The Thyroid Epidemic – Is It Affecting You?

I want to talk to you about something serious this week- the growing epidemic of thyroid conditions…
Are You Running Yourself Into The Ground (literally)?

I’m curious, are you running yourself into the ground by pushing yourself to work out harder and for longer amounts of time?
How Dieting Makes You Fat

How many “diets” have you tried over the years? Maybe the Zone, Atkins, Master Cleanse, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Slim Fast, Biggest Loser, Isagenix, HCG,…
What Getting Rear-Ended Taught Me

I was rear-ended last week while driving up to San Clemente for a leisurely afternoon of self care. Yes, I’m ok, aside from a little whiplash everyone involved …
Eat Fat to Lose Fat

For the longest time this has been one of my favorite myths to bust- fat is NOT bad for you!
In fact, Fat in your diet is not only necessary, but it’s critical to keep your body operating the way…
#TBT I’ve Gained 7 Pounds

It’s crazy how much can happen in a year. I was just doing some reflecting and came across this little gem – an email that I sent out last year about the 7 unexplained pounds I had gained. Take a moment with me to walk down memory lane…