Oops! I Started a 90/10 Controversy!

Finding Personal Nourishment Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

Whoa!  I certainly didn’t mean to cause such controversy from last week’s email about the 90/10 rule being the new standard instead of 80/20 (if you missed the email you can check it out here).

I got a HUGE response from this.  Some good and some borderline freak outs.

I didn’t mean to ruffle any feathers, I was just calling it like it is.

For some reason or another our health tends to take a back seat all too often. And it’s way too easy to make excuses for it.

Life happens. There will always be something. So when do you draw the line in the sand and take a stand for yourself?

Trust me.  I didn’t get this either until about 5 years ago.  And even once I decided to take a stand for my health it was still an evolutionary journey that continues to evolve.

With all the response that I got, there was one common denominator amongst them all…

“The 90/10 rule would feel like I was stripping myself of any little pleasures left.”

Combined with…

My one glass of wine at night is my daily release

Cheese is one of my few joys in life

I’m a foodie

My cheat day is my reward for working out so hard all week

I’m afraid it would cut myself off from social activities and friends

If you share some of these fears and comforts then my one question to you is…

What really wants to be nourished?

In this week’s video I talk discuss how lack of nourishment in my own life made me feel deprived making me turn to food or booze, and how the 90/10 rule became more important to me.

It wasn’t very long ago that I was working 12 hour days, well over 40 hours a week and commuting in the direction of traffic for almost an hour each way-all on top of my personal and home responsibilities.

Life happened to me, too.  An immediate family member got deathly ill (and thankfully lived), another one started recovery, I bought a house, got married, traded one stressful job for another and so on.

Letting life be in control is what ran my health into the ground in the first place.

By the time my work week ended I was ready to let loose, booze it up and eat my way through the weekend.  I rationalized it because “technically” I was still abiding by the 80/20 rule.

But what did I really get out of all of that?  Fatigue, anxiety and fluctuating weight.

At some point it was like I hit rock bottom.  The crappy way that I was feeling wasn’t worth it anymore.  I became super mindful of what I was putting in my body, protective about my sleep and and even quit my stressful job.

Many of my clients go through the same thing.  Some have even changed jobs or moved to a new house to better support their health.

They evolved to put themselves first- that’s what the 90/10 rule is really all about.  

The biggest part of this change is figuring out what is lacking nourishment in your life, what are you tolerating that you shouldn’t be, and how can you start to put yourself first.

Do you hold onto certain foods or that glass of wine for comfort?  What can you do instead to get that same feeling?  Are you overworking because you would feel guilty otherwise?  Are you over-scheduling your life because you don’t feel worthy of putting yourself first?

These are some big questions to ask.  But the more I started asking myself these questions the more answers I found, the more I realized what my body really needed and I could make constructive health choices instead of destructive ones.

Next time you feel like reaching for the wine, glutenous treat or working overtime, stop and ask yourself “what really wants to be nourished within me right now?” or “is it really worth it?”

As a functional health coach I blend the power of science and transformational coaching methods to help people rewire their behaviors and beliefs to best support their ideal health and weight.

To find out more about making these kinds of shifts in your life, schedule a complimentary Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me here.

P.S.  And feel free to share this complimentary opportunity with any struggling, frustrated or health-minded friends and family members.  It’s my passion to help as many people as possible realize their true ideal health and weight!

90/10 Is The New 80/20

90/10 is the new 80/20 Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

I am so over yo-yo dieters.  That might sound harsh, but it’s the truth.

I hear people complain all the time about “I tried Paleo and it worked for a while, but when I stopped it all came back” or “I did the Whole30 for 30 days and got great results but it all came back” or “Weight Watchers was the only thing that worked for me when I was doing it.”

Um duh!  *** News Flash***

If you want long lasting results then you have to stick with it.

I’m not saying that Paleo, Weight Watchers or the Whole30 is for everyone and that any of them work all the time. My motto is that you are unique and therefore your diet should be too.  What I am saying, is that if it is working you can’t just “do it for a while” and then go back to your old ways.

I played in the 80/20 zone for a long time.

I was on my health A-game 80% of the time; eating ultra clean, getting adequate rest, exercising right, avoiding stress, and taking the right supplements.  And 20% of the time I was naughty, indulging and letting it all go to the wayside.

My relationship with the 80/20 zone was great while it lasted, but I still struggled.

The 80/20 has blurred lines. It can be the gray zone for too much fudge-factor.  You tend to get lost in the fog of eating out and start to lose track of just how much you’ve been cheating.

