4 Reasons to Stop Counting Calories [now]

How many calories have you counted while trying to lose weight, improve your health and get back to feeling like yourself again?

Probably too many to count, and I bet you didn’t get the results you wished for, or if you did they were short-lived. 

For the longest time we’ve been told that counting calories is the formula for better health and weight loss – it’s all about eating less and moving more right?

Not exactly.  This is a massive over-simplification of what it actually takes to feel great and lose weight. 

I was an obsessive calorie counter for the longest time.  I used to log every bite I took, and I even religiously wore an Apex Bodybugg (a calorie burning tracking device) for years.

But I still struggled to lose and maintain weight despite my dedicated calorie-counting efforts.  

I’ve seen this calories-in-versus-calories-out equation fall short for many others as well.  In fact, this broken approach is a big reason why I got into the functional health world – because as a personal trainer back in the day, my clients weren’t getting results even though they were exercising and watching what they ate. They too continued to struggle with not only their weight but also other health issues despite their dedication to move more and eat less just like I did. 

This was when I knew there had to be more pieces to the puzzle.

And sure enough, as I dug into how the body really works, it became clear that calorie counting doesn’t support long-term weight loss for a variety of reasons.

So if you’re counting calories, here are 4 reasons why you should stop…

Reason #1- Your calorie calculations are all off
A study by Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center found that “our bodies sometimes extract fewer calories than the number listed on the label. Participants in their studies absorbed around a third fewer calories from almonds than the modified Atwater values suggest. For walnuts, the difference was 21 percent.” (Read more on the study here.)

Aside from the body actually extracting fewer calories than what you think you’re consuming, food manufacturers are also allowed to under report calorie values by as much as 20% to pass inspection by the FDA.

So there’s no way to know exactly how many calories you’re consuming.

Reason #2- One pound of fat is not 3,500 calories
Since forever you’ve been told that in order to lose a pound per week, you need to be in a deficit of 500 calories a day, which equals 3,500 calories in a week, and supposedly 3,500 calories equals to one pound of fat.

Researcher Zoe Harcombe eloquently debunks this myth in her research where she shows that one pound of fat actually does not equal 3,500 calories, but that it can in fact range from 2,843 to 3,752 calories. (See Zoe’s full breakdown here.)

This, paired with reason #1, makes this calorie equation even messier and inaccurate.  It’s impossible to calculate your exact caloric deficit due to these variances. 

Reason #3- We are not a closed system
The weight loss formula of calories-in versus calories-out is said to be based on the first law of thermodynamics- energy is neither destroyed nor created, it’s simply transformed– the energy of a calorie is transformed as you workout and burn off in the form of heat.

Here’s the flaw- this law only applies to closed systems where there are no outlets.  And as Sean Croxton says in his book, The Dark Side of Fat Loss,The human body seems pretty damn open to me. It pees, poops, and sweats into the environment.” (Check out his book here.).

Our body definitely does not abide by the first law of thermodynamics; it’s ingesting, converting and excreting energy all of the time!

Reason #4- All calories are not created equal
When counting calories, you naturally try to conserve what you’ll spend your calories on. This often results in a scarcity mindset; triggering you to choose foods that are less nutrient-dense and less satiating (such as 100-calorie pack snacks) in order to feel like you get to eat more, more frequently.

Fats contain 9 calories per gram, while protein and carbs contain 4 calories per gram.  At first glance it appears as though carbs and proteins would be the ideal choice when counting calories.  However, a higher carb diet spikes blood sugar levels repeatedly throughout the day, resulting in more cravings and leading to insulin resistance, which then causes weight gain; while eating more fat balances blood sugar, cuts cravings and is a better source of fuel for the brain and body.

Aside from all of this, calorie restriction can even make you gain weight in some cases, especially if you have a thyroid or other underlying hormone imbalance. 

In this week’s video and blog, I share more reasons for why you should stop counting calories and what you should do instead to achieve your ideal health and weight.

Once I stopped counting and calculating, I finally started getting real results.  Losing and maintaining my weight was no longer a struggle; it came naturally.

Instead of counting calories, I started eating foods that were right for my body so it could function at its potential and be the natural fat-burning machine it was meant to be. This same approach has proven to be successful for all of my clients too.

When you’re eating the foods that are right for your body so it can function at its potential, you will:

  • Have an abundance of energy that lasts all day
  • Sleep more soundly and wake up feeling rested
  • Feel satisfied between meals and no longer need to snack
  • Support hormone balance, detoxification and other bodily functions

All of which support the body’s ability to easily lose or maintain weight, and for you to feel great!

So you might be wondering, how do I know what foods are right for my body?

The first step to finding what foods are right for your body is paying attention to how food makes you feel – and know there is a difference between eating healthy and eating right for your body.  

Eating right for your body will incorporate healthy foods, but not every “healthy” food is right for your body.

Next, aim to eat foods that make you feel all-around good; the foods that keep you feeling full for extended periods of time, that give you energy and that DON’T leave you feeling bloated, anxious or tired.  These foods tend to be whole, organic vegetables, proteins and fats that don’t come in a bag, box, can or 100-calorie pack.

And always eat with intention.

Before you take a bite, grab something on the go, or sit down to prepare a meal, consider how you want to feel and if the food you’re about to eat is in alignment with that feeling.

You’ll probably find that most of your calorie-counting type foods don’t meet these requirements because they result in energy crashes, cravings, bloating, anxiety or a variety of other ailments.

These simple steps will help you find foods that balance your blood sugar and boost your metabolism to support weight loss or maintenance.

Click here to get my Food & Body Language Log for FREE to easily figure out what foods are right for your body so you can feel your best., without counting a single calorie.

As a recovered calorie-counter, I can tell you this more natural and mindful approach to eating is much more sustainable. It produces long-lasting results you desire so you’ll never have to get back on that calorie-counting rollercoaster ride ever again!

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