover how to balance your hormones with ease and clarity. After seeing over 40,000 patients, Dr. T knows hormones like no other and has done all the hard work for you.

When you register you can also claim your very own copy of ‘How to Eat For Your Hormones’ because he really does have all bases covered.

Click here to register for the event and unlock the secrets to achieving whole-body health, no matter what stage of life you’re in!

If you are suffering from:

  • Mood swings, weight gain, low libido, brain fog, or fatigue
  • Have been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, or Adenomyosis
  • Feel like Perimenopause has hit you like a sledgehammer
  • Are worried about Menopause, aging, and everything going south…
  • Have a family history of hormone problems
  • Lost the keys again today and are starting to accept you’re losing your mind
  • Or you just know your hormones are off…

You can finally stop googling for answers and join Dr. T and me June 27th- July 2nd for The Hormone Project completely FREE!

Not only is Dr. T’s unique approach a true reflection of his thousands of patient encounters, but he also combines his Ph.D. in Mind-Body Medicine, allowing him to integrate all aspects of health – mind, body, and soul to provide simple tools you need to really reclaim your body.

He really is a gem of a gentleman who is out to help women live their best life in sync with their hormones.

Click here to join me at The Hormone Project event and receive direct access to the information nobody is talking about – how to take your power back by optimizing your hormones for optimal mind and body function.

I’m a hormonal mess…

Hormone Project - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

I’ve dealt with a variety of hormonal challenges throughout my life.

Right out of the gates, my cycle was a hot mess.  As a teen, I suffered from not only painful periods, but also wildly irregular ones.  This entry into womanhood started my 17-year abusive relationship with birth control.

I say “abusive” because I literally used the pill to control my body; to skip my period so I didn’t have to deal with it, while doing damage I had no idea I was doing. All along, I was told by my doctors that it was safe and that it was okay to continue what I was doing.

Can you or at least one of the women in your life relate to this?

After years of skipping my period, I finally hit hormonal rock bottom when mold in our home stressed my hormones to their breaking point.  I put on 15 pounds, my face was riddled with cystic acne, my breasts were inflamed, my period went on for 12 days, and this hormone wildfire sparked Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune thyroid disorder.

That’s when I finally got off of birth control in an effort to give my body a break and finally balance my hormones for real.

It wasn’t easy at first, but as time went by my body healed; my period was perfect, I had zero PMS, lost weight, regained my clear skin, and reversed my Hashimotos.

That was until a few months ago.

There’s something up with my hormones again as I write this.  They are nowhere near as crazy as they used to be, but something is definitely off.

Through my past experiences, I’ve learned to listen to my body. When my baseline is off, that means it’s time to investigate.

That’s why I’m SO EXCITED for my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Shawn Tassone’s upcoming Hormone Project Event.

Shawn is considered America’s Holistic Gynecologist.  He developed The Hormone Project for women to have access to straightforward, easy-to-action information and tools, to finally get your hormones to play the game FOR you instead of against you!

This is not another summit.  

This is 6 days with 6 easy pathways to discover how to balance your hormones with ease and clarity. After seeing over 40,000 patients, Dr. T knows hormones like no other and has done all the hard work for you.

Hormones add a particularly intense ‘next layer’ to your health (or lack of) because we were never truly taught how to master them, and they can come with some very loud and heavy symptoms.

Women  have all blamed it on our hormones at some point, but what does that REALLY mean? 

And when did our health become such a mystery anyway?

Click here to join me at this event and unlock the secrets to achieving whole-body health, no matter what stage of life you’re in!

If you are suffering from:

  • Mood swings, weight gain, low libido, brain fog, or fatigue
  • Have been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, or Adenomyosis
  • Feel like Perimenopause has hit you like a sledgehammer
  • Are worried about Menopause, aging, and everything going south…
  • Have a family history of hormone problems 
  • Lost the keys again today and are starting to accept you’re losing your mind
  • Or you just know your hormones are off…

You can finally stop googling for answers and join Dr. T and me June 27th- July 2nd for The Hormone Project completely FREE!

Not only is Dr. T’s unique approach a true reflection of his thousands of patient encounters, but he also combines his Ph.D. in Mind-Body Medicine, allowing him to integrate all aspects of health – mind, body, and soul to provide simple tools you need to really reclaim your body. 

He really is a gem of a gentleman who is out to help women live their best life in sync with their hormones.

Click here to join me at The Hormone Project event and receive direct access to the information nobody is talking about – how to take your power back by optimizing your hormones for optimal mind and body function.



Your Summer travel list…

Summer Travel List - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

The Memorial Day holiday here in the U.S. this past weekend officially marked the first day of Summer in my book.  

Summer travel season has begun so I’ve got a great lineup of books, podcasts, and virtual events to load your playlist up with.

Whether you’re road-tripping, flying, or staycation-ing, check out these enlightening health resources to help you find the missing pieces of your health puzzle, actually fix what is wrong, and feel like your best self all summer long!