Let’s break down the 80/20 rule…

80/20 essentially allows 4 meals a week for cheating (21 meals in a week x 20%).

That equates to almost 2 FULL days of crossing the line with food or the majority of weekly dinners.

If Gluten is your food drug of choice, it increases something called intestinal permeability for up to 5 hours after eating it (no matter how big or small the bite was!), which allows an increase in toxins to seep into your bloodstream.  With the 80/20 rule that equals about 20 hours per week or more, unnecessary toxic exposure.

This contributes largely to the incidence of things like weight gain, brain fog, leaky gut, anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, hormone imbalances, autism, alzheimer’s and much more!

Would you only wear your seatbelt 80% of the time and risk your life 20% of the time?

Where do you draw the line of where living healthy begins and overindulging ends.

In this week’s video I talk more about how I used to live in 80/20 zone and why the 90/10 rule is my new baseline.

Let’s talk alcohol as another example.

Just one drink raises the stress hormone cortisol for 24 hours in men and likely longer in women increasing belly fat directly.  It also raises estrogen levels and slows down fat burning.  Studies have shown that one serving raises estrogen by 7% and two servings by 22%.  If you’re having a drink most nights of the week, even just one, you’re elevating hormones consistently putting you at higher risk for certain cancers and other health issues.

My new baseline is the 90/10 zone.

This is where I’m able to maintain my weight and health, and where my clients find long lasting success, too.

There’s just enough wiggle room to indulge but not go overboard with clean boundaries for keeping your health intact.  This equates to about 2 meals per week to relish in a cheat.

Typically for me that’s a Friday or Saturday night out with my hubby or friends.

And of course there are a few times a year that I even break this rule when there is something to really celebrate, such as a wedding or a trip to Europe.  I took 35 days of straight vacation last year and let loose- even that was only 10% (actually less) of the entire year!

These are big enough reasons to be in the moment, to eat lavishly and soak up every delicious minute.  But once it’s over, I’m get right back to my normal routine, and even find that I crave getting back to it.

If you really want to shift your health and weight then you have to shift your lifestyle- for good.  In the 80/20 I see people all too often get lost in the fog and start rationalizing why and how they crossed the line, losing track of reality and what healthy really is.

There is no such thing as a quick fix.

There is no such thing as an easy way out.

There isn’t even such thing as a 30, 60 or 90 day solution.

Life is work.  Health is work.  And practice makes perfect.

If you’re ready to really shift your lifestyle to best support your health and weight then I’m here to empower you to do so!

Schedule a FREE Ideal Health and Weight Discovery Session here with me so we can identify what’s holding you back and how you can move forward to embrace your best health and self.

#TBT I’ve Gained 7 Pounds

My Gut Journey Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

It’s crazy how much can happen in a year.  I was just doing some reflecting and came across this little gem – an email that I sent out last year about the 7 unexplained pounds I had gained.  Take a moment with me to walk down memory lane…

April 9, 2015

“My weight is always right on point, maybe fluctuating 1-2 pounds, even if I slip up here and there (hey no one is perfect!).  I don’t even believe in weighing myself but when my clothes just didn’t feel right I had to check the scale, and there it was- 7 POUNDS!

Over the last few months I’ve been feeling what I like to call a “little fluffy.”  That feeling when no matter what outfit you put on you just feel frumpy, you can see your muscles underneath the winter coat layer but a softer version, and you can grab a good chunk around the midsection and love handles.  I was definitely not myself.

No worries, I thought.  I’ve got this. I’m in the midst of my Spring cleanse and everything will go back to normal.

WRONG!  Two weeks in, I gained another pound!

Back to the drawing board…

  • Eating gluten, dairy, sugar, soy and alcohol free? Check.

  • Pushing my workouts to an intensity level of at least 8 out of 10?  Check.

  • Sleeping 10pm-6pm, and getting a sleep score average of 87-94 out of 100?  Check.

  • Keeping my stress in check?  Check.

  • Taking my supplements regularly?  Check.

  • Energy feels good and balanced? Check.

  • Pregnancy test (ladies you know you do this). Check, and negative!

So what gives?!  After racking my brain on all the usual suspects it was time to dig deeper.  I noticed some other abnormal characteristics about my health…I was easily irritable, had a few recent minor headaches and over the last 2 months, 2 separate skin rashes popped up and I NEVER get skin rashes.

It was time to put on my health detective hat and get to the root of the problem.

