Are you aware of your thyroid?
Knowing more about this hard working gland could completely change your life and your health…
The Root Of All Disease
It is so fascinating that all disease has one thing in common- INFLAMMATION.
4 Symptoms That Definitely Shouldn’t Be Ignored
It became obvious to me that my body was trying to tell me something wasn’t right.
The Million Dollar Question (and answer inside!)
If I had a magic wand to solve any health problem for you in 2017, what would it be?
Health Inventory 2016
Most of us start the New Year with the best of intentions – to finally get back on track again, to lose weight, to focus on our health…
Answers About Autoimmunity
There were a LOT of question last week in response to my email about Hashimoto’s and overall autoimmunity…
Car Insurance Has No Guarantees
“Just because you have car insurance doesn’t mean you’ll never get in a car accident…
Natural Pain Relief To Minimize Medication Usage
Would you believe me if I told you I haven’t taken any over-the-counter…
Is Gluten Sensitivity Real?
Gluten free foods are starting to take over the shelves at the grocery store and even popular kid’s cereal…
4 Health Lessons I Learned In Europe
I just got back from the most amazing 23-day trip through Europe…