Health Boss Headquarters Clubhouse: Fridays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET

Clubhouse is a new social media, audio-only platform where you can connect with people around the world and engage in all kinds of discussions, meditations, and more!  Every Friday at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET, you’ll find me there in my Health Boss Headquarters Club talking about everything from energy to autoimmunity, hormones to weight loss, thyroid to digestion issues, and so much more! Our goal is for listeners and members to leave feeling more confident, empowered, and equipped to be in control of their health and live their best life!

You can follow me on Clubhouse and hit the bell in my profile to get notified about all future talks I do so you’ll never miss a juicy opportunity to get the latest and greatest health info to feel like your best self!

The Hormone Project FREE online event: June 27th – July 2nd 

Discover the secret to your hormones!  Dr. Shawn Tassone is hosting this event. He is my dear friend and America’s Holistic Gynecologist; the first physician to be double board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology and by the American Board of Integrative Medicine, along with a medical degree in addition to a Ph.D. in mind-body medicine.

Dr. Tassone has combined his vast knowledge of women’s hormones and 20+ years of experience to create The Hormone Project, a one-of-a-kind, multi-faceted approach to women’s health.

Click here to sign up to attend the event June 27th – July 2nd

Oh Sh*T

It’s not just a simple saying, but a deep insight into the life of those dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), irritable bowel diseases like Crohn’s or colitis, constipation, and any other chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmune, or hormone problems where you can’t poo. 

Oh Sh*t, is that feeling you get when you don’t know where the next toilet is and you are about to have an accident. The anxiety you feel going somewhere new and not knowing whether they will have toilets. The feeling you feel when you haven’t gone to the bathroom in a few days. Oh Sh*t! Where the heck is it? Will it ever come out?

Can you relate?

If this is you and you are sick & tired of dealing with your bathroom problems, my good friend & naturopathic doctor, Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, wrote her award-winning book, “Oh Sh*t” to help you unlock the secret code to your stool & stress. Personalize this gut-healing road map for wherever you are in your journey.

And, you can get it FREE, just pay the shipping! Once they are gone, they are gone; so grab yours now before we run out! 

Click here to get your FREE copy!

And check out some of my recent podcast interviews to dive deeper into topics such as…

Jenn Malecha, The Wholistic Health Boss – “Hashimoto by Mold”

This week on MD and Chef Team – The Show!, Jenn talks about taking back control of your health by giving access to the right lab tests and resources so you can find the missing pieces of your health puzzle—actually fix what is wrong, and get back to feeling like yourself again. Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!


Lisa talks with Wholistic Health Boss, Jenn Malecha

This week on The Lisa Fischer Said Podcast, Jenn discusses all things health with everything from mold to thyroid to harmful sunscreens and why “calories in/calories out” doesn’t work. Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!


E173 – What Is Causing Your Fatigue? Interview with Jenn Malecha

This week on the Exercise Is Health podcast, Jenn discusses fatigue, weight gain, and the connection between the thyroid, gut, liver, and HPA axis. If you are constantly feeling like you are in a fog or are unable to drop weight no matter what diet you try, then listen up! Jenn provides valuable insight into what is often missed by the mainstream approaches to increasing energy and losing weight. Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!

I’m going to need some new podcasts and books for my Summer playlist too. Leave a comment and let me know what some of your recent favorites have been!




Waking up to pee at night?

Waking Up To Pee - Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

This question might be personal, but do you wake up to pee in the middle of the night?

And if you do, are you paying attention to the time when you wake up for a quick bathroom run before falling back asleep?

I would say that 90% of the people I’ve spoken to are in this late-night bathroom boat; waking up to pee usually between 1-3 a.m.

But here’s the thing, waking up to pee in the middle of the night is NOT normal.

Waking up to pee in the wee hours (pun intended! LOL) of the night or morning is actually a huge clue about your health.  

It can give you great insight about your blood sugar balance, detoxification organs, and emotional state – all of which ultimately dictate your energy levels and ability to lose weight and feel like your best self.

However, we’ve been conditioned to think that using the bathroom in the middle of the night is common; just a part of getting older and drinking too many fluids before bed.

Personally, I can take down over 8 ounces of water before bed and sleep soundly through the night.  And as I’ve aged, I haven’t developed a need to pee in the middle of the night.

I’ve also seen many of my clients turn their late-night potty runs into a thing of the past once they address the underlying issues triggering their body’s need to hit the head. 

Aside from waking up to pee providing a clue about your health status, this disruptive habit also interferes with your body’s ability to fully recover at night. This can leave you feeling less rested when you wake up, and more prone to cravings, weight gain, hormone imbalances, and other health issues down the road.

It’s time to re-potty train your body so you can sleep completely through the night, and wake up feeling like your best self.

In this week’s video and blog, I’m going to bust through these late-night bathroom break myths and give you my top tips for solid sleep so you can wake up rested and feel your best!