I ordered myself a stool sample test to check for potential internal stressors.  This is the ultimate test and changes the lives of many of my clients.  It’s like Pandora’s box- it has all the answers for weight gain, low energy, sleep disturbances, skin rashes, brain fog, etc. You name it, this test tells it.

Ten days later I get the news….Blastocysistic Hominis, E. Coli and Candida overgrowth…basically, I have a parasite, bacteria and fungus all having a party in my gut and I wasn’t invited.  They’ve been setting off cortisol fireworks and sidelining the rest of my hormones that keep my weight stable.

PHEW!  With just a little health detective work I was able to stop obsessing and start resolving the problem ASAP.”

In this week’s video I talk more about what I’ve done over the past year to get rid of those gut invaders, to get my gut back in gear and stabilize my weight.

Health coaches aren’t superhuman, we have stuff going on, too.  These buggers are opportunistic and are in our environment, so given the right chain of events anyone can get them.  Once I was able to identify them, I applied my systematic healing protocol to eradicate them.

Here I am, a year later and my gut is looking pretty clean.  I still have some mild bacteria to mop up and some good bacteria boosting to do.  But I haven’t had a single headache or skin rash since last Spring, and my weight has stabilized.  You can even check out my personal stool retest results here.

Parasites, bacteria and fungus can cause a variety of health issues. Everything from carb and sugar cravings to teeth grinding, headaches, skin rashes, weight gain and joint pain.

If you have unexplained weight gain and/or other health issues and want to investigate it further then my Get Your Gut In Gear program is just what you need!

I recently extended enrollment for my gut program until 5/3!

In this program you’ll get to investigate your gut health, just like I did, and learn to heal yourself from the inside out using the same strategic healing protocol that I use on myself and with my clients.

I’ve extended the enrollment for this program until Tuesday, May 3rd but after that the doors close for good until next year- and there are only 10 spots available.

Get all the details and grab your spot here!- Get Your Gut In Gear!

There’s an 80% Chance You Have This

The Prevalence of Leaky Gut Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

It’s the most under diagnosed or overlooked condition by the majority of western medicine doctors, and the most common issue I see in my functional diagnostic health coaching practice.

It’s called Leaky Gut.

In the functional medicine world, Leaky Gut is widely known and addressed.  As Hippocrates once said “all disease begins in the gut.”

In fact, functional medicine doctors are saying that 80% of the population has this. And I can certainly attest to it- every single one of my coaching clients has had it.

Researchers are starting to call the gut your 2nd brain because it has so much power over all the systems of the body.  So when it’s leaky, that means your health is in trouble.

The gut is where 80% of your immune system is housed.  It’s where you make your sleep hormone melatonin.  It’s where you absorb vitamins and nutrients from food to be used to support all bodily functions.  And it’s where neurotransmitters like serotonin (the happy hormone) and dopamine (the wellbeing hormone) are produced.

So, can you imagine how much disarray can be caused when the gut isn’t performing all of its duties right?

It would be like removing the engine from a car and still expecting it to be able to run.

In this week’s video I talk more about the prevalence of leaky gut, how it comes to be and what you can do to heal it.

Leaky gut doesn’t just happen overnight, it’s something that has been in the works for a long time.  Some of the biggest contributing factors include:

  1. Eating processed or inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy, sugar, soy, alcohol are top of the list!)

  2. Gut invaders- parasites, bacteria, yeast overgrowth

  3. Exposure to environmental toxins/chemicals

  4. Use of over-the-counter and/or prescription medications

I’m sure you could check the box for just about every one of those.  And just think, over the last 5, 10, 15 or more years how often have you encountered those things?  This is the perfect storm that leaves a trail for leaky gut.

Leaky gut means that the intestinal lining of your G.I. tract has been damaged- it literally has holes in it which allows toxins into the bloodstream, resulting in all kinds of metabolic chaos internally.

This chaos can commonly show up as…

  • Food sensitivities or allergies

  • Digestive issues, heartburn, IBS, irregular bowel movements

  • Thyroid problems, particularly Hashimotos thyroiditis

  • Mood swings, anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD and autism

  • Constant joint and muscle pain, arthritis, headaches

  • Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne

  • Unexplained weight gain or struggle with weight loss

Don’t worry, if you have leaky gut you’re not doomed.  It is possible to come back from it and live a healthy life.  When you clean up your diet, check for and get rid of gut invaders, and implement healing supplements, you can start feeling better in as little as a week!  Healing the gut is a process but it is possible.

This is exactly what I’ll be focusing on in my new Get Your Gut In Gear group program.

