What you might have missed [watch now]

Did you know that…

  1. 69% of US consumers believe that customer service influences their loyalty. 
  2. 81% of customers make purchasing decisions based on how much they trust a brand. 
  3. Happy and satisfied customers are 87% more likely to purchase upgrades and refer others.

The growth and stability of your health business depends on your ability to deliver on these things that matter most to your customers (aka potential clients).

Yet most functional health practitioners and coaches like you are making big mistakes in these areas, and it’s preventing you from making more money.

But the real question is… what’s getting in the way of delivering first-class service so you can get effortless referrals and easily increase your income?


This is exactly what Michelle Bell and I addressed in yesterday’s webinar, did you catch it?

WATCH THE REPLAY NOW so you can save time, deliver better service to your clients and make more money!

The replay and time-saving money-making roadmap shared is only available until August 31st.

By the end of the webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Streamline your processes so everyone gets the right content at the right time and for the right purpose
  • WOW your ideal client every time with less overall work on your part
  • Identify hot and ready clients to boost your enrollments
  • Grow and scale your business while spending less time on the inner workings

Plus this helps your clients too!

When you apply what we teach in the webinar, clients will receive really targeted content that helps them along in their journey towards a specific goal, meaning they’ll feel seen and supported, which turns them into superfans and your best referral partners.

It also helps them become part of your community, and consume more of your content building up the trust in your business

WATCH THE REPLAY NOW so you can save time, deliver better service to your clients and make more money!

P.S. Remember, the replay and time-saving money-making roadmap shared is only available until August 31st.

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