My Most Vulnerable Blog Yet

One year ago this month, I hit the deepest rock bottom with my health that I had ever experienced before…
It’s Official! I’m in remission!

Yesterday I received the news that my Hashimoto’s (an autoimmune thyroid disorder) is officially in remission…
Health Inventory 2016

Most of us start the New Year with the best of intentions – to finally get back on track again, to lose weight, to focus on our health…
4 Health Lessons I Learned In Europe

I just got back from the most amazing 23-day trip through Europe…
Striking A Balance

Health is about balance – striking a balance between what you eat and moving your body,…
A Recovering Cortisol Junky… (+ LAST DAY ADRENAL TEST DISCOUNT!)

I was never addicted to caffeine, drugs or other substances, but I was addicted to cortisol and abusing my body.
Are You Running Yourself Into The Ground (literally)?

I’m curious, are you running yourself into the ground by pushing yourself to work out harder and for longer amounts of time?
Why I Do What I Do

When you get a physical, acute injury such as a cut what do you do? You usually disinfect it and slap a bandage on it right?
What Getting Rear-Ended Taught Me

I was rear-ended last week while driving up to San Clemente for a leisurely afternoon of self care. Yes, I’m ok, aside from a little whiplash everyone involved …
Oops! I Started a 90/10 Controversy!

Whoa! I certainly didn’t mean to cause such controversy from last week’s email about the 90/10 rule being the new standard instead of 80/20 (if you missed the email you can check it out here).
I got a HUGE response from this. Some good and some borderline freak outs.