In this program you’ll get access to an at-home stool sample screening test to see exactly what is going on in your gut.  You’ll get to work with me one-on-one to personalize a healing plan just for you, and then work through the pieces of that plan in a small group sessions over the course of 4 months.

It’s time to Get Your Gut In Gear! Your body will love you for it.

There are only 10 spots total available, and enrollment closes April 26th.

Get all the details and enroll here!

The #1 Thing Your Doctor Isn’t Talking About (+7 Days left!)

Get Your Gut In Gear Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

Are you tired of getting the runaround from your doctor about your biggest, most annoying and frustrating health complaints?

Does bloating, digestive upset, joint aches and pains, migraines, breakouts, allergies (the list goes on!) get in the way of enjoying everyday life?

Do you feel frustrated or lost because you know something just isn’t right with your body but you don’t know what to do about it?

I totally get it.  I’ve been there too. It wasn’t long ago that I was in your shoes.

My health was declining; allergies were getting worse, migraines more frequent, suffering from joint aches and pains daily, and no matter what I did, nothing seemed to help.

I tried chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage, various over-the-counter medications, and herbal remedies.  Sometimes my symptoms would subside for a few days or weeks and then come back full force. And other weird things starting popping up that I had never had before…teeth grinding, skin breakouts and weight gain.

I literally tried anything and everything that had a hint of a promise to help me feel better.  I must have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on all different therapies, not to mention hours of energy going to appointments and researching new things to try that I’ll never get back.

And then I became a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (aka health detective).


My gut was a mess!  It was leaky (really leaky!) letting all kinds of toxins into my bloodstream and very inflamed.  I also had a serious H. Pylori bacteria overgrowth problem – the reason for my migraines and mid-back pain!

Using my functional diagnostic knowledge I applied a systematic approach to healing and cleaning out my gut- one that was precise in dealing with the root of the problem, targeted towards my individual needs and that consistently produced results.

Now I want to share what I’ve learned to help heal others who are unknowingly also suffering from something in their gut, thus the…

GET YOUR GUT IN GEAR PROGRAM WAS BORN!!! (check it out here)

Check out this quick video to find out more about the program.

I’ve used these principles over and over again with clients, and myself, to improve gut function and maintain health.  Here’s what clients have said about doing gut healing work with me…

“I’ve been working with Jenn to find my energy, clear my mind and to get my motivation back.  Honestly, my doctor is not on top of things like leaky gut and adrenal fatigue, which are my main issues. I am seeing more and more information out there describing the symptoms I’ve been experiencing over the last few years, and Jenn has been the only one to address it. I really find my work with Jenn to be very helpful and it’s actually working for me.”- Jen B., Maryland

Here’s how the program works:

Over the course of this 4-month group program you will…

  • Use an at-home stool sample test to take a deep dive look at your gut health

  • Identify gut invaders and pinpoint healing opportunities

  • Have THREE one-on-one sessions with me to personalize your gut rebuilding plan

  • Attend eight bi-weekly Group Sessions to guide you through the healing process

  • Tackle and eradicate gut invaders with customized herbal supplements

  • Re-build your gut health to prevent invaders and damage in the future

  • Get a 20% discount on all supplements

  • Heal your body using proper diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and supplementation

  • Get access to a private Facebook Group for extra guidance and community support

  • Try easy DIY liver flushing and toxin reducing exercises to fully restore health

The great thing about this program is it is personalized to meet your specific gut health needs.  It’s like working one-on-one with me, but at one third of the cost!

To make sure you get the undivided attention you deserve, I am limiting this program to a maximum of 10 people.  There are still a few spots left and enrollment closes Thursday, April 26th at 8:59pm PT/ 11:59pm ET.  

It’s time to Get Your Gut In Gear – grab your spot here today!  

Stomach Cancer Causing Bacteria (+New Gut Group Open!)

This is serious, there’s a 50% chance you have this and don’t even know it.

I’ve had it, the majority of my clients have had it, even my dog has it (currently working on getting rid of it!).  It’s exchanged through saliva, so if you’ve kissed anyone who has it, then you likely have it too.

It’s H. Pylori and studies show that it infects more than 50% of the population.

This opportunistic bacteria that can live in your gut has been linked to ulcers and stomach cancer.  It’s been studied extensively and has also been linked to…

  • Migraines
  • Heartburn
  • Mid-back pain
  • Rosacea
  • Food Allergies,
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • NSAID gastropathy (inflammation from NSAIDs use)
  • Gastric carcinoma (stomach cancer)
  • Lymphoma (cancer/tumors in the lymph system)

My main symptoms when I had it were migraines and mid-back pain.  Once I got rid of the H. Pylori they just simply disappeared and never came back.

