Prevent, Reverse & Heal Autoimmunity

Approximately 50 million Americans, 20% of the population or one in five people, suffer from autoimmune diseases…
Sweating It Out (LITERALLY!)

There are a TON of health benefits related to the actual act of sweating and there is one thing you should be sweating over…
Think You Have A Thyroid Problem? Read This…

According to the American Thyroid Association “more than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime…
Four Essential Travel and Health Maintenance Tips

As much as I love traveling, and all the amazing things it has to offer, travel does have its downsides…
Are you aware of your thyroid?

Knowing more about this hard working gland could completely change your life and your health…
The Root Of All Disease

It is so fascinating that all disease has one thing in common- INFLAMMATION.
Answers About Autoimmunity

There were a LOT of question last week in response to my email about Hashimoto’s and overall autoimmunity…
Car Insurance Has No Guarantees

“Just because you have car insurance doesn’t mean you’ll never get in a car accident…