Ways to release stubborn pounds [inside]

Despite the fact that we have…

more information,
more diets,
more gyms,
more tools than ever before

…as a society, we’re also more overweight, overstressed, and overmedicated than ever.

As this study pointed out, “It is frequently stated that it takes an average of 17 years for research evidence to reach clinical practice.”

That means on average, it takes 17 years for new research and advancements in health and medicine to actually reach your doctor and be put into practice.  By the time it hits their desk, it’s already outdated.

You need to become your own health boss, assume responsibility, and take back control of your health.

I know this first hand.  The conventional medical system has failed me in many ways over the years…

It prescribed me birth control at a young age to mask a painful and irregular period.
It told me to eat a standard American diet, which inflamed my body.
It overlooked health risk factors and markers, which led to skin cancer.
Routine lab tests painted me as the picture of health, but my body was an internal mess.
Various doctors dismissed my symptoms and told me to “wait it out” while suffering.
No one checked me for Hashimoto’s, I had to discover it myself.
And forget about the mold toxicity, because in conventional medicine, it doesn’t even exist.

I refused to live a life full of pain, fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, and suffering.  I wasn’t going to let a broken and outdated system get the best of me when we live in a world where information is available immediately on our phones and at our fingertips.

I became a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner because I knew there was more to be known about our health.  Educating myself has helped me to overcome and heal every single health issue I have faced, and now I help my clients do the same.

Sometimes the challenge though is with an abundance of information also comes an equally staggering amount of misinformation.

My new friend and fellow health expert Lauren Sanchez believes that far too many people are “victims of what they don’t know when it comes to taking care of their health.” I admire and share her passion for changing that.

So I’m thrilled to invite you to an event I’ll be speaking in next month hosted by Lauren called:

Total Wellness Mastery Show: Powerful Secrets to Finally Lose Weight, Boost Your Energy and Naturally Heal Your Pain


This is the 6th season of this annual event and it’s all about supporting you in figuring out the best food and lifestyle plan for your goals and overall health!

Click here to redeem your FREE access to this event as my special guest!

Whether you want to improve energy, prevent disease, reduce pain and inflammation, improve body composition and metabolism, or are looking for a general health upgrade, this free event will help you sort through the noise and misinformation on everything from nutrition and eating styles, to lifestyle approaches for increasing your energy and resilience to stress.

As part of the event, you’ll have access to a panel of over 20 functional medicine doctors and me, nutritionists, healers, fitness experts, personal development leaders, and educators as we each share the latest information and insights on how to heal, slim down, and live a healthy life you absolutely love! 

The event will cover a wide variety of topics such as:

  • Ways to heal your body with food and herbs
  • How to break through weight loss resistance to drop body and belly fat
  • Tips for feeding your brain, boosting your mood, and creating resilience to stress
  • Strategies for healing your gut, reducing inflammation, and detoxifying your body
  • How programmed thoughts and feelings impact our health & ability to heal
  • Fun and practical non-dietary ways to get healthy, and prevent or heal illness
  • Surprising reasons for pain, brain fog, cravings, low energy, or weight gain — and what to do about it!

It’s time to take back control of your health and wellness! The insider advice you’ll receive from these top health and wellness experts is invaluable.

Click here to redeem your FREE access to this event as my special guest!

Good health is your gateway to a happier, more meaningful life. You owe it to yourself to check it out!

I look forward to “seeing” you there!

P.S. This incredible annual show goes LIVE on Monday, October 10th. So be sure to redeem your free access. Here’s the link again

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