The most classic symptom that I see with my clients is heartburn.  They constantly have acid reflux after eating and some even take antacids regularly.  Funny thing is though, heartburn or acid reflux is actually a sign of low stomach acid so medications just mask a much bigger problem.

And H. Pylori suppresses stomach acid even more.  Stomach acid helps to digest food and as we get older we naturally produce less of it.  No wonder heartburn happens then, right?  If you don’t have adequate amounts of stomach acids being produced, then food doesn’t get digested well enough and doesn’t sit well with you.

Most doctors will say that it’s “normal” to have H. Pylori in your gut, and to an extent they are right.  Everyone has a little bit of H. Pylori, even Candida and some other the other kinds of “bad” bacteria or pathogens found in the gut.

However, when bacteria like H. Pylori become overgrown that’s when it becomes a problem.

In this week’s video I talk more about how an H. Pylori overgrowth happens and what’s the right way to go about getting it back under control.

Any overgrowth of bacteria or yeast in the gut cause widespread inflammation in the body.  This inflammation then puts stress on the other systems of the body causing them to get off track, suppresses the immune system and ultimately results in all kinds of symptoms.

If you’re lucky enough to find a doctor who will acknowledge and treat a bacterial overgrowth like H. Pylori they typically want to prescribe an antibiotic for it, but treating it like this can cause it to come back with a vengeance.

In one of the functional tests I run to look for H. Pylori, you can also see what antibiotic it might be resistant to.  I can almost guarantee your doctor isn’t running a test like this.

Plus, when you take an antibiotic it doesn’t discriminate.  It knocks out all the good and bad bacteria, and you need the good bacteria to keep the bad bacteria in check.

(Not to mention that bacteria should be treated on a 60-Day cycle to kill all the adult growth and any younger growth.  Last time I checked the average antibiotic treatment was 3-10 days.

So how do you properly get rid of H. Pylori and keep it from coming back?

It requires a 3-prong approach…

  1. Cut off its food supply so that it struggles to keep growin
  2. Work on healing the gut, boosting good bacteria to keep it in check
  3. Apply some herbal supplements to eradicate it

Healing the gut is the most critical part of this approach.  The reason H. Pylori or its like-kind got out of control in the first place is because the gut was damaged, giving it an environment to thrive in.  So when you heal the gut, you keep it from coming back.

I’ve been H. Pylori free for 3 years now and I regularly test myself once a year, just like getting an annual physical, to make sure my health stays in tip top shape.

Because it can be so hard to get screened for these kinds of bacteria and gut invaders, I’ve created a new group program called GET YOUR GUT IN GEAR.

This program will give you the opportunity to take a deep dive look at your gut health using a simple functional at-home stool test.  This test will help you identify what might be going on in your gut and the healing opportunities.  From there, you’ll work with me as your guide in a small group (5-10 people) setting over the course of 3-4 months to get your gut back in gear and restore balance!

Enrollment for this program is open now and closes April 26th, and there are only 10 spots available.

If you’ve been dealing with unexplained health issues, are frustrated with constant bloating and digestive upset or just want to make sure you don’t have something like H. Pylori creating internal chaos, then this program is designed for you!

Get all the details about my Get Your Gut In Gear Group Program and sign up here!

What is Your Poo Telling You? (LOL, no for real)

What's your Poo Telling You Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

You might be laughing or totally turned off by the subject line of today’s post, but I assure you- you’ll want to read this one closely.

Nothing is TMI in my line of work.

Sometimes I start talking about poop even before I’m on a first name basis with people.  It’s one of the hottest topics of conversations in ALL of my consultations and client sessions.

Maybe that sounds gross, but your poop has so much to say about what’s going on with your gut and your health.  If you don’t have kids, just ask any parent out there about how they monitor their infants health and food tolerances by what’s left in their diapers 😛

It’s often not appropriate to talk about your bathroom habits, but what you might not be talking about could be giving you the best insight as to what’s going on with your health.

In 2011, the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology reported that over $800 million dollars was spent per year on prescription laxatives. That doesn’t even count over-the-counter ones!

You shouldn’t have to pay to go poop.

It’s a born birthright.  Do you think our neanderthal ancestors had this much trouble in the bathroom department?  I don’t think so.

Never knowing when your next bowel movement will happen can leave you on edge all day- making you feel heavy, bloated and down right sick to your stomach.