To start, let’s talk about why waking up to pee in the middle of the night is such a big health deal breaker in the first place.

According to your body’s internal clock, known as your circadian rhythm, the most optimal sleep time frame to feel like your best self is 10 pm to 4 am.

This internal clock is ruled by the sun and the moon cycles.  

When the sun rises in the morning, temperature and light increase, letting your body know it’s time to get up and get moving.  Morning is when you should have the most energy, and it will slowly taper off throughout the day into the evening in alignment with the sun cycle and your internal clock. 

When the sun sets in the evening, temperature and light decrease, signaling your body to prepare for sleep by dropping your energy levels, releasing the sleep hormone known as melatonin, and transitioning into the nervous system’s parasympathetic rest and digest mode.

In parasympathetic mode, your body sends all of its blood flow and resources inwards to organs that support digestion, detoxification, circulation, and restoration.

Based on this internal clock, your body does some massive repair work in the middle of the night while in peak parasympathetic mode from 10 pm to 4 am.  If you’re not sleeping, the parasympathetic process is interrupted and this work can’t happen, leaving you feeling tired and unrested the next morning. 

This is why if you go to sleep late or wake up in the middle of the night, you still feel tired no matter how much you slept in the next day or how many hours of sleep you got.

So now that you know how important it is to sleep through the night in order to wake up rested and feeling your best, let’s address re-potty training your body so you can get the critical window of sleep you need.

Waking up to pee in the middle of the night is strongly correlated with 3 different scenarios…

Scenario #1 – Your Blood Sugar Drops
This is the most common one I see.  When your blood sugar drops too low, your body releases the hormone cortisol to bring it back into balance.  

You might know of cortisol as your stress hormone, which it is, among other things.  Cortisol is also what spikes in the morning time when the sun rises as part of your circadian rhythm to give you energy to get up and get going.

When your blood sugar drops in the middle of the night, cortisol is released giving you this same boost of energy.  It’s like getting a shot of adrenaline, and what does everyone do instinctually when they wake up?…go to the bathroom!

So balancing your blood sugar is the first thing you can do to promote sleeping through the night.  

Eating the right ratios of proteins, carbs, and fat at each meal will help you to balance your blood sugar and get better sleep.  

When you’re eating the right ratio of protein, carbs, and fats per meal you will:

  • Be able to go 3-5 hours or more without feeling hungry or needing to snack
  • Have energy for hours and feel recharged
  • Think clearly, feel uplifted, and be more positive

Figuring out your food ratios is actually pretty simple.  All you need to do is:

  1. Tune into your body 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating
  2. Notice how it’s responding to what you ate
  3. Adjust your food ratios until you get the perfect response!

To help you figure out what ratios are right for your body to get a good night’s sleep, click here to get my Food & Body Language Log.

Scenario #2 – Look at Your Liver
Balancing blood sugar usually resolves about 90% of the peeing at night problems I see, but when it doesn’t completely resolve the issue it’s time to look at your liver.

Based on your internal clock, your liver and other detoxification organs do their deepest detox work from about 1 to 3 am. 

If you find yourself waking up during this time, it could indicate a toxic build-up or detox traffic jam.  Your liver and detox organs could be burdened by too many toxins or the struggle to eliminate them.

In this scenario, beefing up your intake of detoxifying foods such as beets, grapefruit, lemon, and dandelion can give your liver the boost it needs to do its job.

A daily natural liver support supplement containing ingredients such as milk thistle, dandelion, artichoke leaf, and burdock root can be extremely beneficial given the number of toxins our body is bombarded with on a daily basis. 

Pairing this with balancing your blood sugar should do the trick and give you the best night’s sleep ever!

Scenario #3 – Emotional Influences
When you’ve tried loving your liver and balancing your blood sugar but still wake up in the middle of the night, it’s time to address emotional influences.

According to Chinese Medicine, each organ of the body is associated with a certain emotion, and as we just discussed in scenario #2, organs do deep work during a certain time of the night based on your internal clock.

We can put these two clues together to uncover emotional influences waking you up at night.

For example, if you’re waking up in the window of 1 to 3 a.m. associated with the detox organs (i.e. liver and gallbladder), the emotions connected to these can be grief, anger, fear, and depression.

Doing some journaling, meditation, or seeking counseling around these emotions can quickly put your sleep issues to rest.  Sometimes we don’t suspect we’re dealing with these emotions, but we are.  Grief, for example, isn’t always related to the loss of a loved one. It could be related to a recent job change, as we grieve leaving behind the old ways even with excitement for what is to come. 

Bottom line, waking up to pee in the middle of the night is NOT normal and it disrupts your ability to wake up rested and feeling like your best self.

I’ve yet to see a client who can’t sleep through the night when we address these three scenarios, and as I said, most of the time we knock it out with just one.

I’d love to know what you found most helpful about the information I’ve shared.  

Comment below with your biggest aha, insight, or takeaway!