And then I talk to some people who have every bathroom in the city mapped out because they never know when that sinking feeling is going to hit and they’ll have to make a run for it.

I’ve had clients who have lived with this fear and struggled for years until we started looking at what their poop is trying to say.

In this week’s video I talk more about what your poop might be trying to tell you and how to tell if your bowel movements are healthy or not.

So how can you tell if your poop is healthy or not?  Here are the top 3 things you should be looking for…

1- Frequency. Everyone is different, but you should poop every day. Going 1-3 times a day is typically healthy and each day can be different. Poop is waste and helps to remove toxins, so you should be getting rid of it daily.  If you find yourself going only a couple times a week, you’re probably constipated. And if you’re going 5+ times a day, you’re on the diarrhea side of things. Both could be a sign of serious health risks over the long term.

2- Time.  It’s normal to decorate your bathroom with reading material but it’s not so normal for you to actually need something to read while you’re in there.  Healthy pooping should only take a matter of a few minutes.  You shouldn’t have to push or strain too much, but you also shouldn’t be running to the bathroom in fear of not being able to hold it in.  Also, typical transit time from the point of eating to elimination should be around 12 hours.  If you’re not sure what yours is, eat some red beets and wait for them to show up on the other side.

3- Presentation.  There’s even a poop scale for this.  The color, shape and smell can all be indicators of healthy poop or not.  Color that is too dark or pale, and undigested food can be a sign of unhealthy poop.  Anything that smells too fowl, has a film or mucous can also be an unhealthy indicator.  In essence, it should resemble a brown snake-like shape and not have a very offensive odor.  Check out the Bristol Stool Scale and Dr. Mercola’s charts here.

If one of these areas seems a little off to you, then it could mean there something disrupting your gut.  Gut disruptors can indicate a wide range of things – parasites, bacteria, yeast, food intolerances, stress, emotions and even toxin exposure.

Irregularities lasting for long periods of time or that go in cycles could be a HUGE sign that something is festering in there and needs to be addressed.

Want to learn more about what your poo could be telling you and your gut health?

Then my upcoming Get Your Gut In Gear Group Program is just for you!

This program will give you the opportunity to take a deep dive look at your gut health using a simple functional at-home stool test.  This test will help you identify what might be going on in your gut and the healing opportunities.  From there, you’ll work with me as your guide in a small group (5-10 people) setting over the course of 3 months to get your gut back in gear and restore balance!

Enrollment for this program is going to open next week and space is limited to 10 people.  If you want in on this, then get on the INTEREST LIST HERE to get first dibs at scoring a spot!

I’m a Recovered Teeth Grinder

I'm a Recovered Teeth Grinder Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

I wasn’t always a teeth grinder.

It was a new thing for me that popped up late last Spring.  All of a sudden, one of the porcelain crowns that I had replaced the year before on my back lower molar started giving me trouble.  It was super sensitive to cold and hot, and would ache for no reason occasionally.

Being the health boss that I am, I went in on a mission to find out what was causing this to happen.

Strike Out #1- I went to my then holistic dentist to see what she had to say.  She did an exam but came back with no real answers.  She couldn’t explain why my tooth was aching.  Her solution, three rounds of ozone therapy to kill off any bacteria that could be causing it at $400 a pop!  No thanks!!

If I was going to spend that kind of money on my health, I at least needed an explanation.

Strike Out #2- I then went to see my old traditional dentist who had originally replaced the crown to see if they had messed something up.  I was even less impressed with the answers I got there.  They couldn’t figure it out either so a root canal was suggested.

Yeah freaking right was I going to do a semi-invasive procedure when I couldn’t even get a real explanation as to why I should!

I had to be my own health advocate, so the search for answers continued.

It was time for a 3rd opinion.  I found a new holistic dentist that a friend had seen and had great results with.  The appointment was booked and I was pleasantly surprised with his extremely thorough evaluation and recommendations.

He concluded that I was aggravating the root of the tooth because of clenching or grinding my teeth at night.  He asked me all about my eating habits, lifestyle and stress (like a good dentist should!) and attributed it to stress and convinced me to buy a $500 night guard to alleviate the pressure on the root of my tooth.

The night guard helped a bit, but you won’t believe what I found out later about what was really causing me to grind and clench in the first place!

In this week’s video I talk more about what was really causing my tooth pain and how I was able to cure it in 2 months after I figured it all out.

At the same time as this nagging tooth issue, I had also recently discovered that I was dealing with some unwelcome guests in my gut.  I had recently run an annual stool sample test on myself and to my surprise I had not only a parasite, nasty but common Blastocystis Hominis, but also some Candida overgrowth.

Something made me wonder if these gut invaders could be contributing to my tooth aches in some way since I knew that Candida can affect the environment of the mouth.

I did some research and in less than 2.5 seconds found my answer!

One of the symptoms of having a parasite like Blasto is teeth grinding (bruxism)! Those damn bugs where the root cause of all my pain.  I went on a mission to eradicate them and in less that 2 months of starting an anti parasite herbal supplement protocol, I was pain free!

And now here I am, almost a year later and I can call myself a recovered teeth grinder.  I haven’t used that night guard in well over a year.  Once I got rid of the Blasto, I was pain and suffering free!  No more teeth grinding for me 🙂

Bugs like Blasto and other types of bacteria and and yeast overgrowth such as Candida can cause all kinds of symptoms that seem far removed from the gut.  Here are some other signs that these invaders might be inhabiting your gut:

  • Depression, anxiety, irritability
  • Strong cravings for processed and sugary foods
  • Hives, rashes, eczema, itchy dermatitis, acne, ulcers, sores, lesions, etc.
  • Recurring yeast infections like Candida
  • Bleeding gums, teeth grinding and drooling during sleep
  • Food allergies/food sensitivities, loss of appetite and/or hungry all the time
  • Sexual dysfunction in men/menstrual cycle problems in women
  • Chronic fatigue/constantly tired
  • Persistent digestive problems (cramps, bloating, gas, etc.)
  • Sore/stiff joints
  • Itching – especially around mouth, nose and anus

If you think you might be suffering from some unwelcome gut guests then you’ll want to check out my upcoming FREE webinar on April 6th at 6pm PT/ 9pm ET-The Gut, Mind, Body Connection: Decoding The Signs And Signals Your Gut is Sending About Your Health And Wellbeing – where I dive into even more detail about the about what might be going on in your gut!


And for registering for the webinar you’ll get my FREE DECODE YOUR GUT GUIDE so you can begin investigating what might be causing some of your nagging aches, pains and ailments.


Full Moon’s Effects on Your Health

The Full Moon and Your Health Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

You might think this is a little superstitious, but there is something real about how the full moon impacts people, animals and the things around us.

You can call me crazy but just hang in here with me for a minute…

Have you ever noticed with yourself or others that there seems to be something cyclical when it comes to being moody and irritable, and I’m not talking about PMS.  A fluctuation in mood that only lasts for a few days for some reason and is unexplainable.

Or what about sleep disturbances- going through periods of time when you have trouble falling asleep or tossing and turning that only last for a few days or a week at a time?

How about your digestion?  Do you experience phases of really great bowel movements and then all of a sudden they seem to go on the fritz?

And then there’s stuff such as skin rashes or breakouts, teeth grinding, and joint aches and pains.  Do those come and go too every few weeks?

Looking back now, were any of these things, or other ailments that you might suffer from worse this past week or so leading up to the full moon that we had last night?

It’s not a coincidence, it’s science.

In this week’s video I talk more about the scientific connection with the full moon cycles, your gut and what to be on the lookout for.

During a full moon, ocean tides are higher than usual from an increase in the gravitational pull from the moon and sun.  Considering that the body is 80% water, scientist and astrologers have often thought that similar effects happen in the body creating almost a “human tidal pull” that can affect brain function.

But PARASITES are likely the real thing driving you crazy or causing suffering during a full moon.

The gravitational pull on water balance in the kidneys causes a shift of movement or an “awakening”, making these little buggers more active during the full moon cycle, wreaking havoc on your gut, digestion and hormone balance.  Overgrowth of gut bacteria and/or yeast can also have similar effects during a full moon.

Textbook symptoms of parasites include; bloating, fatigue, flu like symptoms, low immune function (get sick or allergies often), excessive hunger, constipation, diarrhea, grinding teeth especially at night, hives, irritability, rashes, sleep disturbances, changes in weight, joint pain, headaches, gas, and bloating.

The most common parasites in my health coaching practice is Blastocystis Hominis.

Blasto can be persistent and likes to hang out with another gut offender, H. Pylori. And H. Pylori’s classic symptoms include; heartburn/acid reflux, ulcers, migraines and mid-back pain. But there are a bunch of different species that could be disrupting you.  We come across them all the time, and if the gut is already compromised, they move in and take over.

So here’s what I want you to do.

Now that the full moon has officially risen and we’re moving into a new moon cycle I want you to jot down any symptoms, aches, pains, ailments or health complaints that you’ve been experiencing this past week.

Then you’ll start tracking the progress of those things.  You’re looking to see if they improve and/or go away in the coming weeks, especially leading up to the new moon on April 7th when these gut infestations are most dormant.

If you think you have a gut bug now or after tracking this then you can set up a FREE Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session with me to chat about the right plan of attack for you.

P.S. If you want to learn more about gut bugs and all things gut related then mark your calendar for April 6th at 6pm PT/ 9pm ET and register for my FREE webinar here where I dive into more details on this stuff!

2,100,000 Toxins Daily (+ LAST DAY!)

Uncontrollable vs. Controllable Toxins Adrenal Fatigue Leaky gut Thyroid Jenn Malecha

2,100,000 is the number of toxins you have the potential to come in contact with DAILY.

  • 230,000 Toxins from Radiation (x-rays, cell phones, computers, hair dryers)
  • 130,000 Toxins from Heavy Metals (cookware, toothpaste, deodorant, cosmetics)
  • 200,000 Toxins from Physical & Emotional Stress (depression, anxiety, fear, stress)
  • 525,000 Toxins from Microbes (Parasites, bacteria, yeast, worms, viruses)
  • 180,000 Toxins from Prescription Drugs (vaccines, fillers, binders)
  • 160,000 Toxins from Beverages (coffee, alcohol, soda)
  • 325,000 Toxins from Food (soy, white flour, pesticides)
  • 150,000 Toxins from Water
  • 200,000 Toxins from Air

How scary and absurd is that?

More and more researchers are becoming convinced that these chemical exposures con­tribute to obesity, endometriosis, diabetes, autism, allergies, cancer and other diseases.

Studies have found that women with higher levels of the chemicals in their bodies experience menopause two to four years earlier than women with lower levels.

Some of the chemicals that are all around us have the ability to interfere with our endocrine systems, which regulate the hormones that control our weight, our biorhythms and our reproduction.

Simply said, toxins impact weight loss/gain, energy, hormones, and much more.

The average female in the U.S. uses 12 personal care products and/or cosmetics a day, containing 168 different chemicals, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Most men use fewer products, but they’re still exposed to about 85 chemicals daily.

The four key players of the body that remove toxins are the liver, lymph system, digestive system, and cellular waste disposal.

The rate of toxin removal is different for everyone based upon how well these four key players are functioning. Even if you could remove 1 million toxins in 24 hours, that would barely put a dent in what you come in contact with daily.

This is exactly why it is SO important to control what you can when it comes to toxins.

In this week’s video I talk about more about daily toxins that you encounter and the 3 simplest, most effective ways to reduce your controllable toxin exposure.

The 3 simplest, most effective ways to reduce your controllable toxin exposure are:

  1. Eating organic foods of all kinds
  2. Drinking spring or filtered water
  3. Using biodegradable personal care and household products

To avoid a backup in your detoxification systems, it’s important to take a break occasionally and flush out toxic waste buildup from the less controllable factors, such as your computer and cell phone (we have to work, right?), microbes and prescriptions.

This is exactly why I’m starting my Seasonal Cleanse Challenge next week- to help health-mind people like you and me flush out all that toxic build up, and to get our detoxification systems running optimally so we can reap the benefits of weight loss, energy, hormone balance and much more!


The most awesome part about my Seasonal Cleanse Challenge is that it doesn’t take much time or effort at all. Using foods, exercise, sleep, water and some easy-to-do home remedies, we’ll be tapping into the body’s natural abilities and taking the four key detoxification players from the minors to the major leagues.

Are you game?

Ask yourself what have you got to lose?  Nothing but a bunch of weight, energy and hormone disrupting toxins.

The deadline to register for the challenge is tonight at 11:59pm PST.


P.S. Just think of all the things you stand to gain from the challenge (weight loss, energy, a better immune system to fight off this season’s allergies, etc.) AND I’m giving away FREE personal training and health coaching to the winners, plus weekly prizes!

P.P.S.  Today is the last day for early enrollment and to save $20 for my Seasonal Cleanse Challenge! Wondering what my Seasonal Cleanse Challenge can do for you?  Then shoot me an email with your questions and I’ll be happy to answer them! See what past participants have to say…

“The challenge has been great!  I’ve been super happy with how it’s been going.  I’m down 6 lbs. and I definitely feel better and slimmer!”- Jessica W.

“My energy is up and my stomach is feeling so much better! I feel great overall and my clothes are fitting good again.”- Christy J.